Wild Ones: Prowl (4 page)

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Authors: Zoey Daniels

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Wild Ones: Prowl
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Asher pressed a kiss to the side of Lainey’s neck and then, much as Russ had taken her hand in his teeth in wolf shape, he opened his mouth to rest his blunter human teeth over her pulse. The shock brought Lainey back to herself, just enough to balance on that fine edge of control; the pleasure, unexpected though it was at the dangerous nature of Asher’s kiss, sent her spiraling back and forth between them.

Oh, they did not play fair, these wolves, but they did play. Lainey gave up the effort to hold on to dignity and thrust her pelvis forward, demanding Russ’s prompt attention.

And that attention he gave, nuzzling back in to lap slowly, steadily at her soaking cunt, drinking her juices down as if they were the finest, purest nectar. He held her legs when her knees would have given out beneath her.

A good thing, that, for when between them they tilted her backwards to hold her balanced between them, and Russ could let go, he slid two fingers inside her cunt and stroked up, hard, hitting the spot like so few men could and none had ever done so skillfully, so perfectly, as if he knew her body inside and out and knew where, just where --

Lainey lifted her other leg, because she could with the two of them holding her safe, and draped it over Russ’s shoulder. Asher held her as if she weighed no more than a feather pillow, the strength in his hard muscles betraying no strain. She dug her heels, hard, into Russ’s supple back and rolled her hips, straining to take those callused fingers deeper.

Russ grazed her clit with his teeth. The faintest pressure, but -- oh, that was all it took, that hint of danger and wildness, and Lainey came with her cunt clenching fiercely around Russ’s sturdy fingers, drenching him with her cream. He licked her, cleaning her flesh and his fingers. Moaning under his cunning assault, Lainey rose to a second peak, and a third, turning her vision white as the moonlight that stroked her skin. She nearly screamed in pleasure.

Asher growled behind her, not angrily, and kneaded her breasts with a touch that was both light and taut, betraying how much of his strength he held back. Lainey could feel the rigid length of him pressed to her back, so eager for his turn that he leaked pre-come in hot, wet trails along her skin.

He growled at Russ with more meaning, and shifted Lainey’s weight to pull her back and away. Lainey laughed to the skies. He’d known exactly when Russ’s licking was almost at the edge of too much for her sensitive clit.

Russ sat back on his heels, cheerfully and wholly unashamed. His face gleamed with her juices, slick and shiny on his nose and the fullness of his lips. If he’d been in wolf shape, he would have been wagging his tail and rolling on his back for sheer pleasure.

Lainey tickled him with her bare toes. “You think you’re something else, don’t you?” She sounded throaty to herself, her voice stripped raw though she hadn’t screamed. She’d sure wanted to, though, and she expected she would before the night was over.

For it was not over yet. No sir, not by a long shot. Russ’s cock hung red and stiff between his legs, as needy as Asher’s. She’d be hard put to judge which had the finer equipment, but why should she when she’d be reaping the benefits of both?

Lainey rubbed her head across Asher’s bare chest and arched her back to bring them in closer contact. “Come inside,” she said. “Come inside and see what a real woman can do for a real beast.”




Chapter Four


For the first time since she’d laid eyes on them, Lainey saw her men hesitate. She’d suspected they might. Wolves had dens, not cabins; they had comforting burrows and not sawmill-cut logs that shaped four walls to box them in.

Truth be told, if they’d strode right in Lainey would have been far less impressed by them. She liked wild things.

Lainey laid her palm against the frame of the door and turned to the side, displaying her profile. Russ and Asher followed her movements with hungry eyes, eyes that narrowed dark when she arched her back to push her breasts forward, but not a step would they take further toward her.

Unaccountably, Lainey felt a pang of remorse. Cruel of her to tease. Some things still came too naturally after all those years of being on the job. She relented and faced them with her arms naturally at her side. Unadorned, with no artifice -- and she liked the way they looked at her now much better.

She stood before them in her natural state, flushed and damp from their sensual attentions. They looked at Lainey as if she were something to be loved, not just lusted after.

“You don’t care for the indoors, then I won’t make you go in,” Lainey said, soft and low. The affection they showed would have scared most women. Too much, too soon, but she saw it was just their way.

They exchanged looks Lainey found hard to read. Russ made a small noise, answered by a rumble from Asher that sounded as if it should have a question mark attached.

As for her, she waited, watching them. Seemed like the start of a disagreement brewing, or at least it did until Russ kissed the side of Asher’s mouth, bit gently at Asher’s lip, and laid his head on Asher’s shoulder. Asher stroked his back.

Lainey had known a thing or two about wolf behavior even before she’d come here. Interesting. Not unexpected or surprising, either, to suspect the pair were lovers. They had that way about them. And opening the way to include her?

