Wicked End (14 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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Mackenzie wasn’t sure what to do with herself. Brandon talked to her briefly a few times, but he had to be social, and she could not be a part of that. If the groupies found out who she was to him, it could start trouble, and they both knew it. Instead of feeling sorry for herself or being bored, she got a drink. Then she stood sideways against a wall, watching the girls fawn all over the band.

The last time she was at one of the band’s parties came to her. She had only been to a few because of their conflicting schedules. It was an invitation only CD release party at a mansion in South Beach, Florida. They had not allowed the press to attend, claiming it was a private affair. That meant Brandon and Mackenzie could be themselves, although a bit reserved.

After the band performed a few songs from the new album, Brandon and Mackenzie snuck away to the deck that overlooked the beach. In a dark corner, they kissed, which turned into groping, then passionate sex. He held his hand over her mouth while he pumped into her from behind. Staying quiet was not easy for him, so he bit her neck hard, to silence his own cries. The hickey he left had everyone smirking when they looked at her for the rest of the night.

Brandon watched her from across the room. She looked amazing. Her short black skirt showed off those incredible long legs of hers, and her black button down blouse was open low enough to see her lacy black push up bra at the right angle. Her blonde hair was curled and cascaded over her shoulders beautifully. Moreover, she had his favorite stilettos on. They were the reason his dick was so hard.

The girl in front of him thought she was turning him on, with her glossy lipstick. “Brandon, can we go back to the bus, so I can help you with this?” She rubbed the front of his pants. “I’d love to give you a blowjob.”

Backing up a step, Brandon put up his hands. “How about after the show? I already promised another girl I’d, uh… fuck her.” She walked away with a scowl on her face. He tried not to laugh. It was the first time he used Mackenzie as an excuse. He hoped one day he could tell fans he was taken.

“Goddamn she looks hot,” Scott suddenly whispered in his ear. “You know what I thought of when I saw her? That song, ‘Boss’ Daughter’ by Pop Evil. It’s like they’re describing her.” He sighed as he stared. “Can you make an exception just for tonight? We can do her together if you want, please.”

Brandon had made it known since they made it to Vancouver, the deal was over, and Mackenzie was his alone. The afternoon melee in the limousine made him want to put an end to the free reign his friends felt they had on her. He wanted to be in control of who slept with her while she was around, like usual. After the interview, all of them agreed to the new “hands off” rule.

Jake argued for a minute when he heard. He had been in the back room with Cynthia Katz. She had screamed so much, they all knew she enjoyed herself. They just hoped her article didn’t include him throwing her number away.

With a groan, Brandon finally replied, “We’ll see, OK?”


Brandon sighed. “She told me you were almost as good as me.”

“Nice!” A wide smile formed on Scott’s lips as he leered at Mackenzie. “She promised I could fuck her again ’cause I was the best. Remind her of that.”

Brandon rolled his eyes. “Go fuck a groupie. I’m getting my hands on her right now.” He walked towards her slowly, making sure she didn’t notice. Then he came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. “Hey, baby. I got something to give you.”

She leaned her head back on him as he ground his stiff cock against her ass. “I hear you know how to use that weapon you got.”

“Wanna find out?” His hands ran down her body, then up her short black skirt. “Just the way I like you,” he whispered as his fingers touched her bare ass. “Ready to be my favorite groupie?” He slid a finger between her folds. “Mmmm, is this for me?” She was already wet. A flash made Brandon turn his head. “Um, maybe we should hold off.”

Looking around, Mackenzie understood his hesitation. There was a photographer walking around. She leaned back on him. “Good idea.”

She smiled as he swayed her body to “Love in an Elevator” by Aerosmith, which was playing from somewhere in the room. He was silent, but she felt his soft breaths on her neck. It was unusual for him to hold her that way in front of fans, but she loved it.

“Giggle,” Brandon whispered.

She reached back and linked her fingers behind his neck. “Why?”

“Because you’re my favorite groupie, remember.”

Her laugh was natural. She loved his sense of humor. “Glad I am.”

Brandon made sure to keep his back to the camera, and his lips to himself. It felt great to have Mackenzie in his arms, but he hated pretending she wasn’t special to him. Then he realized he was treating her different. People around them were starting to notice. He let her go quickly.

