Wicked Game (8 page)

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Authors: Mercy Celeste

BOOK: Wicked Game
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She felt like a rag doll in his arms, limp, pliable, and oh so soft. “Then you leave me no other choice.”

He pulled the chair nearest the doorway out with his foot and settled on it. Shifting her until she lay across his legs, he lifted her gown to bare her bottom. “Last chance.” He stifled the moan that clogged his throat. The white lace panties she wore hugged her ass cheeks, leaving the lower globes bare and almost begging him to touch.

“No.” Her words were faint, whispered, almost as if she wanted him to … She yelped when he swatted her left cheek. Not hard, just enough to sting his palm.

“Say, ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Dalton.’”

“No,” she whimpered against his leg when he swatted her right cheek.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Dalton.” He didn’t wait for her to answer before bringing his hand down on her smooth ass cheeks again, and then a second time. As he watched, a faint damp spot began to show. A third time, and if he wasn’t sure of it, her whispered use of his name convinced him even further. Cassandra Pendleton was turned on.

“Does this turn you on, Miss Pendleton?” He smacked her again, first one cheek, then the other, ending each with a caress.

“No,” she gasped after the second slap, the damp spot growing darker with each contact.

“Then why are you wet down here?”

“Jaime, please,” Cass almost moaned when he laid his hand across her legs just below her crotch.

“Please, Jaime, what? More? Do you want more, Pepper?”

She shook her head, her long hair swishing the floor. He touched her, just lightly, in the center of the damp spot, and she grew very still, her breathing became shallow.

“Do you want to be touched here?” He stroked the cloth lightly. She was hot and oh so wet; he almost moaned with her.

“No.” But she didn’t sound very convincing. “Please, Jaime.”

“Please, Jaime, what? Tell me what you want, Pepper.”

“More,” she whimpered, he could hear the self-loathing in her voice. Cassandra Pendleton wanted him to touch her, in that way. “Oh God.”

“Okay.” He lifted the small strip of sodden fabric and with great difficulty, wiggled it down her legs until she lay bare-assed across his legs, her damp flesh begging him to touch and to taste and to take. He controlled the last urge and slid an exploratory finger along the moist lips. Her groan was all the invitation he needed to go deeper.

She called his name, her voice a pleading whisper. She wanted more. He was on the verge of losing control.

Instead of going deeper, instead of leaning over just that small fraction it would take to know what she tasted like, he lowered her to the floor, steadying her on her knees. She whimpered, squeezing her legs together.

“Spread your legs, Pepper.” He didn’t really expect her to do as he said, but to his surprise, she did. He leaned back in the chair, in stunned disbelief. “Pull your shoulders back and lift your head up, show me your tits.”

Her lips pulled into a thin line, noting her displeasure at the request, but just when Jaime decided he’d imagined her acquiescence, she did as he ordered. Amazing.

Pepper liked it kinky. His cock throbbed at the knowledge. Christ, Cassandra Pendleton was trussed up like a Christmas goose on his kitchen floor. He was going straight to hell. He just knew it.

“You have beautiful breasts, Pepper,” he felt obligated to tell her. “Nice and round, just enough to fit in my hands.”

He knelt before her as he spoke, and tilted her chin up with his finger. Her lips were soft when he brushed his thumbs across them, easing her mouth open. “I love your hair. I’ve always wanted to know what it felt like.” He pulled the elastic band out and let her hair fall over the blindfold. “Beautiful.”

“I’m going to touch you now. Lean back for me, touch the floor with your fingers.” She did, bending her back until her breasts jutted high and proud against her chest. Her mouth fell slack when he cupped her, small whimpering sounds escaped with each light flick of his thumbs across her painfully hard nipples.

“Pepper, this is so, oh God, this is…” He couldn’t help himself, he tugged her gown up and over her head, letting it catch on the rope binding her arms together.

“Nasty,” she finished for him.

“Exactly.” His cock throbbed painfully, begging for release. He ignored it as he studied her body with his eyes and hands. Finding sensitive spots that made her purr or gasp, and when he finally slipped his finger between the lightly hair-covered lower lips, she shuddered violently. When her first orgasm passed, she said the one word that he knew he couldn’t ignore.


