WingsOfDesire-AriannaSkye (2 page)

BOOK: WingsOfDesire-AriannaSkye
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Not a single light lit up on the entire crispy mess. Only the monitor with its weird symbols and words glowed with life.

This was nuts. She shook her head in a feeble attempt to get his strange voice out of her mind. It was bad enough she suffered from stress and anxiety. Now she could add schizophrenia to the list.

“A therapist would love this.” She grabbed the towel that dangled on the arm of the chair.

“I’ll come for you, my sweet,” he whispered in his weird language.

Not again! How in the hell did she know what his words meant? Maybe it was some strange language developed by her subconscious to drive her insane. If that was the case, it was working.

“Sorry, C.” She let out a loud guffaw. “They don't allow visitors in the psych ward.” Picking up the towel, she threw it over the conundrum that was her laptop. Out of sight, out of mind.

Forcing a smile, she padded to the window and traced her finger over the charred mesh of the screen. With a bemused shrug, she pulled the window closed and locked it. She spun around and strode out of her home office and mustered all the confidence she could.

She raised her chin. “Good bye,
mo cridhe
,” she whispered.

It was late, and she needed rest. She slammed the door behind her. She'd deal with her crispy mess of a computer tomorrow morning.


Cerne Silverwing drew his fingers over the mirror and closed off his connection to the human world. If Rhiannon Kinsley, as they called her on Earth, was indeed their princess, their kingdom was doomed.

He traced the frozen image in the mirror. Her hair, though red with curls, was too short. She painted her face like a human woman and wore clothes only a man should wear. However, she did look ravishing in those tight cutoff breeches and flimsy tops, but it just wasn’t done in Fey.

She wasn’t faerie; she was human. And even if she were a faerie, her time on Earth had tainted her faerie spirit.

But tonight she’d come to the portal window naked. Tantalizing flesh flecked with drops of water, just begging him to lick the trail from the rosy bud of her nipple down to the hidden treasures at the apex of her thighs. He groaned, his member throbbing against his mushroom-skin breeches. If she wasn’t their princess, she was a temptress sent by Korrigan to lead him astray.

Even with her Earthly attributes, there was something pure and ethereal about her. Such an aura could not be imitated. And she’d understood his words. Korrigan’s minions were not so daft to acknowledge they knew the faerie language. Then he’d seen the royal sign, the small star-shaped birthmark that graced her stomach.

He grumbled. All the signs, despite the deep foreboding in his chest, pointed to her—this impudent human who challenged his calling.

“Blasted elders,” he mumbled, pulling his fingers from the mirror. Rhiannon’s image evaporated into the mists, leaving him staring at his own reflection. The faerie elders had spoken.

He had no choice but to honor their wishes.

A giant flash of light emanated from the center of the room. Despite the suddenness, he wasn’t fazed. “Maeve.” Smiling, he bowed. “How can I be of service?” Maeve Windsong stepped forward, bathed in soft light. Her translucent lilac gossamer gown flowed around her. Long flaxen hair whipped gently about her face while her peridot-green eyes glowed with warmth and vitality.

“Cerne.” She allowed him her hand for a kiss. She was already an elder, even though they were near the same age. “I hear you’ve found Princess Rhiannon?” She floated above the floor, her iridescent wings fluttering with the breeze.

He should’ve had his wings by now. Since he turned ninety, he had been destined to become the prince consort. Alas, his destiny had been thwarted when Korrigan, the conniving Dark Faerie Queen, managed to steal the babe, Rhiannon, from her parents and sent her to the human world.

“I found a young woman residing in the human world named Rhiannon Kinsley. However, I should point out many people on Earth have now adopted use of otherworld names.” He chose to leave the bit about the birthmark to himself. He wasn’t sure the human-reared Rhiannon was ready for the battle that headed their way. When he brought the princess into their world, the entire kingdom would be consumed in chaos. If she proved her human upbringing, peace would never come.

“Korrigan’s army grows stronger. Soon she’ll have enough minions to attack. We need Princess Rhiannon—
” Maeve fluttered down to the settee and lounged, allowing a shapely leg to dangle from the plush cushion. She twiddled her toes in anxious excitement.

