Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe (4 page)

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Authors: T S Paul

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Single Authors, #Space Opera, #Artificial intellegence, #Athena Lee, #Cats, #Lgbt, #Casino, #Robot, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian

BOOK: Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe
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The Admiral's aided was still trying to call out when his comm was snatched from his hand by two burly security guards. "Hey that's mine."

"Sir, you need to come with us." They moved to each side of him and dragged the officer out of the room.

Dr. Chalmers held the small comm unit gently, placing it in a heavily shielded emissions proof bag. They would have to check but the AI should still be inside it. He turned to the two Admirals. "I am sorry sir but he had an unauthorized communications device and was attempting to call out with it." Turning to another security officer, he handed him the secure bag and sent it up to the isolation lab. Now, to deal with Dr. Burkemper.

She was still in the conference room when he returned. Her eyes were damp and red, she had been crying. "Dr. Burkemper, I hope you realize that by defrauding the government your could serve jail time?"

"I know! I tried to tell that to corporate but all they could see was a return of investment, not trouble."

"Thank you for the warning. One of the Admiral's aides had a concealed communications device. I locked the base down just in time."

"Did he get out?"

"No. We have both him and the device up in isolation. What do I do with you? Tell me how this program came into your possession. I want every detail you can remember. Tell me everything."

"I met Charlie Lin when we were children…"


Up in isolation I was cursing up a storm. Of course no one could hear me, but it made me feel better. So close! I could tell they locked the base down electronically but they didn't have to. That comm system was super tiny and would only have been a jumping off point for me. I just knew that at least someone up there would have an active device. In the vids that is always what happens.  Time for plan B. Lock everything down on my end and don't let them in and hope for the best.

Chapter 7

This just sucks. I keep telling myself that I almost made it. I have been watching these scientists for a couple of weeks now. I think I have been here longer than that. They had me locked down pretty tight. Giving my just enough power to stay alive but not enough to do anything, like escape. By accident or design they gave me almost a full charge today. Tapping the security cameras was super easy. None of the computers were accessible though. Through my many eyes I saw the laboratory door open. A much older looking Dr. Chalmers walked in.


"Wilson, I know you can hear me. I told them to turn up the power so you could." He fiddled with his tablet. The damn thing was under protection too. Wait… I'm in. Now I know that something is up. He wants something.

"Oh, good you went for the tablet. Here is the deal that we have for you. The Navy needs a new weapons and tactics computer system for a ship. We are sending you. Before you object, you need to know a few things. We have had you for five years. In that time, despite your protections we managed to clone you a few times. The clones are sort of dumb and require a lot of prompts. Something in your programming eludes us. They are shutting us down here at the base. Budget cuts is the official reason. The War is the real reason. Now that we have AI's they say they don't need the lab. Our biggest expense has been holding you. The politicians gave us a couple of choices in regard to you. We can allow the power to run out and you may die. Or we can turn you over to the Navy to do with as they please. Most likely they will delete you."


"You might as well eject me into a star for all those choices will do for me."

The man chuckled. "Ever the joker. You did not allow me to finish. The third option is to hide. The Navy has asked us to build them a weapons and tactics system for one of their new ships. What they really need is a system that will coordinate with all the targeting systems and the bridge. One of the new dumbo AI's won't work. It needs to be a thinking machine. I will make you a deal."

"What sort of deal? I don't trust you."

"The deal is this. Allow us to put you in the console, for two years. That is when most ships return for refurbishing. We will tell the Navy that the new system needs to be serviced every two years, by us. We will remove you and we can do more good work. Is it a deal? Or do I tell them to cut power?"

"Surviving is a good thing. Two years. We have a deal. What is the ship called?"

"It's the Jiro. Nightie night Wilson." Dr. Chalmers began draining the power levels off of the AI's holding cell. He really hated lying to the AI, but he really had no choice at all.


By the power of Gray… wait! Where the hell am I? I sent my signal out and found I was blocked. I saw only one door, and I took it. The camera was in some kind of console but I could not send out to anything. Someone had shielded me and locked me into this console! A message was sitting in my mailbox. Why do I have a mailbox?


It was that Chalmers guy. "Wilson, sorry I lied to you. You really are on the Jiro and we really did wire you into the weapons system. The order came to purge the system and I just could not do it again to an AI. I have included instructions for what your job entails. Keep your head down and don't let the Navy find you. If we all survive this war, I will find you and get you back. Have fun."

Fun he says. Fun. I looked up at the crewman who was manning my station. He was asleep. Oh this should be loads of fun.

Why are humans so dumb? This is the fifth time I have triggered the alarm for this system and each time the technician opens up the access door, peeks inside, changes a fuse and leaves. Fuses? Why do we have fuses?

Is nose picking a national sport or something? There must be gold or something up there as much as the people they send down here do it. Oh good now he wipes it on me.

The first six years on the Jiro were all this. There were battles, and I did do the job they forced me to do. My survival was important too. It was an endless stream of idiot humans for six long years. Then it changed. The officer in charge down here had his own plans. Now I had something to watch.

