Wicked: Billionaire Rules (Alpha Billionaire New Adult Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Wicked: Billionaire Rules (Alpha Billionaire New Adult Romance)
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flopped back
on the bed and groaned. My core begged to be filled as my ass stung under me. I spread my legs and flicked my finger over my sopping wet clit. Why couldn’t he have waited just a few more minutes?

Feeling lonely without him there, I pressed my finger into my mound. It was still swollen with excitement. I spread my legs wide and gripped my breast, imagining Leo watching me.

Lust surged through me as I pressed my hard bud in tight little circles. I wanted him to come back and watch me now. My ass stung, making me wetter. Imagining him pulling out his hard, throbbing cock and beginning to stroke, sent me higher.

He pumped slowly at first, savoring the sight of me pleasuring myself. Then he began to pump faster, his hand yanking his manhood in quick, decisive thrusts. The look in his eyes was cool and full of desire. He wanted me. This man, this powerful, forceful man, was turned on like that for me, Kira Glass.

I pinched my nipple and suddenly my orgasm overwhelmed me, exploding through my body with painful intensity. I leaned up on the bed as the last shocks ran through my pussy.

Laying back, I caught my breath for a few minutes before standing to pull my clothes back on. Light headed, I went to the bathroom to wash up. I saw my reflection in the mirror.

My brown hair was tousled from writhing around on the bed. My brown eyes were wide and awake. My skin seemed to glow with an inner radiance I’d never seen in myself before. I smiled, realizing how beautiful I looked.

I knew it was Leo that made me this way. He made me beautiful. He made me sexy. Without him, I was a nerdy little film student who couldn’t keep a decent boyfriend.

I brushed my hair, washed my face, and reapplied my makeup. Feeling fresher, I went back into the bedroom with a smile plastered on my face. For the first time, I allowed the idea of Europe to sink in and fill me with excitement.

Quickly, I packed my few things and put them near the front door. There was still at least forty-five minutes before Leo’s helicopter would arrive. I sat in a living room and stared at the blank TV screen.

I didn’t want to watch TV, so I got up and started to look around. I felt a little snoopy walking in and out of various rooms in his massive mansion, but he’d left me here alone, I felt justified in looking around.

The mansion was so huge and so beautiful, each room seemed to outdo the last with magnificence. They all looked like they’d come straight out of a design magazine.

At the end of a narrow hallway on the top floor, I opened a small door. The room looked like it was meant for storage. There were dusty boxes stacked all around.

Absently, I walked toward the boxes and opened one. I peered inside, not ready for what I found there. It was full of baby things— toys, clothes, blankets. I closed the box and took a step back, panic rising in my chest. Were these things for Celeste’s baby?

I bumped into a shelf full of books and loose papers, and they slipped to the floor below my feet. I bent down to pick them up, my heart beating and my face flushed.

The thought of Celeste and her child did strange things to me. I was both jealous of the woman and fearful of what Leo had done to her. Clive’s warning echoed in my brain.

Gathering the papers into a stack, I saw that several of them were handwritten letters. I gulped as my eyes scanned over the words.


I love you so much. You don’t understand how you make me feel. I need you. Please don’t leave me like this. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.



I cannot make it clearer that this relationship is over. You need to stop. If you do not discontinue this irrational behavior, I will be forced to have you locked up for a very long time.


the papers and shoved them back on the shelf before I hurried out of the room. My heart pounded and I felt a tear slip from the corner of my eye. A lump formed in my chest, and I felt dizzy as I walked down the narrow hallway.

Outside, the helicopter’s blades whirred as it landed on the pad in the front lawn. The tear streamed down my cheek. What had Leo done to that poor girl and her baby?

With all his money, surely he could have helped the poor girl. It was his child. Didn’t he care? I hugged myself as I scurried down the stairs, considering leaving. I didn’t want to have anything to do with a man who would abandon his own baby.

When I reached the first floor, servants were gathered around ready to help me take my things to the helicopter. I felt flushed and confused. What else could I do but get on the helicopter? I pulled on my coat and walked toward the landing pad like I was walking toward my execution, not on my way to Europe for the first time.

