White Wolf (20 page)

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Authors: Susan Edwards

BOOK: White Wolf
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The herd still surged forward, bellowing in fright, but the confused cattle veered slightly to one side as several more fell. That slight slowing was all she needed. She rode toward the herd, coming up alongside the stampeding mass. She fired the remaining bullets into the air to keep them from resuming their course. Forcing several steer farther to the right, she singled one out for a new lead. To her relief, the surging mass followed him.

Even though the herd had turned, she continued to yell and scream, making as much noise as she could to keep the animals running away from her and the vulnerable wagons. She chanced a look over her shoulder and gave a cry of relief when she spotted two riders gaining on her. Her brothers and the rest of the hands had finally caught up with the herd. Only when she was sure someone was coming to take her place did she veer to the left, turning Shilo back
toward the wagons to let the others take over and finish forcing the cattle into running a wide circle that would eventually be tightened until the animals ran themselves out.

Suddenly the sky lit up as a bolt of lightning streaked out of the clouds and plunged to the earth. The air sizzled and the ground shook. Shilo reared in fright. Jessie tightened her hold, but the mare’s back was too wet and slick for her to get a firm hold. She screamed as she felt herself falling.

Wolf rode hell-bent-for-leather. The emigrants were in danger. He had to turn the herd. When he heard shots coming from up ahead, he breathed a sigh of relief. Rook had alerted the emigrants to the imminent danger. Gaining on the lead steer, he spotted a shadowy figure riding in from the left, firing into the frightened cattle.

He watched several animals go down, which caused a few cattle in the lead to veer slightly. It was all he needed. Raising his hand, he fired into the air, shouted and forced the herd to continue to the right. The herd continued to form a wide circle as flashes of lightning lit up the sky. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that the other hands were spaced out behind him, forcing the beasts to the right with their whips and gunshots. It was then that he noticed one rider gaining on him, yelling and pointing to the rider who was still fighting to keep the lead steer going to the right.

Wolf couldn’t hear James, but it was obvious he was upset. He glanced at the rider in front of him. He didn’t know who it was or how he’d gotten ahead of him, but given the rider’s size, he’d bet it was Shorty. But then a flash of light from above revealed a slim figure on a black horse. His pulse pounded in his ears. There were only two black horses in this group: his and Jessie’s.

In that brief, heart-stopping moment, he realized she’d saved the corralled wagons from destruction, and it was Jessie who even now continued to put her life in danger by riding dangerously close to the herd to keep them on the new course. Digging his heels into his mount, he leaned over and urged the horse faster. Closing the distance, he was determined to get her the hell out of there. He was right behind her when she glanced over her shoulder and pulled away, leaving the job to him. Wolf felt a small measure of relief.

But his relief was short-lived when another flash of lightning crashed to the earth. The ground shook. In horror, Wolf watched Jessie’s horse rear. Terror, stark and vivid, stabbed him. Cursing beneath his breath, he urged his horse faster, leaning to the side of his Indian-trained mount, fighting his own grip on the slippery animal’s back. Just as she lost her grip and slid off her horse’s back, his hand shot out and plucked her out of midair as if she were nothing more than a rag doll. Regaining his seat, Wolf rode away from the madness with Jessie half sitting, half lying across his thighs. His heart hammered painfully in his chest, and his blood boiled with anger with the realization of how close she’d come to losing her life.

Jessie struggled against him. “Shilo! Go back.”

Furious, Wolf glanced down at her, his jaw clenched so tight it hurt. He came to a grinding halt and glared down at her. “Forget the damn horse!” he shouted. “You nearly got yourself killed, you fool!”

Jessie pushed against him and slid to the ground, landing on her backside in the mud. Wolf jumped down and stood above her, making no move to help her to her feet. The rain fell steadily, soaking them to the skin. In silence he watched her jump to her feet and wipe her hands down her pants.

“What the hell did you think you were doing out there?” he shouted above the noise of the storm overhead.

Jessie tilted her chin at him. “Don’t shout at me, Wolf. I did what had to be done, same as anybody—” The crash of thunder overhead drowned her out.

Wolf narrowed his eyes and advanced, pointing an accusing finger at her. “I told you to stay away from the cattle, and I meant it! I should beat you to within an inch of your life for pulling a stupid stunt like that. And as for your horse—figures you’d think more of her than you do yourself!”

A swift flash of anger swept across her features. “I knew what I was doing,” she threw out, taking a couple of steps away from him.

He took one step to her every two. “You nearly got yourself killed, you fool,” he shouted, his voice as cold and lashing as the rain pelting them.

“But I didn’t,” she replied, her voice low and taut with emotion.