“What’s wrong?” She saw his eyes darting around the room.

He glanced at her. “I’m normally kinda cold at these things.” He stepped back from her. “I turn down a lotta girls.”

She closed her eyes, jealousy rearing its ugly head. “No one’s hitting on you now.”

“That means it’s obvious I’m here with you.” He sighed, wishing she was his, and he could tell everyone about it. His emotions were coming to the surface again. “We have to be careful. I told you what some of the fans are like.”

She nodded and scanned the room. There were several girls eyeing them. “Well, go do your thing and I’ll just… I don’t know. Hang out and wait.”

He fleetingly touched her face. “In a few, I’ll go to the bathroom. Meet me there.” He had said it as quiet as he could. “I need to really hold you.”

Mackenzie stayed behind while Brandon walked across the room. She had a huge smile plastered on her face, feeling special. Her body was aching for him, but she knew those needs would eventually be tended to.

“I never seen him dance with anyone.” A young woman said, jolting her from her thoughts.

She turned around and faced the girl. “He was trying to get my panties off.” It sounded plausible. “I told him I’d do him later.”

“Really?” Her eyes opened wide. “I was hoping to… well, um… give him some pleasure again.” She giggled and covered her mouth.

Eyes narrowing with rage, Mackenzie almost slapped her, but she stopped herself. After a calming breath, she said, through gritted teeth, “He promised me all his time tonight.”

The girl walked away, looking deflated.

Not letting anyone else distract her, Mackenzie hurried to the restrooms. She peeked in the men’s room, unsure if that was where he was waiting. When she was grabbed from behind, a hand over her mouth, she tried to scream.

“It’s OK. It’s OK. It’s me.” Brandon pulled her into a wide stall and locked the door. Then he turned her around and held her tight. “I’m sorry we have to hide, but…”

She smiled. “I get it.” She didn’t like it, but she understood. “We can’t let your fans think you’re taken, especially because it’s not true.” She shuddered and hugged him to her, hiding her true feelings.

“Yeah,” he sadly replied, doing the same. He laid her head on his shoulder and stroked her hair. When he could look at her, without tears in his eyes, he lifted her chin. “I’m sorry if you felt ignored in there.”

She put a finger to his lips. “I didn’t. I just miss your lips.” She reached up and kissed them softly.

He sighed and took her face in his hands, kissing her back, deeply. “Me too.” They kissed until they heard footsteps.

“Brandon, you in here?” Mike called to him.

With regret, Brandon answered, “Yeah, why?”

“We’re setting up, now. Jake told me to find you.” Mike saw two sets of feet under the stall door, one female. “I can stall if you need more time with your girl.”

Brandon gave Mackenzie one last kiss. “I’m sorry, but I gotta go get ready.” He had not realized they were gone so long.

When he released her, she squeezed him again and pulled his mouth back to hers. She was not ready to let go, to let him be adored by thousands of girls who all wanted to fuck him. His body pressed her into the door, and his kisses became aggressive. She felt his cock growing harder with every passing second. Likewise, her pussy was moistening quickly.

“Let’s go, Brandon!” Jake yelled. If Brandon was late once more, he planned to tell Mackenzie to take a hike. Girls on tour always caused problems.

Reluctantly pulling away, Brandon breathlessly uttered, “I’m sorry. God, I wish I could fuck you now.” He lifted her off her feet and held her close. “Right after the party, you and me in the back lounge.” He kissed her lips, softly then opened the door’s latch. “I’m coming, Jake.”

Mackenzie had not seen Brandon perform at a live show in almost two years. The last few times they were in Florida, the venue was too far away for her to travel because of her busy schedule. She was excited and horny as hell as she paced in the small VIP section. There were four other girls there and six guys, the winners of the radio contest and their guests.

She looked to the stage from their side. The crew of the last opening band, Proximity, had finished taking their things away and Wicked End’s equipment was replacing it. Andy was testing spotlights. Mike was adjusting microphones, while listening to Jason’s instruction over a headset. A new guy, whose name she couldn’t recall, was laying cable, and Jeff was plugging the ends into the sound equipment. Setting up was a lot of work.

