Winter Craving (3 page)

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Authors: Marisa Chenery

BOOK: Winter Craving
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“It’s still
pretty bad out there, huh?”

Cyrus turned his
head to see Shyla now stood beside him, looking out the window as well. “Yeah,”
he said. “It’s the first real bad one of the season. I’ll have to go unbury all
my traps. I won’t catch anything with all this snow covering them.”

“You’re a

“Yes. All the
men in my family are. It’s how we make our living.”

“So you’re a
real mountain man,” Shayla said with a smile.

Cyrus returned
it with one of his own. “I guess you could say that.”

He shifted so he
faced her. She did the same and looked him in the face. His gaze fell to her
lips. He ached to feel them under his, his tongue exploring her mouth as he
tasted her. She was his, and to think of how close he’d come to losing her before
even getting to know her had him all the more anxious to make her his.

Once more, the
craving to claim her tried to overtake him. Cyrus didn’t miss how his scent
affected Shyla. Desire rose in her eyes, and the delectable smell of her
arousal filled his nose. He had to kiss her. He was a wolf. His instincts were
stronger than a human’s, and right now, they were telling him to take her, bite
her and put his claim over her. A meeting of lips would put them on the road to
achieving that.

Cyrus bent his
head and lowered his mouth to Shyla’s. He kissed her lightly, wanting to give
her the chance to pull away if she wanted to. She made it perfectly clear that
wasn’t going to happen when she reached up, fisted the sides of his hair in
both hands and tugged him closer to increase the pressure of his mouth. He
wrapped her in his arms and held her against him.

He stroked his
tongue along the seam of her lips. She eagerly opened for him. He pushed
inside, glorying in the taste of his mate. Her breathy sounds of pleasure
pushed his arousal higher.

Cyrus picked
Shyla off her feet, keeping his arms around her waist, and walked them over to
the couch. He turned and sat, positioning her across his lap as he continued to
hungrily kiss her. She had other ideas, though. She turned so she faced him and
straddled his thighs. With her hands on the tops of his shoulders, she rubbed
her jean-clad pussy against his throbbing cock. His eyes just about rolled to
the back of his head. He held on to her hips and pressed her down harder as he
lifted into the apex of her legs, increasing the pleasure that surged through

A gust of cold
wind blew in their direction. Cyrus broke contact with Shyla’s lips and looked
toward the cabin door to find it wide open and three of his brothers just
standing inside. They all wore a knowing smile. He hadn’t kept his being
branded a secret, so it mustn’t have taken his siblings long to figure out what
the woman in his arms had to mean to him.

“Shut the damn
door, you idiots,” Cyrus said.

As Talon, his
youngest brother, reached back and pushed the door closed, Shyla jumped off
Cyrus’ lap and sat beside him on the couch. She crossed her arms over her chest
and rubbed. He quickly tugged her closer so she was pressed up against his side
with his arm around her shoulders.

Before his
brothers could say anything, Cyrus spoke first. “Why are you guys out in the

Gage, the third
born, answered. “Mom knew you’d gone into town to do your laundry. Since none
of us has cell reception, and we’d already been by to let her and Dad know that
we were okay and you hadn’t, she asked us to check on you.”

“As you can see,
I’m fine. So you can all run along now and tell Mom and Dad I made it home
safe.” They were thirty years old and their mother still was somewhat overprotective.

“And you brought
a friend home,” Rhett said with a grin.

Cyrus blew out a
breath. He’d have to make the introductions or he’d never get rid of his
brothers. Now he knew how much of a pain in the ass he and his other siblings had
been to Kiel when his older brother first became branded and found Neha. He’d
have to apologize to Kiel when he saw him again.

“Shyla, these
are my brothers, Rhett, Gage and Talon.” Cyrus pointed to each one as he said
their names. “Kiel, my older brother, is at his place with his wife, Neha. He
obviously had enough sense to stay inside.”

“We stopped by
Kiel’s place first,” Talon said. “He told us to get lost. I think he and Neha
were entertaining themselves, if you know what I mean?” His youngest brother
turned his gaze on Shyla. “It’s nice to meet you, Shyla. If you planned on
going home tonight, sorry to say you’re stuck here.” Rhett and Gage nodded.

“I already knew
that,” Shyla replied. “You three aren’t the only idiots to go out in a
blizzard. Cyrus came to my rescue after I dumped my snowmobile and then became
hopelessly lost trying to walk back to my cousin’s place in town where I’m

“So that’s how
you found her,” Rhett said.

Cyrus knew his
brother meant that was how Cyrus had found his mate instead of having to go to
the other packs or wander Helena, the city closest to Canyon Creek. He gave a
short nod, hoping his brothers would leave already. They didn’t look as if they
wanted to any time soon.

