Wicked Lovers 07 Ours to Love (32 page)

BOOK: Wicked Lovers 07 Ours to Love
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Judging from Xander’s tone, that was a big damn deal. And London understood. Thorpe
obviously wanted the beautiful brunette fiercely.

Thorpe drew in a sharp, controlled breath. “I did.”

Xander shook his head as if he still couldn’t quite believe that. Then he turned to
his brother. “Would you take London down the hall? Third door on the right.” He handed
Javier a card key. “I’ll be right there.”

Javier nodded, then slid his arm around her waist. “Let’s go, little one.”

London didn’t want to leave. Curiosity as to why Thorpe would relinquish a woman he
wanted lingered. Still, she followed Javier down the hall, into a private room.

He opened the door and admitted her, flipping on the light on the wall behind her
and illuminating the wide array of BDSM implements inside. Whips, clamps, and restraints
were coiled and gleaming all around the room. There was even an old-fashioned stockade
inside. Suddenly, other people’s sex lives took a backseat, and she started worrying
about her own. She was a woman with little experience in a sex club with not one—but
two—Doms. London swallowed. Was she in way over her head?

Chapter Sixteen

you out of your fucking mind?” Xander asked.

Thorpe cut a furious stare over to him. Yeah, yeah, so the big Dom on campus didn’t
appreciate his tone. His time with London was running short, and Xander wanted to
make sure the guy knew that he—and likely a bunch of others around here—thought he’d
lost his sanity.

“It’s best for Callie,” Thorpe said stiffly.

“Really? Or easier for you? If she’s not under your protection or in your bed, then
you don’t have to try so hard not to care.”

“I do care, and she knows that.”

“Does she know that you love her?”

Thorpe reared back. “Now who’s lost their fucking mind?”

“I’m not blind, man. I see the way you watch her, the way you shelter her. Remind
me who paid for her education?”

“She wanted to go to college and couldn’t afford it.” Thorpe bristled. “She learned
a lot of skills that she’s brought to her job here.”

“Are you really thinking about skills she picked up in a classroom when you fuck her?”

The other Dom gritted his teeth, looking like he wanted to rip Xander limb from limb.
“You’d know
more about fucking her than me. I’ve never had that privilege.”

So that’s what had Thorpe’s panties in a twist. “Me, either. The one time I had the
opportunity, when Logan was trying to tame her . . . I suspected you were lurking
around. Hell, you could have been watching for all I knew. I’ve always known how you
feel about her. I wasn’t going to stab you in the back.”

The visible relief on Thorpe’s face would have been comical if he didn’t understand
how territorial a man in love could be. And the fact that he understood that after
just a few days with London blew his mind.

“Thank you.”

“You never touched Callie, not once?” Xander couldn’t imagine the fortitude Thorpe
must have to covet a woman for years yet never claim her.

“I’ve worked with Callie during a lot of training sessions, especially with new Dom/sub
education classes. But that’s public. Alone with the intent to . . .” He sucked in
a shaky breath. “Just once. I stopped it quickly and I have no intention of going
down that path again. She’s twenty-five. I’m almost forty. She could do better.”

Xander shook his head. Love was love. Why did anyone think age mattered that much?
“I doubt that, and I know you’re not fucking anyone else. Man, you ought to go after
her. I think she’s got deep feelings for you.”

Dominion’s owner had squared off against some other big bad Doms. He’d once chased
down a would-be rapist and beat the crap out of him. Now the guy flinched. So Callie’s
feelings weren’t news to him. That others had noticed was, however. “She’s with someone
else now, so drop the subject. Besides, when have you ever been a card-carrying member
of love and fidelity?”

“Since London.” Xander shrugged. “Maybe I’m being naïve because I haven’t known her
long. But I only know that I used to look at the world through jaded eyes and couldn’t
care less about tomorrow. Somehow, I see everything as she does now. I think of tomorrow
with hope. I’m actually excited. Something just . . . clicked. You can go ahead and

Thorpe looked closer to crying, but he held it together with a manly grimace. “I’m
happy for you. Treat her well and don’t ever let her go.”

Or you’ll live to regret it
. Xander heard Thorpe’s unspoken words.

A moment later, the cell phone in Thorpe’s pocket chirped. He answered, raising his
hand with a wave as he walked away. The stupid fuck had let Callie go for some misguided
principle. Xander shook his head at the stupidity of that, determined not to make
the same mistake.

