Whose Bride Is She Anyway (18 page)

Read Whose Bride Is She Anyway Online

Authors: Dakota Cassidy

Tags: #Chick Lit, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Whose Bride Is She Anyway
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Gordon wasn’t in the room when he got there, thankfully. August ripped off his suit jacket and pulled off his tie. The night was young … and meant for schtupping. He grinned.

Chapter Twenty

It’s a bird, it’s a plane!

ell, well, look who it is.” Tara swung open the door to her room, “It’s Mr. Triathlon. What brings you to this neck of the woods, Super Boy? Don’t you have a poor, helpless female to rescue?”

August pushed his way past her, sliding the door shut firmly behind him. “I’m sorry, all right? I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did. And it’s not a triathlon. I did like four or five events that would make it something quite different. I think it’s

Tara knew she sounded petty, but after August’s performance this afternoon, she was hard pressed to believe he didn’t want to win this game
Kelsey. “Really? Gee, it sure looked like you were pretty determined to win, judging by the way you hauled Kelsey over the finish line.”

August snickered, “Believe me, it wasn’t easy getting her there either. My shoulder is killing me.” He rubbed it vigorously for effect. “You could make it feel better, you know…”

Hah! As if that was going to happen. More likely she’d offer to dislocate it. “Why don’t you see if Kelsey is available for massage therapy? ”

“You’re jealous…” He seemed rather pleased by this turn of events.

“I am not.”

“Yep, you are. If you weren’t jealous you wouldn’t be angry over me winning the date with Kelsey. You would know I can be trusted.”

Tara threw her hands up in the air. “Well, gee Auggie, maybe I wouldn’t question your trustworthiness if you didn’t seem hell-bent on winning every competition like some damn winning machine.”

August frowned, “Hey, I didn’t pick the winning key. It just happened.”

“Oh please. Like making a time even Flo Jo couldn’t beat—
carrying Kelsey on her back—doesn’t look like you’re hoping to lose! Give me a break.”

He smiled at her, all sexy and sweet. “I don’t have nails nearly as nice as Flo did…”

“Quit making jokes, if you want Kelsey, say the word and then go away. ”

Turning on her heel, Tara plopped down in the chair and crossed her legs.

August kneeled in front of her and put his hands on her knees. His eyes were doing the puppy dog thing to the best of his limited acting abilities. “But, I don’t want Kelsey to massage me or anything else. I’d much rather have
do it. Besides, she’s kind of ‘all wet’ right now. ”

“All wet?” Tara’s ears perked up.

August traced the outline of her breast through the thin material of her silky bathrobe. “If you’re nice, I’ll tell you all about it.”

Tara grabbed his finger and stopped him before he got to her nipple. Already her thighs were damp with anticipation and this must stop. He had some splainin’ to do. “What constitutes nice? If I have to feel sorry for you, then forget it.”

Inch by inch he moved the short bathrobe up over her thighs. “Hey, I did it for you. Remember, you were the one who said I had to stay in the game if I wanted to be with you. ” He bent his head, his tongue skirting her inner thigh. A shiver shot straight to her loins.

“I said stay in the game, not win every damn contest!” Oh, she was becoming whiny. They were already doing something totally against the rules, but actually asking him to forfeit was as unethical as it got.

He looked up from her lap, “It’s the geek in me,” he admitted. “I can’t let an opportunity pass me by to show off my manhood. It just happens.” He gave her a sheepish smile.

“You’re no geek.” He was anything but geeky and he knew it.

His hands bracketed either side of her face. “But I was in high school.”

Tara found herself softening a bit. “Really? Me too.”

“It’s kind of funny that we didn’t know one another, both of us being geeks and all. You’re not so geeky either, anymore. Now, can we forget Kelsey? ” His thumb slid into her mouth, rough and callused against her tongue.

Nipping it, she smiled, “Not until you tell me why she was all wet.”

He slid his tongue over her lower lip, “Only if you take your clothes off…”

Tara wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him to her. “I will not. Either you tell me, or you’ll pay for your sins.”

He let his now-hard cock brush against the heat between her legs. He teased her by rotating his hips, and her nipples hardened in response. “That would mean I can’t do this?” His hand slid between her thighs and cupped her cunt. Freshly out of the shower, she had nothing on underneath her bathrobe.