Gage confirmed
that as he walked farther into the cabin. “Maybe we should stay and keep you
both company.”

Before Cyrus
could answer with a curt “Bugger off,” Shyla said, “None of you are wearing
winter jackets. Don’t tell me you came here in nothing but winter boots and
your long-sleeved shirts.”

Cyrus silently
cursed. His brothers would have left their places in wolf form, therefore
negating the need for winter outerwear. The only time they wore winter jackets
was when they were going beyond their land or running their traplines and they
had to spend most of the time as humans. He hadn’t thought anything of it when
Rhett, Gage and Talon had walked in without wearing much protection from the

He quickly
answered. “They left their jackets out on the porch so they wouldn’t track a
ton of snow into the cabin.” He gave each of his brothers a pointed look.
“Especially since they aren’t staying.”

thankfully, backed Cyrus up. “Yeah, we left them outside. I guess we’ll go
report to Mom and Dad that you’re all right so Mom doesn’t decide to come here

Cyrus would have
to introduce Shyla to his parents, but not tonight. He had her all to himself
and he planned to use it to his advantage to get to know her better, excluding
interfering family members.

“We’ll go,”
Rhett said. “Hopefully we’ll get to see you again soon, Shyla.”

His brothers
said their goodbyes, then walked out the door, closing it tightly behind them.
Cyrus turned to Shyla. “Now where were we before we were so rudely

Chapter Three


A rush of desire
shot through Shyla at Cyrus’ question. The remembered feel of his lips against
hers as she ground her pussy along his hard cock had her heart beating faster.
If his brothers hadn’t arrived, she was pretty sure she would have gone to the
end of the road she and Cyrus had been on. And that wasn’t like her. The two
men she’d slept with in the past, it’d taken her a little over a month into
their relationship before she’d said yes to sex.

Now that the
moment had passed, Shyla didn’t know if she wanted to get that swept up again.
She barely knew Cyrus. She had no idea if he only wanted a one-night stand or
pursue something more lasting. If he only wanted the former, she wasn’t about
to sleep with him. That wasn’t her, and no matter how attractive she found him
and how close she’d come to giving him everything, she’d stand by her decision.
And if it were the latter, she still wouldn’t have sex with him tonight.

She looked at
Cyrus. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I think we should slow things down. I’m
not…that kind of girl. If you just want a good time, I’m not the right woman

Cyrus scooped
her up and sat her across his lap. He placed a hand on her cheek and turned her
face so she looked him right in the eyes. “What happened earlier was my fault.
I got a little carried away. I’m not looking for a quick bout in bed and then
we say goodbye to each other. And I’d never push you into something you weren’t
ready for.” He smiled. “I’m happy to hold you and maybe steal a kiss or two.”

“That I don’t
have a problem with. If anything, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

He ran the backs
of his fingers across her cheek. “What made you decide to leave Chicago and
move here to Canyon Creek? In case you don’t notice, this is me trying to get
to know you better.”

Shyla chuckled.
“Gosh, I’d never be able to tell. As to the answer to your question, I needed
the change. I’m twenty-nine and I felt as if my life wasn’t going anywhere. I
was in a dead-end job I hated, and the men I met weren’t much better. My
cousin, Nancy, was the one to suggest I come out here. We’d been close growing
up, and we still kept in touch after she moved to Montana. I came for visits a
few times and felt as if I should be calling Canyon Creek my home. It took
Nancy a couple years to convince me to make the move, since I’d be leaving my
parents behind, but I finally came around to the idea.”

“So you haven’t
found a place to live yet?”

“No. I only
arrived four days ago. I drove from Chicago with all my belongings in a rental
trailer. With this storm, I’m so glad I left when I did. I don’t mind driving
in the snow, but when it’s deep like this, I stay off the roads.”

“What about a

“No leads on
that, yet. I have some money saved up, and Nancy and John have already told me
they won’t charge me rent.”

“Canyon Creek is
such a small town, and new job openings can be hard to get.”

“I know. I’ve
already thought about having to possibly look in Helena. It’s only a thirty-minute
drive from here.”

“I wouldn’t want
to have to make that drive both ways every day for a job.”

“If I get
desperate enough, I might not have any choice. Not everyone can have a job like
yours where you get to be your own boss and work in the great outdoors.”

Cyrus gave Shyla
a crooked grin. “You’d like to be a trapper, would you?”

“I think I could
do it. I like the whole living off the land kind of thing. I’ve always been
into camping and fishing. My parents would take me every summer for a couple
weeks to the lake close to Chicago where they’d rent a cottage.”