His gaze traveled up her slim figure and latched on to her rain-soaked long johns. The wet top plastered against her small breasts revealed pouty tips straining against the thin material. That reminder that she was a woman, a woman he could no longer deny he was falling in love with, unleashed his anger.

He shoved his hands on his hips and leaned close. “Yeah, but I’m responsible for each and every person on this wagon train. Now I know why your brothers wanted to leave you behind. You’re a damn nuisance. You don’t follow orders worth a damn. If you weren’t a damn woman, you can bet I’d take a whip to your backside for disobeying orders.”

Wolf’s words hung heavy between them. They stood toe-to-toe, oblivious to the thunder and rain, oblivious to all except the sparks arcing between them. His eyes narrowed with satisfaction when Jessie’s jaw dropped. She took another faltering step back, and he pursued.

“You know?” she said in a croak.

Wolf smiled, a wolfish smile that boded ill. He glanced pointedly at her chest. “I know.”

Jessie glanced down and gaped at the revealed shape of her small breasts. She covered herself with her arms, but it was too late. Her tongue flicked out to lick lips wet with rain. Lightning slashed the heavens, thunder drowned all sound, and like the cattle who’d bolted in fear, Jessie turned tail and ran.

Chapter Twelve

Thunder rumbled from massive charcoal-gray clouds scrolling and colliding across the night sky. The sonorous noise mingled with the howling of the wind and Wolf’s angry shouts. Jessie ignored all of it as she pushed herself through the turbulent storm. Fat drops of blinding rain pelted her, but dealing with nature’s tantrum seemed far safer than facing Wolf’s fury.

Risking a fearful glance over her shoulder, she gasped. Her heart slammed against her ribs. He was close. So close that when the sky exploded with flashing light, she could see the angry flare of his nostrils and feel the dark fury emanating from him. Desperate, she feinted sharply to the right to avoid capture, but the water-saturated earth gave way beneath her bare heels. She cried out, her arms flailing wildly as she sought to regain her balance. But she fell, skidded across the slick earth and came to a dizzying and painful stop on her back.

Groaning, Jessie sat up and wiped the mud and water from her face. She blinked until her vision cleared, then cringed. Wolf stood above her, feet planted apart, hands on hips, and his eyes were narrow slits of fury. Licking her lips, she grimaced at the taste of mud, then tried to sit. Wolf stopped her escape by dropping to his knees to straddle her. His hands pinned her shoulders to the wet earth. “Let go,” she shrieked. Her heart hammered frantically, and she struggled, but escape was futile. Staring into Wolf’s glittering eyes, Jessie knew she was doomed. Her day of reckoning had arrived.

Seconds merged into agonizingly long, silent minutes. Above her, Wolf’s chest heaved with every breath, his nostrils flaring with each intake of air. Against her will, her gaze locked with his, and she nervously bit her lip. Fear mingled with injured pride. No one intimidated her in this manner. She was wet, muddy and cold. And to top it off, the rain falling into her face made it hard to see. Anger rose to the surface. Jessie drew strength from that anger and renewed her efforts to free herself. She wasn’t ready to admit defeat—yet.

Taking Wolf by surprise, she twisted her hips and bucked, sliding her mud-slicked body out from under his. But he was fast. He grabbed a fistful of her long johns. On their knees, they struggled, but Wolf was stronger. He shoved her back down beneath him and pinned her legs beneath his. Desperate, she aimed her fists and connected with his cheekbone, beneath his right eye. A hiss of breath and the tightening of his lips were the only signs that she’d caused him any pain. Quick as lightning, he fell on top of her, his chest hard against her unbound breasts. The feeling shocked her into submissiveness, allowing him to grab her wrist.

“You little hellion! Dammit, be still!”

Jessie renewed her efforts to free herself. Her free hand eluded his and splattered him with a handful of mud, but she didn’t have a prayer against his strength. He easily captured her other hand and pinned both her wrists above her head. Breathing heavily, she glared up at him. Each assessed the other’s anger.

Wolf grinned, a devilishly evil grin that let her know more than words that he was in full command. She was at his mercy. “You’ve got some explaining to do. What the hell were you trying to do out there, get yourself killed?”

Jessie stared at him, caught in the trap of his silvery blue gaze and his savage beauty. Fear snaked a path up her spine. Oh, Lord, she thought, he’s mad as a peeled rattler. In the shadows of the stormy night, Wolf looked every bit the savage Indian.

He spoke, his voice dangerously low. “Now, talk. What the hell do you think you were doing out there? We’ll save the lying-to-me part for later.” Wolf released her hands and sat up, crossing his arms across his chest.

