Wicked Little Sins (19 page)

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Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #bad boy romance, #romance about unrequited love, #dysfunctional behavior, #romance action suspense, #romance contemporary multiple partner

BOOK: Wicked Little Sins
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              Ned was doing his best to stay awake as he drove down the long empty expressway. The family dog sat next to him in his old pickup. The distress showed all over his face, as he headed out of Ohio, unsure of where he was headed. His plan was to drive until an idea hit him.             

“Just you and me, Gray,” he whispered to the old dog.

              He promised himself that as soon as he made it a safe distance away, he’d call each of the kids to let them know he was okay. He didn’t want any of them to fear the worst. Who was he kidding? There was a slim chance of that happening; he doubted they’d be worried at all. They were involved in their own lives and would probably never know if he was missing or not. Maybe he shouldn’t say anything to anyone. So until he could make up his mind where he was going, he’d keep the kids out of it.

The Letters


              Everly was still rereading the letter that was draped across her legs. She was astonished at all her mom had to say.


              My oldest child, how I loved you since the moment you were placed in my arms. I know you will be the one to take my death the hardest.              

But I want you to know that you can make it through anything, my sweet girl.

              I am sure by now you are all through your grieving and what probably felt like the worst is now a dull ache.

Am I right?

I know you can move on, and I don’t want you to forget about me. But I also don’t want to ruin what a wonderful life you have in store for you.

              You probably will never have answers to why I left you guys so soon, and I’m sure you’re incredibly angry. But we all have to take responsibility for our actions. And I knew that the actions I chose were going to lead me one of two ways. The first could turn out magical in that I have found my true soul mate. The hope of living the rest of my life in the allure of love and happiness. Or, I could regret that I took a chance at all. Well, we see how it all turned out, right?

              Sam was the love of my life and I know it hurts to hear that. But I loved him more than I ever loved Ned. Sam and I had a long history and we finally gave in, knowing it was too much to bear to live separate lives. Sure, we both knew we were taking the chance of a horrible outcome, but Everly, if I have learned anything in my years, it’s this one thing: When you know where your heart belongs, you will do anything to make sure it’s where it’s supposed to be. Love, I have learned, is the one thing that knows no boundaries and it’s the most effortless and satisfying part of our lives.

              The one thing I tried to instill in all of my children was to love with all you’ve got. And be who you feel you were meant to be, express your gifts, your talents. Sometimes put yourself first and never regret anything that you choose to do in life, because at one time it mattered.

              Furthermore, Everly Anne, I want you to remember what matters most if you start to dwell on my death. And never give up on the people that mean the most to you…like Vinnie. I know a good man when I see one—Vinnie is one for sure. I realize he is conceited and sees himself as God’s gift to women. For as much as he is into himself, he is into you wholeheartedly. Please don’t throw him away.

Love, Mom


I know you’re wondering what the locket is for, and whether Sam would really harm me. Sam would never harm a single hair on my head. And the locket, you will find that it has all the answers. If you sense that something is ever not right, know that my heart can save you all from true harm. And for heaven’s sake steer clear of anyone by the name of Evelyn.

              Folding the letter carefully, she pulled an old shoebox from underneath her bed. It held lots of photographs and old love letters perfectly tied with pink silk ribbons. Untying a stack, she added her mother’s letter to the pile. Everly didn’t know everything, but she was happy to have this letter from her mother.

              She turned the bed down, slipping under the comforter. She snapped the lamp off and lay down with a smile on her face. The fire in the fireplace had died to a dull glow, illuminating her face as she slipped off into sleep.



He was gone. Adrian had kissed her goodbye before leaving on his flight to go home to Ohio. Charley was lonely and pained; she’d enjoyed their time together immensely.

The few days Adrian was in New York had cemented her endearment for the handsome, brown-eye
guy. She was sad they hadn’t discussed when he might return, and he’d seemed hurried as if he wanted to get back home as soon as possible. She didn’t understand his rush to leave, but she’d been assured he’d had a fantastic time and he would miss her.

              Charley leaned across her kitchen counter studying the unique jewelry box--dark enamel redwood with glass doors, tiny roses etched in the delicate glass. Her mother always knew what she liked best. She opened the door and ran a hand over the red velvet interior, triggering a memory from her childhood. She’d always admired her mother’s jewelry box and she loved the gift.

              “What’s this?” she asked out loud pulling out a rolled letter. It had been nestled snugly in the back corner of the box. She untied the red ribbon sitting down on a stool to read it.


              My Sunshine,

              Charley Rae you were my joy. My delight as a mother started the moment I had you. Now that I’m gone, I can say this--Everly was a great daughter, but you, my dear, you’re exceptional. I know you’re my strong one, and I know you’re going to stay successful even when I’m gone. Not because you don’t care, but because you understand that I’m still with you.

              I never had to worry about my Charley; I always looked forward to every step you made through life. You are a hard worker, you love life, and I am proud to call you my daughter.

              The day I wrote this letter, I sat alone in my office, sipping on chamomile tea from that little boutique up the street. And it took a lot to convey all that I wanted to say in short letters, but I found a way.

              I don’t need to handle you with kid gloves; I can tell you how it is. My death was something I’d seen coming. I knew that I’d been playing with fire. I loved Sam and I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I’ve loved him for many years and we saw our lives passing us by. We were desperately trying to be free and move on to have a life together.