“Trapping isn’t
the same as fishing. The animal has to be skinned, then the pelts dried and
stretched on a board.”

“I’m pretty sure
I can handle that. It might take a little getting used to, though.”

“It’s hard, cold
work. The hours are long, and you don’t get days off during the season. Plus,
you don’t get a steady paycheck.”

Shyla smiled.
“If I said I think I could handle it, are you offering me a job?”

“Would you take
it? It’s not a profession most women are known to do.”

“I’ll admit
trapping would be way out there compared to the office jobs I used to work, but
I’m up for the challenge. It’s better than sitting at my cousin’s place doing
nothing. And you can teach me how to survive in the woods if I ever do
something as stupid as I did today again.”

Cyrus nodded.
“All right. You’re hired. I’ll teach you all I know about trapping. I’ll make a
real mountain woman out of you yet.” He held his hand out.

Shyla placed
hers in his and shook it. “Deal.”

He released her
hand before he sat her on the couch beside him. “To celebrate our new
partnership, I think a beer is called for. I’ll run outside and grab us each

As he stood, she
asked, “Outside? Why would you keep your beer out there? It’s cold enough to
freeze them.”

“I’m sure you
noticed I don’t have any electricity, which means no fridge. I have an ice
house close to the cabin. It won’t take me long.”

Cyrus crossed
the room, then slipped on his boots. He walked outside without a jacket on.
Shyla shook her head as he closed the door behind him. After being so cold for
so long earlier, there was no way she’d go out in the storm dressed like that.
She shivered just thinking about it.

She leaned back
on the couch. She hadn’t really thought about being a trapper, but the biggest
appeal of it was the fact she’d be working closely with Cyrus every day. Shyla
enjoyed his company, and there was the added bonus that he had a body that made
her weak in the knees. It’d be one job where the benefits were too hard to pass


* * * *


One beer turned
into three. Each time Cyrus made a quick dash to the ice house to retrieve the
bottles. After they’d finished the last one, it was late enough to go to bed.
Shyla covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she yawned.

“It looks as if
you’re ready to call it a night,” Cyrus said. “You can have the bed.”

“Where will you

“I’ll manage on
the couch.”

Given the size
of it, there was no way he’d be able to stretch out and be comfortable. Shyla
shook her head. “No, you won’t. We can share the bed. After all, it’s not as if
we haven’t already done that while being naked. Though that last part I won’t
be doing. I’d end up getting cold and won’t sleep.”

“All right.
Since you put it that way. We’ll both take the bed. You can wear one of my
sweatshirts. It’ll be big on you, but it should keep you warm. I can’t have you
getting sick before your first day on the job as a trapper.”

“No, we can’t
have that,” Shyla agreed with a chuckle.

Cyrus took her
empty beer bottle, stood, then walked into the kitchen area. He placed it and
his bottle on the counter before he returned to her. “Let’s go to bed. I’ll get
you that sweatshirt. I’ll use the bathroom first so you can have the room to
yourself to change.”

Shyla stood and
followed Cyrus into the bedroom. He crossed to the single dresser and pulled
out a thick sweatshirt. As he held it out, it looked large enough to swallow
her. She accepted it from him and turned to watch as he walked out of the room,
shutting the door behind him.

She quickly
undressed. The bedroom was a little cooler than the main part of the cabin. The
fire in the fireplace had burned down to coals. Cyrus had kept the woodstove
going. Shyla tugged the sweatshirt on. It almost reached her knees and she had
to roll up the sleeves three times to uncover her hands.

Shyla crawled
into the bed and pulled the covers up over her. They were cold. As if he’d read
her mind, Cyrus returned with an armful of wood. He put one piece on top the
coals and used an iron poker to stir them and bring it to flame. Once it burned
nicely, he stacked three more good size pieces on top it.

He brushed off
his hands as headed once more to the dresser. Cyrus opened the bottom drawer
and took out a pair of sweat pants that looked to be a match to the shirt she
wore. He kept his back to her and pulled off his long-sleeved t-shirt. It ended
up on the floor. As did his jeans a few seconds later.

Shyla couldn’t
tear her gaze off his naked form. The man really had an amazing ass. It was
muscled and tight. She silently sighed in disappointment as he yanked on the
sweatpants without turning around to give her a good view of his front as he
had his back. He obviously was comfortable being naked in front of her.

Once the pants
were all the way up, Cyrus turned and headed over to the bed. He slipped under
the covers. “Man, the bed is cold. The fire should heat the room pretty
quickly, but if you want to steal some of my body heat, go right ahead.”

