Wild (55 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Wild
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“And then there was Brent,” Caroline said without skipping a beat.

“Stop,” Malec told her, his voice low and deadly calm.

“No, you need to hear this,” she told him with a shake of her head. “You need to hear how Brent was a businessman and he wined and dined me, filled my head with everything I thought I wanted to hear from a man just before he had sex with me at every opportunity. It was the perfect relationship until I opened my door one day and got slapped in the face by Brent's wife. You see, Brent had taken pictures and videos of us together. He loved to see me, he'd said. Wanted to be able to see me at any time, in any place. Well, apparently he'd been looking while he was at work, and he was fired. Someone on the staff e-mailed the pictures to his wife. And you know what he said when I went to him looking for answers and support, asking him what the hell we were going to do?”

Malec shook his head. “You don't have to do this.”

“Oh yes, I do,” she told him. “Brent said, ‘Do I look like the type of man to leave his wife for an easy slut like you?'”

“Bastard,” Malec cursed, his fingers tightening on the shirt he still held.

“When I saw that first news broadcast about the Shadow Shifters I was astonished. For about an hour I thought of all the people that may have been walking beside me on the streets that I had no idea who or what they were on the inside. I figured, wow, they're just like me. Every human looked at them and thought they knew the truth, when really they had no idea.”

Caroline shook her head and continued, “All my life I knew what people saw when they looked at me, Malec. And still, I managed to put myself through college, to become a very talented veterinarian, and to move myself to a town where I was needed. I did that because, just like you, I felt like I had no other choice.”

“I'm sorry all that happened to you.”

“Don't be sorry,” she said, shaking her head. “Just don't sit there and presume you know what I'm thinking when I look at you. I want to see who you are, Malec, not because I think you're some kind of freak, but because think I may be falling in love with a lycan.”

There, she'd said it, and her stomach quivered with the admission. She wasn't going to tell him this, wasn't going to put herself on the line like this again. But she hadn't been able to stop herself. Looking into Malec's eyes, whether it was the blue or the brown ones, that hurt and disappointment was still there, and it pierced her soul to know that he wouldn't allow her to do anything to make it better.

Malec didn't speak. He dropped the shirt to the floor and stood, removing the towel next. In an instant his hands moved, long, sharp nails extending immediately. His forehead stretched and protruded, the close-cut black hair he normally sported grew a little longer, standing straight up, stretching down the sides of his face, and his eyes, they were blue again.

Caroline went to him. She touched a hand to his cheek and smiled as he leaned into her touch. “Still sexy as hell,” she said. “Now that should be a crime.”

He bared his teeth then, his dick jutting forward with the action.

“I didn't want to want you,” she confessed, flattening another palm on the hard pectoral muscle of his chiseled chest. “I told myself over and over again that it wasn't going to work. That I could not possibly want him … and his friend. I was making a mistake again.”

He lifted a hand, carefully slipping one of those long, clawed fingers beneath the binding of the towel, flicking it open with one quick motion. When it was on the floor he lifted those sharp nails to her nipples, tapping them against her piercings until they clicked. Her nipples grew hard instantly.

“You didn't want to want me either,” she continued, her voice going lower, both her palms on his chest now. “Even with Channing, you were certain that this human couldn't possibly be what you needed.”

Caroline leaned in, licking her tongue around his nipple while he still toyed with hers. His breathing hitched, that growling sound rumbling from deep in his chest. It was like a message, a special lycan Morse code that went straight to her clit, causing it to throb and harden.

“But you do want me, Malec,” she said, letting her hands slide down to grip his thick cock. “You want to take me by yourself, just as badly as you needed to take me with Channing. I know because I feel the same way.”

This time Malec moaned and gripped her breasts. Caroline looked down to see that the claws had retracted. She looked up at his face to see his brown-eyed gaze staring back at her. She smiled up at him and whispered, “Sit down.”

