Winning Texas (9 page)

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Authors: Nancy Stancill

BOOK: Winning Texas
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I told you this wasn

t going to work,

Juliana said.

We should have paid the Russians what they wanted, instead of depending on this fool.

Jules, you know that Zogu

s solved some sticky problems for us and kept his mouth shut. We need him

and we really need his silence.

I still think he

s a loser. We

ll probably have to send some of his girls to the ranch. They

ll make us more money there.

Well, that won

t be the end of the world. They

re young and healthy, and they don

t have to be beautiful,

Krause said.

Was the tenth girl the one who drowned in the ship channel?

What do you think?

Juliana said.

Not our problem. We need to stay away from that kind of trouble. I don

t want to know what happened

and you shouldn

t ask questions.

Zogu knows how to keep quiet,

Krause said, tapping his iPhone for messages.

If he doesn

t, he knows there

ll be a second body floating in the ship channel.



Annie sat in her office, reading the depressing quarterly report from the McKnight Corporation, the company that owned the
and a couple of dozen other newspapers. Because its newspapers

website advertising wasn

t rising as fast as print advertising was plunging, the report forecast drastic cutbacks, including freezing salaries and hiring, and a second furlough before the year

s end. She

d have to take another week without pay before Christmas. She wouldn

t have enough money to go anywhere interesting. She

d probably just stay home and work on her house, which needed it. But she didn

t look forward to the prospect.

Her desk phone rang and she noticed with surprise that the caller was Matt Sharpe. She hadn

t seen the Houston police detective since they

d had breakfast a week ago at the ship channel cafe. She was pleased but puzzled to see his name and number come up. Maybe he had big news.

Hey, Matt,

she said.


s up?

Are you about done for the day?

he asked.


m knocking off early and I

d like to buy you dinner.

Sounds like fun,

she said.

But I need to go home first and feed my kitties.

How about meeting me at 7 at the Pappadeaux at Richmond and Kirby?

Great. See you there.

She sat thinking for a minute, mystified by the invitation. She

d had coffee and lunch with Matt many times when she was a reporter and he was her biggest police source, but never dinner. Of course, the situation was different now. She knew he

d separated from his wife months ago and was headed toward a divorce, so it didn

t seem improper. Also, she was editing now, rather than reporting, so he wasn

t a source she needed to keep at arm

s length. But she

d never thought about going out with him. She

d considered him more as a mentor and teacher. She told herself to stop worrying about the implications of a casual invitation. After all, they were longtime friends. A dinner out in the middle of the week wasn

t a gift to be spurned, given the state of her refrigerator and her dislike of cooking for one.

Pappadeaux was part of a locally grown chain, one of the Pappas family

s portfolio of restaurants. The Pappas brothers also had Mexican, Italian and Greek-themed eateries among their hundred or so restaurants in Texas and other states. The Pappadeaux on Kirby a few miles west of downtown Houston served large portions of spicy Cajun seafood at reasonable prices. Annie had eaten there and enjoyed the ambience of its outside patio.

She drove home, showered and washed her hair. It had been a sticky day with shimmering heat, but the evening was supposed to be cooler. She put on a little J

adore, her favorite French perfume, and tried to decide what to wear. She didn

t want to look too dressed up, lest she give Matt a too-eager impression that she regarded the evening as a date. She settled on a short black linen skirt, a white sleeveless blouse and gold sandals. She pinned her hair back from her face and let it hang softly below her shoulders.

The restaurant was just a few miles from her house and she opened the car window to enjoy the tiniest hint of a breeze. She pulled into the parking lot and saw Matt waving from his table on the patio. Between the potted plants and the ceiling fans, a full complement of trendily dressed customers ate, drank, flirted, talked and drank even more. The police detective looked cool and freshly shaven in jeans and a black polo shirt. She

d never seen him in jeans, but he looked good

trimmer, younger and relaxed. He hugged her and she sat down at their coveted outdoors table, lit with a citronella candle.

Annie always thought of Houston as a city that celebrated the night. People who had shut themselves in air-conditioning all day wanted to party after dusk, so the atmosphere at bars and restaurants was happy and loud. Even if the weather had cooled only into the low 80s, Houston evenings enticed hordes of city-dwellers to patios and porches. Annie could remember her first summer in the Bayou City, when she relished walking barefoot on neighborhood sidewalks that warmed the underside of her feet. Of course, the hot weather also brought out other night creatures, including giant cockroaches, which had to be kept at bay with frequent extermination visits. She

d never forget the night she was watching a movie on TV and a roach landed on the screen and flew out at her, as if part of the film

s action. She let out a scream that sent her cats flying. Now she had mostly acclimated to large insects and sultry heat and relished getting out at night with a diverse mix of fun-seekers.

She chatted with Matt briefly about their respective workdays until a waiter appeared. They conferred about drinks, both deciding on Blue Moon beers with plenty of orange slices.


t you a chardonnay drinker?

he said.

I didn

t think you liked beer.

Who doesn

t love beer on a night like this?

she said.

I love my chardonnay, but I

m trying to cut back.

You journalists and your bad habits,

he teased.

What would a newsroom be without alcohol? Do you keep a flask in your desk?


t that the pot calling the kettle black?

Annie said.

Ever been to a gathering of cops that wasn

t swimming in booze?

He held up his hand.

Point taken.

The light mood continued as they dissected police department politics and high-profile cases. He ordered each of them another beer and shrimp and grits for his entree and grilled Redfish for her. When the waiter brought their meals, Matt put his finger to his lips.

No more shop talk tonight,

he said.

We both need a break. Can we just have a relaxing evening?

You bet, Matt,

she smiled.


s going on with your personal life?

Sue and I have been separated for almost a year,

Matt said.

I expect she

ll file for the divorce soon. It

s all very civilized.

How old are your kids now?

My daughter

s still in high school, but the two older boys have finished college and are on their own. They

re too busy with their jobs and friends to be traumatized.

So they

re okay with the divorce?

Yeah. I see all of them at least once a week,

Matt said.

They were sad at first, but now they seem resigned.

What happened, if you don

t mind my asking?

He leaned back, sighed and drank deeply before answering.

Same old stuff. Sue thought I worked too much and didn

t pay enough attention to her. The last few years haven

t been good for either of us. Can

t blame her. I

ve always been a workaholic.

Yeah, me too,

Annie said.


t you close to getting your thirty years in? Still thinking about doing something different?

I expect I

ll retire sometime this year. Then I

ll look for some kind of business opportunity. I

m just about done with my master

s in business from the University of Houston.

I didn

t know you

d gone back to school,

she said.

Good for you. But wouldn

t you miss police work? You

re so good at solving crimes.

To be honest, I

m a little burned out,

he said with a wry smile. And I

d like to make some money before I get old. What

s going on in your personal life?

Nothing special. I

ve dated quite a bit since I broke it off with Jake Satterfield, the state senator. I think I told you we were engaged. But I haven

t met anyone lately that interested me.


s the job?

Not very satisfying,

she said.

Being a low-level editor means lots of responsibility plus lots of blame when things go wrong. I don

t feel like I have much power, and I miss the fun of reporting.

You were always such a natural reporter,

he said.

When I met you ten years ago, you were smart and cute, but green as a cucumber. Last week when I saw you, you seemed so poised, confident and even more attractive. Houston has really ripened you.

She was touched, but a little embarrassed by his unexpected compliment. She didn

t know where he was heading, but wanted to play it cool.

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