Wildfire (20 page)

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Authors: Lynn James

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: Wildfire
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A wounded ranger? Medic?

Devon’s heart raced as she took in the information. It had to be Elaine. She sat at the table in the kitchen area tapping her fingers…waiting. It was suddenly just too much to sit still. She paced, willed the radio to bring her some news. But it remained silent.

Elaine hadn’t even closed the truck door when Devon appeared at the top of the steps. Devon’s face was drawn and she stood with her arms crossed across her chest.

“Are you okay? The radio said you were hurt. Why didn’t you let me know you were okay?”

The words fell in a jumble all around her. She realized Devon was in tears. “Honey, I’m so sorry you were worried,” she said as she hurried up the stairs.

She was pulled into Devon’s arms. Devon’s lips found hers and Elaine pulled her into a fierce embrace for a long, deep kiss. Devon pressed closer to the strong body that held her. They finally pulled apart laboring for breath.

“Does that mean you missed me?”

“You know I did.”

She slipped out of her jacket as she said, “I’m still in one piece. There was nothing to worry about.”

The look on Devon’s face grew from one of relief to one of concern. “Your arm.”

Elaine followed the path of Devon’s gaze.

Just beneath the T-shirt she had slipped on, her bandage was noticeable. She mentally scolded herself for not having chosen a long sleeve shirt rather than just accepting what had been offered. But she had been in a hurry and pulled on the offered shirt after the paramedic had annihilated the sleeve of her uniform.

“It’s okay; just a little scratch.”

“Just a scratch? Ever since I heard the radio transmission, I’ve been worried sick. Does this happen often?”

“No.” Elaine hoped her expression was warm and reassuring.

Devon gave her a look of disbelief. “I saw the other scars on your body. I guess I really didn’t want to think about how you got them.”

She simply shrugged and wrapped Devon in her arms again. “Really, I’m okay. And I’m sorry for not calling you. We had to transport the poachers to the station and then there was all the paperwork...”

“And the medic,” Devon interrupted.

“Yes. That too, but I just got grazed. I promise I am fine, really.”

“I can’t stand thinking about you getting hurt.”

“I appreciate that. I don’t like thinking about me getting hurt either.” She grinned.

Devon caressed her cheek. “Why don’t you put on something more comfortable?” With a wink and a smile to lighten the mood she asked, “Would you like me to get your bear slippers?”

She couldn’t help but laugh. Leave it to Devon to make her laugh, even when her eyes were red from tears and worry.

“Would you like something to eat? I saved you some dinner.”

“I had something at the station.” She began putting her jacket on but Devon stopped her.

“What are you doing?”

“I left some supplies in the truck and I’m going out to get them.” She winced as she attempted to put on her jacket.

“You’ll do no such thing. You can sit here and rest. I’ll go get them.” She was back in just moments, kicking the door open with her foot and setting the chest in a chair. “Just what in the world are you doing?”

Elaine looked up from the coffee she was preparing. “What?”

“You need to take it easy. Sit!” Devon commanded.

She reluctantly obeyed.

“I’m not helpless, you know?”

“I am fully aware of that, but you are injured. Did they give you some painkillers? And there is nothing wrong with letting me take care of you.” Without another word, Devon turned to finish preparing the coffee.

She settled at the table, noting that Devon’s microscope and laptop had obviously been in use. She could feel the knots forming in her shoulders and she rolled them trying to loosen them up. She sighed when strong hands settled on her shoulders and gently massaged.

“That feels so good.”

Elaine could feel the familiar roller coaster in her stomach as she leaned her head back against firm full breasts. Devon continued to work her shoulders before moving her hands to her neck. Elaine groaned and dropped her head forward letting those magic fingers work on her sore muscles.

She was thoroughly relaxed when Devon gave her shoulders one last squeeze before stepping away.

Devon cleared their cups and cleaned the kitchen. As she wrung out the towel and reached to hang it, she felt Elaine’s arms slide around her. She leaned back against Elaine’s warm body.

Turning in Elaine’s arms, she kissed her gently. Elaine’s hands were sure on her body. Every time she touched this woman she wanted to make love to her. But between Elaine’s wound and the fatigue clearly visible on her face she knew there would be no lovemaking tonight. Her own emotions were too raw from worry. As much as she wanted Elaine she was just as content with the thought of holding her as they slept.

“Can we talk?” Elaine asked.

“Of course.”

Devon led her to the couch where she directed Elaine to lay with her head in Devon’s lap. She ran her fingers through Elaine’s hair and felt a quiver in the pit of her stomach at Elaine’s appreciative moan. She continued her ministrations while she waited for Elaine to voice whatever was on her mind.

“I know that you only have a couple of more days up here and now that we have taken care of our poacher problem I won’t be staying any longer either.”

Devon leaned down and placed a leisurely kiss on Elaine’s lips. “Uh-huh?”

“And I was thinking…Well, I was wondering…”

Devon continued to run her fingers through Elaine’s hair, not sure which one of them enjoyed the sensation more. “What were you wondering?”

Elaine was silent for a long moment. “I guess I was wondering if maybe when we leave here if maybe you would consider seeing me again.”

Devon was thrilled that Elaine wanted to continue seeing her and had to rein in the butterflies in her stomach so that she would speak coherently. “Hmm…when do you have to report back in to the station?”

Elaine’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Well I need to e-mail in a field report when I get back but then I’ll have a couple of days off before I have to return to work and fill out what will no doubt be a mountain of reports and forms that have piled up. Probably have to give an interview to prosecution and defense for those asshole poachers.”

Devon grinned. “In that case I would imagine that the next time we see each other will be when we leave these mountains and you follow me home to spend the night with me.” She paused. “Unless, of course, you need to go straight home.”