Of course he hesitated because he was the one used to calling the shots. But this was her house and her rules. “Sit down right here,” she told him again, this time gripping his cock and rubbing her thumb over the tip.

Malec sat dutifully, and Caroline immediately straddled him. He placed his hands at her hips, his mouth closing over one dark nipple. She slipped her hand under that breast, lifting it higher to feed him, loving the sight of his lips on her skin. With her other hand she went straight for her clit, rubbing the tight little bud frantically while he suckled her.

He pushed that hand away, pulling his mouth from her tit to say, “I'll do that.”

And she let him, arching her back so she could continue to enjoy his hot mouth on her breast and his finger working her clit. She was wet, could feel her essence dripping from her pussy, and when Malec let his finger glide back to dip into that sweet nectar, then lifted it to her lips, she sucked that finger as if it were his cock. He moaned, and so did she.

Then she was the one moving his hand away, grasping his dick and positioning the tip at her entrance, sinking down on his length slowly, deliciously. His teeth held on to her nipple then, applying just enough pressure to have her screaming his name before she began riding his cock.

Malec kept his face between her breasts, moving his hands to her hips, lifting her and slamming her down on his length in sync with his quick thrusts. Caroline's nails dug into his shoulders, the feel of his thickness slipping in and out of her intoxicating.

He rubbed all the right places, until she felt like exploding. She yelled his name, “Malec!” with her eyes closed, still seeing him in his lycan form.

She'd been telling the truth when she'd said he was still sexy as hell, even as a wolf. Not only had his facial features and his hands changed, but his body looked more buff, stronger, his dick hung longer down his thigh, still thick and oh so damned enticing. She'd wanted to go to her knees and suck him off while he ran those clawed nails through her hair. It was strange and yet so fucking sexy at the same time.

Just like now. She touched the sides of her breasts, squeezing them together while he licked both of them, one and then the other, letting them rub along his cheeks while they fucked. When he abruptly pulled back, saying quickly, “Turn that shit around,” Caroline immediately did as he asked.

She lifted up off him, climbing onto the bed, this time kneeling with her back facing him. Malec grabbed her hips once more, slapping her ass while she reached between his legs to grab hold of his cock. Positioning him at her entrance again she slammed down on him this time, loving the sound of her flesh slapping against his.

Malec immediately pushed her forward, his hand pressing strongly at the base of her back. Caroline leaned in until her breasts were rubbing against his thighs while Malec pulled her cheeks farther apart. She continued to pump him while Malec's fingers reached down to touch her clit. He circled the nub until Caroline was moaning and mumbling something incoherent. He continued that sweet torture until Caroline was biting her lower lip, it felt so good. Then he moved those devilish fingers back to circle around her anus. She bucked at first, and he smacked her ass again. “Bring it back,” he told her. “Bring that sweetness back to me.”

Caroline loved the sound of his voice, the way it stroked along every nerve in her body, coaxing and begging her to acquiesce. She did, leaning back, arching so that her ass was up even as her pussy continued to move over his cock. Malec slipped in one and then two fingers, thrusting slowly in and out of her anus while his dick still worked inside her pussy.

Caroline couldn't see; hell, she could barely breathe. There was nothing but pleasure. Nothing but the sweet, delicious buzz of complete satisfaction ripping intensely through her body.

“You like that, don't you?” he asked her. “You like double penetration.”

Caroline continued to ride him fiercely, wanting that release more than she wanted her next breath.

“Answer me, Caroline! Answer me, my sexy little vixen,” he whispered, thrusting his fingers with a little more pressure in and out of her.

“Yes!” she screamed. “Fuck! Yes!”

Malec worked her pussy and her anus until Caroline bucked over him, squeezing his legs as her release ripped through her like a torrential storm. She yelled his name and heard him coming right behind her, making another sound … a howl, she was sure.



Channing was there, standing at the bathroom door with Caroline's robe when she stepped out. Malec had handed her the towel when their shower was complete, but now, to her shock and yes, pleasure, Channing was wrapping her in the warmth of her terry cloth robe.

