William Jarvis - Sky Valley 02 - Beaches & Coffee

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Authors: William Jarvis

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Wedding Coordinator - Georgia

BOOK: William Jarvis - Sky Valley 02 - Beaches & Coffee
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William Jarvis - Sky Valley 02 - Beaches & Coffee
Number II of
Sky Valley Mysteries
William Jarvis
William Jarvis (2015)
Mystery: Cozy - Wedding Coordinator - Georgia
Mystery: Cozy - Wedding Coordinator - Georgiattt
After having to deal with the death of her old friend Annabeth, Emmy was asked to be the wedding coordinator of a certain Scarlet Levi. She wanted the wedding to be held at the Sky Valley Resort where Beaches and Coffee, the coffee shop that Emmy's family owns is located.
Everything seemed to be perfect. Everything finally seemed to be going her way. But there's a catch—Scarlet Levi is not who Emmy thinks she is. And as the day of the wedding approaches, Emmy will get to know a couple of things that will make a big impact on her life—and on the lives of the people around her.
Table of Contents

Title Page


Chapter 1 Counting Down The Days

Chapter 2 A Trip To The Resort

Chapter 3 Surprise, Surprise

Chapter 4 Welcome To My Life

Chapter 5 Snip Snap

Chapter 6 I Never Did Anything Wrong To You

Chapter 7 He’ll Never Stay With You

Chapter 8 Here Comes The Bride

Chapter 9 Just A Few More Days

Chapter 10 I Don’t Think She Loves Me

Chapter 11 Do You Still Have Feelings For Her?

Chapter 12 He’s Dead

Chapter 13 Why Is This Happening?

Chapter 14 You’re Investigating Me?

Chapter 15 Why Don’t You Just Give Up?

Chapter 16 I Want Out

Chapter 17 Scarlet Fever

Chapter 18 This Has To End

What Happens Next

About The Author

Beaches And Coffee

SkyValley Cozy Mystery Series
Book 2

By: William Jarvis

Yap Kee Chong

8345 NW 66 ST #B7885

Miami, FL 33166


Digital Edition

Copyright 2015


All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any way or form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical, this means that you cannot record or photocopy any material ideas or tips that are provided in this book.
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Part 1 – Coffee, Cupcakes & Murder #1

Part 3 – Mayhem At The Mansion

Part 4 – Murderous Coffee Crumb


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Chapter 1 Counting Down The Days 6

Chapter 2 A Trip To The Resort

Chapter 3 Surprise, Surprise

Chapter 4 Welcome To My Life

Chapter 5 Snip Snap

Chapter 6 I Never Did Anything Wrong To You

Chapter 7 He’ll Never Stay With You

Chapter 8 Here Comes The Bride

Chapter 9 Just A Few More Days

Chapter 10 I Don’t Think She Loves Me

Chapter 11 Do You Still Have Feelings For Her?

Chapter 12 He’s Dead

Chapter 13 Why Is This Happening?

Chapter 14 You’re Investigating Me?

Chapter 15 Why Don’t You Just Give Up?

Chapter 16 I Want Out

Chapter 17 Scarlet Fever

Chapter 18 This Has To End

What Happens Next

About The Author


"And look at that!" Emmy smiled as she finished putting the last bit of decor on the cupcakes. It was a miniature diamond placed on top of a red shoe. The cupcakes were her favorite lemon-flavored ones that apparently, the client liked.

Emmy had been busy recently. One of her clients who went by the name Scarlet Levi wanted her to cater for her wedding at the Sky Valley Resort. Aside from that, she also asked Emmy to help coordinate the wedding because they had a branch of their coffee shop there, Beaches and Coffee, known for having an air of nostalgia, and for bringing comfort to customers.

Emmy thought that this was good. After everything that happened at Time for Coffee, the neighborhood coffee shop they owned for a long time, she thought that it was finally time to move on. It has been six months, anyway.

Those six months haven't exactly been easy. She just came back from Paris and was on the process of helping one of her old friends, Annabeth Mayer, with her wedding preparations. Then one day, while they were talking with her fiancé, Matthew, who happened to be Emmy’s ex-boyfriend, Annabeth suddenly fell dead on the floor.

Apparently, she was poisoned with cyanide, but it took a while before the culprit was found. At first, they thought it was Audrina, her dad’s assistant at the coffee shop. Audrina never really liked Annabeth and was there when the crime happened. But just as the police were about to take Audrina with them, her one-time boyfriend, Jimmy came and said that it was him who was at fault. He poisoned Annabeth because she did not allow him to take responsibility for her pregnancy. He said that he hated the fact that Annabeth did not think much of him and set on to marry Matthew.

For the most part, Emmy found this to be hard to believe. She wasn’t close to Jimmy, but she knew that even know he let them hear the recording he made at the scene of the crime, and he told them how he got hold of the cyanide, it was as if there were still some holes in his story. And, Emmy wanted to find out about those things, but at the same time, she knew that she could not devote all her life to that because what’s done is done—and no one can really go back in time.