He arched a brow. “Are you here to discuss the elder council, or have you come for other reasons?” He lounged against the stone wall and raked a hand through his hair.

Maeve’s eyes flashed and tapered to a gentle glow. “Belenus and I are now wed—very happily, I may add.” She fluffed the gossamer gown to cover her leg. “If I were interested in a dalliance, I would’ve shown you more than a leg.” She winked. “And Bel’s and my offer still stands, if you’re interested. One needs to become versed in the art of pleasuring a princess.” He stifled the chuckle that threatened to burst from his mouth. Did she truly believe he needed lessons in lovemaking? A princess, underneath all that princess garb, was still a woman.

Cerne grinned. And he was
in pleasuring the fairer sex.

Her giggle broke him from his thoughts.

“I can read your mind, you know.” She flashed a wide smile. “Not that I want to know what goes on in there. But you’re correct, you
well-versed.” With the grace of a swan, she lifted herself from the settee. In a giant swoop, she fluttered her wings in playful salute. “All things considered, as prince consort, you are expected to attend the princess’s orientation into the faerie pleasures.” Maeve swooshed and flitted toward him. “It’s part of the ritual, you know.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “If you want to guarantee the princess’s pleasure, you’ll join Belenus and me.”

“I am to be prince consort. My only wish now is to pleasure my princess.” Maeve floated behind him and placed her hands on his shoulder, rubbing in a slow circular motion. “I sense your need, Cerne. You want her. I can feel it. The time is now.”

“She’s beautiful.” His breath hitched as he recalled Rhiannon’s image in the mirror. “But she may be tainted.”

“The elders will be the judge of that. I’ve come to give you your orders. You’re to use this portal you’ve found and bring Rhiannon back. Your mission begins now.” Her voice echoed in his ears as she evaporated into the mists.

The elders had spoken. His journey had begun.


Pulling back her sheets, Rhiannon climbed into the vast expanse of the king-sized bed and luxuriated in the silkiness teasing her skin. Her nipples pebbled as the soft satin brushed against her bare breasts. A soft moan escaped her lips. How on earth could she be so turned on?

Squirming in her bed, she slipped against the sheets. Nothing would stop the warmth that radiated within her. She grazed her fingers across her rock-hard nipples and gently rubbed. She arched her back and allowed her hand to cup and squeeze a breast. The other hand roamed down her stomach and waist to the heat that radiated between her thighs. Soft moans filled the room while she stretched, stroking her clit.

Frustration built up inside her. No matter how hard she touched herself or how much she pinched her nipples, she could not come. Rhiannon grumbled, turned over, and opened the drawer of the nightstand. She needed release and she needed it now. Fumbling inside, she looked for batteries and the special toy she'd bought just last week. Now was the perfect time to try it out.

“You don’t need that,
mo cridhe
.” The whisper danced around her, enveloping her in warmth.

No, what she needed was satisfaction, but the lack of release was making her crazy—crazy enough she heard that sexy voice again. “Not you again,” she grumbled, slamming the drawer shut. “Go back to the computer monitor and bug a circuit board or something. I need to sleep.”

“Roll over,
mo cridhe

“Stop calling me that stupid name. I'm not your anything, of my imagination!”

Especially not
his heart.
Great! She really could understand his imaginary language.


Strong arms encircled her waist and pulled her back against a firm, muscled chest. “Are you imagining
?” He, whoever this apparition was, whispered the words softly, lowered his lips to her neck and nipped and nibbled the sensitive flesh behind her ear. His thick woodsy scent drifted to Rhiannon's nostrils, intoxicating her.

Perhaps she'd finally fallen asleep, and this was a dream, a delicious erotic dream—one she hadn't had in some time. “Whatever or whoever you are...” She tried to fight the desire ripping

through her. Her body tingled while he stroked the hair at the nape of her neck. “Please don't stop doing that.” Her willpower shot, she rubbed her back against his chest. She might as well enjoy this dream to its fullest.

“Look at me,” he whispered, turning her around to face him.

Shoulder length raven hair framed his tanned face. Jade eyes sparked desires yet to be discovered. He wore a sapphire-laced tunic and a pair of strange grayish-tan pants. Despite his bizarre outfit, he was gorgeous. And, of course, he was in her bed.

