Wild legacy (43 page)

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Authors: Phoebe Conn,Copyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress) DLC

BOOK: Wild legacy
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That night he slept fitfully, and no longer content to bide his time, left his bed after midnight and went back to the Barclays'. He slipped in the back door as silently as he had at noon, and wearing moccasins, made no sound on the stairs. It wasn't until he placed his hand on Dominique's doorknob that it occurred to him she might have locked her door, but it swung open easily and he closed it silently behind him.

She was sleeping too soundly to hear him, and he kicked off his moccasins, dropped his buckskins, and climbed into her bed. He drew her into his arms and nuzzled her throat. She sighed sweetly and opened her eyes. Pale moonlight lit the room, but neither needed to see the other clearly to taste the love flavoring their first kiss.

"I could not stay away," Etienne whispered. He parted her legs with his knee and moved over her. "We will have

to be very quiet." He brushed her lips with his own, then eased into her with a shallow thrust and withdrew.

Dominique's breath caught in her throat, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Devil," she murmured against his cheek. He smothered a laugh in her hair and this time slid into her with a light, fluttering stroke and again withdrew. He kept up the teasing assault on her senses until she moved her hands down over his hips to lure him deep. He sank into her and lay still, stretching her with his heat, not moving and yet filling her with a radiant joy.

Etienne kissed Dominique with the fevered intensity he dared not display in a more forceful manner when it would surely rock the bed and wake the whole house. When he had to move, he slid back on her creamy wetness and pushed forward again. "I did not want you to forget that you are mine," he swore softly.

The weight of his body was a glorious reminder of that, but Dominique had no such need. She wrapped her legs over his thighs to hold him tight, and he moved up to create a more perfect alignment and increased their pleasure tenfold. Dominique breathed deeply as their rapture soared to a shattering crest, but Etienne refused to allow her bliss to fade.

With deep kisses and shallow thrusts, he kept her hovering on the edge of ecstasy until she begged for another release. He buried himself deep within her then, and, lost in his own surrender, felt a starry swirl entwine their hearts and bind them anew. He knew making a paradise of her bed was a primitive way to keep her love, but he thought it undoubtedly the best one.

It wasn't until Etienne had to leave that he realized how great a mistake spending the night in Dominique's bed had been, for that single taste of bliss was not going to be nearly enough to see him through their final week apart.

When Dominique awoke with the new day, she feared her smile was going to be much too wide. When she had displayed no more than a brief regret over Etienne, her parents had ceased mentioning his name and she was certain she had convinced them she had forgotten him as quickly as her other beaus. She could never have really forgotten him, however, and now that he had entered her bedroom with the same stealth that had claimed her heart, she longed to be with him always, and in all ways.

That afternoon she slipped out after tea, strolled through the garden, and enjoyed a lazy walk along the shore until she was out of sight of the house. Then she hiked up her skirts and ran the whole way to the Scotts'. She found Etienne in the barn, tending his horse, and had to grab for the stall door as she fought to catch her breath.

"You are wicked!" she exclaimed. "How dare you sneak into my bedroom at night? Have you no regard for my reputation, monsieur?"

Etienne responded with a low, courtly bow. "It is because I value your reputation so highly that I call on you only after midnight."

Dominique fell into his arms and he welcomed her with the same enthusiasm she had shown him before dawn. When he released her, she hugged him one last time before stepping back. "We have guests coming for the wedding. Some may arrive early and stay more than one night. I'll have to share Belle's room, and I don't want you joining the wrong woman in my bed."

Etienne looked aghast at that possibility. "Neither do I! Must I stay away?"

"This time you absolutely must, Etienne." His disappointment was so touching she slid her arms around his waist and rose on her toes to kiss him. "We have a few minutes together now. Let's not waste them."

Etienne scooped her up in his arms and nearly scorched her lips with a searing kiss, and for what time he had, he

made her stay memorable. When she left, he waited at the barn door as she walked down to the river. Finally satisfied that she would still want him come Saturday, he allowed himself to dream of the life they would have in the Ohio Valley.

