Widow of Gettysburg

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Authors: Jocelyn Green

BOOK: Widow of Gettysburg
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Praise for
Widow of Gettysburg

A triumphant tale of identity and forgiveness. Unforgettable characters, impeccable research, and an intricately woven plot, Jocelyn Green drew me in and didn’t let me go. Do not miss this story,
Widow of Gettysburg

, award-winning author of
With Every Letter


Superb fiction—stunning history! Plucked from the annals of our country’s most turbulent time,
Widow of Gettysburg
is a powerful love story that will not only haunt and inspire, but change you forever.

, award-winning author of The Daughters of Boston and Winds of Change series


Widow of Gettysburg
brings you the Battle of Gettysburg and its aftermath in ways you’ve never seen them—through the eyes of the unlikely Union women who, by nursing Confederates, found their true identity and the meaning of real love. Once again, Jocelyn Green weaves a tale of compelling characters whose personal stories are just as relevant today as they were in 1863—a delightful must-read.

, historian, national television commentator, and author of
American Phoenix


Widow of Gettysburg
is a page-turning, impressively researched, and complex story of love, betrayal, hatred, and forgiveness that gracefully blends fact and fiction to deliver a lasting impression. Five stars out of five.

, award-winning author of
Gideon’s Call


With equal amounts history, romance, and mystery, Jocelyn Green writes with heart-stopping detail. Gettysburg and its inhabitants spring to vivid life, sure to resound in readers’ imaginations long after the book is closed. Highly recommended!

, author of
The Colonel’s Lady
Love’s Reckoning


Jocelyn Green captures the reality of noncombatants caught up in war in a very affecting way. Green portrays how the horrors of battle changed their lives forever and made heroes of civilians. Painstakingly researched and affectingly written,
Widow of Gettysburg
will wrench your heart at the same time it reminds you that God is faithful to His people even in the most painful trials.

, author of The American Patriot Series


Jocelyn Green effortlessly places the reader on the battlefield in her new novel,
Widow of Gettysburg.
When survival is not enough, and the pain of starting over is raw, she gently reminds the reader that freedom—whether fought nation against nation, or within one’s own heart—is never free.
Widow of Gettysburg
will remain with me for a long time.

, lead journalist for
The Wordsmith Journal Magazine


Jocelyn Green’s
Widow of Gettysburg
is a gripping depiction of individuals brought together by war. Ms. Green’s thorough research and poignantly written storyline delicately weave a compelling description of Liberty and Bella, who could have been enveloped and trampled by the ubiquitous prejudice and revulsion around them. Instead, these women’s unswerving faith and inner strength lead to enhancing their ties, and embracing their personal struggle for a new birth of freedom.

, COO Seminary Ridge Museum, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


Jocelyn Green delivers another brilliant, gritty, unforgettable tale. This cast of colorful, complex characters stole my heart from the start. I felt like I walked in the shoes of ordinary men and women doing extraordinary things in unbelievable times. I cheered as they experienced the courage, compassion and strength only God could give.


, CEO of The Book Club Network (TBCN) and
Book Fun Magazine


Through the leading characters’ eyes you experience what the citizens, especially the women, of Gettysburg endured during those hot July days. Jocelyn Green’s detailed research and literary talent combine to transport the reader to another place and time … so real that you can feel the earth shake and taste the gunpowder as it lays heavy on the air. You will be pulled into a place and story that will not let you go until the very end—and leave you wanting more. Beware! Once you begin reading this book you will not be able to put it down.

, Adams County Historical Society, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


Jocelyn Green has skillfully painted a vivid word picture of the heart-wrenching life led by so many during the Civil War days.
Widow of Gettysburg
is a gripping tale of survival and triumph in the midst of tragedy and bloodshed—not just by the soldiers on the front lines but also by the women and children left behind. A fascinating read that you won’t want to miss!

, award-winning author of forty books, including
The Moses Quilt



© 2013 by


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


Published in association with the literary agency of Credo Communications, LLC, Grand Rapids, Michigan,


Edited by Pam Pugh
Interior Design: Ragont Design
Cover Design: Left Coast Design
Cover Image: Brooke Blair, courtesy of Whitaker Auction House, Philadelphia, PA
Author Photo: Paul Kestel of Catchlight Imaging
Map of Gettysburg: Rob Green Design


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


Green, Jocelyn.
     Widow of Gettysburg / Jocelyn Green.
        pages cm.—(Heroines Behind the Lines: Civil War; Book 2)
     Includes bibliographical references.
     ISBN 978-0-8024-0577-7
     1. United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Women—Fiction. 2. Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863—Fiction. 3. Christian fiction. 4. Historical fiction. I. Title.
  PS3607.R4329255W53 2013




Though many of the events in this story are based on true incidents, characters are either fictional or depicted fictitiously.


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For those who have suffered loss, and for those who have sacrificed without recognition. It may be dark now, but dawn is on the way.


Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5



A Note on the Battle of Gettysburg


Act One: The Gathering Storm

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Act Two: The Heavens Collide

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Act Three: In the Fog

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Act Four: The Smoke Clears

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Act Five: Beauty from Ashes

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One


Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address


History behind the Story


Selected Bibliography


Discussion Guide




About the Author


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