Wild: Wildfire (2 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Wild: Wildfire
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Shock rippled through Jake as it occurred to him that Dee truly could be married, living at the ranch with her husband. No ring on her finger, but that didn’t mean anything. She could keep it off while she was working. He’d thought he was prepared for the possibility, but right now he couldn’t imagine any man being with her.

Jake had been her first lover, and he should have been her only lover.

No, damn it. He’d given up that right the moment he walked away.

He rubbed the scar on his cheek. “Ron retired?”

“Couple of years ago.” Dee nodded as she spoke, moving her arms across her chest again, as though protecting herself from Jake.

“So, you and your, ah, husband, run the ranch?”

She lifted one elegant brow and the corner of her mouth raised. “No, I do.”

He couldn’t help it. He had to ask. “What does your husband do?”

“Not a darn thing,” she replied, and at his questioning look, she laughed. “I’m not married.”

Relief surged through him, hot and satisfying. “You never married?” he said softly.

That fiery glint came back in her eyes, rivaling the devil of a calf a few stalls down. “Well, I wasn’t pining after you, if that’s what you’re asking.”

He smiled. “Who’d you mean by we?”

She shrugged and returned his smile. “My Border collie, Blue.”

Jake laughed and when Dee spoke again, her voice was low. “What about you? Did you ever marry?”

“Who’d marry this ugly mug?”

She cut him a sharp glance. “If you’re fishing for a compliment, you’ve come to the wrong woman.”

“Then I’ll give you one.” Jake moved a step closer. “Sweetheart, how’d you grow to be more gorgeous than you were a decade ago? You were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen that first time I laid eyes on you at the rodeo, when I watched you win the barrel racing competition.”

He sucked in his breath at the memory and shook his head. “And now…look at you.”

Dee closed her eyes. “I’d forgotten how you always knew the most charming words.”

Before Jake realized what he was saying, he asked, “You think it’s possible to be…friends…again?”

“Friends?” She opened her eyes and moved her fingers to her throat. After a moment’s hesitation, she gave him a shrug and a little smile. “Why not? We’re almost ten years older and we’ve both grown up…a lot.”

Her eyes roamed over him as she spoke the last words, and he wanted her more than ever before. And that was saying something.

When her gaze met his again, he knew she’d noticed his desire. “Yes,” she said, her voice low and husky. “We’re both all grown up.”

In the next instant, she dodged around him and headed to the stall with the calf that looked like he must be the spawn of Satan himself. “You little imp,” she crooned as she laid her hand on the upper railing of the stall. “What the hell am I going to do with you?”

The calf glared, his head lowered and looking as though he’d like to take her out, and Dee laughed. “You’re going to end up at the slaughterhouse rather than becoming lord of the manor with all the pretty ladies at your beck and call, if you don’t settle down.”

“What’s the sonofabitch’s name?”

“Imp.” Dee glanced over her shoulder at Jake. “I thought about naming him Jake, but that’s what I named the old jackass out back.” She said it with a straight face, but he saw the ornery spark in her eyes.

He chuckled and shook his head. He’d forgotten her teasing sense of humor and her ability to make him laugh. She turned back to the calf, and Jake walked up behind her so that just inches separated them. He drank in the scent of her that mingled with the smells of horse, hay, sweet oats and barn dust.

“Dee.” He noticed the slight shiver that ran through her at the sound of his voice.

“I keep telling you, it’s Dean.” She spun around and her eyes widened when she saw how close he was. She tried to step away, but her back was against the side of the stall.

“You’ve always been Dee to me,” he murmured.

She raised her chin, and he noticed a streak of dirt across her cheek. “It’s Dean to you now, just like everyone else.”

Almost without thought, Jake reached up to wipe the smudge away, needing to feel the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips. Her lips parted and her eyes widened as he gently smoothed the dirt from her cheek. Slowly he trailed his thumb down her soft skin to her full lips. Needing to touch her. Needing to wipe away the memories of their goodbye.

“It’s been much too long,” he murmured lost in the sensation of being near Dee again, her presence seeping into his blood like wildfire.

Dee’s lips trembled beneath his thumb. In the next instant she jerked away and pushed past him, heading out the barn door, her head high. He followed, catching up to her in a few strides. She stopped by the door of his black truck, obviously intending for him to leave.

The breeze blew a strand of auburn hair across her face and she absently pushed it behind one ear. Her expression was composed, but her eyes gave her away—he’d rattled her. And he was sure he’d seen longing in their depths. She extended her hand. “Friends.”

Jake took her hand in his and desire curled through his belly, burning through his soul. As she pulled her hand away he knew she wanted him to leave, but he needed to be near her a little longer. There was so much he wanted to ask her now that he’d seen her again. So much he wanted to know about her.

