Wilbur Smith's Smashing Thrillers (39 page)

Read Wilbur Smith's Smashing Thrillers Online

Authors: Wilbur Smith

Tags: #Adventure, #Thriller, #Suspense, #Mystery, #Adult, #Action & Adventure, #General, #Literary Criticism, #Sea Stories, #Historical, #Fiction, #Modern

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'Yes, you're
James Teacher nodded.

They had me puzzled, I sensed something

I'm not paying you to be puzzled
Nick's voice was low and hard.

paying you to out-guess and out-jump them.
I want them at the hearing on the 27th, get them there, Mr. Teacher.

did not have to voice the threat, and in a moment, the exultation on
James Teacher's rotund features had changed to apprehension and deep

The drawing-room in Eaton Square was decorated in cream and pale gold,
cleverly designed as a frame for the single exquisite work of art which
it contained, the original of the group of Degas ballet-dancers whose
hung in Golden Dawn's stateroom.
It was the room's centre-piece;
cunningly lit by a hidden spotlight, it glowed like a precious jewel.
Even the flowers on the ivory grand piano were cream and white roses and
carnations, whose pale ethereal blossoms put the painting into stronger

The only other flash of brightness was worn by Chantelle, she had the
oriental knack of carrying vivid colour without it seeming gaudy. She
wore a flaming Pucci that could not pale her beauty, and as she rose
from the huge shaggy white sofa and came to Nicholas, he felt the soft
warm melting sensation in his stomach spreading slowly through his body
like a draught of some powerful aphrodisiac. He knew he would never be
immune to her.

Dear Nicky, I knew I could rely upon you.

She took his hand and looked
up at him, and still holding his hand she led him to the sofa, and then
she settled beside him, like a bright, lovely bird alighting. She drew
her legs up under her, her calves and ankles flashed like carved and
polished ivory before she tucked the brilliant skirt around them, and
lifted the Wedgwood porcelain teapot.

she smiled at him,

No lemon and no sugar.

He had to smile
back at her.

You never forget
and he took the cup.

I told you that you looked well
she said, slowly and unselfconsciously
studying him.

And you really do, Nicholas. When you came down to
Lynwood for Peter

s birthday in June I was so worried about you. You
looked terribly ill and tired - but now, she tilted her head critically,
you look absolutely marvelous.

Now he should tell her that she was beautiful as ever, he thought
grimly, and then they would start talking about Peter and their old
mutual friends.

What did you want to talk to me about?

he asked quietly, and there was
a passing shadow of hurt in her dark eyes.

Nicholas, you can be so remote, so
she hesitated, seeking the correct
word, so detached.

Recently someone called me an ice-cold Pommy
he agreed, but she shook her head.

No. I know you are not, but if only

The three most dangerous and
inflammatory phrases in the English language, he stopped her. 'They are
"you always" and "you never" and
only". Chantelle, I came here to help
you with a problem. Let's discuss that - only.

She stood up quickly,
and he knew her well enough to recognize the fury in the snapping dark
eyes and the quick dancing steps that carried her to the mantelpiece,
and she stood looking up at the Degas with her small fists clenched at
her sides.

Are you sleeping with that child?

she asked, and now the fury was raw
in her voice.

Nicholas stood up from the sofa.

Goodbye, Chantelle.

She turned and flew to him, taking his arm.

Oh, Nicholas, that was unforgivable, I don't know what possessed me.
Please don't go.

And when he tried to dislodge her hand.

I beg you,
for the first time ever, I beg you, Nicholas. Please don't go.

He was
still stiff with anger when he sank back on the sofa, and they were
silent for nearly a minute while she regained her composure

This is all
going so terribly badly, I didn't want this to happen.

All right, let's
get on to safer ground.


she started,

you and Daddy created
Christy Marine. If anything, it was more yours than his. The great
days were the last ten years when you were Chairman, all the tremendous
achievements of those years
He made a gesture of denial and impatience,
but she went on softly.

Too much of your life is locked up in Christy Marine, you are still
deeply involved, Nicholas.

There are only two things I am involved with
he told her harshly,

Ocean Salvage and Nicholas Berg.

We both know
that is not true
she whispered.
‘You are a special type of man.’
sighed. It took me so long to recognize that. I thought all men were
like you. I believed strength and nobility of mind were common goods on
the market -'she shrugged.

Some people learn the hard way,

and she
smiled, but it was an uncertain, twisted little smile.

He said nothing for a moment, thinking of all that was revealed by those
words, then he replied.

If you believe that, then tell me what is worrying you.

something is terribly wrong with Christy Marine. There is something
happening there that I don't understand.

Tell me.

She turned her head
away for a moment, and then looked back at him. Her eyes seemed to
change shape and colour, growing darker and sadder.

It is so difficult
not to be disloyal, so difficult to find expression for vague doubts and
she stopped and bit her lower lip softly.

Nicholas, I have
transferred my shares
Christy Marine to Duncan as my nominee, with
voting rights.

Nicholas felt the shock of it j
ump down his nerves and
string them tight. He shifted restlessly on the sofa and stared at her,
and she nodded.

I know it was madness. The madness of those crazy days a year ago. I
would have given him anything he asked for.

He felt the premonition
that she had not yet told him all and he waited while she rose and went
to the window, looked out guiltily and then turned back to him.

‘May I get you a drink?

He glanced at his Rolex.

The sun
over the
yard-arm, what about Duncan?

These days he is never home before eight
or nine.

She went to the decanter on the silver tray and poured the
whisky with her back to him, and now her voice was so low that he barely
caught the words.

A year ago I resigned as executrix of the Trust.

He did not answer, it
was what he had been waiting for, he had known there was something else.
The Trust that old Arthur Christy had set up was the backbone and sinews
of Christy Marine. One million voting shares administered by three
executors, a banker, a lawyer and a member of the Christy family.

Chantelle turned and brought the drink to him.

Did you hear what I said?

she asked, and he nodded and sipped the drink
before he asked,

The other executors? Pickstone of Lloyd's and Rollo

She shook her head and again bit her lip

No, it's not Lloyd's
any more, it's Cyril Forbes.

Who is he?

Nick demanded.

He is the head of London and European.

But that's Duncan's own bank,

Nick protested.

It's still a registered bank.

And Rollo?

Rollo had a heart attack six
months ago. He resigned, and Duncan put in another younger man. You
don't know him.

My God, three men and each of them is Duncan Alexander
- he has had a free hand with Christy Marine for over a year, Chantelle,
there is no check on him.

I know
she whispered. 'It was a madness. I
just cannot explain it.

It's the oldest madness in the world.

pitied her then; for the first time , he realized and accepted that she
had been under a compulsion, driven by forces over which she had no
control, and he pitied her.

I am so afraid, Nicholas. I'm afraid to find out what I have done. Deep
down I know there is something terribly wrong, but I'm afraid of the

All right, tell me everything

There isn't anything else.

you lie to me, I cannot help you
he pointed out gently.

I have tried to follow the new structuring of the company, it's all so
complicated, Nicholas, London and European is the new holding company,
and - and

her voice trailed off.

It just goes round and round in
circles, and I cannot pry too deep or ask too many questions.

'Why not?
he demanded.

You don't know Duncan.

I am beginning to
he answered her grimly.

Chantelle, you have every right to ask and get answers.

Let me get you
another drink.

She jumped up lightly.

I haven't finished this one.

The ice has melted, I know you don't like

She took the glass and emptied the diluted spirit, refilled it
and brought it back to him.

All right
he said.

What else?

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