Winter Howl (Sanctuary) (33 page)

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Authors: Aurelia T. Evans

BOOK: Winter Howl (Sanctuary)
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As Jake positioned himself behind Britt, his hands near hers, dipping the mattress, she looked at Renee. “Watch.”

Britt moaned as Jake slid into her, tossing her head and pushing back into him. “Yes, just like that. So wet for him, Renee. Just…” Her breasts lifted and fell with Jake’s every thrust, and Renee could see the light in Jake’s eyes, enough to tell that he was already halfway to heaven and it wouldn’t take much for him to finish.

Looking straight into Renee’s eyes, Britt lowered her head and closed her mouth around Renee’s clit. Every time Jake pushed into her, Britt sucked just a little harder, moaning until Renee could feel the vibrations everywhere and it still was not enough. Renee’s breathing was shallow as she tried to bring her hips closer to Britt, tried somehow to speed things up, but her legs could not go anywhere, she couldn’t move her hands, and Britt was just teasing her now, even though Jake was fucking Britt even harder, losing control. Britt circled Renee’s clit with her tongue, dipping under the hood and pushing against the sensitive flesh against her pubic bone.

But there wasn’t
speed, enough anything. Renee bit back a shriek as her pleasure began to build into an orgasm in such a way she knew it was going to be a disappointment, like going under a wave rather than riding it. And she had to bite it back again when Britt pulled away, voicing her orgasm and pulling Jake into her as far as he could go. He grunted, his hands tightening on the sheets to Renee’s sides, and pushed into Britt hard enough for Britt’s mouth to hit Renee’s stomach. Renee could feel Britt’s catching breath as Jake stroked her through the rest of her orgasm. They slumped over her, Jake’s weight made all the more apparent in comparison to Britt’s.

But Renee was still wet, still clenching, still waiting for her climax and immeasurably frustrated. She was not used to waiting, not used to teasing, and she didn’t think she liked it like that. She wanted to pull Britt up to her and kiss her, to wrap her legs around the woman’s thighs and press her hips against her, to find just the right place to

“Please,” Renee begged quietly, her voice small in the room, almost unheard under the pants of the two shapeshifters above her.

“Please what, Red?” Britt asked, fingers brushing against Renee’s stomach in gentle affection.

“Please let my hands go.”

Britt looked up, as though that was not the request she’d been expecting. “Does that not work for you?”

“Not for too long,” Renee said evenly. She tried not to squirm as Britt disentangled herself from Jake and moved to untie the ropes on Renee’s wrists. As she was released, Renee realised that they had chafed her wrists in spite of the smoother material. She had not noticed it until the air hit the place where she had rubbed the skin off. It was not too bad, and it only stung a little. Her upper arms ached more than her wrists. Renee flexed her fingers to make sure she had feeling. Jake was stirring on the bed, making his way upright.

“So…you’re still human,” Britt said. It was not a question. She would have smelt werewolf if Renee had turned.

Renee threaded her fingers through Britt’s hair and brought her lips down. Where they were on an emotional level was up in the air, but their sexual spark was still there, and Britt’s shoulders dropped with a release of tension as Renee kissed her, needing to feel her and taste her completely. Not just in the slightly sticky way that Britt had claimed her.

She lay back on the bed, pulling Britt over her and curling a foot around Britt’s thigh. There was the weight she needed, the sensation of being covered. Every possible inch, she could feel her lover. Ejaculate and female juices dripped onto Renee’s leg, but she was already filthy, and the smell of sex had already permeated the room. The bed lowered and creaked beside them, and Renee felt a warm, slightly furry arm slide under her neck.

“Is it all right?” Jake asked tentatively. Renee laughed a little into Britt’s mouth, then turned to kiss him almost chastely on the cheek.

“Fine,” she answered. Britt settled on the other side of Renee, letting Jake take her place. The penultimate time Renee had kissed him, she had still been new to the whole sex experience. She had been fucked six ways to Saturday since then, and it was hard to fear sex with people who she trusted absolutely.