He moved behind her and pressed his body to her, molding to her curves. He ran his hands down her body, starting with her breasts, massaging her until she began to pant with need. He pressed his erection into her hands and nearly cried out when she gripped him tight.

“That’s nice, Pepper, stroke me,” he ordered her as he slid one finger between her legs, past her throbbing clit, until he was buried inside her. “That’s right, baby, just like that.”

He set the rhythm, adding a second finger, then a third, while he rocked into her hand. He felt her orgasm begin deep inside. The slick walls clenched him tight, her hands on his cock became more insistent. She called out his name, but he didn’t hear her for the blood rushing in his ears from the force of his own release.

When it was over, all he could think to do was pull the rope free and whisper a hasty apology, before he retreated upstairs like the coward he really was.

* * * *

Cass lay on the cold tile floor, waiting for feeling to return to her arms; cold penetrated her bare flesh. She knew she was alone. Shame prickled her scalp, but she didn’t raise a hand to shake off the loose rope or to remove the blindfold. Something warm and sticky soaked her gown where it lay against her back.

After a few moments, the floor became uncomfortable and humiliation set in. She sat up, leaving the rope behind, and dragged the cloth from her eyes. Strange lightning stung her eyes and then ceased abruptly. She glanced out at the abating storm, then in a fit of absolute horror, she grabbed her panties off the floor, and clutching her sticky gown to her chest, she raced upstairs and locked the door. But that didn’t still her racing heart or her screaming mind.

She wanted to hate him. To pack her bags and catch the first flight out of Miami; she didn’t really care where it went as long as he wasn’t on it. Instead, she hated herself because she’d liked what he’d done. She hated herself because even now she had the strongest urge to find him and beg for more.

But she knew in her heart that this could never happen again. Even if she didn’t leave. This could never happen again or else a part of her very being would be lost. Forever.

Chapter Nine

Monday morning dawned bright and sunny, what coastal people called beach weather. Cass considered skipping her usual morning routine and walking down to the beach and standing knee deep in the surf.

She didn’t want to risk an encounter with Jaime today, not after avoiding him after the events of yesterday morning. However, the Pollyanna she really was deep inside reared her ugly head and demanded she go and do her actual job. She dressed in walking shorts and a three-quarter-length-sleeved peasant blouse in a startling crimson color and matching sandals. She quickly braided her hair in a loose over the shoulder braid and didn’t bother with makeup.

She really didn’t expect him to be home, but as she neared his office, she heard his voice. He sounded angry. The door was open, and she stepped inside to find him on the phone, his expression pinched. He signaled for her to be quiet but not to leave. She gulped, wondering if he planned to turn his anger onto her.

“So, Cam, let me get this straight. You said you transferred the funds to Miss Pendleton’s account each Friday as I asked you too. And the June bills as well. Yes, I’m aware that my credit card bill was incredibly high. I put my entire signing bonus into that account, there should be plenty of money to cover one month’s worth of bills. Really? I deposited that back in early May. Yes, I bought a car, and my trip to France was luxurious. The jewelry was returned. I don’t see how that’s any of your business. Miss Pendleton says she has yet to receive a single deposit. Of course I believe her.” He looked at her, then fire lit his golden eyes. She knew him well enough by now to know that she was grateful she wasn’t in this Cam guy’s shoes.

“Of course Miss Pendleton doesn’t have access to that account; only you and I have access, and I know for a fact that I haven’t spent two million dollars since the first of May. Cam, do you really think I’m so stupid as to put all of my money into one account. I’m not broke, son, but I’m sure the money will turn up before the audit my lawyer is preparing as we speak. Of course, Cam. I understand. Expect a call within the hour. Sure thing, and you take care too.”

He pressed a button and started speaking again. “Did you get that Mitch?, Yeah, today. No, Cameron and Associates only handles my fun money.” He paused, looking through an address index and rattling off four different accounting firms. “Cam only has access to a couple at a time. No, I don’t trust him. I don’t trust any of them, that’s why. It might be only a couple of million, but it’s my couple of million. I’m the one wrecking my body for that money, not some fat bald accountant. Do what you have to—some jail time if it comes to that. Yeah, man, and sorry to stick you with this so early in the morning. You too.”