Tara arched into him, letting the warmth invade her veins. Her pulse quickened and her heart began the new, yet familiar throbbing he seemed to evoke. “Well, no, not exactly … but, you might shut me up if you tell me.” Grinning slyly, she rubbed the heel of her hand over the outline of his hard shaft.

August took a deep breath and spoke in a rush of run-on sentences, “Kelsey-and-I-were-dancing,-not-that-I-wanted-to,-but-she-made-me. I-hate-to-dance. The-heel-of-her-shoe-broke-and-she-fell-in-the-pool. Date-over. Now-can-I have-you? ”

Tara’s eyes widened in surprise. “Whoa, slow down, champ. Her heel broke and she fell in the pool?”

“Yep,” He murmured as he swept his tongue down the length of her neck.

“Oh, that sucks… Oh…” she gasped her pleasure when his tongue found her nipple. “Is she okay? ”

His teeth grazed the stiffened peak, “Kelsey’s fine, except for that really gross rash on her face. She just got wet. She fell in the pool, not the worst thing to happen, I suppose. Now, look, I don’t want to talk about Kelsey anymore. Let’s just hope the jury votes me out soon, because I don’t want to
anymore dates with her. Can we please schtupp now?”

Appeased, Tara began to laugh, bringing his lips back up to hers. “Is that all you can think about? Shouldn’t we sit together and maybe do something novel, like talk?”

He parted her robe and skimmed his hands over her breasts Heat stabbed at her pussy, making her squirm. “Sure, we can talk. How about we talk about what I’ve been thinking about all day long?”

“Winning a date with Kelsey? ” Tara said snidely

But he wasn’t put off. He leaned forward and lightly licked the nipple he was thumbing. “Nope.”

“Trying out for the Olympics in the He-man event?”

Swirling his tongue over her rigid flesh, he shook his head. “Uh-uh. ”

Sighing with pleasure, Tara pressed her breast to his lips. “Well, I can’t think of what else we can talk about.”

“How about we talk about your nipples?” He offered around an already ripe, rigid one.

His words excited her, making her pussy clench and her heart slam against her ribs. “Is there something
with them?” Her tone was husky and low in her ears.

Lapping at each one alternately, he moved his tongue back and forth between them. “There’s nothing wrong with them, except they weren’t anywhere near my mouth all day long. ”

Groaning, she pulled him tighter, letting his words wash over her. “And why is that a problem? ”

“Because I thought about them all day, ” he replied, his voice hoarse and tight.

Hooking her ankles behind his waist, she rubbed against his still-clothed body. “You only think about my body parts?” Tara taunted him, pressing her hips upward, rubbing her clit on the material of his shorts. The delicious friction made her shudder.

“Well, yeah…” whispering over her belly, he removed his lips from her breast and licked his way back to her mouth. His fingers went south, trailing a path to her swollen clit. “When you’re dressed like this. Is that a problem?”

“I guess it depends on what you’re thinking about them. ” Tara suckled his lower lip, and worked the zipper down on his shorts. Slipping inside them, she used both hands to envelope his cock, now rigid and pulsing beneath her touch.

August groaned against her mouth. “Do you want to know what I was thinking? ”

Bold and wanton were words that briefly flitted through her haze of desire. Words she’d never used before were now easy and seductive. “Only if you want to tell me.”

Sliding her lower body down the seat of the chair, so her hips lifted upward, he devoured her mouth. Spreading the wet flesh of her pussy, he opened her with his thumbs, yet left her exposed. Cool air washed her heated flesh. She squirmed, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, their tongues tangled for a moment, but he pulled away.

“I want to taste you, run my tongue along your cunt, slide my fingers into your tight pussy. ”

Her hands cupped his balls, heavy and soft. “Then what are you waiting for?” She arched into his hand, her pussy screaming for him to touch her.

Still, he didn’t move, “I’m waiting for you to tell me you want that too…”

“I want that too, August,” she almost whimpered, biting her lip to keep from demanding he do it.

“Say it.” His demand was crisp and sure.

Shoving his pants down over his ass, she massaged the firm flesh, kneading it, freeing his cock to rub at her open pussy. “Lick me, August, lick my pussy. Put your fingers in me, fuck me with them.” A flush of heat swept over her cheeks, but she was beyond caring about being embarrassed. If he wanted to hear the words, she was more than happy to supply them. They made her feel seductive and desired.

