Wicked Ride (22 page)

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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #Contemporary, #erotic, #Wyoming, #steamy, #romance, #cowboy

BOOK: Wicked Ride
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But now I’m
not sure how I feel about him having Auralie, even if it’s only
in the oral sense. Bridger is an absolute joy to watch with a woman.
Never seen a man more in command or more intent on his mission. And
one of the reasons it’s amazing to watch him is because he
doesn’t do it often.

Oh, he fucks often, but it’s
usually in the privacy of his office. Only on rare occasions does he
play in The Silo, and that’s usually to only hand out pain to a
select few members that pay big money for his handy skills with a
whip. He would never use that on Auralie, but it doesn’t mean
he wouldn’t use his palm on her.

And fuck…
thought of that makes my cock start to wake up. I guess I’m not
as averse to her being with Bridger as I thought I would be.

I can do this.

I can handle this. I’ll
watch Bridger make this as good as he can for her, then I’m
going to take her back to my place and fuck her as many times as I
can before the sun comes up and I have to turn her back over into
Magnus’ care.

The thought curdles my stomach.

The door to the room that Bridger
normally uses to dole out his special brand of pain opens, and he
leads Auralie in. Her throat moves, and I know she’s
swallowing down against her nerves. The Silo’s packed and the
minute people become aware that Bridger’s going to play, they
start to congregate near the glass windows. I want to shove them all
away as it’s bad enough someone else is touching her, but to
have all the buzzards circling to watch makes me want to do serious

So I spin way from the spectacle
getting ready to start and walk my way to the bar. I don’t
intend to turn my back on Auralie and Bridger permanently, but I do
want to put some space in between and slug down a bourbon—or
two—for fortification.

surprised when I see Cat sitting up at the bar by herself. A quick
perusal of the room confirms… Rand’s not here. I find
this strange because after our threesome a week ago, I could have
sworn those two were well on their way to monogamy-ville and that I’d
never see either one of them in here again.

I head her way and take the stool
next to her, which is empty because everyone is meandering closer to
the room holding Bridger and Auralie. A quick glance back shows
Auralie standing there with her hands clasped before her, head bowed
in nervousness as Bridger goes over to a floor-to-ceiling black and
chrome cabinet that houses “implements”.
No clue what the fuck he’s up to, but I’m sure Magnus
will get the show he wants. Despite how much I’m dreading
watching her with another man, I’d be lying if I didn’t
say I was a little turned on by the prospect too. I’m curious
as to how pliant Auralie’s sexual boundaries are given the fact
that she knows I’m somewhat okay with this interlude she’s
getting ready to have with Bridger.

Cat turns to look at me when I
sit down. A bartender walks up—a new girl I’ve
never seen before—and normally when I first see fresh pussy in
this club, I’m figuring out the fastest way to tap it, but
oddly… no desire to do so.

“What’s up, Cat?”
I ask just to be polite and conversational, because that’s what
you do when you’ve tapped her boyfriend’s ass while he
was tapping her.

She gives me a wan smile and
turns back to her glass of wine. “Hi,

“Meeting Rand here?”
I ask and then tell the hovering bartender. “Maker’s
Mark, neat.”

“He was just here,”
she says softly… sadly. “Now he’s not.”

no mistaking the tone in her voice. Something’s happened to
these budding lovebirds. While I’d normally not care enough to
delve, I don’t like the idea at all of either of them failing
at happiness. “What’s going on?”

She shrugs, and even the shrug
isn’t so much
antipathy as it is desolation. “It’s just not going to
work between us. He’s being stubborn about it so I had to make
him see…”

Oh, hell no.
I lean in to her and whisper harshly, “You
here to fuck around on him, are you?”

“No,” she says
softly. “But he thinks I am.”

“That’s fucked up,
Cat,” I admonish, taking a look back over my shoulder to
Bridger and Auralie. He’s ordered her to disrobe as she’s
unbuttoning the lavender silk blouse she had put on with a pair of
skinny jeans. My heartrate ratchets up a notch, and I can barely tear
my eyes away. But I do just briefly, turning back to Cat. “Rand’s
a great guy. I don’t want to see you fuck with his head or
heart. But you’re a great woman too. Don’t turn your back
on something good just because you don’t think you deserve it.”