“Was Brandon as good as I heard he was?”

Mackenzie turned to one of the girls in the group. “He’s utterly amazing,” she bragged, hoping that would end it.

You should see my thighs
. She smirked, thinking about the incredible sex they had just before she had those tattoos done. The tattoo artist could smell sex on her as he worked. The hard-on in his pants told her he wanted a go at her too. If Brandon had not been there, she would have obliged him. He was cute and obviously well endowed.

“Wow, I’m gonna see if he’ll do me after the show.” The groupie flipped her dyed blonde hair back. “I hear he’s pretty picky though. Maybe if I offer him a blowjob he’ll…”

Jealousy raced through Mackenzie’s body. “He won’t!” she almost shouted. Then she realized her mistake. Overreacting would blow the whole thing. “Sorry. He told me he had plans after the show.”

“Well, then maybe Scott would like one,” she came back with. “Him and Austin are really cute too.”

Mackenzie couldn’t help but smile and think of the threesomes she had with them. “How about doing both of them?” She knew what they liked best. “I hear they love sharing a woman.”

“Oh God, that would be killer!” The excited girl went back to her friend and soon they were laughing and screaming, like fan girls do.

Brandon looked out at the crowd, that had grown larger since he last checked, searching for Mackenzie. Angelo had told him there was a special section set up that night, but he forgot which side it was. He moved from the right side of the stage to the left, staying concealed in the darkness of shadows. As soon as he laid eyes on her, he grinned. He wanted to tear her clothes off and fuck her, right up on the stage.

His mouth opened when he remembered the item on her list;
fuck Brandon during one of his concerts
. That, was one fantasy he had to make come true. It was one he held as well. He could imagine her up against a speaker, him pounding away at her pussy while the pulsating music added to their pleasure.

His dick was hard as a rock before the thought crossed his mind. Now it grew painfully larger. It strained against his leather pants. With a quick look down, he sighed. It was so obvious. Wishing he didn’t have to, he looked away from her and tried to think of something that would make his cock behave. He had no time to ravish her like he wanted to.

“Five minutes,” Jason’s voice came through his earpiece.

Brandon let out a long exhale then shifted his hard-on to a more comfortable position, although more visible. He dared another glance at her. Her smile made his heart swell. She was only there for him. Then he grabbed his guitar that Daniel, the guitar tech was holding for him and used it to hide his desire for his girl.

“You can’t get enough of her, can you?” Daniel remarked.

Brandon smirked. “Man, you have no idea what she does to me.”

“Are you guys ready to really rock?” Jake shouted into a microphone as he strode out onto the stage, front and center. He got screaming in return. “Let’s try that again. Are you guys ready to rock?” The shouts were much louder that time. “Hit it, Chico!”

They opened with “Follow-through,” as planned. Mackenzie felt the base drums throughout her whole body. Then soon she heard Brandon playing fast, high-pitched notes. When Scott started his part, they both came to her side of the stage and winked at her. By the time Austin joined the group, the crowd was getting wild. Then Jake belted out the first verse, and the entire place erupted, a mosh pit forming instantly.

Next was “Evil Among Us.” It was Mackenzie’s favorite song from their last album. Most of their music had a dark edge, or told a story of pain and sometimes death. The new album however, was different. Each song surprised her. The music itself was in the same style, brash and in your face, but the lyrics of a several songs were about life, not their usual. The show was still incredible.

When it came time for “Thoughts of You,” Jake shouted, “Time to slow it down.” The crowd collectively groaned. “Don’t worry,” he assured them. “Wait till you hear Brandon’s solo.”

Brandon closed his eyes, trying not to think of the day he wrote the song. It was no use. As he played the opening notes, he drifted back months.

Alone in the front lounge, he listened to several of the guys fucking while the bus was parked in an arena lot. The sounds made him miss Mackenzie even more.

He had let a groupie blow him minutes before and guilt filled him to the very core. He had been desperate, but it didn’t help. His balls felt better, but his body was empty. The two weeks left before he could go see Mackenzie felt like a lifetime. He watched the girl, adjust her panties. She expected him to touch her, but he didn’t. He hadn’t even bothered to get her name.

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