He pulled away from her briefly, removing his shorts and shirt. She gazed at the body that was so much like a piece of art through half-closed eyes. His cock was stiff and thick. He held a hand out to her, “Come with me.” His gaze was dark and mirrored her own desire.

A shudder of anticipation coursed through her as she complied, taking his hand and following him to the bathroom, letting her bathrobe fall as she went. August spread a bath sheet on the long marble vanity, then lifted her to sit on it. The top of his thighs just toughed the edge of the counter.

Licking each nipple, then caressing her clit quickly, he said, “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.” She heard him dig through the drawer by the bed, he returned with matches and condoms.

He lit the candles that sat on the bathtub, they gave off a soft glow, just enough to see one another. August stood between her legs. He lifted the heavy curtain of her hair, sprinkling kisses over her shoulders. Tara wrapped her arms around his neck as fire burned in her veins. If he didn’t make love to her soon, she would explode.

“Lay down, Tara,” his tone was thick with arousal.

She swung her legs around and lay down, resting her back against the smooth surface. He stood over her, tracing soft patterns over her nipples. “Look at me.” Her eyes fastened on his, hypnotized by his stare. “See the mirror?” She looked to her left and nodded. “I want you to watch when I lick you. I want you to see my tongue buried in you. I want you to come with my head between your legs, while you see my mouth fuck you. ”

Tara’s breathing quickened to short pants at his erotic request. August leaned forward, letting his lips hover near hers. Her pussy wept, slick and needy, aching for him. Snaking his tongue across her mouth she whimpered in response. “Please, August…”

“Please, what?” he whispered as he slipped a finger inside her, forcefully enough for her to revel in the entry, hard and fast, catching her by surprise.

Gasping, Tara struggled to find her voice, as her hands clutched at his shoulders. “Lick me, do it now, I want to watch as you fuck me with your tongue.” This time he groaned at her words as he slipped his finger back out.

August wasted no time parting her legs. He draped one over his shoulder as he twisted his body to stand between them. “Open your eyes, Tara, watch…”

She did as he demanded, turning to the left, seeing the side of his head poised between her legs. Blond hair, thick and shaggy brushed her inner thighs. Lifting her hips, she offered herself to him. “Don’t make me wait anymore, August, please…”

Brushing kisses along the outer lips of her pussy, his hot breath tormented her. “Open yourself for me, Tara, help me lick you. ”

Fighting back a scream, she let her hands drift between her legs, parting the smooth flesh, she so carefully shaved for him.

And he licked. A single, long, hot stroke.

The wet, moist contact made her hips jolt forward, pushing his tongue against her clit. White, hot bolts of electricity shot through her as he swirled his tongue over the swollen nub. Her fingers slid inside his mouth as he pleasured her, and the rasp of his tongue was slick with her juice.

Her eyes were glued to the mirror as she watched her own hands move in time with his head. Looking up at her, his lips moist with her arousal, he demanded more. “Touch yourself, Tara, let me see you slide your fingers through your cunt.”

Mesmerized by his words, she fingered her clit and August slipped his tongue back into her. She caressed the wet surface, turned on by their combined touch.

Feverishly, he suckled her, pulling her fingers toward her tight entrance. It seemed natural to let two fingers slip inside her warmth and this time, she did scream as he lapped at her and she moved within herself. Her nipples beaded tightly, as she slid in and out of her pussy and August licked every exposed surface. Tara’s pussy clenched her fingers, riding them as his mouth strayed to her entrance. He joined her fingers, stabbing his tongue inside her, fingering her clit. Soft hair brushed her arms. His head moved to a rhythm all its own as he wedged his tongue into her.

Strong hands clutched at her ass, gripping the flesh tightly, tugging her to fit his mouth. Moving back to her clit, he buried his lips in her, licking, sucking and the tight tension, building to an almost painful need for release, snapped, snaking outward, lashing at her pussy.

Tara rocked against him as she drew her fingers in and out, watching her body tense in the mirror. Her mouth was open, her body arched toward August’s head, her arm hidden between her legs. Using her other hand, she tugged a nipple, seeing her own surprised look as she prepared to explode.

Heat engulfed her, tearing at her flesh as she came, with August tonguing her clit and her fingers plunging deeply within her. There was no fighting the scream that ripped from her lips, as she shuddered, jamming her hips down on the hard surface.

She gasped for air as her body quivered with the aftershock of the most incredible sexual experience she’d ever had. Slowly it began to mellow, leaving behind a fine hum.

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