She waited this time for him to put the phone down. “Is there a problem?”

“Not really, thanks to you. Oh and here.” He handed her a check for an obscene amount of money. “Sorry it’s so late.”

“I, ah, okay. Jaime?” She had no idea what she wanted to say to him or hear from him.

He turned quizzical eyes on her and waited for her to say something. When she didn’t, he rose from the chair and walked around. “I’m late. I’m going to be up in Davie all day today if you need me. And don’t forget that you start at the Boys and Girls Club this afternoon.” He looked as if he wanted to say more—and did she imagine that he reached for her arm, but pulled back as if she might burn him? “And Pepper, you look nice this morning.”

Before she could reply, he was gone. She sat in his chair, which was still warm from his presence, and just as she reached for the phone, it rang. Sam had grown impatient and couldn’t wait to tell someone that the trip to New York needed to be extended because he got Jaime a Nike deal. She told him to call Jaime on his cell so he could tell him himself.

She checked Jaime’s schedule, noticed that he had already initialed the daily calendar so he didn’t need her to text him today. Feeling at loose ends, she started to leave the office when the phone rang again.

“Hey, did you hear? Sam got me a Nike deal. We’ve been after one for three years. Guess that finally means I’m somebody, huh? Pepper, are you there?”

“Yeah, Jaime, that’s great. How long are you going to be in New York so I can change your ticket?”

“A week, maybe a couple days longer, I don’t know right now, Sam said he’ll call tonight with a final schedule. And Pepper, I … ah … get yourself a ticket too. I’m going to be gone too long; I might need you.”

“You want me to go to New York with you?” Why did her heart rate just spike?

“Yeah, who else would I take? And Pepper … time to pull out those boutique clothes, and don’t forget a cocktail dress. There’s a reception at The Plaza. And…”

“I don’t have anything nice enough to wear to The Plaza and … and … wouldn’t you rather take a date or one of your girlfriends? Why me?”

“Why not you? If you think you don’t have anything nice enough, then go shopping. Get something blue. I like the way your eyes look in blue.” He hung up on her. That son of a bitch was laughing. If she didn’t know better she would swear he’d had this all planned from the beginning.

“Jerk,” she shouted at the phone receiver. Before she put it down, she dialed the airline to change the tickets. Then without thinking, she called the spa and asked to speak with Shontal. He would know the best place in Miami to buy a fancy blue dress. While she was on the phone, he scheduled her for another appointment.

Oh Lord, they were going to rip hair out of tender places again. However, this time that didn’t seem so bad.

* * * *

Why he thought taking Pepper to New York would be fun, he never knew. But she looked lovely for the flight. Her hair was sleek and lustrous, and she was dressed in navy blue Capri pants, another of her peasant-style blouses, this one silk with elaborate embroidery at the neckline, and a pair of low-heeled wedge shoes with straps that wrapped around her ankles. The only visible sign of her nervousness was her hands. She couldn’t stop shaking. He took her hand on takeoff, held her tight, and leaned against her so only she could hear him murmur stupid nonsense things about anything he could think of.

When the flight leveled out and the seat belt sign went off, Pepper relaxed, but only a little. She twined her fingers with his, her grip surprisingly strong. “Breathe, Pepper. You’re doing fine. Just breathe and relax.”

“I am breathing.” Her words were clipped, anxious.

“No, you are hyperventilating,” he said just as the flight attendant approached, pushing her cart. Her eyes widened as she recognized him, her gaze going to his hand linked with Pepper’s. “Miss, can I get a glass of champagne for Miss Pendleton, and I’d like a Coke if you have one.”

“Anything, Mr. Dalton.” Tall and blonde, with intelligent blue eyes, she was just his type. Too bad she’d sized the situation with Pepper up completely wrong. “Is she all right?”

Pepper had closed her eyes and was counting aloud; her fingernails, digging into his hand, were sharp. “First time flying commercial. I’m hoping the booze calms her down before she has a heart attack.”

“In that case, here, take two.” She handed the flutes of champagne over to him along with the Coke and pushed past as if she thought Pepper would combust at any moment.

“Here, Pepper, drink.” He pressed the golden liquid into her hand and watched as she upended it, draining it in one gulp. “Okay, now?”

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