He started down the hall when he caught sight of Callie peeking around the wall. She’d
been watching his discussion with Thorpe. Given the distance and the background noise,
she wouldn’t have heard a word, but the longing on her face spoke volumes. She wanted
Thorpe just as badly. Knowing Callie, she’d done her very best to persuade him, too.
That girl didn’t give up easily.

Another man stopped behind her, wrapping a possessive hand around her small waist
and dropping a kiss on her bare shoulder. Tall, dark, and blue-eyed—and clearly smitten
with Callie—he palmed her nape with a proprietary grip. The girl greeted him with
a warm smile and allowed him to lead her away after one more lingering glance at Thorpe’s
retreating figure.

Xander shook his head, feeling more than a little sorry for the lot of them. He’d
never thought much about their mutually suppressed feelings before. He’d noticed them,
but never cared much.

Maybe because, before London, he hadn’t really believed in love.

Hell, what a difference a week and one incredible woman could make.

There was a bounce in his step as he made his way to the room in which she waited
with Javier. Amazing that a week ago, he’d wanted to throttle his brother, and now
he saw perfectly how essential Javier was—they all were—to this crazy, beautiful relationship.
She made them both better men. And they challenged one another in subtle ways to raise
their game, too. It was always about London. Any good D/s relationship was about giving
the sub what she needed, but this . . . talk about a whole new level of wanting to
protect and cherish.

If all went well, tonight would ratchet it up again. And cement their intimacy. He
couldn’t wait.

Xander stepped inside. He found London pacing on the far side of the room, the trench
coat gone. She chewed on a ragged thumbnail. Javier watched her like a hungry, impatient

When his brother’s gaze fell on him, a smile stretched across Javier’s face. Yeah,
they were both more than ready to test the limits of her trust—and hopefully earn
the opportunity to see every inch of lovely London naked, scars and all.

Xander approached her with a slow but relentless gait, stepping directly in her path.
He gently grasped her shoulders, and she lifted her gaze to him. Anxiety tightened
her face.


“I don’t know if I’m ready for . . . all this.” She gestured to all the equipment
around the room, giving a second nervous glance to the stockade.

He cradled her face in his hands. “Tonight isn’t about all the stuff in this room,
. It’s about us. Javier and I will be watching you carefully. You’re so precious.”
He curled one palm around her nape. “We’d never do anything to truly hurt you. You
always have your safe word, and we will always respect it. If I didn’t, Thorpe would
kill me,” he joked. “He might look all sophisticated in a suit, but under that . . .
He wouldn’t be anyone’s friend in a dark alley.”

She sent him a lopsided little smile.

“That’s our girl. What’s your safe word?”

The smile fell. “Ford.”

The word sounded raspy and uncertain, and Xander’s heart clenched. “Right. Don’t be
afraid to use it if you need it. But tonight is about reaching what’s here.” He pointed
to her head. “And here.” He laid a hand over her heart. “Just breathe and relax and
remember that we want everything you can give.”

Javier joined him and took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. “Exactly, little

London gave them both a shaky nod. Usually, she was stunning and nearly fearless.
She submitted with aplomb and a natural grace that sang from her soul like a haunting
ballad. Tonight, she seemed to be a clash of incongruent notes.

Apprehension niggled at Xander as he cast his brother a glance, silently asking if
maybe they should wait or relent altogether. Javier gave a small shake of his head.
He was right, Xander realized. They’d discussed this. London needed to unburden herself.
Sometimes, necessary lessons were the hardest to learn, and trusting in such a case
could be especially difficult. She had ample reasons to be worried—surrendering to
a womanizer and a seemingly high-functioning alcoholic. But she had one big reason
to put herself in their hands: her heart.

Xander prayed what she felt in there would be enough.

“Ready?” he asked her.

She hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah.”

Javier raised a brow at her. “London? Is that how you address us?”

“Yes, Sir.” She swallowed.

Repressing an indulgent smile, he took her elbow and led her to the St. Andrew’s Cross.
Eventually, he’d be tougher and insist that she put herself where and how he wanted
her. But this would be her first big show of submission. In an unfamiliar place with
exotic new equipment . . . challenging her too quickly wouldn’t prove productive.
He’d rather pick his battles.

