Will the Real Abi Sanders Please Stand Up? (11 page)

Read Will the Real Abi Sanders Please Stand Up? Online

Authors: Sara Hantz

Tags: #Miranda Kenneally, #Catching Jordan, #Secrets of My Hollywood Life, #Jen Calonita, #Stephanie Perkins, #kickboxing, #stunt double

BOOK: Will the Real Abi Sanders Please Stand Up?
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“I can wait.” He shrugs. “I’ll come and watch.”

Noooooooo. I don’t want Jon and Matt to be together. It’s just not right.

“It’s fine. Jon doesn’t want anyone to know I’m teaching him. I’ll get a ride home with someone else. Or call a cab. I’m really sorry.”

A sad expression crosses Matt’s face, and a pang of guilt shoots through me. I feel like I’m bailing on him, but I agreed to help Jon. And I want to. Matt will get over it. Our friendship’s too strong for him to hold it against me.

“Okay. See ya.” Matt turns and leaves.

I watch for a moment, and then walk to the bathroom to check myself out before I go to meet Jon.

He’s waiting for me by the river just like we arranged. He thought it was sufficiently out of the way to make sure the others don’t see us. I’m not sure why he wants to keep it secret, unless he’s worried I’ll be breaking my contract, but it’s not like we’re going to fight. I’m just going to give him some tips.

“Hey, look at you,” Jon says walking toward me. “Had a good day?” He rests his arm across my shoulders and gives a gentle squeeze. My nerve endings tingle, and butterflies whizz around my stomach. I try to remind myself that actors like to touch everyone, but somehow this seems different.


“Come on then, show me what to do. I don’t have to fight hard, just look like I know what I’m doing.”

He drops his arm, and I take a step forward and turn to face him.

“Okay. First of all you need to stand like this.” I move my legs until they’re about three feet apart and then bend my knees doing several gentle bounces.

Jon copies. “Like this?” he asks.

“Perfect. If you maintain this stance all the time, it will make it easy for you to move quickly. See?” I dart in front, to the side and then to the back all the time coming back to the same place and keeping my knees bent and my body relaxed. “You try.”

Jon tries it, but he’s not a natural. Each move seems forced. He doesn’t have the fluidity that Matt does, and I make him practice it for several more minutes before deciding that it’s time to move on.

“Okay. That’s good. The next thing you have to do is always keep your guard.” I bring my hands up and tuck in my elbows. “You try.” Jon bring up his hands, but his elbows stick out, so I go over to him and take hold of his arms and position them correctly. I allow myself a moment to enjoy his closeness, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Now you can block any punches.” I step away from him. “Drop your elbows to deflect a body shot. And this,” I lift up my elbows and reach my hand over to touch my ear, “to block a head shot.”

“I can see why you were chosen to double for Tilly. You make it look so easy,” Jon says, admiration showing in his eyes.

This is turning out to be the most perfect day ever. “I-I train hard,” I say, angry with myself for stuttering. “The last thing I want to show you is how to dodge.”

“I want to fight, not dodge,” Jon says frowning.

“Dodging is part of it. If you block, you can hurt your arm. If you dodge, you don’t get hurt.”

“Oh. I get it,” he says. Basic stuff, but he seems really impressed.

“Plus, it’s much easier to attack your opponent right after their attack if you’ve dodged than if you block. I’ll show you. Take a swing at me.”

He looks shocked. “You want me to punch you?”

I try to suppress a laugh. I can just imagine Matt’s face if he was listening. Jon’s got no chance against me. He’s not fast by any stretch of the imagination.

“I want you to try.” I don’t tell him that I could beat him with my eyes closed, because that’s not exactly going to win him over. And I love that he’s showing admiration for my skills.

“Ooo-kay.” He shakes his head, then lifts his arm and aims a punch at me.

I step to the left, avoiding his weak shot and then go to hit him, my fist stopping just short of connecting with his chest. “See what I mean?” I ask, smirking at him.

“Oh yes,” Jon says stepping toward me and taking hold of my hand. “I see.”

My heart does a triple-flip, and all I can do is stare at him. I think he’s gonna kiss me. He is. He definitely is.

Then his cell rings, and he takes it out his pocket and looks at the caller ID. “Sorry, I have to take this. It might take a while. I’ll see you later.”

He turns his back and walks away, leaving me alone.

The moment is gone.

