White Plague (23 page)

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Authors: James Abel

BOOK: White Plague
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“Anyone could sneeze,” I said.

Eddie said, “Hey, I sneeze all the time.”

It was not the best moment for Major Pettit to show up again, a stocky presence in the doorway, blunt, V-shaped, blocking light. “Colonel, a moment?”

“Bad time, Major.”

He stepped inside anyway, damn him, looking like some Arctic bag man bundled into his parka, beneath the apron, gauze mask, and plastic gloves. “I think you ought to see this, sir,” he said as Karen Vleska used a napkin to wipe away the bile on her hand, but I knew those tiny particles were drifting in the air around us, expanding and contracting as in a lava lamp, like on the slide.

“Colonel, you
want to see this,” Pettit said.

Eddie would check her throat, ears, nasal passages.
How many more will I kill?
I thought as Pettit led me down the narrow passageway between labs, and into one filled with electronics, and banks of at least twenty monitor screens.

“Major, just say it,” I snapped.

“Sir,” he said, taking a swivel chair at a console and activating a monitor, “they use this room normally for checking sea bottom images. These screens on the right? They show sonar pictures of sediments. I guess State will use this to apply for undersea territory, Mr. Sachs said.”

“I’m running out of patience, Major.”

“But the right-hand screens are cameras. You can call up images from anywhere on the ship.”

Instantly I grew more interested.

Pettit plumped down into a swivel chair and adjusted a dial. I was seeing the hangar below, from an elevated angle. The cots. The sick. Lieutenant Cullen inserting one of those aerosol containers into the nose of a woman. I saw Marietta Cristobel wiping a man’s forehead. Sachs spoke with Del Grazo and they broke apart. Pettit said, “Watch the difference between Sachs and Del Grazo.”

There was only one reason Pettit would have called me in here, and it was that he thought he’d ID’d the spy. I felt my heart speed up. The black-and-white picture came in clear as the cable TV back home in Anchorage. Sachs went cot to cot, down a row, stopping by each cot, clearly asking each patient,
Need anything? Are you okay?

If a guy shook his head, said no, Sachs moved to the next person. If a guy responded, Sachs stayed.

Pettit said, “Like all the volunteers.
Bed to bed
. Now,” he said, adjusting the picture. “Watch Del Grazo.”

I saw the lieutenant sit for a while with one patient, talking, nodding, taking his time, listening to what the man said. He turned his back to the camera. I saw his arms moving. What was he doing? Then he put something in his pocket and rose. But instead of going to the next cot over, where a man looked up at him, clearly expecting him to stop, Del Grazo scanned the rows, then went off in a different direction.

“Huh!” I said.

He passed by two dozen patients, including one waving for him to stop. He seemed to ask another patient—a sub crewman—for directions, then the patient pointed left and Del Grazo went that way.

Del Grazo arrived at a cot on the far end of the hangar. He bent over
man, and began talking, wiping the guy’s head, looking attentive again.

Pettit said, “He never goes cot to cot.”

I wished I could see what Del Grazo was doing when he again turned his back to the camera. There was something familiar about those arm movements. “Maybe he carried a message from one guy to a friend.”

“I asked DeBlieu if they have tapes of the hangar. Del Grazo never talks to two people side by side. And he always turns his back, like he knows the camera is there. I wondered, why? Why those specific guys? So I called Apparecio up here and we watched together. And the last
guys he attended to?”

“Yes?” I was watching Del Grazo’s back, the way his right hand seemed to extend straight out, toward the patient, and stay there. The left hand went out where I couldn’t see it, but I could tell it was moving in small circles. Both hands went into his parka pockets.

Pettit turned his face to me fully. “Those guys he talks to all work with the prototype torpedo, Colonel. He passed up everyone else. He just talks to torpedo crew.”

Softly I said, “Does he?”

“And before that, on the tapes, it was guys who work the reactor. Never a cook. Never the guy who runs the ship store. Never a third mate . . .”