Elaine laughed. “There’s nothing that can’t wait a little longer.”

She eased herself up from under Elaine and then held out her hand to help her up off the sofa.

Elaine lurched slightly and fished a bottle out of her pocket. “I think I will have a couple of these. I’m so stiff.”

She steered her toward the bed. “I’ll get you some water. You get comfy. Take all the pillows you need.”

“Yes ma’am.”

She helped Elaine out of her clothes, then fetched water before stripping and joining Elaine under the blankets. She pulled Elaine into her arms and simply held her. They might not be making love tonight but the feeling of Elaine in her arms was just as comforting.

Chapter 16

Devon stood on the deck chewing on a mint leaf as she looked out over the canyon. Her hair was still damp from her shower. Elaine had closed up everything beneath the cabin while she bathed. She was now in the shower and Devon took the opportunity to enjoy the peace of the woodlands below and reflect on her time here.

Elaine had helped her finish gathering her samples and packing them for travel. Together they had broken down her camp the night before and lugged everything up the mountain. That way Elaine could drive Devon to her truck in the morning without having to make any stops. She was pleased that not only would she not have to hike all of her gear out but she would be able to spend more time with Elaine.

They had risen early and packed all their gear into Elaine’s truck before showering. As it was she was glad that after having worked up a sweat she was clean and wouldn’t have to smell herself on the drive home.

She thought about the many conversations they had shared over evening meals. She was profoundly grateful that Elaine had said that her emotional ties with Grace had been over for a long time, long enough that Devon had no substantial fears of being the rebound woman.

She was still lost in thought when she felt Elaine’s arms wrap around her. Even now, fully dressed, the sensation awakened every nerve in her body. Elaine had slipped on loose jeans and a sweatshirt. In uniform or casually dressed, Elaine was the sexiest woman Devon had ever laid eyes on.

As her head rested against Elaine’s chest she thought again about Elaine and Grace’s relationship. She couldn’t imagine ever having a relationship that resembled theirs. After the things Elaine had shared about Grace she could easily see why Elaine had begun a relationship with Grace. Grace had represented herself to be everything that Elaine wanted in a partner. Hell, the woman was already in the forest service so why wouldn’t Elaine think that they would want the same thing?

And she could see now why Elaine had let the relationship continue. Elaine naturally saw the good in people and was hopeful and optimistic that her relationship with Grace would improve and ultimately survive, but apparently Grace hadn’t had that goal at all. She vowed that the trust Elaine had placed in her would
, would
be shattered. It had taken time, but Elaine had eventually opened up and shared many details about Grace. She had the feeling that talking about it had been cathartic for Elaine.

Elaine’s voice was quiet next to her ear. “Are you all right?”

She was
going to let thoughts of Grace affect their last morning together in this paradise. “Yes. I was just thinking about how much I’m going to miss this place.”

Elaine held up the keys to the cabin. “There is nothing to say that we can’t come back.”

She turned in Elaine’s arms. “You would want to come back here?”

Elaine dropped a tender kiss on Devon’s lips. “Yes. I would. This place holds some special memories.”

She wrapped her arms around Elaine and rested her head on her shoulder. “Yes, it does, doesn’t it?”

 “Are you ready to leave?”

Devon stepped out of Elaine’s arms and sighed. “Not really, but I guess it’s that time isn’t it?”

If she didn’t need to get home before Raine went into labor and have work to attend to, Devon would have happily stayed several more weeks. She gave the cabin one last, longing look.

Elaine locked up the cabin and checked all the details one last time. The generator was secure. The pile of firewood was restocked and the cabin door was sealed. Once she was satisfied that she hadn’t forgotten anything, she walked to her truck where Devon sat waiting.

She climbed in and Devon leaned across the seat for a long kiss before she could even get the truck started. It was a few minutes before seat belts were fastened and she put the truck into gear.

Grace, I never thought I would be thanking you for anything ever again. But if you hadn’t done what you did then I wouldn’t have been so eager to take this assignment and I would have never met the most wonderful woman in the world.

Devon reached across the seat for Elaine’s hand. The touch sent familiar electricity up her arm. She didn’t even have to question if Devon’s touch would always do this to her. She knew without a doubt that, God willing, fifty years from now, it would.

“Are you looking forward to going to your house?” Devon asked.

Elaine shrugged. She hadn’t really thought about it. There was nothing there that she wanted to go home to. Brad would continue to stop in and water her plants. Outside of that she really had no reason to go back to her house. Especially since that was all that it was, a house. Not a home.

Elaine shrugged. “I have to do laundry.”

Devon smiled. “I do own a washer and dryer, you know?”

As they pulled to a stop next to Devon’s Toyota, she unbuckled her seat belt and leaned over to give Elaine another long, lingering kiss.

Pleasantly lightheaded, Elaine suggested, “Why don’t you go ahead and leave your stuff in the back of my truck? That way we don’t have to move it now. It can wait until we get to your place.”

Devon smiled. “Sounds like a plan,” she said before she slipped out of the forestry truck and located the keys to her own.

Elaine waited for Devon to get her truck started and warmed up and then pulled out and followed Devon back to the main road and into town. She felt a little giddy, almost like a school girl, at the prospect of seeing Devon’s house and sharing her bed tonight.

Devon found her gaze torn between the road ahead of her and Elaine’s headlights in the rearview mirror. A few weeks ago she had headed into the mountains, certain she had nothing to look forward to but long days of work. Instead her life had changed. She smiled at the thought of Elaine sleeping in
bed, in
home. She still wasn’t ready to tell Elaine that she loved her, although she was certain of her feelings. She thought perhaps they might need some time together away from the mountains and the cabin. Time to acclimate to civilization…together.

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