On Saturday morning, Dominique and her mother went out to the garden to cut the flowers for the wedding. The day was clear and crisp, and carrying armloads of white chrysanthemums and beautiful white roses, they returned to the house in high spirits. Arielle had the crystal vases on the dining room table ready to fill.

"I think you are much better at this than I am," Arielle complimented.

Dominique sliced off a chrysanthemum stem and dropped it into a tall vase. "Only because I've had you for my teacher," she assured her mother.

Arielle was delighted by her daughter's smile. "I can not tell you how pleased I am to see you happy once again. I could not have planned such a perfect wedding for Belle and Falcon without your help, and I know one day love will come for you."

"It would be most welcome today," Dominique replied, thrilled to know that it would.

Arielle assumed her daughter was teasing. Amused, she laughed with her. "Falcon has invited friends from the militia. Are there any whom you have yet to meet?"

"I don't believe so, but I'll look forward to seeing them again." Dominique directed her mother's attention to the candles and away from herself, but she was so excited it was difficult not to confide that her dream of love had already come true. The wedding would take place in the afternoon, followed by a lovely supper and dancing. It would take all day to have everything as perfect as Belle deserved, but Dominique enjoyed every minute.

When she at last went upstairs to her room to bathe and dress for the ceremony, she found a note on her bed. She had not realized Etienne had been there to see Falcon, but this time he had left her a note. It was a simple Je vous aime, signed with an E, and yet worth a dozen love letters from other men. When she dressed, she tucked it inside her bodice for luck, but she was already convinced the evening would go her way.

Dominique's ice blue gown was as exquisite as she had remembered, and with her hair styled atop her head in a cascade of pretty curls, and pearl jewelry, she was as lovely as she had ever been. She went to help Belle and found her primping in front of her mirror. Her wedding gown was of a luxurious iridescent white satin, and so feminine and sweet, there was no trace of the adventuresome little girl who had won Falcon's heart as a child.

When Belle turned toward her, Dominique greeted her in an ecstatic rush. "You have never looked more beautiful, Belle," she enthused. "Falcon will surely remember how gorgeous you are for the rest of his life." She came forward to adjust a single curl, then pronounced her little sister a vision of perfection.

"How can you be so calm?" Belle asked.

Dominique had waited for that day with a longing she knew she would never be able to explain. Rather than feeling nervous about the outcome, however, she was elated. "This is going to be such a glorious wedding and I'm thrilled for you, but you're the bride, so why shouldn't I be calm?"

Arielle came to the door dressed in pale yellow satin. She glanced at her two lovely daughters, and overcome with emotion, had to wipe a tear from her eye. "I want you to stay here with Belle, Dominique, and I will let you know when all the guests have arrived. I had thought holding the wedding here would be easier for Falcon, but I failed to realize just how many people your father would invite."

"It's warm. The guests can spill out into the garden and it will be a wonderful party," Dominique assured her.

Trusting Dominique's opinion, Arielle gave both her girls a kiss and then swept out of the room. Belle still could not quite believe she was the elegant blonde in the mirror. "I do hope Falcon recognizes me," she joked.

"Of course he will. You and I will be the only ones here with freckles, and he'll be sure to remember you're slightly taller."

They had had a great many whispered conversations during the last two weeks, but Belle still could not believe Dominique meant to leave with Etienne if their parents would not accept him. She knew she would have made the same choice for Falcon, but she had never been able to predict what Dominique might do. "Are you still convinced Etienne is the man for you?" she asked hesitantly.

Dominique drew in a deep breath and unabashedly beamed with pride. "He is my heart and soul, Belle, but we'll not create a disturbance at your party." She went to the door and peeked out. "I can hear the musicians tuning their instruments. I can hardly wait to dance."

Belle followed her to the door and as the string quartet's lyric melody began to float up the stairwell, she finally realized that she was actually getting married today. She had absolutely no doubts, but that did not mean the ceremony would not be a strain. "Please stand close to me so I don't faint," she begged.