She was right about the oddness of Jake covering her. The oddness of everything—the smooth softness of the body hair on his chest and arms and legs. The press of his mostly flaccid cock on her leg, bigger than Grant’s, as Jake was bodily bigger than Grant. She knew it didn’t always work that way, but in this case, it did. She was caved in by his body, her skin tingling as it touched his, sensitive to each and every little hair. And he was gentle, so very gentle. With Britt and Grant, Renee knew there was passion there, an undeniable attraction to her. What Jake did—while he was very good at it and while it was clear that both he and she were enjoying themselves—was more like a deep sexual massage. By a good friend. A friend. Not a lover. But God, if he wanted to, she would let him inside her. She thought it would feel nice.

His palms were flat and dry against her. He could cover her face with just one hand, and yet his hands were soft as they held her face, her neck, sliding down to her chest to cup one breast. He was so very vanilla, not rough at all, that the bruises on the sides of her breasts, and the places where Jake’s hair brushed against new skin, made her feel almost ashamed. She knew that he could be much less delicate with Britt, fucking her into the mattress, yet he was delicate with her because she was Renee. Not because she was breakable, but because he cared so much about her wellbeing and because he was still worried about hurting her in any way, perhaps in a way that associated him with Grant. But she did not have any need for him to hurry in spite of the arousal between her legs that still yearned for some kind of release. She gripped the wide expanse of his back, but she did not curl her nails into the flesh. She wrapped her legs around his hips and brushed her heels against the firm muscles of his ass. His breath caught in her mouth, and she began to feel the first real sign that his erection was recovering.

Renee gently pushed Jake away, down onto the covers so that she could straddle him. Her legs protested the angle, but it was worth it for the way that Jake stared up at her. His golden eyes were glistening, glazed over as his eyes and fingers strayed over the curves of her breasts, her stomach, her lips.

Britt came up behind Renee and wrapped her arms under Renee’s breasts. She teased the edge of Renee’s ear with her mouth as she helped balance Renee to slide down around Jake’s still growing shaft. Renee gave a soft cry—she hadn’t thought that a bigger cock would feel much different since most of her sensitivity was nearer to her clit, but Jake was stretching her, straining that sensitive flesh. Her nails caught on his skin reflexively, and the muscles under her fingers fluttered at the sensation. She clenched her pussy around him, getting a sense of just how big he was. He threw his arm above his head and arched his back as she did. He was engorged inside her, and she dripped down between them. Britt spread her fingers and pushed her hand down Renee’s stomach until her forefinger and third finger were poised just above her clitoris, right where Renee needed them to be. Renee began to rock. It was not quite the sensation of riding cock—she was teasing herself mercilessly now, as much as she was teasing him. But he had already got off once, and as long as she did not have the ropes around her wrists, she was going to enjoy herself and set her own pace.

It was a little harder to focus on teasing as Britt began to massage that area above and around her clit, pressing deep under the hood, her mouth finding all the ravaged, sore places on her neck that made her nerves tingle. Pleasure dripped down her spine as surely as she dripped around Jake’s cock. He was beginning to moan, long breaths low in his throat as his hips sometimes snapped up in reflexive need.

“I’ve felt what you feel,” Britt murmured. “I’ve had his cock in me. Just a few minutes ago. He was in me, and now he’s in you—my juices are mingling with yours. It’s like you’re surrounding me. Come on, Red. Come for us. All tight around him, squeezing him until he pops and calls out your name. We want you to come for us.”

Britt’s fingers were more insistent, circling the place that made her hips buck. Then she wrapped her other arm more firmly around Renee’s stomach, and Jake braced one of his hands on her hip. Using her own hips and the strength of her limbs, Britt lifted Renee up and brought her down hard around Jake’s erection. Then again, until Britt and Renee seemed to be one woman riding him. His groans grew louder—Renee almost imagined she could feel his blood pulsing through the piece of him inside her.

