Winning Back Ryan (30 page)

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Authors: S.L. Siwik

BOOK: Winning Back Ryan
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Thankfully, Ryan wasn’t there. I looked through my closet for what to wear. It was a hot night; it was going to be even hotter at the bar, so I glanced at a navy blue wrap around dress with small white polka dots. I loved the dress even though I hadn’t worn it in a while, because it had been a little tight. I decided to try it out, and found with astonishment that it fit well.

I then wrote out the card for Brian’s gift.


I wish you had told me about the commercial airing, so I could have thrown a party. Instead, I’ll just give you a present. You’ve worked so hard that you should enjoy some relaxation. Enjoy the passes.

To look forward to the future and to give you some motivation, there’s the USB drive. After every assignment that you complete, hand it back to me. You’ll be rewarded with a surprise. I can’t say what, but I know how much you love surprises.

I’m so proud of all that you’ve accomplished. You’ve worked so hard that you deserve nothing but wonderful things.

Love Always,


After I was ready, I stepped out and into the night.


We were meeting at Melody’s, a bar with a dance floor and DJ. Some nights they did karaoke. I hoped tonight wasn’t one of those nights.

I walked in to see Ben.

              “There’s my girl.” He flashed me a warm smile, standing up.

I returned the smile. “Hey, Ben.”

He walked over to me, hugging me.

              “Annie, you look...” he pulled me back to look me over.  “Really good.”

I felt slightly uncomfortable under his gaze.

              “Thanks. Look at you cleaning up like always with your t-shirt and stained jeans.”

“Ha! They’ll bury me in this,” he said. “Did you get lost coming here?” he teased. I glared in response. “Come have a seat,” he said, his hand moving to my back to usher me to the table.  As I glanced at who was there I saw Amanda, George, and I stopped suddenly. Brian was there… with a date. A tall, gorgeous, skinny, tube top wearing, long blonde haired date. Just shoot me now. My heart squeezed painfully.  The worst part of it all?  Just how good Brian looked. He wore a powder blue V-neck short sleeved shirt that hugged him everywhere that I wanted to be, along with a pair of khakis.

“Annie,” he greeted, standing up. His eyes locked mine for a moment before slowly traveling down my body. “You look beautiful as always.”

I winked at him. “Handsome.”

“So, did you get me a present, Annie?” Ben asked, trying to take the bag in my hand.

I yanked it away from his grasp. “This is for Brian.”

“Why does Brian get a present?” he asked, pouting.

“As a congratulations gift for Brian’s first solo commercial being such a success.” I held out the bag, Brian taking it.

“You shouldn’t have,” he said, smiling.

“It was no trouble. I didn’t know you were bringing a date. I wouldn’t have brought the present here if I had known.” I could tell the bombshell at his side was eyeing me up.

“It was…a last minute situation.” I wanted to scoff at that obvious lie. Did he think that I was an idiot? I needed to play the friend role tonight, though.

I smiled brightly holding my hand out. “I’m Anne.”

“Ashley,” she said, shaking my hand. “It’s a pleasure. How do you two know each other?”

My smile stayed in place. “Brian and I have been best friends for nearly five years.”

“Ah, so
the best friend,” she said. She was pretty and had some smarts. I hoped she choked on her drink. I’d say that I hoped she choked on her food, but I was pretty sure she couldn’t even remember what food tasted like it had been so long since she ate last. I nodded, smiling at the woman.

I turned my attention towards George. I walked around the round table to kiss his cheek.

              “Annie, how are you, good lookin’?” 

“You mean since we chatted during my lunchtime?” I smirked. “I’m good. You?”

“Doin’ a lot better now that you’re here. You look fantastic!” he said.

I smiled. “You’ll have to thank Brian. It’s all his handiwork. We’re training for a marathon.”

George turned towards Brian.

              “You’re sculpting Annie into a bombshell. We’ll need to bring a bat with us when we go out with her from now on to keep all the men at bay.” I giggled from his response, but Brian glared.

“She’s always been beautiful,” he replied darkly.

To diffuse the situation, I said hello to Amanda, hoping for a positive response. By the fake smile she gave me I knew that I was not forgiven.

              As I sat down in my seat next to Ben, I heard Brian mutter, “Oh crap.”

I looked up, following his gaze to the door. My eyes widened as I watched Ryan walk in.  My stomach dropped to the floor.

              “Who invited him?” I hissed at the table. Amanda’s smug smile answered my question.

I breathed in and out deeply, refusing to let this ruin my night. Ryan went to shake hands with Ben and George, but was slighted. He shrugged,
then kissed Amanda on the cheek.

When he came towards me, I looked up at him.

              “Don’t even
about it.”

He froze for a moment before moving on.

              “How are you, Brian?” he asked, holding out his hand. Brian purposefully crossed his arms.

“I’m fine.” After being snubbed, Ryan sat down in the seat next to me, introducing himself to Brian’s date.

Max walked in, kissing my cheek.

              “Hey, sexy.”

“Oh thank God,” I muttered, sighing in relief. I hopped out of my chair, staring at him. He glanced around the table, taking in who was there. “Well, it’s a good thing I came,” he whispered in my ear. I nodded fiercely in agreement.

