Wicked Burn (35 page)

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Authors: BETH KERY

BOOK: Wicked Burn
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When her spasms finally slowed and dissipated, Vic withdrew his finger and sat up.
“I have something for you,” he muttered hoarsely as he drew his shirt over his head. His eyes glowed with banked desire as he stood and looked down at her.
“What?” Niall asked as she watched him unsnap his jeans. She was a little disappointed that he didn’t lower them but instead headed to his closet. He reached so far into the back of it that Niall thought he was going to fall in before he finally straightened, holding a crumpled sack. Her brows furrowed in curiosity when he paused by his dresser and removed something that she couldn’t quite see because he placed it behind his thick watch, which was turned on its side. He returned to the bedside still carrying the sack.
Niall didn’t question him any more in the tense silence that followed as she watched him remove his clothing. Her arousal kicked up to a slow, steady burn once again at the sight of his muscles rippling beneath taut, tanned skin and his penis bobbing up eagerly when it was released from the constraints of a pair of snug boxer briefs. The thick, tapered head seemed to wave at her teasingly as he moved, making her mouth water. Vic reached into the bag and removed a box. He opened it and spilled the contents into his hand before he dumped the packaging onto his bedside table and knelt on the bed.
“Vic? What . . . ?” her voice trailed off in amazement when he slipped something over one foot and then the other. Before she knew it, he was pulling black elastic straps over her hips, almost as if he’d just pulled a pair of underwear on her. Niall’s eyes widened as she sat up slightly and stared down at her crotch while he tightened the straps with sure hands.
Only this wasn’t like any pair of underwear she’d ever seen. What looked like a yellow butterfly spread its wings over her labia, the round little body directly over her clit.
“It’s a vibrator,” Vic said gruffly when he saw her bemused expression. As if to prove his point, he flipped a switch on the little battery pack that Niall hadn’t noticed until now. She gasped at the quick, fluttering vibrations on her most sensitive flesh. “I was going to give it to you last Christmas but . . . never got the chance.
“How’s that speed?” Vic asked gruffly after a moment, as he studied her face.
“Nice,” Niall mumbled, wide-eyed at the delicious sensation of the butterfly buzzing. Not as nice as Vic’s skilled tongue but still . . .
nice, indeed.
“Good,” he murmured. He spread her thighs and moved between them, the action causing her labia to part and the butterfly to flutter against her more intimately. Niall groaned as she watched Vic reach for a condom in his bedside table. After he’d rolled it on, he spread one hand over her hip and pressed down on the butterfly lightly . . . teasingly. When she tried to twist her hips at the intense sensation, he held her steady.
Niall gasped. Her facial muscles tightened.
“Vic,” she moaned as she stared up at him and her pleasure mounted. She spread her hand across his rib and flicked his nipple with her fingernail.
“That’s right, Niall,” he whispered tensely. “Touch me.”
He moved, flexing the arm that held her hip while the other held his rigid member poised at the ready. Niall moaned when he entered her. Vic flexed his hips until his cock was sheathed halfway in her body. His hands fell down next to her head as his eyes met hers.
“Touch me everywhere,” he grated before he pushed his cock all the way into her.
Niall’s expression broke at the abrupt pleasure of his thrusting cock combined with the subtler sensation of the butterfly vibrator on her clit. But what made the moment even more poignant was his request to for her to touch him. Vic—who typically preferred to restrain her hands while he gave her almost more pleasure than she could endure—was allowing her to touch him . . . to love him.
She did, glorying in the sensations of smooth skin gloving flexing muscles as he moved in and out of her with long, satisfying strokes just as much as she did the feeling of his cock stimulating and rubbing her deepest reaches so thoroughly. Her fingers worshipped his strong back, her palms curved around his tight, flexing ass. When she skimmed her nails along the skin at the side of his torso, it roughened beneath her fingertips. She saw his small, brown nipples stiffen noticeably. Niall leaned up and ran the tip of her tongue over one sensitive morsel. She flicked at it more insistently once she’d experienced the deliciousness of the pebbled flesh, running the sensitive tip of her tongue over it to feel each fascinating little bump. She cried out in aroused disbelief when he grabbed her hips and began to thrust into her more demandingly.
