Whole Health (5 page)

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Authors: Dr. Mark Mincolla

BOOK: Whole Health
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In February 2012, fifteen-year-old Austin Smith and his seventy-four-year-old grandfather, Ernest Monhollen, were repairing Austin's Buick when the car suddenly slipped off of the cinder blocks and landed squarely on top of Ernest. Austin swiftly lifted the car with his bare hands and moved it off his grandfather, saving his life. Afterward, Austin credited his deep, abiding love for his “Papa Ernie” as the motivation for his heroic deed. The boy's actions defied logic at every level. His emotions clearly opened the door to a “peak experience.” This experience and many others like it prove that higher thoughts vibrate energy from a place within us that is unrestricted by limitation.

Until very recently, the human energy–based anatomy generated seven different vibrational frequencies. Due to recent cosmic astrological shifts, there are now six additional higher frequencies.
We generate conscious energies from as low as survival to as high as divine.

Some time ago, I saw a young woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) who gave a testimonial on a YouTube documentary of mine called
Choosing to Live
. When we first met, I explained to her that her condition was largely the result of a genetic expression triggered in part by stress. I pointed out that MS, being a neurodegenerative (nerve-degenerating) disease, has been proven to advance more aggressively when coupled with acute stress. I then explained that acute stress typically results in powerful negative engrams (trapped memory patterns) in the unconscious mind that continue to transmit neurodegenerative brain signals. This constant flow of stress signals overdrives the nerve pathways, further eroding the insulating myelin sheath. Simply translated, the emotional energy from long-term stress wears out your physical/material body. As I so often do, I gave her some powerful mind-reformatting exercises for homework. Neuroplasticity research continues to prove that positive mind-reformatting exercises rehearsed with regularity can, over time, reformat and help regenerate nerve pathways. The woman has been both medication- and MS-symptom free for more than twenty years now. She attributes her success to her positive mind-reformatting work.

Most of the patients I see these days are very different from those I have seen over the years. The level of consciousness and spiritual sophistication of today's patient far exceeds that of a patient from a decade ago. Today's patients are much more in touch with their inner knowing. They also have a greater desire to be “inner known.”

I recently visited with a patient who suffers from anaphylactic shock episodes that routinely send her off to the emergency room. She told me that while many medicines were prescribed for her condition, none proved to be of safe, functional value. She shared an interesting story with me. She told me that the root of her
problem is that she is far too emotionally sensitive and empathic to the pain of others and that recently, while consoling a friend in great pain, she took on the stress of her friend to such a degree that she actually brought on an anaphylactic episode in herself. She then explained that she had effectively overcome her condition by reformatting her mind through positive thought exercises. She told me that sixteen weeks of positive mental imagery, for ten minutes per day, was enough to help her reduce her episodes by 90 percent. Consciousness and mind power did what medicine simply could not do.

Consciousness is the greatest power in the universe (with due respect, perhaps, to supermassive black holes and gamma-ray bursts). Consciousness has the power to generate love, compassion, intelligence, and self-reflection. Moreover, consciousness with
produces an energy field of pure potential and infinite possibility—a higher-thermodynamic, free energy, which can generate enough power to produce virtually any effect, even miracle healing.

In his book
Reinventing Medicine
, Larry Dossey writes, “Approximately 150 studies support the ability of thoughts, wishes, and prayers to affect distant biological systems. These experiments not only involve humans but human tissue that has been removed from the body, as well as animals, plants, and microorganisms.”

We all have the power to heal with our thoughts. Healing thought vibrations are things, things that know not the restrictions of time and space.


Thoughts are pulsed electrical charges within the bioelectrical circuitry of the brain. In accordance with quantum entanglement, where energies act upon one another coactively, all pulsed electrical charges generate information. Therefore, thought-based
information is a form of matter that's continually shared at billions of times the speed of light in the quantum vacuum of zero point. A simpler way of looking at this fact is that every thought everyone has ever had is continually being shared with the entire universe. The universe is like a large brain that receives and processes the total sum of all information. Our thoughts identify us as microuniverses that share our information with the macrouniverse. When it comes to our thoughts, we are all part of a universal shared library plan.