She didn’t need
to be asked twice. As Cyrus lifted his arm for her to scoot under, she snuggled
against his side and tangled her legs and feet with his. “Thanks.”

“Your feet are
like ice cubes.”

“You should see
what I usually sleep in. I wear a sweatshirt, polar fleece pajama bottoms and
thick fuzzy socks. It’s not exactly sexy, but it keeps me warm. Besides, it’s
not as if I’m sharing my bed with anyone.”

“Well, you’re
more than welcome to dress like that and share mine. It’d be like unwrapping a
present. What’s on the outside hides the part I can’t wait to get my hands on.”

Oh my.
The way Cyrus spoke in a husky voice and stared at her as if he wanted to do
exactly what he’d described, she was definitely heating up. And it wasn’t from
the fire. It all had to do with the man who held her. He turned her on like no
other had in the past. Just a look and she was ready to change her mind about
not having sex with him tonight. And god, it didn’t help that he smelled so
damn good. With her head pillowed on his chest, his scent filled her nose with
each breath she took. She swore it acted like an aphrodisiac.

Shyla lifted her
head as Cyrus turned his toward her. Their lips had a scant inch between them.
She swallowed as her heart sped up and her nipples grew taut under the thick
material of the sweatshirt.

The intoxicating
scent became stronger, causing her to hold back a moan. As what had happened
earlier, Shyla wanted nothing more than to jump Cyrus’ bones. She’d had friends
who’d talked about being unable to help themselves when it came to a man
because they’d turned them on so much they hadn’t been able to think much less
say no. That’d never happened to Shyla until now. She’d thought her friends had
been shooting her a line of bull to cover the fact they were easy to get into
bed. She realized how wrong she’d been.

“I have to kiss
you again,” Cyrus said in a strained voice. “Please tell me you’re okay with

All Shyla could
do was nod. She wasn’t strong enough to deny what they both wanted. She hoped
she’d be able to stop before she allowed it to go too far. A small voice inside
her mind said yeah right, who was she kidding?

A small sigh
escaped her as he closed what little distance separated their mouths and
claimed her lips. The kiss started out slow with gentle caresses. That soon
wasn’t enough. She wanted, needed, more.

Shyla stroked
her foot up and down Cyrus’ leg as she tentatively ran her tongue along the
seam of his mouth. That had him making an animalistic growl, which seemed to
vibrate through her all the way to her toes. He angled his lips for a tighter
fit over hers and proceeded to kiss her silly.

His tongue
pushed inside and plundered her mouth, thoroughly exploring her. Shyla put her
hand on Cyrus’ chest, just over his heart. It rapidly beat, almost a match for
hers. She kissed him back, her arousal ramping up, her body readying itself for
a more carnal touch.

He dragged his
hand down her back and across her bottom to her thigh. He hooked it with his
arm and lifted it so her leg rested on his hip, opening her. She moaned as he
thrust his erection against her. Unlike before, she didn’t have jeans or
panties on to separate them. The sensation was stronger as the tip of his sweat
pant-clad cock brushed along her clit.

Cyrus reached
between them to where their bodies met. He ran his fingertips up the inside of
her thigh until he reached her pussy. He let out a loud groan as he released
her mouth. “You don’t have any panties on.”

“I hate wearing
them to bed.” Shyla sucked in a sharp breath as Cyrus stroked a finger through
the wetness at the opening to her body.

“And you’re
wet,” he said with a low growl. “How am I supposed to resist that?”

He nuzzled the
side of her neck as he’d spoken, which caused goose bumps to break out along
her skin accompanied by a slight shiver. “I think I changed my mind about
slowing things down.”

Cyrus lifted his
head and looked Shyla in the eyes. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Just
don’t make me regret it.”

“You don’t have
to worry, babe. I’m not going anywhere.”

He kissed her
with renewed passion. Cyrus rolled them so she ended up on her back with him
propped on his side next to her. He tugged the covers over them before he took
hold of the bottom of the sweatshirt she wore and slowly lifted it up her body.
His gaze followed each inch of skin he bared. For once, Shyla didn’t feel
self-conscious. The way he stared at her, as if he needed her to live, made her
feel sexy as all hell.

After he’d freed
her completely of the shirt and had thrown it over the side of the bed, Cyrus
ran a caressing hand from the top of her chest to one of her breasts. He
circled her taut nipple with his index finger before he gave it a tug. He
repeated the process on the other.

He slid farther
down the bed, leaving a trail of kisses along her neck to her collarbone as he
went. Once he was level with her breast, he flicked it with his tongue enough
to wet it, then blew gently across it. She gasped. Her nipple tightened even
more. He did it again, eliciting the same response from her, before he sucked
it into his mouth.

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