The orgasm came suddenly after so much build-up. It ripped through her, and she simultaneously went limp in Britt’s arms and tense around Jake’s hips, her hands clenching in time with her cunt. A soft whine escaped her lips, but that was all as she shook through the orgasm. Britt stroked her and rocked her on Jake’s still turgid erection until he too came through Renee’s aftershocks. Renee gasped when her pleasure rose again in a smaller orgasm, like driving over a swell. She almost hit Britt squarely in the jaw as her head snapped back through the last shudders of her second climax.

Jake didn’t have to collapse back, since he was already on his back, but he did make a noise of protest as Renee twisted around to kiss Britt. She belatedly noticed that she was bending his cock in ways it did not want to bend, and she lifted herself off him.

All the combined fluids dripped down her thigh, and her first impulse was to go straight back into the shower now that she was covered in her sweat and theirs, their saliva, their combined fluids. But Britt pushed her onto the covers, and Renee told herself that if she could resist the impulse to clean for Grant, she could resist it again for their sakes. And besides, this was Britt’s bed instead of hers, and Britt was not so concerned about such things.

Their breasts were sticky as they rubbed against each other, and Renee’s nipples were oversensitive, tight and tingling, but she wasn’t ready to let Britt go. This touching was not about getting anywhere, it was just being able to touch and feel that clenching warmth without fruition. It was as though neither she nor Britt wanted to let go, for very different reasons. Britt because she did not want Renee to go away, and Renee just because it was nice to be home. And it

Chapter Twelve

It was both strange and familiar to go back to her normal routine after the last week and the welcome home. Grant stayed scarce the following weeks, more out of a sense of self-preservation than of courtesy, Renee thought. And maybe it was a welcome return on his part as well, since they had been in mostly civilised areas following the meeting with the werewolf pack, and here he had hundreds of acres to run without having to rein himself in. However, when he did come up to the compound, he did not let Renee relegate the two of them to private areas where no one could see what they were doing. The shapeshifters would have known what she was doing with him anyway. So while they were not screwing around in plain sight, Grant made no effort to hold back his groans as she went down on him in the greenhouse, or when he invited her to his cot in the shapeshifter barn. Mostly, though, they had sex in Renee’s old room, where it was comfortable and private without really having to hide.

Renee did have one demand she did not compromise on. The loft area was off-limits for him. Only Britt and Jake were allowed there, and Renee would not protect him from them if he invaded that space. Grant had not agreed to the rule, but he never went up there anyway.

At first, the atmosphere between Renee and her shapeshifter pack was tense. She went into the computer room with Leslie the day after coming home and started working at her station, and although neither she nor Leslie were normally talkative with each other, Renee felt the silence more keenly. She would sense him looking at her, but when she turned around, he would be looking at his monitor again. Only the creak of the chair would indicate his pretence.

Still, she had more emails to wade through than she had expected, and she had to update the sanctuary website and blog and get back to the people who wanted to adopt dogs for Christmas. She apologised for it being last-minute to many of the potential adoptive parents, and they were mostly understanding, if a bit frazzled. She set up a few appointments and welcomed a few people the very next day.

Britt, Jake, Malcolm and Max had kept the sanctuary running fairly well in her absence, although when Jake was not in the loft bedroom, she noticed that both he and Malcolm were a bit on edge. Jake dismissed it when she asked, but Malcolm got that look in his eyes that told her he was lying. However, none of them were telling her what was going on, so she knew it was not a problem with the sanctuary itself. She decided to leave it alone.

As the pack got used to her being with Grant as well as with them, they calmed down a little about it and stopped skirting around her as though she were going to transform on them by the power of sex alone. The fact that they regularly saw her with Britt as well reassured them that Renee was mostly the same Renee they knew.

* * * *

Jake had actually bought security cameras for the front gates while she’d been gone, an early Christmas present that had been installed the day before she’d come back. It was how he and Britt had known when Renee had returned.

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