“You won’t believe the way Mom and Dad were acting earlier,” I tell Liv and Matt as we’re walking toward Starbucks after class. I agreed to help out with the juniors again. Earlier I was going to call Bill and say I couldn’t make it, but Mom and Dad went nuts at me for even thinking about it.

I texted Liv and asked her to meet us, since I didn’t feel like going home as soon as class was over, not after what happened. And I brought Mom’s car, so it’s not like I have to be back at any time. Well, as long as I’m not out after eleven.

“What did they do?” says Liv looking concerned.

“What they said, more like. Moaning about me not wanting to come to class to help Bill and my attitude and stuff. Just because I said I was tired and wanted to skip tonight. And then they started going on about how much I was letting Bill down, and you too, Matt. I mean, it’s not like I do it a lot, is it?” I notice out the corner of my eye Matt is nodding. “I don’t. So stop nodding like that.” I scowl at Matt. And he scowls in return.

Great. That’s all I need. What is it with everyone?

“Let’s put it this way,” Matt says. “Since this movie thing started, you haven’t been the same.”

What is his deal? Of course I’ve been the same. Okay, so I’m not around as much as I used to be, but that doesn’t mean I’ve changed. All it means is that I’m busy. So sue me.

“That is such freakin’ crap. Have you got a hotline to my parents, or something? Anyway, I’ve hardly seen you because of all the hours we’ve been working. So how can you say that? I’m the same as I’ve always been. You tell me how I’m different. Go on.”

I glare at him, and he then averts his eyes and looks at Liv, who shrugs. He scowls.

“I go to pick you up from the set, and you blow me off.”

“Once. That happened. Once. And I said sorry.” He’s deliberately focusing on one thing and not remembering everything else where I am exactly as I’ve always been.

“You didn’t turn up to meet us twice recently without even texting.” Okay. There were those two times as well. But that’s it.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help that. It’s not my fault if Zac decides to have extra rehearsals right at the last minute, is it? I don’t have my cell on set with me, so I couldn’t tell you.”

“Maybe not, but even when we do see you, your mind’s elsewhere. You said you would help Bill with the juniors, but when you’re there, it’s like you’re just going through the motions and would rather be somewhere else. Everyone’s noticed.”

This is getting worse by the minute. Now I’m the subject of a gripefest by the dojo members. That’s just great. Well, if you ask me, they’re just jealous because they’re not in a movie like I am.

“Well, I couldn’t care less about everyone else. None of you understand what it’s like working all these hours then having to go to the dojo. And then have your parents get on you like you’re some sort of dropout with no c-c-conscience.”

“I think we do understand,” says Matt. “You don’t stop talking about it. Vince this, Vince, that. Zac this, Zac that. And as for Tilly and now this”—he gestures wildly in front of him as if he can barely bring himself to say the name—“Jon.”

Is Matt on a roll, or what? I can’t remember hearing him so passionate about anything since…well, ever.

“Matt, enough,” says Liv. She holds up her hand to silence him. “Can’t you see Abi’s upset?” Just as she says this we reach Starbucks, so we go in and, while Liv and I grab a table, Matt goes to order.

“Thanks,” I say. “What’s gotten into him, going off on me like that?”

“Abi, don’t take this the wrong way.” She pauses a moment and chews on her bottom lip. “But, Matt’s sort of right. You’re not the same as you used to be. I know it’s all exciting working on a movie, the sort of thing everyone dreams about…”

“Except me,” I say interrupting.

Liv snorts. “Except you. Yes. And you’re one who ends up with the chance. Freakin’ typical, if you ask me.”

The irony of the situation certainly isn’t lost on me.

“But if I’d known what it was like, then I’d probably have dreamed about it too. I’m sorry if I keep going on about it. It’s hard not to. I’ll try to stop though, promise. I didn’t realize I’d gotten so bad.”

“It’s okay. And don’t mind Matt. I think he’s jealous.”

“Well, he could have hardly done stunt work for Tilly, could he?”

“Not of that,” Liv says giggling.

“What, then?”

“Your new friends. We both are, I guess. Suddenly you don’t need us like before.” She drops her head, her mouth twisted in a sad little frown.

How can they think that? We’ve been friends for years, and I’ve never minded when Liv’s had other friends. Well, not too much. Apart from the time she started to spend a lot of time with this girl Tess. Then I really felt left out.

“I’m sorry,” I say guilt flooding through me. “I didn’t mean for you to feel like that.,” I rest my hand on her arm. “You’re my best friends. You know you are.”