Well. Even former whores had fantasies they pleasured themselves to sleep with at nights. “Problems?” Lainey asked, watching them, still gentle. Showing them she didn’t mind, though as like as not they could smell it on her.

Asher’s nostrils did flare when he caught her scent. Though he released Russ from his embrace enough they could both face her, he didn’t entirely let Russ go.

“Questions,” Asher said. His voice had that same rusty-rumbling edge to it, as if he didn’t use it much at all, and now Lainey knew why. Seemed like they might communicate better as wolves than as humans.

Well, she’d get them to teach her. Later. For now, she only nodded. “Ask what you like, but fair’s fair. For everything you ask, I’ll ask my own question in return.”

Asher broke into one of his broad, white smiles, wide enough for Lainey to see that his canine teeth were longer and sharper even in man shape. “Fair,” he said. “First you. A gift.”

That smile came wreathed in so much mischief Lainey knew he knew exactly what she wanted to ask. Lainey chuckled, enjoying this game as much as they did. “I know you’re not tame. I know you’re man and beast.”

“Not mind?” Russ tipped his head to one side, studying her as a dog might.

Lainey cupped her breasts and teased the nipples with the work-toughened, deliciously stimulating slight roughness of her fingertips. “Does it look like I mind?”

Darkness of a different sort flashed in Russ’s eyes. Lainey liked this smile. This was something that passed between lover and lover alone. Something sure of itself because it knew it could be.

Lainey smoothed her hand between her breasts and down to tease the smooth skin inches above the thatch of curls between her legs. She enjoyed the look on their faces when they smelled her afresh, mixed with their own scents. “I don’t mind a bit,” she said. “My turn to ask.”

Asher blinked at her with a questioning bark.

“You went first,” she replied, pointing at Russ, “You jumped the line. So I get to go twice.”

More than twice, she suspected, but they’d stop bothering about counting before long.

Asher’s shoulders shook with very human amusement, though he looked at her in the same way Russ did, with that masculine look that said, very simply, mine. “Ask.”

“There’s something I want to know.” It didn’t bother her either way, except to satisfy curiosity. “You’re wolves, and you’re men. Suits me fine. But I want to know, which came first? Are you wolves who learned how to walk on two legs, or are you men who learned to walk on four?”

The pair laughed. Russ threw his head back and howled to the sky, an ululating spear of delighted noise. Asher jostled him and hugged him tight. “My turn to ask. What do think you?”

“Wolves,” Lainey answered, promptly. She cupped her breast to ease the aching fullness, and pressed her wet thighs together. “Wolves, now and always, no matter what skin you walk in.”

Asher and Russ parted from one another and made bold enough to climb the steps and press closer to Lainey. Not so far as the door, though, and Lainey took that opportunity to step back a pace. She held out her hand, palm facing them.

They questioned her with their eyes.

“I know what you are,” she said, firm and as flat as she could. “You ought to know what I am. What I was. I have no shame; I did my job and I was damned good at it, but I am no virgin and I am no girl. You sure you want this?”

Dumb question? Maybe. But even if it was, a woman needed to hear that sort of answer made as solid as sound, as words.

Asher answered for them. “Know everything,” he said. If he’d been a cat she’d have called it a purr. “Know all there is to it. Smell your past on you, under your skin. You have two skins, also.” He shrugged. “Both human. Still. Two skins. We like both.”

Honesty. Lainey could taste it in his speech. Rare, that, and she liked it all the more. “Do you want to please me?”

The looks they gave her now fairly smoldered. “Very much,” Russ said, reaching for Lainey.

She took one step inside. Not to be cruel, but only to tease just far enough. “Enough to gift me with something besides your fine, eager selves inside me? For now.” Better make that last part clearer. “Give me a little treat before I give you my body.”

Asher and Russ looked puzzled, and intrigued, and amused. “Ask,” Asher said. He put his arm around Russ to cuddle him close, and could it have been a more perfect set up?

Lainey softened the demand she’d have made. They made her heart warm almost as much as they readied her body. “Kiss for me,” she said. “Touch each other, and let me watch. Don’t come. That’s all I ask for.”

She spread her hands wide, asking silently,
Will you give this

The whiteness of Asher’s smile would have blinded her in that dark, still night, the blackness of the sky lit only by the gentle mistress moons with their diamond chips of stars and the song of cicadas and frogs. Russ drew his tongue across his lower lip.

“Yes,” her wolves answered, one voice echoing over the other.

Russ turned to Asher, enfolding himself within a circle Asher formed of his arms. Lainey saw in them the heat, yes, and the passion they rarely bothered to contain, but more… she saw the affection between them that transcended all games. She saw comfort, and she saw love, too.

The fine bodies and well-shaped cocks the pair boasted might have won her body’s interest, and the games they played charmed her head, but this -- this won Lainey’s heart.