So much time to make up for before he claimed her for good.

Before he could get out another word, Dee said, “It was…
…to see you again.” She gestured toward the house. “I’ve got to check on Blue. If he’d been up to snuff, you probably never would’ve made it out of your vehicle.”

Jake glanced in the direction she pointed, then back to Dee. “What’s wrong with him?”

“That’s the weird part.” With a confused frown, Dee shook her head. “Last night I found him eating raw meat, but I’m not sure where he got it. The vet was out to see Blue a little while ago, and said it could have been poisoned meat that someone set out to kill off coyotes in the area.”

Narrowing his gaze, Jake said, “You think it might have been the rustlers trying to get your dog out of the way?”

Dee’s face seemed to go a shade whiter. “I did lose a lot of cattle last night, but from our eastern range. Why would they need to poison Blue?”

Jake took a step closer to Dee. “You live alone?”

She nodded as she stepped back from him. “Have been for the past few years, since my sister Trace has been in Europe.”

“I don’t like any of this a damn bit.” Jake caught Dee by her upper arms, keeping her from retreating any farther. “You need to watch out for yourself.”

“I’ve been doing just fine.” She placed her palms to his chest and pushed him away, forcing him to break contact. “I’d better see how Blue’s doing.”

“You be careful.” Jake tipped the brim of his Stetson then grabbed the door handle of his truck. “Later, Dee.”

“Dean.” She smiled too brightly. “See you around, Agent Reynolds.” And with that, she strode toward the house without a backward glance.

As she jogged up the steps and crossed the porch, he watched her fluid movements. He had a side view, and couldn’t help enjoying it. The way her breasts bounced and her tight backside swayed. She opened the front door and then closed it behind her.

He shook his head as he got into his truck and tossed his hat onto the seat beside him and grinned.

No matter what Dee MacLeod might think, Jake intended to make her his woman again—this time for keeps.


Chapter Two

Jake Reynolds.
His name rippled through Dean in silvery waves as she leaned against the closed door, her eyes shut, his image filling her mind.

His sinfully black hair, the hard planes of his face, the fine lines at the corners of his eyes when he smiled, and the cleft in his chin that she had loved to run her tongue over. And Lord, that muscular physique—his broad chest, lean hips and powerful thighs.

She waited until she heard his truck start. After the sound of the engine had completely faded, she rubbed her sweating palms over her jean-clad thighs and opened her eyes.

When he’d come barreling into the barn, it was as though her thoughts about him that morning had summoned him to her—and it was like he belonged there.

Jake. Jake was back.

For a moment all she’d been able to do was stare at him. So many thoughts had flashed through her mind. In that instant, she had wanted to yell at him for breaking her heart into a thousand pieces. And then she wanted to throw her arms around him and let him hold her like he used to.

How could she feel like that after the way he’d left her?

For six months they’d been virtually inseparable. Even though he’d never told her, she’d been so sure he was in love with her. One day she’d shared with him her hopes and dreams for the future, and for raising a family. She’d told Jake she loved him.

He’d gone quiet, and everything Jake uttered in the next moment had hit Dee like a hammer blow:
Not ready for that kind of commitment…both too young…best if we break it off before things get any more serious…don’t want to hurt you…leaving for the academy to become a Customs Agent…

And like that, it was over. He had run away from her and her love.

She’d had almost a decade to prepare for the off chance that she’d see Jake again. But nothing had prepared her for today. How could he look even more handsome at thirty-one than he had at twenty-two?

Back then he’d been muscular and solid, but he’d filled out in a hard, masculine way that made him sexier than ever. Even that scar made his features more rugged and heartbreaking.

And those gray eyes that shifted with his moods from liquid silver when he laughed, to dark and passionate when they had made love and he was deep within her.

“Get a grip, Dee,” she muttered, and then stomped her boot on the tile.
She hadn’t thought of herself as anything but Dean since Jake had left her all those years ago. Only Jake had ever called her Dee. To everyone else she was Dean, short for Claudine, a name she’d hated when she was growing up.

But that first night when she’d met him at the rodeo dance, Jake had shaken his head and murmured, “Sweetheart, you’re too gorgeous to have a man’s name.” And when he called her Dee, he made her feel like the most beautiful woman on Earth.

Just like today. The sound of her name on his tongue, a husky murmur, had been a caress that stirred the fire within her and brought back wave after wave of memories.

Memories of his strong arms surrounding her, his mouth claiming hers, his hands roaming through her hair, his lips moving to the sensitive spot at the base of her throat. Memories of his cock plunging inside her as he made love to her.

No, it hadn’t been making love. It was just fucking.

She sighed and brought her hand to her neck. An unbelievable, incredible fuck at that. If it had been making love, and if Jake had truly cherished her, he never would have left.