“You see why I usually have to restrain you, little butterfly?” he asked between clenched jaws, his gray eyes blazing. “If I didn’t, I’d probably be coming in you within minutes every damn time.”
A continuous cry of delight vibrated her throat when he began to pump her hard and fast, making the bed pitch against the wall. When Vic clenched his eyes shut and a harsh shout erupted from his throat, her arms encircled him. In the moment of his climactic crisis he was weakened. She pulled him down against her. Her heart beat madly in her chest at the sacred feeling of his lean, strong body shuddering violently in orgasm while she held him so tightly.
His breath sounded loud and ragged in her ear when he fell limply on top of her a few seconds later. Niall cherished that sensation as well. It had felt indescribably wonderful to her to have Vic allow her to love him in that way. She turned her head and nuzzled his damp neck.
His male scent—sweat, spice, and musk—drove her wild.
She became aware that with his weight pressed down on her, the butterfly’s buzzing was so intense that a distinct burning sensation plagued not only her sex, but crept past her pussy to enliven the nerves in her ass. She pressed her hips restlessly against the bed to alleviate the friction growing there. The bottoms of her feet sizzled with a sympathetic ecstasy. She pressed her aching nipples into Vic’s hard chest, scraping them against his crisp chest hairs.
She groaned in an agony of pleasure.
Vic’s eyes blinked open at the sensation of Niall’s hips twisting against him and the sound of her tortured moan. His nostrils flared at the sight of her beautiful face transformed by pure desire. A light sheen of perspiration coated her features. He leaned up and brushed his lips against the adorable freckles on her perfect nose.
“My little butterfly is dancing close to the flames,” he whispered before he sandwiched her full, parted lips between his own and plucked at her languorously.
,” Niall whispered. Her nipples poked into him like hard little darts. He felt her push up, pressing the vibrator against his pelvis to give her more pressure on her clit. He had the little gizmo on a fairly low setting, hoping to keep her just beneath the boiling point for as long as she could endure.
Or he could endure, for that matter.
Niall gasped in protest when he withdrew from her. Vic winced in sympathy to her plight as he stood quickly and went to dispose of the condom. His cock was still partially hard and extremely sensitive to his touch. When he came out of the bathroom, the first thing he saw was Niall pressing down with her fingers on the little yellow butterfly, her hips undulating in tight little circles against it. A sharp pain of arousal stabbed through him, causing his cock to bob up in the air.
So much for a
He took three long steps to the side of the bed and flipped off the vibrator. Niall’s head came up off the pillows, her red lips parted in preparation to protest. Vic just shook his head when she made eye contact with him.
“I’m the one who’s going to make you come, Niall, not a piece of plastic.”
She panted as she watched him come down on the bed next to her. Niall always had driven him into a frenzy of lust with the magnitude of her honest, complete responsiveness to him. But seeing her tonight, sensing both the strangeness and the sacredness of what she’d told him about having a child and losing him . . . it was doing something to Vic that he couldn’t even describe. He experienced an overwhelming need to take her with him into the dark, mysterious depths of intimacy, to explore a place where they’d never gone.
He leaned over her and took total possession of her mouth. God, she was sweet. He focused solely on that delicious cavern, plundering her depths repeatedly, sipping and sucking at her plump, honeyed lips until they shaped themselves into a plea. When she tried to twist herself so that their bodies were flush, however, he held her down gently at the shoulders and transferred his attention to her neck.
“Vic, I need to come.”
Her low, husky voice sent a prickly excitement down his spine, stiffening his cock even further. At the same time that he scraped his teeth lightly along the muscle at the back of her shoulder, he put his fingers on her erect nipple. He growled appreciatively at the sensation of her tightening. He pinched at her rhythmically until she began to twist again on the bed.
God, he loved Niall’s writhing, tight little body.