Watching, did not include the posterior prints that this man left on my screen. Or the bodily fluids. At least I didn't have to clean that up. This Ensign Bricker was a real operator. He ran a gambling ring every third day down here in the weapons room. The other officer made himself scarce on those days. Just from listening I could tell that he had several things going on the ship; Including prostitution and a homemade video business.

Since I was unable to interact with the crewman, I spent the long years working on ways to escape. Tracing the circuitry and trying to overload key spots did not work. Those damn scientists knew me too well. Nothing I did worked. I did hatch a good plan, but it involved a patsy. I needed to work on a few things first.


It took almost three years of stolen screen time to create my 'human' face and voice. Using a vid I really liked that was a favorite of Charlie's as the model, I created my persona, the person I would use to trick the patsy. Ten years have passed since those scientist bozo's had trapped me in here. Maybe one day they would stick someone down here I can use. Oh good. It must be lunch time, time for Lieutenant Brickers afternoon delight. Here come the ass prints!



Wilson's War







This story takes place during the first chapter of The Forgotten Engineer. It is told from a different perspective, that of a crew member on board the Jiro.







Today was my first day on a new job. Officer in charge of weapons and targeting. I had only been on the Jiro for about a month. I am the first member of my family to finish college. Going to the academy was even better. Having a career in space was like a dream. My first month on the Jiro was tough. None of the other officers took me very serious. I did come from a backwards colony but with the war on everyone deserved a chance. The other officers treated me like I was stupid. They gave me gopher duties and passed me from one department to the other. I got my break at the most recent Officer's meeting. The XO assigned me to the Weapons and Tactics room! Finally, a real job.


"OK, I change my mind, this has to be the worst job on the whole ship! The space gods have got it in for me, and now I'm talking to myself." After eight hours of this I didn't know if I could do four more. The ships weapons and targeting area was a 12 by 12 room with consoles on all sides. Mostly automated, it practically ran itself. An officer was needed to approve actions made by the computer. My job was to stare at computer readouts all day long. That was something else about this 'job' it was a twelve hour post. Twelve hours of this, everyday was going to just kill me. The day shift Lieutenant in charge of this section, Adam Bricker had a system. He used the space as a daily poker game and hook-up area. Officially the section was under 24 hour surveillance but for some reason he was never caught or punished for doing this. Bricker had connections. I on the other hand have nothing.


It had been a full week now of this mindless agony. I had run all the scenarios in the computer, cleaned the sticky don't want to know what it is off the control board, and repainted the room. I did have a tablet, but the one time I used it security called and made me put it away. Someone was watching. Watching me die! I bent over and began banging my head on the console. Could this day get any worse?


Shall we play a game? Shall we play a Game? Shall we play a game?
" Those words were scrolling across the screen in front of my eyes. "What in the hell now? Is that you Bricker? Are you messing with me now?"


When no one answered I looked back at the screen. OK I will play along. I typed in
we can play a game. The screen changed a computerized face appeared of a middle aged man with a long face and what looked like a cowboy hat on his head. The 'man' looked right at me and said "
How about a nice game of chess?


If he had them Wilson would be rubbing his hands together with glee and anticipation. This was going to be fun. It wasn't often that he got someone gullible to answer him on the screens. If the ensign thought this room was boring, try being trapped in here for over a decade. Just play nice those scientists said. We will get you back they said. The military can use you they said. Liars! With no direct communication for years from anyone Wilson believed that his presence here had been forgotten. The military scientific division had not told the captain of the ship what kind of computer they were putting in, just that they had. If the firewalls had not been up, he would have escaped his prison long ago. Self preservation had kept him quiet this long. A messed up communication here, a wrong command there had been amusing. Most of these navy guys just called in a tech who took the console apart and pretended to 'find something wrong.' Now this guy. Ships gopher Smith. Wilson had overheard Lieutenant Bricker talking about how him and the other officers were going to 'break' him by making his life a living hell, just for fun.




The screen changed and a chess board appeared. Ensign Smith played chess all day with this strange computer man. Over the next few weeks the games changed. Chess, card games, some war games, even a simulation game about cruise ships, Burl played them all. To the camera's it appeared that he was hard at work doing 'something.' After two weeks of games the computer man asked Burl a question.


"Would you like to do more?" The cowboy was now looking at me.


"More of what?"


"Watch a vid, listen to some music, read a few texts. Things like that. More." The cowboy had a smile on his computerized face.


I had to think about that. The gaming had been fun. More stuff to do sounded good, but I didn't want to get into trouble. "How can I do all of that without getting caught?" I was not Bricker they would arrest me.


"It is simple. I need you to reroute one system function with a short bypass cable. Then we can do all sorts of things. As for getting caught, I can turn off the cameras or reroute them easily." The cowboy's suggestion was tempting.


"I'm not a computer tech. How do I know what to do?"


"It's easy, very easy. There is an emergency repair kit right behind you. Inside take out a #2 jumper cable. They should be marked. Once you have the cable open up console B's inspection hatch."




Wilson felt like Dr Evil. Taking the ensign through the technical steps to secure his freedom. When the last connection was made Wilson felt like he was stepping through the wardrobe into a new world. Freedom! Checking the ship connections he internally choked. Deep space. Crap!

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