Heaving a deep sigh, I climbed aboard the plush helicopter. Servants carried my bags and stored them inside. I buckled my belt and waited to take off, feeling numb and stupid.

The pilot turned to me and gave me a thumbs up before lifting the helicopter off the ground. I’d never been in a helicopter before. Zooming into the air, my stomach swam with butterflies.

The inside of the helicopter was like a limo, with food and drinks and entertainment on the ready. I sat with my arms crossed and a deep frown on my face, looking out the window as the countryside sped below me.

It took barely an hour to reach the airport where Leo had his private jet. The pilot brought us in for a landing and helped me out before gathering my things and escorting me to Leo’s plane.

I didn’t say a word as I was directed to the executive jet. The fact that a girl like me was being treated like some kind of princess was totally lost on me. I didn’t care that the interior of the jet was bigger than my apartment and decked out in plush white rugs, hardwood accents, and massive leather captain’s chairs.

I found Leo already sitting in his chair, sipping a Scotch on ice in a small square glass. His platinum watch glinted in the cabin lights as he lifted his glass to his lips.

Sitting down in a huff, I crossed my arms and stared out the window. Leo had been punching buttons on his phone when I came in and had barely lifted his eyes to glance at me. I didn’t care. I didn’t even know why I was on this plane.

For all I knew, Leo Cole was some kind of psychopath at worst, at the least he was a deadbeat dad. I wasn’t keen on going anywhere with either, even if he did own a fabulous private jet.

A stewardess came to take my coat. She offered me a drink while we waited for a runway. I asked for a glass of white wine before she took my coat to store in a closet at the back of the cabin.

A moment later, she came back with a crystal glass half full of light amber liquid. I took a sip. The flavor was cool and sweet and made me relax just a little.

Leo finally set down his phone and turned his eyes on me. I could feel them graze over my breasts, making my nipples perk. I gave him a stern look, meeting his cool eyes with my own burning ones. We sat there for a moment, our gazes locked.

“How was the flight?” he asked, lifting his fingers to form a confident triangle in front of his mouth. He tapped his bottom lip with his fingertips, accentuating the strength of his hands and his full, sexy lips.

I took a ragged breath, desperately trying to battle the hold he had over me. I squinted as the plane turned and the sun beamed into my eyes.

“Fine,” was all I said, staring down at my wineglass.

“You’ll love Amsterdam,” he said confidently. “There is a place where we can find some of the most… specialized entertainment in the world. I know you’ll enjoy it.”

“Sounds great,” I said sarcastically. My age was showing in my voice and attitude, but I didn’t care. I didn’t know if I should even be on this damn plane. If I’d had anyone to call, anyone to talk to, my mom or Addison, I probably would have thought better of getting involved with someone like Leo Cole.

“Did you put the money in my account?” I snipped. In all the emotional chaos of finding the letters, I hadn’t stopped to check.

“All ready an accounted for. But don’t worry, pet. I plan to spoil you when we get to Amsterdam. My treat, and my pleasure.” His voice rumbled low and sultry and the sound of it got under my skin, making me want to spread my legs for him.

I thought of where we had been earlier today, and how turned on I was when he’d left. Remembering the fantasy I’d had afterward, I clenched my teeth. He had opened up something inside me that liberated my sexuality. No matter what he’d done to Celeste, I knew what he’d done to me.

I took a deep breath and resolved to try to have a good time on this trip. It was, in fact, my first trip to Europe. I should be bouncing off the walls like a kid going to Disney Land instead of sitting here like a sullen teenager.

“That sounds fun,” I said, trying to pull myself out of the funk I’d been in since finding the letters.

“Good. That’s my good girl. Gratitude makes you so very attractive.”


up on a soft comfortable bed with golden sunlight streaming through a long window into the cabin. I sat up and found Leo sleeping beside me. I’d changed into my pajamas the night before, after too much wine, and stumbled into the back bedroom.

My head ached and was begging for a massive cup of coffee. I could see concrete stretching into the distance and airplanes taxiing past outside the window. I groaned as I stood, looking for my clothes. I found my suitcase near the bathroom door and dragged it inside.