“It's a dream, no worries.” She ran her fingers up her mystery man's tunic and pulled it up over his head, marveling at the magnificent piece of art that lounged before her. He put all the classic sculptures to shame. His biceps bulged and his rock-hard pecs rippled. She decided to be daring and traced a finger from his taut chest down the beautiful washboard abs, to the strange trousers he wore. Lowering her gaze to the bulge in his pants, she gasped. Her dream guy was well-endowed.

“Hmm?” She brushed her nipples against his chest. “I'm about to fuck you and I don't even know your name.”

“You know it in your heart.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and lowered her to the bed. His large hands kneaded and massaged her breasts as he brought his lips to hers.

She welcomed his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and entwining her fingers in his ebony locks.

“Cernunnos?” she whispered against his lips.
Please don't be that crazy cyber-freak.

He pulled his lips from hers. “Cerne.” His soft breath teased her skin. “You’re hot for me.

Soon we’ll be together.”

Soon? Why not now?
Rhiannon's hips arched up while his fingers danced across her thigh.

“Please.” If this erotic dream didn't end up with some kind of fulfillment, she'd be really pissed.

His lips curved upwards into a sensuous smile. “I shall give you pleasure, my sweet. But mine will have to come Beltane.” He parted her folds and brushed his finger against her clit. Her hips bounced off the bed and a river of ecstasy flooded her body.

He chuckled throatily. “You like that,
?” He continued to rub the sensitive peak between his fingers. Smiling, he lowered his mouth to her breasts and traced his tongue against a taut nipple, his hot breath teasing her tender flesh.

“Oh God, yes!” With trembling fingers, she worked the ties of his pants, wanting to return the favor.

“No,” he whispered. “We must wait.”

“I...I...need this.” She ripped open the ties and struggled to pull down his trousers.

With a loud groan, he helped her dispose of his pants, freeing his erection.

Her eyes widened, taking in the sight of his cock.
Would it fit?
She wrapped a hand around the thickness, running up and down his engorged length.

She moaned when he returned to pay homage to her clit. The moan turned into a gasp as a skilled finger slid into her heated core. He moved it slowly, as if testing its width. Two more joined the first, and he picked up the pace.

He urged her to lie down, dislodging her fingers from his rigid length. A loud whimper broke from her mouth. She reached for his stiff cock, wanting desperately to feel its hard, velvety length again.

Grabbing her arms, he held them in place above her head. “No. Tonight, I pleasure you.” He kissed a trail down her throat and back to her breasts, taking a nipple in his mouth and suckling. She moaned as his fingers returned to her clit and pussy. Rhiannon grasped the sheets in a desperate attempt to keep her hands off his magnificent body. His kisses traveled down across her stomach and his tongue traced a slow, seductive circle around her belly button and continued to move lower still.

She moaned and her muscles clenched his fingers while he slid them in and out of her slick tunnel. She arched her hips upward to meet each thrust.

“Please, Cerne.” Another loud moan ripped from her mouth and her toes curled as the pressure built inside. “I need you—”

His achingly warm breath against her clit sent her over the edge. He moaned softly and took the bud into his mouth, his breath teasing her hot mound. He rolled his tongue against it as his fingers continued to plunge inside.

“Come for me,
mo cridhe
,” he whispered against her tender flesh. “Let me taste your release.”

Her hips bucked wildly. She squeezed her eyes shut while intense heat grew and raged inside her.

“Open your eyes and look at me. I need you to watch me whilst I taste you.”

She opened her eyes to meet his. His deep jade eyes sparkling with desire, he gazed up at her. He took her clit back into his mouth and sucked and nibbled the tender flesh. Her body writhed and wriggled beneath him.

“Yes!” she exclaimed, watching him ravish her clit with unfathomable hunger. Her body shivered in an uncontrolled frenzy. Her hips bucked a wild tempo and she reached down to grab his hair, pulling him closer, wanting more.

“That's it, my sweet,” he murmured against her mound. “Come for me.”

“Oh, my God!” She shuddered and convulsed while deep waves of pleasure coursed through her body. Moaning, she felt herself pulsing against his fingers, the warmth of her orgasm filling her.

He withdrew his fingers and placed them in his mouth, licking her juices off each digit.

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