Read Wings of Love Online

Authors: Scotty Cade

Wings of Love (17 page)

BOOK: Wings of Love
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“I totally understand, and I’ll be gentle with you, flyboy,” Brad said. “Now, I’m damn hungry. What do you say I heat up the leftover lasagna?”

“I say go for it, and I’ll stay here and watch you do it,” Mac said.

“Very funny,” Brad said as he slipped on some sweats and a T-shirt.

“Damn,” Mac said. “I thought you were going to do it naked.”

“Hell no!” Brad shouted. “It’s so damn cold in here there would be major shrinkage.”

Mac laughed so hard he spit red wine all over the bed. When he’d composed himself, he said, “Glad this is your bed. It’s full of wine stains now.”

“My bed, huh?” Brad asked. “If it’s my bed, why’ve you had your butt in it for the last few days?”

“’Cause your butt was in it,” he replied.

“Good answer. Now light some of those oil lamps, so I can see you.”

“You’re bossy,” Mac yelled while he was on his way to the fireplace.

“I am not bossy. I just want to be able to see you running around here naked, doing your chores.”

“Okay,” Mac said. “Then naked you get.”

When dinner was ready, they got back in bed and ate lasagna and sipped wine until they were well sated. They got out of bed just long enough to do the dishes and open another bottle of wine. When the kitchen was cleaned and the sheets changed, they were tucked back into bed with wine glass in hand, they settled down and relaxed.

After five minutes of comfortable silence, Mac reached over and put his wine glass on the table and did the same with Brad’s. He snuggled into Brad, laid his head on Brad’s chest, and rubbed his washboard stomach.

“How do you get that tight stomach and keep it?” Mac asked.

“Good genes, I think. I haven’t worked out seriously in five years, but I do watch what I eat, not that you can tell by the way we eat up here. If you remember, when Jeff first died, I didn’t really have an appetite for several weeks, and that kept the weight off, but if I keep eating like this and going to bed, I’ll be as big as this cabin.”

“I wish I had good genes,” Mac said. “I usually work out three to four times a week, and I still struggle with the weight and the love handles.”

“You’re in great shape, Mac. Maybe you can bring up some workout equipment, and we can set up a little gym in the corner. It would be fun to work out with you.”

“I can do that,” Mac said. “It will take a few trips because of the weight load issues, but I think I can manage it.”

“That sounds great,” Brad said.


“Yeah, Mac.”

“I really like lying like this, with my head on your chest and feeling your strong, hard body underneath mine. You know, with Lindsey, I was always the man and always had to be the strong one. Not that she made me feel that way or anything, but just because I always thought that’s what the man was supposed to do. But with two guys, we can share being strong, and that’s really nice.”

“It is nice, Mac, and you are so right. You’re really catching on to this man-to-man thing.”

“Does that make me gay?” Mac asked.

“No labels, remember? We are what we are, Mac, and we owe it to ourselves to be what we are. At least what we are right now.”

“What do you mean by ‘right now’?” Mac asked.

“Mac, come on, I’m not fooling myself into thinking that you’ll always be here with me. In my opinion, most people who are truly bisexual can never be exclusively with a man or a woman for any period of time, because at some point, they want the other sex,” Brad explained.

“If your theory holds,” Mac said, “maybe Lindsey was just someone I fell in love with because we were alike and had some sort of bond, sort of like we do, regardless of her sex,” Mac said.

“Maybe,” Brad said. “But I’m not saying my theory’s bulletproof. I think that some men and women fall in love with the opposite sex because they believe that’s the only acceptable option. I also think that some men and women fall in love with the opposite or, in many cases, the same sex because that’s their preference. The unlucky ones who choose the same sex, do so knowing that society will always frown upon them and make them feel unworthy. I’m not sure which category you fall into, but if it’s the latter, I’m really in trouble.”

Mac thought about what Brad had said before he spoke next.

“You know, Lindsey was the first and last woman I ever wanted to be with, and I’ve never been attracted to a man until you, so where does that put me?” Mac asked.