She also managed to be friends with Audrina, who also turned out to have had a relationship with Emmy’s dad. Both of them did not want to label it, but Emmy knew that it was more than whatever they thought it was. Audrina had to leave after Jimmy had been put to jail, though, because she said that she wanted to start fresh. She and Emmy still communicate every once in a while. Emmy heard that she is currently in Guatemala, but who knows where she’ll fly to next?

Annabeth’s death had a huge effect on their business. For a while, no one wanted anything to do with Time for Coffee, and although they recently re-opened, Emmy knew that customers really did not want to risk their lives. Even though they tried to advertise and tell people that it’s safe, it’s not very easy for people to accept that things are okay for them and that they could forget about what happened because it’s not exactly easy.

It also had some effect on Beaches and Coffee. Because some people knew it was one of the companies owned by Emily’s family, they were a bit hesitant to go there, too. Luckily, most tourists still think that the coffee shop is a breath of fresh air. Instead of the usual Kebab or snack shacks by the beach, it is good to know that there’s a coffee shop that has a really nice ambiance and that can make them feel at home while at the resort.

Emmy tried to concentrate on the online cupcake business that she put up with Audrina, which she currently operates by herself, and is also busy with creating wedding gowns. These are the reasons why Scarlet Levi asked her to help coordinate her wedding for her. Emmy didn’t know if Scarlet was even Scarlet’s real name, and she hasn’t met her yet. They’ll see each other at the resort, Scarlet said. Emmy met Scarlet’s assistant a couple of days ago, though, to finalize some details so everything would go smoothly when they get to meet each other.

“Do you think that looks good?” Emmy asked Daniel, her boyfriend, after she put the mini diamond into place. She made a couple of cupcakes that she could present to Scarlet tomorrow.

“No.” Daniel answered with a grin on his face. “It looks amazing!”

Emmy playfully shoved him as she washed her hands on the faucet. She took a deep breath and faced Daniel.

“I’m kind of scared, you know…”

Daniel kissed her on the forehead. “Relax.” He said. “You’re getting so worked up again. I told you everything would be okay.”

“Yeah, but I feel like if I screw this up, everything will really be ruined.”

“Hey, this Scarlet girl trusts you.” Daniel said. “And you still haven’t met in person. That counts for something. I mean, she sounds sketchy and all but maybe she’s really just full of surprises. And I really don’t want to confuse you more so…”

She laughed. “Well…” Emmy said. “Maybe you’re right.”

Daniel smiled at her. “Come on.” He said. “I’ll help you pack.”


The following day, Daniel and Emmy started to make their way to the Sky Valley Resort to meet up with Scarlet whose wedding was going to happen in a few days. They were in Daniel’s car, and Tove Lo’s Habits was playing on the radio. Emmy was singing along as she looked out the window.

No matter what transpired in the past couple of months, she still couldn’t help but be in awe of Sky Valley. It was one of the most beautiful and peaceful places in Georgia and on earth. The lush trees and the colorful flowers make it seem like a piece of paradise on earth. Somehow, she wished that it really was just like that and that there were no problems but she also knew that it was impossible. There will always be some bit of trouble in paradise.

“What if that Scarlet girl is an actress?” Daniel asked. “I mean, come to think about it, maybe she wants to be mysterious and she does not want to reveal her real name because the paparazzi would come find her. She does not even use her own photo on Facebook and there’s too little information, right? Maybe, being a star would explain it all!” He laughed. “Oh boy, I guess I’ve read too many of your girly books…”

Emmy laughed. “You’re insane.” She said and smiled. She then took a deep breath. “That makes me nervous, though.” She went on, “her air of mystery, I mean. Sometimes I feel like, maybe she just wants to test me, or that maybe this is just a drill and she won’t show up and all that.”

“Hey,” Daniel answered. “She doesn’t know you. Sorry if I made you nervous—“

“No, it’s not your fault. I guess I still really have not gotten over everything that happened months ago.”

Daniel held her hand and squeezed it gently. “Those things are not exactly easy to forget.”

“You’re right.” She said. “I should stop stressing over everything.” She laughed nervously. “It’s just making things worse.”

“Maybe when this Scarlet person reveals herself, you’ll feel better. Anyway,” he said, “How’s Audrina? Have you spoken with her recently?”

“Yeah,” Emmy answered. “She’s still in Guatemala. She told me she’s currently working at this surfboard shop by the beach and she’s enjoying it there. I guess that’s good for her. I mean…she does deserve to move on from all these…Dad misses her, though. He’ll never say it directly, but I know he does. It’s obvious that he does.” She went on. “You know, sometimes I feel like he wants to go out there and find her but he’s not sure if it’s right. I wish I could talk to him about it but you know how he is…”

Daniel nodded his head. “Maybe, Audrina will come back sooner or later. Sky Valley’s her home, even if she thinks otherwise.”

Emmy chuckled. “It’s like you’re talking about me, too.”

Daniel laughed. “Yeah, well, maybe.” He said. “You see, you spent so much time in Paris but you know your roots are here.”

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