Don’t hate Sam, Charley; he is not the one responsible for you not having your mother. I don’t want you to make a big deal about my death. Live your life, sweet girl. Just know some things are better left for the authorities to work out.

              And lastly, Charley, there is not much more to tell you than this—I want you to live an amazing life. Find a special man to share it with. You deserve happiness and I’m sure there is someone out there for you. Find time to occasionally enjoy yourself. And keep an eye on your dad. He’s going to need someone now more than ever. 


              I know the locket is a bit confusing. Just know my heart will help you when and if you need it the most.

Love, Mom

              Charlie folded the letter neatly, putting it away in her top drawer. She stood for a long moment taking in all her mother’s words. She knew her mom would want her to move forward and not linger in the past. She touched the dainty locket that hung from her neck, wondering what was on that tiny chip. Her mother had said  the answers were there when and if she needed them, but she didn’t need them right now.



              Quinn stood staring at the small package that sat outside her apartment. Something about it didn’t seem quite right and she didn’t know who it was from. She kneeled down poking it with her fingers. Finally satisfied it wouldn’t hurt her, she picked it up and shook it near her ear. She unlocked the door, tossed her mail and keys on the coffee table, then plopped down on the sofa in her tiny living room, ready to dive right in to see what was in that package.

She put her feet up on the table, sat back and popped the tape on the package. She shook the box and an envelope and a small red pouch fell onto her lap.

              Untying the pouch, she reached in with two fingers and pulled out a silver necklace.

              “Not bad,” she said softly, studying it for value. She popped open the locket, wondering what the chip was all about. She moved on to the letter, hoping it would tell her about the jewelry and who had sent it.


              Quinn Rose,

              My angel, you were always my sweet princess. Spoiled and headstrong, you have all my bad qualities. But those who know you best, know you’re really delicate and sweet and you mean well. I have always loved you. I realize you may be somewhat scattered and my death has brought you so many questions.


              Beginning to sob, Quinn tossed the letter on the couch. Percy scampered off, startled at her behavior. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them while maintaining a firm grasp on the locket. She felt so alone not having anyone there to soothe her of the pain she felt at the moment. She finally pulled herself together and wiped her eyes. She held the letter in her trembling hand, telling herself she’d be okay.

I am wondering right now if you will have the strength to read this whole letter. I hope you do. I will not make it long and drawn out. Just know that I love you.  It’s going to take some time for things to feel normal again, but it will happen. I need you to find peace with my passing and try to move on. Do all that we’ve talked about and try to be happy with your life and your goals. Please keep in touch with your family--they’re going to need you as much as you will need them.



              Quinn balled the letter up and tossed it into her wastebasket. She wasn’t ready to read that and she never wanted to again. Her mother was right; she didn’t do well with her emotions. The last thing she wanted to do was talk about them.

              She curled up into a nice tight ball on her sofa and closed her eyes, wishing with everything she had in her that sleep would come easily.



Ethan was still shaken as he made his way back into his dorm. After nearly crashing his truck in a big traffic jam, he wasn’t feeling all that well. He shook his arms rapidly, trying to free himself of the tension that lingered from his near accident.

              Seth, his roommate, a young quiet kid came into the room carrying a brown box. He made his way to Ethan and, without a word, handed over the brown box. 

              Ethan just stared at it; he never got gifts.             

“What is this?” he asked.

              “You weren’t here, so I signed,” he mumbled.

              Ethan quickly went to work tearing into it, leaving Seth to his privacy. He pulled his chair next to his bed taking a seat; Seth took notice as well watching his roommate.

              “It’s from my mom,” Ethan spoke, his mouth going dry. It was a bit creepy to be receiving a package from his mom after her death. Rifling through the box, he pulled out a letter and a box. In the box was a watch. When he took a close look at it, he saw a small chip inside the face of the watch, the second hand clicking slowly around the chip.             

Ethan turned away from Seth and opened his letter. He was ready to read
from his mom and hoped this letter would provide him with some answers.



              Son, my one and only, you’re all a mother could ask for in a son. And you’re the one I presume will be on the lookout for answers to everything, it will consume you.

              I don’t want that, so I give you the answers you’re looking for in this letter, and I ask that you leave the rest alone. Listen to your mother for once.

              I know by now you have learned a lot. Yes, I had an affair with Sam. You’re too young to understand love of this kind. But know that I did love him, and I am sorry I betrayed your father. But I also loved him. Sam and I had a deeper love and I just couldn’t be without him anymore. Sam is a good man, Ethan, and I don’t want you to ever think he would harm me. There are some people, however, who have such torrid pasts and are so powerful, they should be feared. So, please, let it be.

I have sent you a watch, and I ask you to keep it with you at all times. If anything ever comes up. I think you will know what to do with it. Be safe, and take care of the family for me.

              You’re a good kid, Ethan, and I have always seen a bright future ahead of you. I am sure you will get everything you want out of life. Know I will always love you and be near even if I am not there physically. You’re going to be a great man and husband one day. Enjoy life!



              Ethan sat back in the chair in astonishment. The letter has given some answers, but he wanted to know more, and he wasn’t going to give up until he had what he needed. If Sam hadn’t murdered her, then the killer was still out there, and that didn’t settle well with Ethan. Ethan understood his mother’s concerns, but no one was going to take his mom’s life and get away with it.

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