“Who knows, Mac? The one thing I do know is that Jeff’s death taught me that I want to live each day like it was my last. I want to enjoy the time I have with you right now, because we’ll never know what tomorrow will bring. If we can’t learn anything from the pain we experienced from losing our spouses, we’re hopeless.”

“Wow, Bradford,” Mac said. “Very well put.” He tilted his head up to Brad’s. Brad met his lips in a deep passionate kiss. Brad rolled over and pinned Mac beneath him.

Brad captured Mac’s face in his hands and looked into his eyes. He saw what he thought was fear and desire.

“You okay, Mac? You want me to stop?” he whispered.

Mac mouthed “No,” and began to tremble a little, but held on to Brad.

He whispered into Mac’s ear, “Remember, if you’re uncomfortable, just say stop, and I’ll stop. No expectations and no disappointments.”

Mac nodded as Brad went in for a deeper kiss. Mac ran his fingers through Brad’s hair and gripped him tight behind the neck. Brad slid down and encircled Mac’s nipple with his tongue. Mac gasped, and Brad bit down lightly and released. Mac arched his back off of the bed. Brad licked across Mac’s chest and repeated the same actions on his other nipple, and was rewarded with the same response.

Mac closed his eyes. He was overwhelmed with all the feelings he was experiencing. He couldn’t ever remember being this turned on, and that fact frightened him a little. With Lindsey, he had always been the aggressor. But Brad was taking the lead, and he liked it. That thought frightened him even more. He was ripped out of his thoughts by a warm sensation on his dick. Brad had slid down and taken Mac’s erect cock into his mouth.

Trembling, Mac mouthed, “Oh God.”

Brad took Mac’s entire dick in one gulp as it slid down his throat. Mac again came up off the bed and thrust his dick farther down Brad’s throat. Brad gagged for an instant, then relaxed, and Mac’s dick slid all the way in.

Brad saw that Mac’s dick was beautifully shaped, a little shorter than his, but just as thick. He seemed to fit perfectly in Brad’s mouth, and Brad wanted so much to pleasure him in every way.

Brad slid his mouth back up and then down again and in the process, tasted Mac’s bittersweet juice starting to leak out.
He even tastes beautiful
, Brad thought. Brad went down a few more times, then released Mac’s dick and moved down to his balls. He circled each ball with his tongue as he sucked it into his mouth, and then sucked both balls at once and rolled them around in his mouth. He released Mac’s balls, lifted his legs, and spread his cheeks to reveal a perfect pink pucker. Knowing what he was about to do was a very personal thing, he reminded himself that all Mac had to do was say stop, and he would stop.

With Mac’s legs over his head, Brad went in for the kill. He first tickled Mac’s opening lightly with his tongue, then circled it and forced his tongue into the tight opening, over and over again.

Mac grabbed and held his legs in place while he kept moaning and saying, “Oh Brad, oh God, that feels so good.”

Brad took such delight in the pleasure he was giving Mac that he was on the verge of coming himself. After one last thrust of his tongue and suckling Mac’s pucker, he lowered Mac’s legs and engulfed Mac’s entire dick in one gulp. He went all the way down and came up once again. He stuck his finger into his mouth and soaked it with saliva and rubbed it around Mac’s hole. Mac tensed just a little at the sensation, but as Brad went down again, Mac relaxed.

Mac reached down and grabbed Brad’s erect cock and caressed it as he whispered, “Brad, I’m so close.” Knowing Mac was at the point of no return, Brad slipped his finger all the way into Mac’s tight hole. Again, Mac lifted off of the bed with a loud moan as thrust after thrust of warm cum slid down Brad’s throat. Brad was so excited about Mac’s reaction and his touch that he came all over Mac’s hand the very second he slipped his finger into Mac’s hole.

Mac fell back on the bed at the same time Brad slid his finger out of his hole. He lay very still, trying to catch his breath.

Brad asked, “Are you okay, Mac?”

Mac waved a hand as if to say, give me a minute. When he could finally speak, he said, “I’m better than okay. That was incredible.”

Brad smiled and climbed off the bed to get a towel to clean himself and Mac.

