Will She Be Mine (7 page)

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Authors: Jessica L. Jackson

BOOK: Will She Be Mine
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About Jessica L. Jackson


Jessica L. Jackson knows what she likes—reading in the park,
travelling the world, designing houses, quilting, and the feel of a gentle
breeze against her bare skin—and craves what she loves—her English husband, her
three children, her extended family, really, really good chicken wings, and
whipped-cream-filled chocolate-covered long-johns. (From the bakery!)

Romance has been Jessica’s passion since she began reading
her mother’s collection of romances when she was eleven. Writing romances
became an obsession in her teens. She promises that thrilling times lie ahead
when you pick up one of her stories. Happy reading.


Jessica welcomes comments
from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her
bio page




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Also by Jessica L. Jackson


When I First Met



Ellora’s Cave Publishing








Will She Be Mine?


ISBN 9781419943485


Will She Be Mine? Copyright © 2013 Jessica L. Jackson


Edited by Rebecca Hill

Cover design by Syneca

Photo: Edmund Leighton [Public Doman] via Wikimedia Commons


Electronic book publication March 2013


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