“Pretty risky of him,” I said.

“It’s mayhem down there. Everyone running around. No one pays attention. And if it’s risky, whatever the hell he’s doing, sir, with his hands,
maybe that’s his mission.

Pettit and I stood up at the same time. I felt a dull throb of rage begin in my temples.

“The communications officer,” I said.

“Yeah. Fixes everyone’s computers. Maintains the sat equipment, radios, access to the ship,” he said.

“Seems a talk is in order,” I said.

And Pettit suddenly said, “Oh shit!”

On screen, Del Grazo had stopped walking, and was gazing up, directly into a camera. Del Grazo frowning, thinking, then looking around quickly. Del Grazo’s gaze moving again, up and left, toward another camera.

“He’s checking the cameras.”

Del Grazo looking left now, then right, scanning the hangar. Looking for . . . what? Pettit? The guards? Del Grazo lowering his head, moving now, slow but steady, looking neither left nor right, but heading past patients toward the hangar door, hands in his pockets, taking an Arctic stroll. A plodding walk. A walk outside.

“This is happening right now?” I said, turning to go.

“This was ten minutes ago.”

“Fuck,” I said.

We ran for the hangar.

But Del Grazo was gone.


DeBlieu swore softly. “So the only way to go look for him is to infect the whole ship,” he said. “Send Marines forward, expose just about everyone aboard.”

“Do you know a better way?”

“I know that you never should have brought them all on,” he said bitterly as we watched Pettit and his men head forward, a search party every bit as serious as if they approached a potentially hostile village in Afghanistan.

We were outside the bridge, above the prow and looking down, but views below were compartmentalized, blocked by superstructure, awnings, decks, antennas. DeBlieu had ordered nonessential personnel—anyone not searching for Del Grazo—to the mess, the only room big enough to hold them, while two-man Coast Guard teams—armed from the weapons locker—had been dispatched as guards to the engine room, central power plant, auxiliary control areas, and at strategically located hatches.

DeBlieu had also ordered Del Grazo to report to the bridge, over the intercom. A command unanswered. Big surprise.

Light was fading. To port, I saw that we’d pushed our way out of even the thinner ice, and had arrived at a generally open area of ocean, which probably would have been frozen solid fifty years ago this time of year. But other than a few pathetic ice rafts bobbing, we were free of the white prison, and idling in place, in case Del Grazo had gotten off.

A voice on the radio said, “Weapons locker secure, Captain. He didn’t get in here.”

Below, on deck, crew went from evacuation station to station, checking the life rafts to see if they were still there. To lower the motorized Zodiacs, brake releases could be operated by hand. The boat would then lower by gravity to the sea. There, anyone inside could disconnect the hook, start the motor with a button, and drive off.

I don’t see any Zodiacs moving away on the water, so where is he?

officer,” said DeBlieu savagely. His face was twisted in pain, the combined surges of guilt, rage, and humiliation that come with betrayal. “
communications man,” he said as we flashed over the enormous damage such a man—having access to every computer on the ship—could do.

DeBlieu muttered, “He could have piggybacked Chinese listeners onto every sat talk, hacked into every laptop, inserted software to monitor every study we’ve done for the State Department over the last two years.”

Is the damage over? Is Del Grazo putting some new plan into effect? Or is he just terrified, running like a kid, seeking a hiding place before the inevitable apprehension?

“If he’s smart, he had an escape plan,” I said. “Or he’s stashed a weapon. You say you’ve had him here for two years?”

DeBlieu’s jaw seemed to be grinding, his breath puffed out in bullet bursts. “Two goddamn years. But why not just take a Zodiac? He had a lead on us.”

I shook my head. “And go where? He knew we were onto him. He figured he didn’t have time to push off and get out of range. The Marines could plug him at three hundred yards.”

Eddie had taken over in the monitor lab, and was going camera to camera, like the exec on the bridge, searching for a glimpse of the running man, a flash of movement, a face staring back; in a passageway, in the laundry, the gym, the cargo hold.

