William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition (485 page)

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Authors: William Shakespeare

Tags: #Drama, #Literary Criticism, #Shakespeare

BOOK: William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition
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And what’s the third?
The third of Antioch,
And his device a wreath of chivalry.
The word, Me pompae provexit apex.
She presents it to the King
Desire of renown he doth devise,
The which hath drawn him to this enterprise.
He returns it to the page, who exits with the third knight
The fourth knight passes by
richly armed, and his page before him, bearing his device on his shield, delivers it to the Lady Thaisa
What is the fourth?
A knight of Athens bearing
A burning torch that’s turned upside down.
The word,
Qui me alit me extinguit
She presents it to the King
Which shows that beauty hath this power and will,
Which can as well inflame as it can kill.

He returns it to the page, who exits with the fourth knight.


The fifth Knight passes by

richly armed, and his page before him, bearing his device on his shield, delivers it to the Lady Thaisa

And who the fifth?
THAISA The fifth, a prince of Corinth,
Presents an hand environèd with clouds,
Holding out gold that’s by the touchstone tried.
The motto thus: Sic spectanda fides.

She presents it to the King

So faith is to be looked into.

He returns it to the page, who exits with the fifth knight.

Flourish.l The sixth knight, Pericles, in a rusty armour, who, having neither page to deliver his shield nor shield to deliver, presents his device unto the Lady Thaisa
And what’s the sixth and last, the which the knight
With such a graceful courtesy delivereth?
He seems to be a stranger, but his present is
A withered branch that’s only green at top.
The motto,
In hac spe vivo.
From the dejected state wherein he is
He hopes by you his fortunes yet may flourish.
He had need mean better than his outward show
Can any way speak in his just commend,
For by his rusty outside he appears
T’have practised more the whipstock than the lance.
He well may be a stranger, for he comes
Unto an honoured triumph strangely furnished.
And on set purpose let his armour rust
Until this day, to scour it in the dust.
Opinion’s but a fool, that makes us scan
The outward habit for the inward man.


But stay, the knights are coming. We will withdraw
Into the gallery. ⌈

Cornetts and

great shouts


, and all cry
‘The mean knight!’
Sc. 7

A stately banquet is brought in.1 Enter King
Simonides, Thaisa

and their train at one door

, and

at another door

a Marshal

⌉ Pericles and the other knights from tilting

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