They won Lainey’s heart before they’d so much as kissed. Made her want to warm herself against the glowing heat of them and never back away.

And they hadn’t even kissed.

But as she watched, softening in feelings she hadn’t even known had grown hard and brittle, kiss they did. Asher’s arms were well long enough to wrap them around Russ and he was tall enough to need to bend his head to nuzzle their mouths together.

Russ made a sound somewhere between a hum, a growl and a moan; he tilted his head to give Asher all the access he needed to drop a line of open-mouthed kisses along his exposed throat while his own lips fell apart, his gaze hazy with arousal and sheer pleasure that he saw no reason to hide.

Not that he gave without taking, mind. Russ dug his nails into Asher’s back, making Asher hiss into the kiss, then made Asher shiver and growl sweetly when he trailed the bare tips of those nails down Asher’s back. Laughing quietly, Russ nudged their lower bodies closer and wound one arm around Asher’s waist.

Lainey could not help but notice that though they stuttered with the effort, neither wolf brought their engorged groins into contact with one another. She didn’t know where to look first, or what she wanted to see more: the all-consuming fire of Asher’s kiss and Russ’s return press of mouth, or the stiff fullness of cocks that ached to near-bursting point to be buried in sweet, willing flesh.

She let herself stroke the top -- just the top -- of her pubic hair. Just enough to tease, and to keep herself as excited as them, though the heavens knew she didn’t need more than the sight of those two to make her ache and burn for them inside her.

Russ writhed luxuriantly in Asher’s arms. He rose to bite the underside of Asher’s jaw even as he grasped and kneaded Asher’s ass. Asher feinted a sharper bite at Russ to make him jump, and dove in to kiss Russ into submission in that second when he was off his guard.

Lainey had never seen a kiss like that before in her life, and she knew it was an honor almost no one could ever have to witness such a thing. Pure as an animal’s love, and all the better for being shared.

The wolves breathed heavily when they parted, their lips swollen and their bodies sheened with sweat that made them luminous in the moonlight that seemed to shine down as if the moons themselves would bask in this moment. Asher pressed his forehead to Russ’s; Russ rubbed Asher’s back as if to encourage him, though his lips were parted with need and his legs shook.

Lainey knew that look. Men trembling on the edge. So why’d they stopped? Hot as fire as they were, and young too, she’d have bet good honest gold one or both could have come without a hand on them and truth be told she’d wanted to see that very thing happen. Or had she?

No, she decided, she hadn’t. She liked knowing they’d obey her, so far as they chose to. If they expected the same of her… well, like she’d said. Fair was fair.

And also fair was the way the wolves turned their heads to better look at her, proud and in control despite the slick sweat of their human bodies and the almost-restrained quiver of their strong limbs that betrayed what a struggle it was not to throw one another down and fuck wild, fast, and free.

“I owe you a question,” Lainey said, fairly sure that was what they wanted most. Well. Second most. “Ask.”

Asher’s lips were moist from Russ’s kisses, but he drew his tongue across their plumpness nonetheless. “You know us, what we are. We know you. You know how those -- before are not -- here now?”

Lainey nodded, intrigued and waiting.

“You are not like them,” Asher said, utterly confident. “We treat with you. Treat? Treaty. Alliance. Not because we must, because we want. We protect. Make these lands our run.”

“And in return?” Lainey asked, because it was a fine offer, and it would want payment. For just a moment, she was as suspicious as ever she had been when times were at their worst.

Russ’s smile was as innocent and delighted as a child’s when he spoke, and the rest of him was every bit a man. “In return, mate with us.”

“Play with us,” Asher added, cuddling Russ closer.

“Care for us,” Russ said.

“Share our food. Come see our den.”

“Maybe one day we see yours. But not stay inside.” Asher raised his head, parting he and Russ only far enough to make space for her to fill the emptiness between them. “But here, we stay here. Outside. We protect, we serve, we guard.” He lost some of the rustiness, and beneath that he had a fine light bass of a voice, something warm as whiskey and sure as the sun and moons and his place in the world he stood upon. “Do you say yes?”

Lainey considered that. Much asked of her and taxed of her pride, but much given as well. Gifts that precious few women ever enjoyed.

She knew her answer before she’d bothered to think hard. No one had ever called Lainey a fool. She stepped lightly off the porch and down to the patch of yard, where the sparse green grass, wet with evening dew, tickled the soles of her bare feet. Walked to them as naked and sun-browned as a goddess, and waited until she was sandwiched between them to make them her answer.

First a kiss for Russ, because he was not quite as alpha as Asher and she always had liked the strong seconds-in-command. Then a kiss for Asher, one that drew her fully between them where she belonged.

“I promise by my hand and my heart,” Lainey said. “I say yes.”

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