A couple of big, burly, armed chiefs sent to search Del Grazo’s cabin had found, of course, nothing.

The sun was starting to sink in the heavens. We were far enough south so that, at exactly the worst time possible, natural light would disappear. The last rays sparkled and formed gray areas of shadow on the tiny passing ice floes. Reports flowed in from frustrated search parties. He was not in the aft cargo area. Not in the quarantined area. Not hiding in the copter control shack.

DeBlieu grunted as we heard that all Zodiac boats remained securely on board. “
Lieutenant Peter Del Grazo to the bridge, please
came a normal-sounding announcement, as if the guy was simply late for a shift.

DeBlieu said, “He was always helpful. Always volunteered to do extra.”

He’d ordered his searchers over his radio, “If you find him, we want to talk to him. But if you have to defend yourself, shoot.”

I kept thinking,
What was Del Grazo doing with those patients when his back was turned from the camera? What the hell was he up to?

In all, at least forty people were scattered through the ship, looking for the fugitive. The Coasties were armed with M16s, but they were not warriors. They had not joined up to fight.

“At least he didn’t get a weapon.” DeBlieu sighed.

“That doesn’t mean he’s not armed. Do you search your crew each time they come on board when you’re in port?”


“Do you sweep lockers, looking for drugs, weapons, contraband?”

“There’s no need . . .” he started to say, and stopped.

“Then he could have brought on a weapon at any time, or could have taken one from the

DeBlieu headed into the bridge to join his officers, and I pulled out my Beretta sidearm and stepped inside and clomped down a stairwell. Now I was searching, too, for our human infection. Our saboteur. Our Chinese spy.

But the ship was a miniature city, and Del Grazo had a thousand places to hide, or to have stashed weapons. The
had multiple levels. It was stuffed with gear lockers and fan rooms, workshops, machine shops, store and supply rooms, prop shaft area, bow thruster room, twenty thousand cubic feet of cargo storage space alone. The ship’s planners had maximized the use of space. There were no spare inches.

I went cabin to cabin. I opened a door slowly; no one was supposed to be in the junior officer stateroom. I scanned empty bunks, a desk, a poster of the singer Adele, as a soundtrack left on played Kelly Clarkson doing “Stronger.” In the next cabin were books,
Farewell to Arms
Old Man and the Sea
, someone here taking the college lit class on board, taught by a professor from a university in Indiana.

A wallet lay on a deck. People here trusted each other.

No one under the bunk. Or in the shared bathroom separating two single-officer cabins.

In a male crew bunk room, twelve well-made steel berths were stacked in two-man tiers. It was quiet, except for the hissing of air whooshing from vents above the corners, and a muted scrape of an odd ice bit hitting the hull. For some reason, I smelled bananas.

I climbed through a hatch leading down—through a narrow hole, to a cargo hold. I stood amid a tumble of wooden crates and a thousand shadows.


“Level 04 clear, Captain, looks like!” my radio said.

You could search for a week and not find someone who knew the layout. You could search for two weeks if that someone kept moving, staying one cabin ahead, I thought.

If we find him, afterward we’ll try to disinfect. They must have bleach on board. We can wash down every wall, every cabin. But odds are we won’t get everything. Odds are the thing is out among the crew now.

Then my thoughts were interrupted. The ship’s alarms began ringing, as in the drills we’d practiced, except this time I had a feeling that Del Grazo was behind the alarm.

“Fire in the chief’s mess,” the overhead voice said. And then, sharply, no surprise, “This is not a drill.”

The chief’s lounge, most comfortable cabin aboard. The break room for lifers, petty officers. They’d had me in there once for a poker game. Best coffee. Best music. Plushest Barcalounger furniture. Either a football or a baseball game seemed to be playing at all times.

He’s not just hiding. But what is he doing?

Distraction? Sabotage? Escape?

