Winds of Heaven (34 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“How the hell would you know? You’re having the next one!”

Casey’s eyes flew open in horror and she grimaced as Liz squeezed her hand. Casey had no idea this woman was so strong; she almost dropped to her knees.

Just then, Dr. Haines walked in, smiling. “Well, good morning. How’s Mommy?”

“I’m okay…” Casey stopped as Liz glared up at her. “Oh...”

Dr. Haines laughed and examined Liz. “Okay, you’re dilated just fine, Liz,” she said and checked her blood pressure.

Casey noticed her frown. Liz was too preoccupied with the contractions to notice.

“Okay, Liz. Your blood pressure is a little low, kiddo. We’ll need to monitor it as we go,” she said and winked.

Casey watched helplessly as Liz cried and tried not to scream with each contraction. “You’re doing fine, Liz. Now short breaths and push...”

Liz obeyed and cried out as she pushed. Casey held her hand and gave her encouraging words.

“Push, honey,” Casey said, and Liz nodded, then pushed again.

Dr. Haines looked up and checked her blood pressure. All of the sudden, Liz lay back; her complexion dramatically changed from flushed to ashen.

“Okay. Let’s get her in the OR.”

Casey stood completely confused. “What?”

“Casey, her blood pressure is dropping. I just want to make sure everything goes as planned. Now you wait outside. I’ll come get you.”

“Is she…?” Casey choked out. Liz was moaning and holding her hand in a vice grip.

“She’ll be fine. Now give her a kiss and get out of here,” Dr. Haines said.

Casey quickly kissed her while she held on to her hand. “Liz, honey. I love you. I will be right outside. Please...” She stopped and took a deep breath.

Liz reached up and touched her cheek. “It’s going to be a girl,” she whispered and smiled. Casey grinned and kissed her deeply. “I love you. Tell Skye...” Liz whispered and smiled.

Casey stood there and blinked at the swinging door, her heart pounding in her ears.

Meredith, holding Skye, met Casey in the waiting room. Niles and Brian were right behind them. Meredith released Skye, who rushed to Casey.

!” she called and Casey scooped her up and hugged her tight and cried.

Niles put an arm on her shoulder. “You look like hell.”

“Mama have baby?” Skye asked.

Casey shook her head. “Not yet, sweetie. Soon, though,” she managed to say without crying.

Meredith was quickly at Casey’s side. “What is it?”

“Her blood pressure was low. She’s in the OR. Dr. Haines doesn’t want to take any chances.” She looked at her grandmother through the tears that flooded her eyes.

Meredith opened her arms and Casey flew into them and sobbed quietly. “She can’t die, Gram. Not now, she just can’t.”

“She is not going to die. Don’t talk like that,” Meredith whispered and pushed her back. “Liz has everything to live for, Casey.”

Casey sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked around to find Niles and Brian playing with Skye.

“Walk with me,” Meredith said and slipped her arm in Casey’s.

They walked down the corridor and stopped in front of the chapel doors. Casey stared blankly at the doors, then looked down at her grandmother. “I haven’t been to church in ages.”

Meredith smiled, the tears welling in her blue eyes. “He doesn’t care.” She gently pushed her toward the door.

Casey walked in; the deafening quiet hit her like a wall. She sat down in the pew in the back of the chapel and looked at the crucifix above the small altar. She knelt down and whispered, “I hope Gram is right and You don’t care. Please, God, don’t take her from me. Your winds sent her to me. We haven’t even begun to live... I’m begging you,”
Casey pleaded with folded hands. Then she let out a heart-wrenching sob and buried her face in her hands. “Julie,” she whispered. “Please help us if you can. You brought us together. Please…” She sobbed once again and sat back.

After a few minutes, she was emotionally drained. She heard the doors creak open and Skye poked her head in. “

Casey looked back and saw Meredith standing behind Skye. She winked and closed the door.

“Come here,

Skye ran up and Casey pulled her up to sit on the pew next to her. “What you


Skye looked up at the altar and frowned. “Like night prayers?”

“Yes, sweetie,” Casey said, desperately trying not to cry.

They sat side by side in silence. Though Casey had her eyes closed, she could feel Skye watching her. She opened her eyes to see Skye doing just that. “You praying inside,

Casey’s bottom lip quivered as she nodded. “Yes, sweetie.”

“Me too,” Skye said and closed her eyes.

“We’ll pray for Mommy and the baby.”


Finally, Skye pulled at Casey’s shirt sleeve. “You done? I have to go potty.”

Casey looked down at the innocent face and started laughing. She pulled Skye into her arms and hugged her tight until Skye let out a groan. “
, potty.”

Casey paced back and forth in the waiting room. Meredith watched television with Skye. Niles and Brian had come back with good coffee; Niles handed a steaming cup to Casey.

