Wild Aces (35 page)

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Authors: Marni Mann

BOOK: Wild Aces
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I turned her around, keeping her close, and I wiped the tears that had fallen. “I don’t want you to cry.”

She kissed my thumb, rubbing her cheek against my palm. “They’re happy tears. I promise.”

I searched her eyes. “I see sadness in there, too. And that’s okay.”

She smiled and stood on her tiptoes. “Just kiss me.”

I rubbed my lips softly over hers. Not hard enough for a kiss, but enough that she could feel me. “I love you, Brea.”

Her eyes popped open, and they showed the strongest emotion I’d ever seen from her. “Oh God. I love you, too.”

Cody’s stone stared at me from the side of Brea’s face. I knew he couldn’t hear me. I knew the feeling I had was only because I was standing above his body and this was the first time I’d been there…but I felt something.

I’ll take good care of her, brother.

I didn’t know where the hell it came from, but I swore, I heard a reply.

“I know you will.”


The motherfucker sitting across from me had pocket aces. I could tell by the way he was looking at his cards. He stared at them a little too long and had that stupid cocky grin on his face. I bet he was thinking he was one lucky bastard and he’d hit the goddamn jackpot with that monster hand.

But he wasn’t winning any jackpots. Luck didn’t win tournaments, and it sure as hell wouldn’t win this one.

He was playing sloppy, too confident, not calculating the weight of the monster I held in my hands.

Pocket jacks. One spade, one heart. But it didn’t matter because I wasn’t after the flush draw. I had something better than that.

The dealer looked at me. “Check or bet?”

I pushed a small stack toward the middle of the table. I wanted him to think I was scared, that I was trying to buy the pot. But what I was really doing was goading him.

The dealer counted it. “One hundred large,” he said. Then he looked at my opponent. “It’s on you.”

“All in.”

Shit, I loved those words.

I glanced behind me in the stands and caught Brea’s eye. She gave me the same look she had that morning when she’d gazed down between her legs, watching me, as I stared back, swiping my tongue over that tasty perfect clit.

Love…that was how I felt about her.

I pushed all my chips to the center of the table. “I call.”

“Flip ’em over, boys.”

I tossed my cards into the center of the felt. I didn’t wait for the dealer to announce the winner before I walked over to the stands and lifted Brea over the rope and straight into my arms.

“Four of a kind against two pairs!” the dealer shouted from behind me. “Trapper Montgomery is the winner.”

She kissed me, her lips warm and enticing. “You made that look so sexy.”

“Not nearly as sexy as you looked in those stands, baby.” I tasted her mouth again. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

I walked over to my opponent and shook his hand, congratulating him on his second-place win. Then I shook hands with the dealer and the announcers. Jameson and Garin were standing by the final table as I made my way back. We slapped shoulders as we leaned in for hugs.

“You and Brea up for some dinner tonight?” Jameson asked.

“Yeah, we don’t fly back until tomorrow.”

“Dinner is the best thing you’ve got planned?” Garin asked Jameson. “You all are in Vegas without your kids for the night. Let’s do it up right.”

“I’m down,” Jameson said. “How about you, Trapper?”

I glanced over at Brea. She was looking at her phone, but when she felt my eyes on her, she smiled.

“Yeah, we’re in.”

“Head on up to my office, so you can sign all the paperwork, and we can schedule the wire transfer for your winnings. I’ll have my assistant start working on some plans for tonight.”

I patted his shoulder. “I’ll see you guys in a minute.”

When I reached Brea, I pulled her into my arms, kissing the top of her head.

“What was that all about?” she asked.

“The guys want us to go out tonight.”

“Thank God. I could really use a drink.”

I laughed. My baby was always down for whatever I threw at her.

“I knew you’d say that, little mama.” I reached into her back pocket, squeezing her ass before I pulled out her cell. “Get her on the phone. I need to see her.”

She grinned as she tapped her finger over the numbers. The screen showed a live feed of Brea until Vera answered. Then it split, showing feeds of both of them.

“Did he win?” Vera asked.

“Come on, Nana,” I said, “you know better than to ask if I won or not.”

Brea tilted the screen, so it showed my face, too.

“Every time you call me that, Trapper, I feel a little bit older.”

“But it’s okay for Mae to call you that?” I asked.

“Mae can call me anything she wants. That child owns me.”

Brea kissed my cheek, and I squeezed her against me even tighter.

“Is she asleep?” I asked.

“She just went down about a half hour ago.”

“Wake her for me.”

Vera smiled, and I could see her walking into the guest bedroom that she’d had decorated just for Mae. It was all done in flowers and pink, and it smelled like cupcakes even though Vera didn’t bake. It only took a grandchild to get her to move into a new place. I bet she was really appreciating her washer and dryer now that Mae was getting potty-trained.

“Da,” Mae said, rubbing her eyes with those chubby little fingers. “Where’s Ma?”

Brea turned the camera, so her full face was on the screen. “I’m right here, baby girl.”