Dominique took her sister's hand, and when it was time for the wedding to begin, the guests crowding the parlor swore Virginia had never produced two more beautiful young women. Christian stood with Falcon. It was the only time anyone could recall ever seeing Falcon in a suit, but he looked as splendid as his elder brother in black velvet with black stockings. The ruffled cuffs and stocks of their white linen shirts contrasted sharply with their deeply

tanned skin, but the pair appeared to be unaware of how dashing they looked in formal attire.

Etienne's elegant black suit matched theirs, as did his dark stockings and silver buckled shoes, but he waited until the ceremony was about to begin before he entered. Rather than take one of the few remaining chairs, he moved to the back of the parlor, then prayed he would have no reason to wish he were closer to the door. When the other guests sent inquisitive glances his way, he nodded and smiled as though he had as much right to be there as they. He recognized Falcon's friends from the militia, and felt more comfortable.

The musicians began a new tune and Dominique entered carrying a bouquet of white roses trailing long satin streamers. She moved to the right of the priest, while Christian and Falcon were on the cleric's left. She turned toward the room and looked directly at Etienne. Her expression was one of such loving joy that he did not care who followed her gaze.

Belle came in on her father's arm and the ceremony continued amid complimentary murmurs from the guests. Etienne counted the seconds as the priest read the ceremony and hoped it would not last longer than Falcon's endurance. He listened carefully to the exchange of vows and slipped his hand into his pocket to make certain he still had Dominique's ring. When the couple was at last pronounced husband and wife, he relaxed against the wall, but was still apprehensive about what the evening might bring.

As soon as the guests began to congratulate Falcon and Belle, Dominique slipped away and joined Etienne. She leaned close to whisper, "You look magnificent, monsieur. I hope you're here to see me."

Etienne had been rather surprised himself when he had donned the handsome apparel Falcon had provided. After having worn buckskins, it was a chore to have to wear so many layers of fabric, but he had to admit the effect was

well worth the effort. "Do you think I will be mistaken for a gentleman?" he asked.

"Most definitely, but it will be no mistake." Dominique could have simply looked at him for hours, but all too soon her father appeared at her side.

"Do not presume upon my generosity another minute, Monsieur LeBlanc. You've attended Falcon's wedding, and now I must ask you to leave."

Among the guests, there were several men who had signed the Declaration of Independence, and Dominique could not help but believe her father had unwittingly raised her to defy all forms of oppressive authority. She did not want to engage him in a debate on liberty now, however, and looped her arm through Etienne's so those standing nearby would think the three of them were chatting amiably, but there was no mistaking the forcefiilness of her tone. "We wish to speak with you later, Father, but now you should attend to your guests."

Not used to receiving orders from his daughters, Byron took immediate exception to Dominique's request. "That is precisely what I am doing, sweetheart. I am arranging to have one less," he hissed through clenched teeth.

"This is a wonderful party," Etienne announced loudly enough for everyone to hear. "You must be very proud of your daughter and new son-in-law."

One of Falcon's friends from the militia echoed that sentiment, and those who had already been served wine began proposing toasts to the bride and groom. Etienne stood quietly, daring Byron to throw him out, and while he could see the anger in Byron's eyes, he finally walked away rather than act on it. "I am sorry to have put your father in a hostile mood," Etienne swore under his breath.

"I sincerely doubt that, but come with me. Let's have some wine so we can offer a few toasts of our own."

Etienne followed Dominique's lead, but he made certain he knew where Byron was the whole time since Falcon was

too busy to watch his back and he did not want any new scars. He had never been to such an elaborate party, but with Dominique smiling proudly by his side, he found it easy to respond to introductions graciously, and when Byron did not confront him again, he took it as a good sign.

Byron, however, was not enjoying the evening nearly as much as his guests. He drew Arielle aside and asked her advice. "Dominique knows I won't make a scene at Belle's wedding, but seeing her wrap herself around Etienne in such a disgusting fashion is making me ill."

"She is merely holding his arm," Arielle pointed out, "but you are right. She knows we do not approve of him, and that her behavior will surely upset us."

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