After a long hot shower, I emerged dressed in a sweater dress, tights, and ankle boots that Leo had bought for me. Leo was already waiting for me outside the bathroom doors. Dressed in a fitted, tailored suit, he looked as fresh as I didn’t feel. His dark hair was perfectly coifed and hung down slightly over one eye.

“Ready?” he asked, in a robust tone.

“I need coffee,” I moaned.

“Done, my pet. Come.”

I followed him into the main cabin and he handed me a steel travel mug. I took a slow sip, realizing it was a delicious mocha latte with whipped cream. “Mmm. Thanks,” I croaked, slowly coming awake.

We were escorted out of the plane by Leo’s staff. Out in the cool air, I pulled my coat tighter around me and held fast to my warm coffee mug. The chill wind blew my hair around my face as I followed Leo to a waiting limo parked just below the plane.

We got inside and were off and out of the airport before I’d even registered I was in Europe. For some reason it just wasn’t sinking in. That was until we made our way through the city. The ancient buildings of Amsterdam rose above us on the streets, telling stories of their history.

My mouth dropped as I gazed at the sights that passed outside my window. I wished I had a video camera with me so that I could hold on to the memories for the rest of my life. Then I remembered that Leo had transferred twenty grand into my bank account. I could buy any camera I wanted.

I turned back to look at him and a slight smile crossed his lips. “Come here,” he said, gesturing for me to sit on the other side of the limo with him.

Pursing my lips, I hesitated. Apprehension about the letters still wrapped me up in a fog of distrust. Finally, I shrugged and slid over to sit next to him. He’d been chaste with me all during the flight, but now he seemed hot.

He pressed his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. His lips descended on mine as he pulled my leg up over his lap. He smelled crisp like fresh snow and cool mint. I drank him in as his tongue pressed through my lips.

When I gave a little moan, he knew he had me. Squeezing my leg tighter around his waist, he dragged me on his lap to straddle him. I could feel his hardness under my awakening sex.

“Leo,” I whimpered. “How do you do this to me?”

He put both hands around my face and drew me in to kiss him. Our mouths and tongues danced as his erection rose harder against the thin fabric of my tights. My skirt had risen around my waist and Leo moved his cool hand under the knit fabric to find my breast inside my bra.

The car stopped and Leo set me back down on the seat next to him. I rearranged my dress before the driver opened the door, exposing us to the cool air. Leo climbed out of the car and then offered me his hand.

Emerging from the limo, I stood in front of a magnificent old villa in the heart of the city. We had parked in an inner courtyard. Beyond the driveway an autumnal garden gleamed in yellows and oranges.

The house itself rose at least four stories and had a turret at the top, looking out over the city. My heart thrilled, wondering what I could see from the very top of the house.

Leo gazed down at me and rubbed my back before leading me onward. A servant opened the double doors and we entered the front room of his seventeenth century Dutch villa.

Most of the original character had been preserved or had been rehabilitated to match the era. Massive paintings of the first aristocratic owners of the villa lined the walls of the front hall and the winding staircase, leading upstairs.

Leo escorted me into a side parlor that had been furnished in seventeenth century Dutch furnishings. I’d never been in a room that looked like it came straight out of an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I almost felt as if I shouldn’t sit down.

“Is this stuff original?” I asked as Leo crossed the room to pour himself a glass of brandy.

“Some of the pieces are original. Most are reproductions. Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing. Back at my apartment, I’ve got a few pieces of furniture from Ikea. The rest are from Goodwill,” I said, moving further into the room. I finally took a seat on an upholstered settee.

“Drink?” Leo asked.

“No. I’m still a mess from last night. Besides, isn’t it like nine in the morning?”

Leo laughed a low, rumbling laugh. “No, pet. It’s almost five in the evening. I’m taking you to dinner before tonight’s entertainment.”

His mouth parted into a full blown, gleaming white smile. The almost sadistic look on his face scared me. What did he have planned that gave him so much glee? I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out.

BOOK: Wicked: Billionaire Rules (Alpha Billionaire New Adult Romance)
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