“I made tea,” he told her. “Chamomile because my mother insists it's good for calming the soul.”

Caroline could smell the tea, and a smile slowly formed. “You're the best,” she told him, not even bothering to ask where he'd come from.

She should have known he wouldn't have left. Channing was a nurturer; he had an instinctive need to take care of the people around him, the ones that he cared about. As he tied the robe's sash tightly at her waist she felt a little giddy at the fact that she was now included in that group.

“That door's not sturdy,” he told Malec with a grim glance over Caroline's shoulder.

“It was all I could do for the moment,” was Malec's deep retort.

They were both standing close to her. This time Malec in the back and Channing in front. It was warm here and more comfortable than she'd ever thought possible. Right in this spot, positioned between these two intriguing men, or lycans. There was no fear and no trepidation this time, only comfort. How often had she longed for this feeling, Caroline could barely recall. And when she wanted to question whether or not what she was feeling was right or wrong, Channing's palm cupped her face.

“Let's get you into bed. You could probably use some rest,” he told her.

“I'll get the tea,” Malec said as he leaned into her other cheek, kissing her there softly before walking away.

She followed Channing's lead as he moved her toward the bed, gathering the sheets that she and Malec had mussed and fluffing her pillows.

“You stayed outside even though you knew what we were doing,” she said as she sat on the bed and looked up to him.

He held his head down for a brief second, then looked up to her with those sexy-as-hell eyes.

“I gave you the space you needed,” he told her.

“And what do you need, Channing?” she asked. “When do you get what you actually need?”

It was an important question for her, one that she'd been pondering more than she'd been willing to admit.

He sat down beside her then, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I get to be right here with you. I get to look at you and know that you are safe.”

She smiled at him because that wasn't the answer she was expecting, and yet it was the one that made her feel the best.

“You have a dimple,” he said, touching her left cheek. “It peeks out right here when you smile. I saw it that first night when you were at the bar with your girlfriend, and I liked it. I knew I wanted to see it every day for the rest of my life.”

“Here's your tea,” Malec interrupted.

Caroline hadn't even heard him return to the room, but there was now a cup of hot tea in front of her. Channing took the cup from Malec's hands and held it to her lips for her to take a tentative sip. He did that until she motioned to him that she was finished, moments later.

“I did some more work on the door and propped a few things in front of it,” Malec said. “It'll do for tonight. Besides, I'll be right here, so everything will be fine.”

Channing made a move like he was going to stand at that moment, saying, “That's fine. I'll be in the living room keeping watch.”

“No,” Caroline said, reaching out a hand to touch his arm. “Stay. Here in the bed with me. I want you both to stay.”

*   *   *

Malec did not leave Caroline. He couldn't.

He held her throughout the night again. This time the thoughts flooding through his mind were different from what they had been before. He was no longer trying to figure out if he were falling for her and if that was the biggest mistake of his life. It was no longer a question.

For the first time in he didn't know how long, Malec had made it through the night without remembering and regretting. He'd lain there with his arms wrapped loosely around her, not tight as he had the last time when he'd thought if he let go she might actually slip away. No, throughout the last few hours he'd felt her steady breathing as her hands lay against his while they slept. When he kissed the top of her head, she nuzzled closer into him, and he felt a warmth and satisfaction that he'd never experienced before.

Channing did not leave her either.

The lycan that Malec had known and come to think of as a brother had slept on the other side of Caroline, his front to her back, his hand on her hips, while Malec's circled her shoulders. They'd kept her like this, between them, protected by them and … cared for by them, throughout the night.

This was different for Malec, the sleeping arrangement and the feelings that swarmed through him as a result. It was more than he could have ever wished for with any female, and it had happened with a human. With an inward sigh he'd watched as the soft, golden rays of the sun poured through the thin curtain at the window in her bedroom and noted that the light did not bother him at all.

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