As they reached the cross, he pulled one of her claw clips from the bag Javier had
set at his feet, tacked the heavy strands of her hair to the back of her head, then
backed her against the wooden X. Javier followed, grabbing one of her wrists and securing
it in the attached cuff. Xander restrained the other, then they each knelt and attached
an ankle at the bottom of the apparatus. Though subs were most often faced toward
the cross, he wanted her to feel secure that her back was protected and hidden—for

She trembled, looking vulnerable and beautiful. Javier cut a glance his way, and his
own feeling was mirrored in his brother’s eyes. They had to be careful with this treasure.
She’d granted them so much trust—been their strength, the bridge to span the chasm
between them. They needed to build her up now and free her from this worry that they
would discard her or care less if they saw all of her.

London looked like she wanted to ask a million questions, but stayed silent. Xander
smiled at her tenderly. “You’re doing great. We have some plans for you tonight. Remember
to breathe. Don’t think too hard. Just feel and know we’re going to be here to catch

Xander didn’t wait for a reply, but turned to find Javier ready and waiting, their
first tool in his fist—a small, deadly sharp knife.

The second she saw the little blade, her eyes flared wide with panic. “Javier?”

“Relax, little one. Trust.”

She swallowed, and they stood frozen, breath held. Finally, she gave them a jerky

“That’s not enough,” Xander murmured. “Tell us you consent.”

“I don’t know what you’re going to do,” she argued.

“That’s the point.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

A long moment later, she drew in a shaky breath. “I either trust you two or I don’t.
That’s what you’re saying, right?”

“Precisely,” Javier answered.

“Then yes, Sir. Go ahead.”

London wasn’t without reservation, but she was giving them some trust. Tentative,
yes, but still beautiful. It both pleased and made him feel powerful to know that
she literally put her safety in their hands.

Javier stalked closer, staring at her like he wanted to ravish her from head to toe.
He probably did, and Xander understood perfectly, edging to the side to allow his
brother to get closer to London. Javier lifted one of the webs of the fishnet away
from her skin with the tip of the blade and pressed the flat of the cold metal between
her breasts. She drew in a shaky gasp. Her entire body tensed. He paused again, waiting
to see if she would use her safe word. But she remained quiet.

Leaning in, Javier slanted his lips over hers, the kiss looking somewhere between
hungry and reassuring. Slowly, he coaxed her to open for him bit by bit until he completely
dominated her mouth. Holding her chin in his free hand, he tilted her face to suit
him and dove in even deeper, making her take him with a kiss so thorough and intimate,
Xander got damn hard just watching.

Finally, his brother swept the very tip of her tongue with his own, brushed his mouth
across her yielding lips, then eased away. She whimpered. Above the leather bustier,
her nipples were hard. Her skin had flushed a sweet pink.

Javier looked into her eyes and turned the knife on its side, pressing it ever so
gently into the soft valley between her breasts. When she gasped into his last kiss,
he yanked back on the blade and sliced his way through the fishnet.

Relief relaxed her expression, and Xander smiled. He sidled closer on her right and
spread his palm over her leather-clad torso. Her zipper cut cold into his skin, but
when he molded his body against hers and seized her lips, everything inside him turned
molten. Like goddamn candy, so sweet and pure, pink and delightful. London yielded
to him utterly, the starch in her muscles softening as he felt his way up her body,
fingers gripping the edge of the snipped fishnet. He pulled the tear wider, away from
one breast, then the other, and cupped them, taunting her nipples with his thumbs.
She’d look so fucking sexy adorned with clamps.

Xander fished a jeweled pair from a nearby drawer, alternately sucking both nipples
until he secured the little jeweled bits, their alligator steel teeth biting into
her tender nubs. And still he couldn’t stand leaving her in merely a heightened state
of sensitivity. Xander needed her attention, her pain, her desire. Her everything—especially
her love. He tightened the clamps.

London’s head fell back with a cry. Her fingers curled into fists, as if she wanted
to grab him and hold on. The restraints didn’t allow for that. But he had no doubt
she was enjoying this little bite of pain.

“You look stunning,
,” he crooned in her ear. “Do you like knowing that Javier and I are both looking
at every exposed inch of you, dying to watch you come for our pleasure? Taste you?
Fuck you?”

“Yes . . .” she mewled, looking at him with slightly dazed, pleading eyes.

“But not yet. I’ve got more surprises for you.”

Javier neared her again, blade in hand. This time, she didn’t even flinch when he
rested the sharp edge just above her nipple, then slowly scraped upward. He didn’t
draw blood. In fact, he barely disturbed her skin at all. But the sight of her growing
trust dazzled him. And it gave him hope. Maybe this plan would work.

BOOK: Wicked Lovers 07 Ours to Love
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