A warm flush filled her at the thought of how close they had stood to one another in the barn, inches apart, his earthy scent surrounding her, and the fact that his arousal had been as plain as day. God but his cock had looked good pressed against his tight jeans.

And that touch—she’d almost melted at the feel of his thumb against her cheek and lips. It had been all she could do to walk away from him.

Amazingly enough, she couldn’t help but feel flames of passion igniting in her breasts, her belly, between her thighs. She could almost feel his large hands clasping her hips, his sensual mouth on her skin, his tongue seeking out her nipples in slow, lazy circles.

Stop it, Dee!
She groaned and hit her head back against the door.
Dammit, not Dee! Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean!

But she couldn’t get thoughts of their incredible sex out of her mind. Before she even realized what she was doing, she pulled the snaps of her blouse apart and unhooked the front of her bra. Her breasts spilled out of the satin cups and onto her palms. Closing her eyes, she pulled and twisted her nipples, imagining Jake’s tanned hands against the paleness of her breasts.

She moved her hands along her belly, unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down her thighs. A moan escaped her as she slid the fingers of one hand into the curls and then into her wetness. Her other hand returned to fondle her nipples, that ached for the feel of Jake’s mouth.

The image of his muscular body was clear in her mind as her fingers stroked her clit. How she had enjoyed going down on him, wrapping her lips around his cock as his hands fisted in her hair. His hoarse shout when he came and the taste of his semen as it filled her mouth.

Her breathing became more rapid as she worked her clit, picturing Jake’s mouth and tongue licking her as her knees clenched his head between her thighs. And as soon as she came, he would bring her ankles around his neck and thrust inside her, fucking her harder and harder until she screamed with another orgasm.

Tension wound up inside Dee, tighter and tighter until it exploded, her climax so intense that she cried out. She continued stroking her clit as her body shuddered with wave after wave of pleasure, and then she came again.

Feeling dizzy and lightheaded, she rested against the door, trying to catch her breath.

The sound of a boot step came from the direction of the kitchen and Dee froze.

Was someone in her house?

Heart pounding, she pulled up her jeans and fixed her bra and shirt. Hair prickled at her nape as she walked to the kitchen.


Relief flooded her—but then she noticed the slight sway of the swinging doors that led to the backroom and the garage.

Someone had been in her house.

And they’d just watched her masturbate.

A low whine caught her attention and her gaze snapped to Blue. He half-opened his eyes, his tail thumping weakly on the bedding of the nest she’d made him next to the refrigerator.

She knelt beside the Border collie and stroked his silken throat. “All right. Who’d you let in, boy? It had to be someone you know, ’cause sick or not I know you would have at least barked if it was a stranger.”

“You’re not talking, huh?” Dee tried to calm the racing of her heart as she talked to Blue. “Well, I’ll let it slide this time since you’re not feeling so good.” Blue whined again and pushed his nose under her fingers, asking her to rub behind his ears the way he liked it. She sank down on the floor to give him the attention he was asking for. “Tell you what. If I find out that someone deliberately tried to poison you, I’m going to personally kick their ass.”

Her thoughts turned back to the intruder in her home. Since Blue hadn’t growled, she knew it had to be someone he was familiar with. And oddly enough, the thought of someone she knew watching her was kind of erotic. It had to have been one of the ranch hands—or could it have been a neighbor, like her friend Catie Wilds, or even Kev Grand? Perhaps even her foreman, Jess?

Jake’s face filled her mind—it couldn’t have been him, now could it? No, she would have heard his truck.

While she gently stroked Blue, she sighed, thinking about how she had touched Jake’s scar and the desire that had risen up inside her like a summer thunderstorm.

Dammit! You’ve got to stop thinking about him.

All of a minute went by, but it was hopeless. She couldn’t get her thoughts off the man. The way his cleft deepened when he grinned, the powerful lines of his body, and the smoldering sensuality. She’d need to get her vibrator out if she didn’t cool down.

She was absurdly pleased that he hadn’t married. Had he even come close? When she told him she hadn’t been pining over him all this time, it had only been the partial truth.

True, she had gotten on with her life, but no man had ever measured up to Jake. She had often wondered if perhaps her memories had become distorted, and that he wasn’t half the man she remembered him to be. But after today, she knew the truth.

He was twice the man she remembered.


Dee put her face close to Blue’s. “If you were feeling well I’d bet you’d have chased that nasty old man off our property.”

The collie flicked out his pink tongue and kissed the end of Dee’s nose, causing her to giggle. “I know. Next time he comes around, if there is a next time, you’ll set him straight.”

She sighed and rubbed at a stain on her faded jeans. Ten years later and Jake was back in town—wanting to be friends.


A slow grin spread across her face as a devilish thought crossed her mind. She just might have to show Jake Reynolds what he’d been missing.

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