There are two ways for us to share our thoughts, unconsciously and consciously. Regardless of whether or not we intend to share our thoughts, they are information that is transmitted and shared via quantum entanglement. We may, however, consciously make our thoughts intentional, and direct them to specific sources.

All atoms produce electromagnetic fields. Thoughts are comprised of atoms. Thought generates low frequencies that emit vibrating waves. The human brain generally produces frequencies in the range of 4–30 Hz, which is a lower exponent of the extremely low radio frequency or ELF range (3–30 KHz) once used to communicate with submarines. We are all designed by nature to communicate via thought, and not just at the sensory level, but at the supersensory energetic level.

Unconscious thought-wave vibrations are omnidirectional—they're transmitted in all directions. Conscious intentions, however, generate a far more powerful wave vibration and are unidirectional—they're transmitted in only one direction.

Over the past thirty years, I have transmitted a tremendous amount of distance healing to a number of subjects with great effectiveness. Even as the world insisted on debating the matter, I chose to further develop my distance healing skills. Today I continue to successfully perform nonlocal healing on patients from all around the world. Recently I transmitted a form of distance healing called Wenchiech'u (an ancient Chinese healing discipline) to two patients with severe cases of sciatica. I requested that they forward
me e-mails regarding their condition within a week. They both informed me that their pain had completely abated overnight.

I shall never forget the very first patient I ever worked with “nonlocally.” A woman from Ireland, whose sister I'd worked with for years, asked if I'd be willing to do some distance healing work with her. She was experiencing severe migraine headaches at the time, and was feeling desperate. She'd tried everything imaginable, to no avail. I remember feeling quite intimidated by her request. My intellectual self was fine with the idea, as I clearly understood the quantum mechanics of it all, but actually doing it would be a true test to my belief. I agreed not to charge her any fee, and we proceeded.

First, she gave me a brief history of her health and reported that she was suffering from a severe migraine as we spoke. She went on to explain that as a young child, she was emotionally abused at home, as well as routinely tormented by the children she often played with. This stayed with me throughout our conversation. We spoke for no more than twenty minutes before I began sending her a healing intention. Initially I had great trouble concentrating, but I eventually settled in. The critical factor that enabled me to intensify my focus was the compassion I felt from hearing of her childhood abuse. It created a truly intense power of compassionate intention within me. Just before hanging up the phone she reported that her headache had completely cleared. I have since learned that for me, compassion makes a profound difference when it comes to effective distance healing. We worked together for years and I am happy to report that she remained headache free throughout our time together.

Reinventing Medicine
, Larry Dossey refers to three eras in medicine—Era I is described as material, mechanical, or physical medicine like surgery or prescription; Era II refers to local mind/body medicine, like hypnosis, biofeedback, positive thinking, and psychoneuroimmunology; and Era III medicine is where mind is a
key factor, but at long distances, such as intercessory prayer. Era III is best characterized as any intervention that includes a consciousness bridge between people at any distance. Era III medicine implies that we have the power to heal with our nonlocal mind. Nonlocal mind is just what it sounds like. The mind isn't the brain. The brain is a biological organ stuck in place right between the ears. The mind isn't located in any one place, nor does it operate with local restriction. The mind is a potential transmitter of distance healing intentions.


As I interface with my patients every day, the subtle undercurrents of their energies are palpable to me. There is so much diverse life force vibrating in each and every one of them. I can feel the bioelectricity of their bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. I can sense their willingness and their resistance. I can feel the rising currents from deep within their thoughts and shifting moods. I sense their responsiveness to the sea of life energy that surrounds them. They may react with great sensitivity to the power of a simple word in conversation or to a stream of sunlight as it glistens in the room. The sound vibrations emanating from the background music in the room may unexpectedly prompt an old, forgotten memory from the depths of their unconscious mind. They are so much more than mere physical entities. Each and every one is a unique universe of ever-changing infinite energy.