He placed one hand on her hip to hold her in place before he sank his head and sucked on one, and then the other, large, sensitive nipple until they stood up for him, proud and distended. Toward the end he had to hold Niall to the bed as she became frantic with her arousal. Fearful that he was going to send her over the edge with nipple stimulation alone—he knew damn well that she was responsive enough for it to happen—he leaned up and reached for the bag at the side of the bed.
Perhaps she was in need of the spice of pain to keep her just below the threshold of orgasm.
He knew she was watching him as he withdrew a black, silicone butt plug along with some lubricant.
“Vic . . . ?” she asked uncertainly.
His eyes flickered to her sweat-dampened face. Never one to beat around the bush, he said, “I’m going to open your little ass so I can fuck you there, Niall.”
He saw her elegant throat convulse as she swallowed. A flash of regret went through him. He didn’t know why he always sounded so hard with her. His desire for her made him edgy . . . as if, on some level, he was always worried she would refuse him when his need for her was like a sharp ache that refused to be denied.
Not particularly comfortable with that thought, he focused on applying a coat of lubricant to the mushroom-shaped cap of the plug and his first two fingers. He set the plug on the table before he turned back to her. The anxiety he saw in her eyes as she stared at the glistening black plug on the table made his heart go out to her.
He gently brushed aside a strand of hair that had fallen on her cheek as he put his hand between her spread thighs.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, baby,” he soothed as he pushed his forefinger into the tight little ring of her rectum and she gasped. He kissed her parted lips lightly as he began to probe her smooth, tight channel. “I’ve finger-fucked you before and you liked it, right?” he reminded her silkily as he watched her expression through hooded eyelids. The sensation of her hot, clinging channel had always turned him on immeasurably, but he’d always refrained from trying to fuck her there, sensing her anxiety.
But tonight he wouldn’t be denied anything when it came to Niall.
“Yes,” Niall admitted softly against his mouth as he plucked at her lips.
He closed his eyes, completely focused on the sensation of pushing his second finger into her virgin tunnel and burrowing into her soft heat.
“It’s going to feel so good, baby,” he whispered before he kissed her again, his fingers moving in and out of her more smoothly. He opened his eyes when he felt her begin to move her hips against him in a counterrhythm. “There . . . you like that don’t you?”
Niall stared at him wide-eyed and nodded.
He smiled before he twisted his torso around and reached for the plug.
“Is it . . . going to hurt?” she asked as he slid his fingers out of her and moved between her thighs.
“Maybe a little at first,” he admitted huskily. He lifted her opened legs by sliding his forearm beneath her knees and pushing back, exposing her pink, muscular opening to his gaze. “But then it’s gonna make you burn and you’re going to explode for me.”
He pressed the fat mushroom shape to her tiny opening. The sight made his cock surge uncomfortably, but it made him hesitate, too.
She looked so small in comparison to the girth of the plug. He’d bought a smaller version of the plug in deference to her size, but he had to prepare her to take him, and he was much larger than the plug in girth and length.
“Turn on the butterfly, Niall—to a higher setting,” he instructed. He watched as she did what he said, and the subtle tension of arousal began to settle in her lithesome muscles once again. “Press the vibrator down against you.” When she pressed her fingertips down against the yellow body of the butterfly and moaned in pleasure, he pushed the fat end of the plug into her ass.
She cried out in surprised discomfort.
“Shhh,” he soothed, holding the invader in place, knowing from experience that her initial sharp blast of pain would fade quickly. He caught her eye when she quieted. “That was the worst of it, baby,” he assured her. Before she could say anything else, he pushed the rest of the three-and-a-half-inch plug into her and wedged the base between her firm cheeks.
“Ahhhh!” she cried out, but Vic could tell that her exclamation had been more in surprise than pain this time. Surprise and something else, he realized as she began to pant shallowly as he released her legs. He grabbed both of her wrists and came down over her, keeping the majority of his weight off of her by resting an elbow below her shoulders.
“Okay?” he whispered as he gently took her wrists in one hand and pressed them on the pillows behind her head.

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