“Yes, of course we do. We’ll get used to it. This new, confident you.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. More confident than I used to be, but I’m not you. Never will be.

“Fraps all round,” says Matt, putting our drinks on the table.

“Thanks.” I give him a huge smile. “And sorry for being such a jerk,” I add, even if I don’t agree that I have been. But it’s worth saying sorry to keep being friends. The thought of falling out with him for good hurts more than I even want to admit.

“Don’t sweat it,” he says. And he winks at me. I guess things are back to normal if Matt’s flirting again. I knew apologizing would do the trick.

Chapter Twelve

I came in early today to see Doug, from craft services, about a DJ for Liv’s party. She’s had no luck finding anyone, and I remember him saying his partner was one. Liv’s other problem is that she also doesn’t have much money to spend.

“Leave it to me,” Doug says after I ask him. “We’ll find someone for you.”

“Thanks, so much. I really appreciate it.”

Walking away, I pull out my phone to text Liv. She’ll never believe it. Actually, I think I’ll call her. This is too important for a text. I hope she’s not asleep, not that she’ll mind me waking her when it’s something this big.

I punch in her number, and after three rings she answers.

“Abi?” Her voice sounds all sleepy and hoarse.

“Yeah. Sorry to wake you, but you won’t mind when I tell you why.”

“Don’t bet on it. I didn’t get to bed until two last night,” she groans.

“Two? How come?”

“Matt and I went to the movies, and we bumped into a couple of his friends from school. Rich and Sam, do you know them? We all ended up at Matt’s, where I crashed. Where I still am.”

My body clenches. I don’t believe it. Liv went to the movies with Matt and then stayed at his house. And they didn’t invite me. Since when have they started to go out together without me? What’s going on? It’s always the three of us. Or me and Liv at school. Or me and Matt at the dojo. It’s never just Liv and Matt. Never. I’m the person that links us. It’s always been like that.

And how come Liv’s parents are okay with her sleeping at his house? How well do they know him? Has he spent lots of time at her house with her parents? Why am I feeling like crap about this?

“B-but why d-d-didn’t you ask me? I wasn’t doing anything last night.” I try not to sound like a petulant child, but I don’t think I’m succeeding.

“Abi, I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean anything by it. We just thought you’d be filming. You’ve been a bit incommunicado recently.” She lets out a long yawn. “Come on, what have you got to tell me?”

Suddenly the news doesn’t seem that exciting, not when you compare it to getting blown off by your supposed best friends.

“Just about a DJ for the party, it’s all sorted.” I say in a monotone voice.

“Abi, you rock!” Suddenly Liv sounds wide awake and very excited.


Does she expect me to be all
yay how awesome
now? Because it’s not gonna happen.

“Hey. What’s wrong? One minute you’re all excited about it, and now you’re acting like it’s nothing. It’s last night, isn’t it?” she asks before I have time to reply.

“No.” I can practically feel my bottom lip jutting out in one massive pout.

“Come on, Abi, this is me you’re talking to. You’re in a bad mood because we didn’t invite you to the movies.” She knows me so well.

“I’m not.” I pause for a moment. “Okay, I am. We always go together.”

“Look, I’m really sorry, but it wasn’t planned. I was in town doing some shopping and saw Matt, who was doing the same. Anyway, we decided on the spur of the moment to go. No biggie.”

Well, if that’s what happened, maybe I am overreacting a bit. But even so, they could’ve have thought of me. How long does it take to text someone? Then again, it depends on how long they had until the movie started, and I probably wouldn’t have made it in time. “Sorry. Don’t mind me. I’m just being stupid.”

What if Liv and Matt get together? Like as in
get together. I don’t think I could stand it. Because it’s obvious what would happen to our friendship. It would be over. However much they said otherwise, I’d really be on the outside.

Unless something happened with me and Jon, and then it wouldn’t matter so much. We could be a foursome.

“Rich is so hot. Isn’t he?” She giggles. “I’m going to ask him to the party. Do you think he’ll come?”

Rich? So she’s not thinking about Matt in that way at all. That’s a relief. I wonder if she’d tell me if she was, though.

If Jon was my boyfriend, he’d understand about my friendship with Matt. He’d understand about my other friendships, too. I give a loud sigh. Thinking about Jon always makes me do that. Every day, I hope that he’ll end it with Tilly, because of the way she treats him, and then he’ll want to be with me.

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