Max and I moved to the opposite end of the table, sitting down next to George. I understood that I should be sitting next to Ben- he was, after all, my date, but I couldn’t sit next to Ryan.

              “I’ll come sit next to you, Ryan,” Amanda giggled, standing up to take my seat.

Now Brian was sandwiched between Ashley and Amanda. How quaint.

              “Waitress!” I shouted, raising my hand as a petite redhead came over. “Five mind erasers, please.  Tell the bartender not to skimp on the vodka.”

“Would anyone else like something?” she asked the table.

“That’s the Annie I love!” Ben exclaimed, hearing my drink order.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “Either go big, or go home, right?”

“I knew we were going to have fun tonight!” he shouted again.

“Isn’t this going to undo all of your hard work?” George asked me.

I shook my head. “I went kickboxing today before going to Max’s.”

“Put your hand on my inner thigh,” I whispered to Max.

He casually slid his hand on my crossed legs while I took the money out of my purse for the shots. Ashley watched me intently. Brian stared Ryan down. The waitress couldn’t bring those drinks fast enough.

She came back relatively quickly, setting my shots down in front of me. I lined them up in a row. As she set everyone else’s drinks down, we all paid her.

Ben bought five shots, too.

              “What did you order?” I asked.

“Snake bite.”

“Going hard core right in the beginning?” I teased.

“You set the tone, Princess,” he said, winking at me. I held my first shot up. “To not remembering a thing tomorrow morning!”

“I’ll race you, Annie,” he challenged.

“The prize?” I asked.

“Loser buys the winner’s next five shots,” he said.

I smiled wickedly. “You’re on.” No one drank faster than a person desperate to forget.  Ben never stood a chance. As I swallowed my fifth shot, he was still finishing his fourth. I raised my hands victoriously as he shook his head in defeat.

The waitress came over, “Did you need anything else?” she asked.

“Two more please,” I requested.

“Annie, maybe you should slow down,” Brian said. My glare let him know what I thought about that idea.

As Ben paid for my alcohol, I lined them up, preparing to drink.

Ryan suddenly stood up. ‘Maybe he’s leaving,’ I thought, hoping. He walked up to the DJ whispering in the guy’s ear. I saw the guy nod, handing him a microphone.

As I turned to catch something that Max said, I heard Ryan say, “This song is Better Than Me by Hinder. I dedicate this to the beautiful, Anne Watson.” I froze at Ryan’s words as he started singing. Apparently it was karaoke night. Awesome.

Two lines into the song, and I wanted to die. I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry because I could see all of my friends peering at me, gauging my reaction. There was definitely a sudden awkwardness at the table as no one was sure how to react. By the end of the chorus, my mind flooded with images of Ryan’s and my relationship, the great memories, and I realized my hands were shaking, and I fought back tears. I let the shot slide down my throat. The song never seemed to end. The song’s words triggered so many memories from our relationship, many of them intimate ones, and it took me back to those moments as if they were currently happening.

Ryan actually had a good singing voice. It sounded very similar to the lead singer of Hinder’s voice, that voice that soaked your panties when you heard it. Ryan used to sing to me all the time in the beginning when he was dating me. I fell so hard so fast; it was pathetic. I sat there shaking in disbelief that he was putting our sex and love life out on display to total strangers in a bar.

The song neared its end finally, and I inhaled the last shot. I stood up to leave, and Max grabbed my arm.
              Standing up, he whispered, “If you leave now, he wins. He’ll know that he’s still affecting you. You know what the best revenge is...”

“I can’t,” my eyes told him.
He nodded and I saw his silent reply. “You can.”

Sometimes it was time to take a stand. Sometimes you needed to say, “Enough is enough.”

No one messed with Anne Watson. 

“Wow that was really great, man. Is Annie here? Is she here to respond?” The DJ asked the crowd. Everyone in the bar glanced around, searching for Annie.

“She’s right here,” Ben shouted, pointing towards me. Everyone in the bar turned, looking at me. Max smiled nervously when I looked at him, eyes wide.

“Thank God I just had seven shots, huh?” He chuckled as I made my way up towards the DJ, the entire bar staring at me.

As they said in my hometown: go big or go home.

              “So, Annie, do you have a response to Ryan’s great rendition of that song?” 

“I don’t sing karaoke,” I explained. I refused to even glance at Ryan who stood almost next to me.

“Ah, come on! You have to respond to that!” The DJ shouted.

“But, I really can’t sing. I’m completely tone deaf,” I explained. The crowd started cheering, encouraging me to sing. People were catcalling and cheering, my table of friends the loudest.

“Well, I’ll sing as long as my friend Ben helps me and sings the male part,” I said. If he was going to call me out, I’d put him in the spotlight too.

The DJ glanced around. “Is Ben here?” The crowd looked around the room again.

Ben stood up, jogging to the front of the room. The DJ gave him a microphone.

              “Hello, ladies!” he called out.

A few hollered back. One screamed, “Marry me!”  He winked at the largest group of screaming women.

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