“Any news?” Brian asked.

Casey shook her head. She was getting impatient. “It’s been over two hours.”

“Casey, if Liz can have the baby naturally, it could take even longer.”

“I know, I know.” Casey continued to pace. She then sat down and took a gulp from the coffee cup.

Right behind her was Dr. Haines. Casey spilled the coffee as she leapt to her feet.

“Is she?”

“She’s fine. The baby’s fine. Congratulations, Mom. It’s a girl.”

Casey covered her face and sobbed. Brian and Niles stood on either side of her and Skye clung to her leg. Meredith looked as though she might faint.

“She’s very tired. She will need to stay for a day just to monitor the blood pressure. That is one tough woman. She would not let me take the baby Cesarean. It was close. The baby is fine, all ten fingers and toes. We’re just monitoring her. But both are fine,” she said and winked. “You both can go up.”

Casey walked in holding Skye. Liz looked over and grinned. “You look tired, pale, and absolutely gorgeous,” Casey said.

Skye reached for her and Casey held her over the bedrail as they kissed. “Hi, Mama. You hurt?”

“No, sweet pea, Mommy’s just a little tired. You’ve got a sister, Skye.”

Casey put her down and Skye looked up at both women.

“Hi, Mommy,” Liz whispered and saw the faraway, stunned look in the green eyes. “I’m fine, Casey. We have a girl.”

Casey could not help it. She lowered her head onto Liz’s chest and sobbed. Liz gently ran her fingers through her hair.

’,” Skye said in a sad voice.

Liz smiled down at her daughter. “It’s okay, sweet pea, Casey’s just happy,” Liz said and held on to the sobbing woman. “She’s just realizing the whole pregnancy thing,” she whispered affectionately and kissed her dark hair.

“How about Tara?” Liz offered after Casey stopped bawling.

“Tara? Hmm, okay,” Casey agreed with a nod as she sniffed.

“We’ve got the Skye. Why not the Earth?” Liz asked.

Casey could not help it. She cried openly as Liz pulled her down to her once again.

Just then, the nurse came in. “We’ve got a little visitor and she’s hungry,” she said, and Skye jumped up and down.

Casey blinked at the bundle the nurse was holding.

“How lucky can one little girl get to have two mommies…?” the nurse said.

The nurse handed Tara to Liz, who naturally took the infant and held her close.

“Now this is your first. I’ll show you how to breast feed...” The nurse stopped and raised an eyebrow.

Little Tara was already nursing against Liz’s breast. Liz grinned as Casey just stared and blinked in amazement.

The old nurse laughed. “I guess you don’t need me. She may be fussy, just change sides. One side may be better than the other.”

Liz looked up at the dumbfounded Casey and grinned. “She’s here,” she exclaimed and both women giggled.

Casey reached over and smoothed her little head. “She’s so teeny,” she exclaimed as she watched her nurse the infant. “And I’m so...” She stopped and smiled. “Jealous.”

Liz blushed horribly and hid her grin.

Casey looked around to see Skye standing with her arms defiantly folded across her chest. She was frowning up at the new addition.

Casey tapped Liz’s arm. Liz looked over to Skye. “Uh-oh,” she whispered. “Hey, sweet pea. Come say hi to Tara, your new sister.”

“No.” Skye pouted and Casey raised an eyebrow.

Now what, she thought. She looked at Liz, who shrugged as if to say, “it’s your turn.”

Casey walked over and sat down, and tried to pull Skye into her lap. She wiggled away and stood by the door.

, what’s wrong?” Casey asked. “Tell me, sweetie.”

Skye’s bottom lip quivered. “
has two mommies. Not fair,” she said in tears.

Casey and Liz gaped at each other. Neither saw this coming.

“I want two mommies, too,” Skye said very clearly.

Liz was amazed how much older she seemed in just four short months. She raised an eyebrow as Casey blinked. Now what are you going to do, Ms. Bennett? she thought.

, come here, please, sweetie.” Casey opened her arms. Skye slowly walked up to her, her arms still folded across her chest. “I’m sorry,

“Not fair,
,” Skye said in a small sad voice.

Liz pretended not to listen as she continued nursing Tara. Casey had to handle this one.

“I know. Do you want me? I mean you already have your mom.”

has two mommies, why not me?”

“I have no reason for that. You’re right. If your sister can have two mommies, then so can you. I’d love to be your mom, too. I love you very much. I love your mom and little Tara. We’re a family,
. I’ll never leave and we’ll always be together. How’s that?” Casey asked, her throat aching as she held back the tears.

Skye jumped into her lap and Casey groaned and held on tight. “You still

, I’ll always be Casey and your mom.”

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