The minute the words leave my
mouth, I realize I’m
talking about myself as much as I’m talking about Cat. I
recognize that look on her face, and the forlorn spirit within that
refuses to believe happiness is attainable merely because you think
you should be punished for all your bad deeds.

If only I’d
take my own advice.

I stand up from the bar as I see
the bartender walking toward me with the drink, giving her a shake of
my head that I’ve
changed my mind. Putting my hand to Cat’s shoulder, I say, “Go
home, Cat. Go home to Rand and fix whatever the fuck you think is
broken. Don’t waste something beautiful on the ugly you carry
around inside.”

She blinks at me, tears misting
in her eyes, and I’m
astounded once again that I’m giving advice that I’m not
willing myself to accept.

But I’ve
said my piece and now I have something more important to do. I turn
away from Cat, the bar, and my drink, and push my way through the
crowd until I’m up standing before the glass wall.

completely naked, her clothes laying in a pile on the floor. My eyes
flick to the blood-red lace panties laying there, a direct thumb of
her nose toward Magnus, who wants her to look virginal. My gaze
slides up to her and I find her watching me, but then Bridger wraps a
large hand around her wrist and leads her over to the St. Andrew’s


If he ties her up there, she
can’t suck his dick
and I’m liking that.

Or is that slight disappointment
that I won’t see her
with Bridger?

I shake my head hard, confused at
these contrary thoughts.

God, I’m
fucked up in the head. More than usual.

I can’t
hear what Bridger’s saying as he leans in close to Auralie and
whispers something to her, but I can tell by the subtle relaxing of
her shoulders that he’s trying to be reassuring. They drop
minutely as he leads her up to the platform the cross sits on,
turning her so that her back presses into the center of the “X”.
She tenses up again when he lifts a wrist and shackles it in place,
then her entire body stiffens when he clasps the other in place. He
doesn’t bother locking her ankles in. I have to think it’s
so she retains a measure of control, which means Bridger is as adept
at reading her discomfort as I am from twenty feet away.

And Christ, she looks perfect,
even without her legs spread-eagled in the clasps. Naked, pale skin
with dark raven hair hanging over her shoulders and to the sides of
her breasts. Said breasts heavy with nipples tightened up either from
the cool air in those rooms or the scrutiny she’s
drawn. Her gaze moves slowly across the crowd standing outside the
glassed room and then locks on me. Her facial muscles stay frozen so
as not to give away her feelings to these strangers, but I can see it
in her eyes. The slight warming of her blue irises so they look like
tropical waters. I know it’s meant to be an encouraging look to
me that we’ll both survive this.

I know we’ll
survive it, but I’m not sure my sanity will come out unscathed
because I’m dreading what’s getting ready to happen even
as my dick twitches with anticipation.

Bridger turns into Auralie again,
pushing the hank of hair that had fallen over her shoulder and breast
back so her body is completely unobstructed. He says something else…
too low for any sound to come close to permeating the glass barrier,
and then unexpectedly drops his hand to pinch the nipple he just

entire body arches away from the cross and her head falls back. Her
face bears a mixture of pleasure and fear, and her mouth forms a
perfect “O”. While the moan I know she just let loose is
silent to the rest of the Silo patrons, I know exactly what it sounds
like and it’s vivid in my imagination.

My cock goes fully locked and
loaded, straining against the zipper of my jeans, but I ignore the
bastard, instead keeping my attention on Auralie as she raises her
head and locks her eyes immediately on mine again. Her cheeks are
flushed, but her lips are flattened in silent apology to me. I give
her a smile, telling her,
okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.

Bridger turns from Auralie, leans
over, and grabs a short-handled flogger with dozens of wide strips of
soft suede hanging from it. I’ve
used that same flogger before. I know it doesn’t produce any
more sting than my hand on her ass last night, but it looks menacing.