Passages and stairwells filled with rushing, shouting figures in fire retardant suits, masks on, axes out, any panic on board previously now magnified. The danger was real now, and all anyone had to do to appreciate the extent of it was to see Marines, formerly quarantined, moving among the healthy crew.

Another announcement burst forth, five minutes later. “Fire in the radio room!”

Site of the long-range communication equipment and the cables running to the bridge.

The ship was a maze of machinery, electrical works, condensers. Fuel. Wiring. All vulnerable to fire. What had he done, I thought as I searched. Planted incendiary devices beforehand? Because the radio room was on a different deck entirely from the first fire.

It was always locked, but Del Grazo would have had a key and the combo to get in.

Four figures in fire-fighting gear unrolled a hose at the entrance of the science lounge. I glimpsed a sofa in flames, billowing black smoke. There was water on deck. The passageway smelled of burned foam. Maybe hell smelled that way also.

But I already knew that we’d sailed into white hell.

We’d done drills for accidental fires on the
Drills for collisions and oil spill control, drills practicing fast boats down to evacuate a tour ship. Drills for ice hits, drills for heart attacks.

There were no drills for sabotage on the

I ran, Beretta out, down the main deck passageway, which connected—if you passed through a series of hatches—both ends of the ship, fore to aft. It passed the commissary and deck machinery equipment room and main generator room and auxiliary boiler room. There was a fire now in the engineering control center, up on level one.

SNAFU, situation normal all fucked up, as Eddie would say. At Quantico when we do searches we’re always in three-man teams. Watch your partners. Never go into a room alone. Always wait for the corner men to go in first.

Heart in my throat, I went into each room alone.

I was the corner man and also the main man. I opened the door of the commissary. I shoved it into the wall to make sure nobody was behind. I flicked on the light and advanced forward, pulse slamming. Inside were stacked shelves of logo T-shirts and sweatshirts,
hats, and red wool caps for designated “polar bears,” who had gone through the Arctic hazing. There were shaving kits for sale, and feminine hygiene products. There was no Peter Del Grazo crouching behind a stack of long-sleeved shirts showing a grinning walrus.

I continued aft, along the passageway. It was quiet at first down here, no footsteps, no shouting, but then I heard people coming and two burly white-suited figures with fire axes approached. I stared at the faceplates. It was impossible to see inside due to the sharp reflected overhead light.

I tightened my grip on the pistol. The figures came abreast, passed, disappeared. They were probably also checking compartments.

I kept going.

Ahead, on the right, three minutes later, I came upon a small bathroom, a head, in an isolated turn of corridor just before the hatch leading to the science area. I reached for the knob. The door creaked open. It was dark inside.

The light flooded on and I jumped. Five feet ahead I saw a figure but it was me, scared as shit, pointing a Beretta at a mirror.

But suddenly there was a white-suited figure behind me in the mirror, too, maybe one of the two guys who had passed earlier, except now his ax was raised, swinging down, toward me.

It was too late to turn around. Reflexively I dropped as the ax swished past my ears. I heard the metallic smack of steel on steel, saw the blade bounce off the door frame as my body slammed into the deck and pain exploded inside.

Falling onto a steel deck is like being hit with hammers. An electric current jolted into my left kneecap. A fiery torch had been thrust into my right shin. My elbow was numb. I saw the Beretta drop to the deck, heard it clatter away, beyond the looming figure storming in from the corridor. I rolled left, slammed into a wall, just as the ax hit the spot where I’d lain a moment earlier. The room was too cramped. Each leg motion sent streaks of agony up my spine. He jabbed the ax at me. I rolled as it glanced off the sink and sliced through a toilet paper roll, easy as skin.

He went for my head, staying far enough away so I could not reach him. My ankle made a popping noise when I pushed back. I tried to scramble up but a giant seemed to tear in two the tendons on my ankle. I kicked out with the other leg, kept him back, but a fifty-ton truck must have rolled over my leg.

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