“You come home soon?” She had the biggest brown eyes and dark curly hair that shot out in every direction.

She looked nothing like her gorgeous mother and nothing like me. One day, we’d tell her everything and explain where she came from and how her mama and Auntie Adrianna had saved her life. But we wouldn’t tell her until she could handle it, and by that time, she’d have at least another sibling who she could lean on. If I had it my way, Brea would be pregnant before we left Vegas.

“Yes, baby,” I said. “Mama and I are coming home soon.”

“Night, Da.”

“Good night,” we both said.

Vera came back on the screen, walking out of my princess’s room.

“Is she being good?” I asked.

“She’s been perfect. We went to the park today, and Grandpa Roman cooked us all dinner. Then we read her stories and gave her a bath.”

“I let Vera do the lotion part!” Roman yelled from the background.

It hadn’t been easy, accepting the truth about Roman—what he’d kept from me, what he’d let me go through as a kid, knowing that his son was out there, suffering. But, eventually, Vera was able to talk me away from my anger. Even though he did a fucked-up job of it, Roman had tried to make sure I was taken care of. And in his own fucked-up way, he loved me. Took a while, but I forgave him.

“Don’t pay any attention to him,” Vera said. “Tomorrow, she’s having a playdate with Caiden.”

“I thought Frankie and Derek were going to Portsmouth?” Brea said.

“They were, but it snowed today, so they canceled their trip. She called just a little while ago. From the sound of her voice, pregnancy number two is really kicking her ass.”

Brea laughed. “They were supposed to come to Vegas with us, so, yes, I think you’re right about that. Are my parents going to pick Mae up from Frankie’s?”

“That’s the plan. Then I’ll pick her up the following morning, so they can go into work.”

“We’ll be back from Vegas by then, so I can—”

“No, honey, we’ve all decided you and Trapper will be staying in Vegas for two more nights. You guys have been working too hard, and you need some time to yourselves.”

“Trapper needs to knock her up,” Roman said from the background.

“For Christ’s sake, will you keep quiet?” Vera said. “Anyway, being the winner and all, I’m sure you can get a few more nights at the hotel. Adrianna spoke to the pilot, and he’s scheduled to pick you up on Tuesday.”

I fucking loved Vera’s idea. I really needed some alone time with my wife. I’d had to share her with everyone lately—her parents and Frankie, Vera and Roman and Adrianna, and our baby. Two more nights would be perfect.

“But that means we won’t get home until the night before Cody’s fourth anniversary and—”

“We’ve already been in touch with Cody’s parents, and together, we have it all taken care of,” Vera said. “You just worry about having lots of fun—”

“And getting knocked up!” Roman yelled.

Vera smiled. “And let us handle Cody’s anniversary. See you two when you get back.”

The screen went blank, and Brea slid the phone into her pocket. “God, I feel like I’m not even needed anymore. Everyone’s doing everything without me.”

“Baby…” I said, cupping her cheeks, leaning into her ear so that I could press my lips against the small patch of skin behind it.

There was a black
tattooed there with a small heart underneath it. She was my queen, and I had the king, but it was inked above my heart.

“Yes,” she groaned so softly.

I pressed my dick against her. It was so goddamn hard in my jeans. “You’re definitely fucking needed.”

“Trapper! Good God…that cock.”

M and J, I don’t know where to begin with all the thanks I owe you. I’m so grateful to have you in my life, to call you my friends, for everything we’ve gone through together, and for continuing to be my everything.

Steven, I say this after every book, but I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. You go far beyond, always, and you’re such a fantastic friend. Thanks for treating these babies like they’re your own.

Shari, you have once again created a masterpiece that I’m so proud of and love so much. Thank you for always having my back and for everything you do in and out of the book world. Love you, boo.

Jovana, thanks for your incredible insight and guidance and for all that you’ve done to make this book shine. Your talents amaze me, and I’m so grateful for you.

Mike Chabot, you were my inspiration for Trapper, and I’m so honored to have you on my cover. It was an absolute pleasure to work with you.

Tons and tons of love go to my COPA ladies who are the most amazing crew of women I have ever met. More love and thanks goes to TeriLyn Smitsky, Jennifer Porpora, Donna Cooksley Sanderson, Jodie Rae Bradford, Liz Milner, Irene Oust, Jx PinkLady, Deanna PinkLady, Kristi Reads, Rose He, Allie Burke, Tess Thompson, and Melissa Mann..

Mom and Dad, thanks for your unwavering belief in me and your constant encouragement. It means more than you’ll ever know.

Brian, my words could never even dent the amount of love you give me. Trust me when I say, I love you even more.

My Midnighters, you are such an amazing, supportive, and inspiring group. Thank you for being my rock. I truly love you all.

To all the bloggers who read, reviewed, shared, and tweeted—Thank you, thank you, and thank you! I’m so grateful for all of you and what you do for our writing community.

To my readers, I cherish your support and the love you show me and my books. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

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Wild Aces
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