Shielding her face from the rain, Jessie breathed a sigh of relief. Having Wolf, half-naked, lying on top of her had made it nearly impossible to think clearly, and she needed a clear mind to deal with the tough and formidable wagon master. The wind whipped over her, chilling her. Now she wished he would lie back over her. When his arms and thick shoulders had circled her she’d felt safe, protected.

She frowned. Safe was not something she should have felt, given the circumstances, yet she had. She tried to shake off the conflicting emotions. How could she like him? He was so darn infuriating! She was ready to tell him so when he settled his hips intimately over hers. The words died in her throat.

His buttocks were rock-hard as they pressed into her woman’s mound, sending waves of heat trailing from the juncture of her thighs, up through her belly, through her pounding heart and into her face. Biting her lower lip, she was shocked by the sensation. A strange ache filled her, centering on that part of her where he sat. Closing her eyes, she fought the urge to move her hips beneath his. A loud crash of thunder startled her, reminding her of where they were. The ground trembled beneath her. She was wet, the rain pelting her face. She didn’t like the feelings he aroused in her. “Let me up, Wolf. I need to get back. My brothers will be looking for me.”

Wolf sat above her, dark and forbidding, golden strands framing his face. Water beaded on his lashes, dripped from his chin, and near his jaw, a muscle jumped. The rain did nothing to lessen the aura of danger surrounding him. He shook his head, sending water flying. “Your brothers deserve to worry about you. Might teach them a lesson where you’re concerned. That was one hell of a stupid stunt. I’m of a mind to send the lot of you back to Westport.” Wolf’s words pierced her heart. A thread of fear slid down her spine. Would he really kick them out? She thrust out her chin. She’d fight him. She’d done what had had to be done, and despite his anger over her deception, she didn’t regret keeping her family together. She’d do it again in a heartbeat. Her gaze narrowed. And when it came right down to it, it was
fault she’d been forced to lie, forced to assume the role of a boy. Her temper rose in conjunction with the storm.

She glared up at him. “This is all your fault, White Wolf. You can kick me out, but you can’t stop me from following.”

“My fault? You and James lied to me. That alone is grounds for banishment.”

Jessie’s eyes grew wide. The fight left her. If Wolf kicked them all out, they wouldn’t have enough provisions for the remainder of the trip. They’d purchased only enough for Elliot and Coralie, as Wolf had promised to provide the rest as part of the deal. “You can’t do that,” she gasped.

“I can. Your brothers signed a contract agreeing to abide by my rules. By allowing you to come, they knowingly broke the contract.”

Jessie narrowed her gaze. “And if you hadn’t hired them, offered pay and free passage to Oregon, they’d never have considered leaving me behind.” She refused to allow him to place all the blame on her shoulders. She calmed her voice, hating to beg, but there was too much at stake for pride to get in the way. “What difference does it make if I’m their sister? You even said families belong together. Besides, I’ve done my fair share of work and haven’t been any trouble.”

Wolf snorted and lifted his brow. “That’s a matter of opinion, but that’s not the point. You made a fool of me, Jessie. I don’t like being made a fool of, especially by a damn woman.”

In a quick and unexpected move, Jessie shoved Wolf off her and jumped to her feet. “You lout! That’s all you care about, isn’t it? You don’t care about anyone else. All you care
about is your damn pride and your damn rules. Well, you’re not going to play God with me and mine.” Even when Wolf stood to face her, Jessie didn’t back down.

She poked him in the chest with one finger. “You’re nothing but a big, mean bully, White Wolf. I thought Indians prided themselves on honor, but you have none. You’re a vile varmint, a no-account scalawag—”

Wolf’s hand snaked out, and he pulled her roughly to him. She slammed against the wall of his chest. Before she could object his mouth crashed down on hers with a fierceness that rivaled the storm playing out over their heads. His mouth moved possessively over hers. Jessie’s emotions whirled in tone with the winds whipping around them.

She’d dreamed of his kisses, but in her dreams they’d been chaste, impersonal—a far cry from the hard demand of reality. Before she could even think of protesting, the savage intensity of his kiss faded. Tenderly, his hands cupped each side of her face. His moist mouth softened, warmed and explored hers with slow thoroughness, coaxing a moan from deep in her throat.

All anger fled. There were only the two of them, each caught up in their own private storm of desire. Jessie leaned into Wolf, eagerly giving herself over to his mastery. For the first time, she felt like a desirable woman and gave in to the urge to explore. Unclenching her hands, her fingers moved against his hard, firm flesh, learning the feel of him.

Taking her time, she explored, pausing briefly to rub her thumbs over the small brown nipples beaded from the cold and her touch. She moved upward in her exploration, her palms resting briefly on his broad shoulders before sliding along the taut ridge to the thick cords of his neck. Her fingers dug into heated flesh as she hovered between the desire for more and a fear of the raging emotions storming through her. But feeling the wet heat of him, she moaned. She wrapped her hands around his neck.