Auralie swallows hard when she
sees it.

Bridger says something to her.

She nods in acceptance.

His right arm flies in a backhand
sweep, and he whips the lashes across her breasts. They make a
resounding crack against her skin that does permeate the glass wall,
but I know it hurt no more than my palm because Auralie arches her
back again from the cross and cries out in pleasure. When the flogger
is gone, pink marks slash diagonally across her chest and her nipples
are harder than I’ve
ever seen them before.

My cock starts leaking.

The man next to me is having a
similar problem as he reaches down and rubs his dick through his
pants. I want to break his fingers.

Bridger drops his left hand,
brings it right in between Auralie’s
legs, and he pushes his fingers in between the lips of her labia. I
know what he’ll find there.

Sopping wet pussy.

With slick fingertips, he drags
them to her clit and circles a few times. Auralie’s
head falls forward and her hips tilt for more friction with Bridger.

His left hand is suddenly gone
and his right is sending another backhand whip to the flogger, this
time right over her pussy. Auralie shrieks, her eyes glazed with
pleasure and her pupils so blown, there’s
hardly any blue left in her irises. Bridger’s left hand is back
again, massaging her clit, which I’m sure is swollen enough it
felt the bite of one of those straps.

Bridger does this over and over
again. Lashes at Auralie’s
pale skin from her collarbones down to her thighs, even a few strikes
to the backs of her knees. In between, his fingers go to her clit and
massage it. When her hips start bucking and she’s panting
heavy, he pulls his hand back and lets the flogger fly again.

classic slap and tickle, and it’s hot as fuck as I watch
Bridger tapping into Auralie’s love of a little bit of pain
with her pleasure. So fucking hot that I am literally salivating with
the need to do something… eat her pussy… fuck her
brains out. The dude next to me has his pants open, actively working
his dick and moaning. I don’t look at the crowd past him as I’m
afraid I’ll get pissed at all the people ogling.

So I watch Bridger and Auralie,
chanting silently to myself,
it. Come on, baby. Come hard.

And then she does, with a scream
and a final arching of her back so her hips press against Bridger’s
hand. He pinches her clit and gives it a little twist. She screams
again with her head thrown back. The minute she rights herself, her
eyes once again lock with mine. Pupils still large but there’s
more cognizance there, and I can immediately read her question to me,
Are you mad at me
because that felt so good?

I smile at her and give a little
shake to my head.
baby. But I am going to fuck you so hard when we leave here. Hope
you’re ready
for it.

She smiles back at me, and then I
remember something important.

I fumble with my phone. I’m
able to snap a few pictures of Bridger standing there with Auralie,
his hand still between her legs where he strokes lightly at her
pussy… helping to gently bring her down.

That should satisfy that fucker

At least for one more night.




Bridger and Auralie come back
into the main gathering area of the Silo. Several men make moves to
talk to her, but Bridger holds them off with a polite shake of his
head. He gives me a pointed look and jerks his chin toward the exit
door, and I nod with excitement filling me. He wants to talk. It can
only be about my dilemma with Magnus and using Auralie in his con.

I turn to look back at the bar, a
little bit of worry about Cat still sticking with me. However, she’s
not sitting there. I carefully sweep the rest of the Silo, fearful I
might find her fucking someone else, but I don’t see her
anywhere. Not in the main area and not in any of the glass rooms. I
breathe a little sigh of relief that she seems to have wizened up and
left, and I hope it’s to go to Rand and fix whatever seems to
have broken since I saw them last together.

Bridger leads Auralie out of The
Silo and I follow, across the slate path to the back door of The
Wicked Horse. We all walk single file down the hallway and into his
office. The music is booming inside the nightclub, but his walls and
door are specially designed to block the noise and all goes silent
when we’re closed

Bridger walks behind his desk. I
come to stand beside Auralie, my hand going to the small of her back
where I rest my palm there. She shifts slightly toward me but keeps
her head bowed.

I lean down, put my mouth near
her ear, and tell her, “That
was hot, babe.”

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