What many of my patients suffer from is a separation from their own energetic being. Everywhere they go and in everything they do, they are objectified into believing that they are mere material bodies. I can't help but notice how responsive most of them are while communicating at a deeper, energetic level. There is so much more to them than the depreciated images they've been cognitively indoctrinated with.

The daily depictions of life that so falsely define their worth are partially responsible for the anomie and dis-ease that so many of them suffer from. Life itself is routinely portrayed as having little or no worth. Ours has degenerated into a “drive-by” society. By the time a child finishes elementary school, he or she has observed 8,000 murders on television. The constant objectification, abuse, and sterilized extinguishing of life has become entertainment and sport. We have become experts at making our minds and our thoughts dis-eased, but we have also begun to turn the corner. The changes that have begun to take place in the world's collective consciousness clearly deliver a profoundly different message about who we truly are and what we're really capable of.

The overwhelmingly positive results from my healing work with patients have made it very clear to me that people are beginning to transform their minds and thoughts. They are beginning to discover the unlimited energy potentials of their infinite minds.

On July 27, 2008, in an interview that is part of
The Life Energy of Consciousness
video documentary, William Tiller, professor emeritus of material sciences and engineering at Stanford, said, “The vacuum within a single hydrogen atom has 30 trillion times more energy than there is in all of the mass of all of the stars and all the planets up to 20 billion light-years. If consciousness were to allow you to control a small fraction of that energy, then creating a big bang would be no problem.” This suggests that the currency for energy is consciousness, and that there is no limit to what is available!

Imagine a new reality where thoughts alone have the potential to be powerful agents of material change. Imagine a reality where, by merely massing enough conscious intention, one could generate enough higher-thermodynamic free energy in a vacuum to heal a friend of a disease a thousand miles away. Regardless of what we continue to believe, we're beginning to discover that the limitations of material reality are vanishing right before our very eyes. Our
former reality baselines are giving way to new vistas without boundaries.

Noted mind/body medicine pioneer Dr. Herbert Benson once headed up a series of amazing research projects sponsored by the Harvard Medical School. One study in particular was aimed at documenting the mind power of Tibetan monks in the Himalayas, where for many thousands of years there have been reports of an extraordinary mind/body ceremony.

Dr. Benson and his research crew set out to study one particular group of Tibetan Buddhists who practiced a meditation ceremony called Tum-Mo Yoga, which is said to help them generate such concentrated thought power that they can actually elevate their skin energy for the express purpose of drying their robes in the frigid temperatures of their mountaintop monastery. With an indoor temperature of only forty degrees, each monk stripped off his clothing, except for a small loincloth. The monks assumed a full lotus position, wrapped in forty-nine-degree, sopping-wet garments as they began to practice their mind-altering yoga. Benson's crew watched in amazement as the monks put on their cold, wet robes and calmly sat without flinching. Within three to five minutes, the camera lenses of Benson's film crew began to fog up. The scientists reported that their lenses had to constantly be wiped dry. In thirty minutes, the monks and their once-cold, wet robes were both perfectly warm and dry. Benson's crew successfully filmed and documented the entire remarkable proceeding.

Energy manifests as two conceptual realities—physical reality at the atomic, molecular level and consciousness reality at the vacuum level. The physical reality that has presided over life to date is beginning to give way to consciousness reality. The collective awareness of our world is swiftly transiting through a dramatic shift in awareness. Transformational consciousness is leading many to deeper levels of discovery. It's no longer just about the particles,
atoms, molecules, cells, and material bodies. It's becoming more about the unlimited energy potential in the space between them. Tiller reminds us that it's the higher-thermodynamic free energy states of thought and intention that govern material reality, and ultimately drive all processes, from our physical bodies to all that surrounds them.

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