This was what her dreams had lacked: passion. Heat. Mind-numbing desire. His touch, his scent and the taste of his mouth on hers heightened her senses and assailed her with new sensations. From the tips of her fingers down to her bare toes, she felt alive, beautiful.

Her blood sang with pleasure even as her mind ordered her to end this sweet torture. But how could she end something that felt so good, so right? She closed her eyes. Her lips parted on a sigh as she gave herself up to the sweet pleasure of her first true kiss.

Wolf’s lips suckled hers, his tongue tracing just inside her mouth before his mouth slanted over hers to claim her once again. Instinctively, her fingers moved upward and gripped the back of his head to hold him tightly as she answered the primal call surging through her.

Long, breathless moments later, Wolf drew back, allowing her to swallow great gulps of moist air into her starved lungs. Jessie opened her eyes and stared up into his heavy-lidded gaze. In the darkness, she was unable to see his expression. She didn’t need to. She felt the emotion in the trembling of his fingers caressing the sides of her face. Her own eyes went wide with the wonder of the kiss.

This man, so hard, unyielding and demanding in his expectations of those around him, had somehow slipped unbidden and unwanted into her heart. He’d claimed the part of her that she’d kept hidden, and Jessie knew she could never belong to anyone else. Was this love? What they’d just shared was so right, so perfect, it had to be. A fierce sense of protectiveness swelled within her breast. The intense feeling startled her. Wolf, of all people, didn’t need or want protection—especially from her.

But over the last few weeks, she’d glimpsed many hidden facets of White Wolf. He could be soft-spoken and gentle around the women, watchful over the young children, firm yet respectful toward the men, never asking more of them than he himself gave. And what she most
enjoyed was his playful manner when he wrestled with Wahoska and Sadie—whenever he thought no one was watching—or the infinite patience he showed in training his stallion.

In the dark of the storm, Jessie felt Wolf’s chest heave as he pulled gulps of air past his parted lips. Staring up at him, she licked her own kiss-swollen lips. Protective wasn’t all she felt right then. Lifting one hand, she fingered his rain-darkened hair. The strands fell forward, clung to his neck and outlined the strong line of his jaw.

Her hands slid back down over his bare, glistening torso. Beads of water ran past bulging muscles, tunneled through the mat of curly hair before disappearing beneath the waistband of his pants. Jessie returned her gaze to his, her tongue snaking out to lick the rain from her lower lip. She wanted another kiss but wasn’t sure how to go about getting it.

Wolf groaned, his eyes following the movement of her moist, pink tongue. His fingers raked through her wet curls and tenderly stroked the sensitive flesh behind her ears. That act of gentleness, so at odds with his anger of moments ago, was her undoing. She needed more, wanted more, had to taste more of him. She pulled on his shoulders. “Kiss me again, Wolf.” The tip of her tongue flicked out to taste a droplet of water that beaded on his upper lip.

Wolf gave a hoarse cry. “This is madness.”

Jessie wrapped her arms around his neck as his lips claimed hers once again, but while the first kiss had started off savage as the prairie storm, this one started slow, a low-burning flame. His lips touched the corners of hers with the gentleness of a butterfly’s caress as it flitted from one bloom to another. Then his tongue darted out to lap the drops of water from her skin with a sweetness of which she’d not thought him capable.

The gentle teasing quickly became a torment. She lifted her head, pressed her lips hungrily to his, silently begging for something more—something substantial, something to fill the hunger that gnawed deep within her. Wolf deepened the kiss. The sweet teasing turned to demanding passion, a man’s primitive need to explore and conquer. Her lips moved with his, enslaved by his mastery.

Kiss for wild kiss, she met his stormy assault with her own fierce desire until it became impossible to distinguish leader from follower. The wind whipped into a frenzy. White, jagged streaks flew across the sky, followed by the crashing of thunder that reverberated through the air and shook the ground. But neither Wolf nor Jessie noticed. They were caught up in a passionate storm of their own making.

Wolf lifted his head to the cooling caress of the rain against his hot skin. He groaned, then exhaled deeply. He had to stop. He hadn’t meant to kiss Jessie, not like this. All he’d intended was to shut her up, and perhaps frighten her a bit in retaliation for scaring ten years of life out of him earlier. But when those emerald-greens had flashed with fury, he’d been sucked in, unable to resist. And after that first sweet taste, he’d been lost to the attraction he’d tried so hard to deny. Jessie Jones was so damned desirable. And when she was angry, she was irresistible.

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