When he returned with a warm, damp cloth, Mac was in the same position in which he’d left him. Mac opened his eyes and said, “Hey, Bradford, where did you go?”

“To get a clean towel,” he said. Mac lay there as Brad wiped him clean of saliva and cum and threw the towel on the floor.

Brad crawled back into bed and slid his arm in under Mac’s head and began stroking his hair. Again Mac was curled up with his head on Brad’s chest and both arms wrapped tightly around him. Before Brad could say anything, he heard that familiar soft snore to which he’d quickly become accustomed, signaling Mac’s slumber. Brad closed his eyes and silently thanked Jeff, God, and the universe for bringing Mac into his life.

Chapter 23


opened his eyes as the light streaked in through the now-opened shutters. At some point in the night, he and Mac had shifted positions and were again spooning, with Mac tucked up tightly behind him. Brad could feel Mac’s morning erection poking his back and buttocks, but since they hadn’t yet talked about last night, he didn’t feel comfortable reaching behind and caressing it.

He looked at the clock, as he always did—
ten forty-five
, he thought,
really slept in this morning
. Brad felt Mac begin to run his fingers through his hair in a soft circular motion, and he leaned his head into the touch.

“Morning,” Mac whispered.

“Good morning to you,” Brad said. “Do you see what time it is?” he asked.

Mac raised his head and looked at the clock. “Wow, I can’t tell you the last time I slept until ten forty-five,” he said. “But by the looks of the light flooding the cabin, it appears to be a beautiful day.”

“That it does,” Brad said. “I’ll flip you to see who has to get up and make the coffee.”

Mac laughed. “Not necessary, I’d love to bring you coffee in bed.”

“A man truly after my heart,” Brad said.

“After last night, I think I am after your heart, among other things,” Mac chuckled.

“About last night,” Brad asked. “Are you all right with what happened?”

“Before we talk about last night,” Mac said, “let me make the coffee, so I can get back in bed.”

“Since you’re the one getting up, whatever you say,” Brad said.

Mac got out of bed and, surprisingly, didn’t bother to put on any clothes. Brad watched Mac’s hot, naked body—sporting his morning wood—move around the little kitchen, putting the coffee filter then the coffee into the coffeemaker, filling the glass pot with water, and turning on the brewer. He walked past the bed toward the bathroom and winked at Brad as he passed without saying a word. When he came out of the bathroom, the woody was gone, and he went back to the kitchen. He got out the cream and sugar and placed it on a tray, and since enough coffee had brewed for two cups, he removed the coffee pot from the brewer, filled the cups, and put it back to make the rest of the pot. He was back in bed in eight minutes flat.

He handed Brad his cup and said, “Now, you were saying?”

“I wasn’t really saying, I was more asking if you’re okay with what happened last night?” Brad asked.

“Hell yeah, I’m okay with it,” Mac said. “It was amazing. You were amazing.”

Brad smiled.

“And, Brad, I’m really sorry I fell asleep so soon afterwards, I was just so relaxed. It’s been so long since I’ve had that kind of connection with anyone, and I felt so content that I just couldn’t help it. I’m really sorry, and I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Mac, it’s okay,” Brad said. “Remember, it’s women who mostly like the cuddle factor after sex, not men. Don’t get me wrong, I love holding you, but I can do that while you sleep. As long as you don’t fall asleep during sex, I’ll be fine.”

“Are you kidding me?” Mac said. “Not a chance of that ever happening. Brad, I never knew sex with a guy could be so hot. I mean, when you started playing with my nipples and did what you did to my ass, man, I thought I was going to fly off the bed. It was so personal, yet so erotic and pleasurable. Who knew? And then when you used your finger, I’ve never had such an intense orgasm in my life.”

“So I gather you’re okay with it?” Brad asked.

“Hell yes, I’m okay with it. In fact, I can’t wait to do it again,” Mac said.

Brad laughed. “Mac, there’s so much I want to show you.”

And, shyly, Mac said, “Hopefully, I’ll be a good student.”

BOOK: Wings of Love
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