Winter Interlude (11 page)

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“I didn’t know you could afford such a sleek car
eyebrows rose
as she glanced around at the car’s interior
“Still smells new.”

“I’ve had it a few months,” Paul murmured, sensing her first comment was somehow meant as a put
down, but refusing to take it as one
He shrugged
“It gets me where I want to go.”

“All cars do that, but one like this does it in style
Her tone held a touch of admiration and she ran a hand along the leather
“Who knew you had it in you
She sat back, and said under her breath but loud enough for him to hear, “This might not be so bad
At least the
be smooth.”

Rather than annoy him
once would have, her
only pleased him
He couldn’t figure out why, so he stayed silent, mentally agreeing with her
This may not be so bad
She likes my car
He slowed for a red light as his phone beeped
with an incoming
After coming to a complete stop, he checked to see if it was important.

“It’s a message from Judith,” he said,
He brought up the text screen and read the message
“There’s a problem with one of her projects and she’s stuck
at the work

“You’re kidding, right

He shook his head and handed her the phone
“I wish I was
he light changed,
he drove until he spotted a place to park while she read the message.

Her face scrunched up in dismay
What do we do now?”

He sighed
“Let me call her and see what’s up

Judith answered right away and said, “I’m really sorry.”

“No problem
We can wait,” he said, glancing at
, who nodded
“What time do you think you’ll be done?”

“This glitch is snowballing and I may end up working the weekend.”

“The whole weekend?”

“At this point, I
can’t say
She hesitated
“I know you were looking forward to skiing
No sense spoiling your plans for tomorrow
If I can break away
I will, but for now, I have no choice but to take care of business
I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it
We understand,” he said, as disappointment welled up inside hi
Her news didn’t surprise him
Hadn’t he expected something like this all along
If he waited until tomorrow, she’d probably find another excuse and the excuses were starting to get to him
He had no idea what she was afraid of, but until she was ready to face her demons, there was nothing he could do to change things
Sometimes the futility of his situation got to him
They said their good
byes amidst more of her apologies
He hung up with thoughts about turning around and canceling the weekend
But he’d already planned it and probably wouldn’t see Judith for days, judging from her phone conversation
At least if he were skiing, he’d be doing something that would take his mind off his anger at Judith, even if it meant spending time with

“What’s going on?”

Paul filled her in on his conversation with Judith
ended with, “I’m still heading up to Tahoe
You’re welcome to come along, but I’ll understand if you’d rather not.”

“I’m here now and tomorrow does promise to be a decent day
She sighed and offered a smile

f you’re willing to take me, I’m willing to keep going.”

He nodded and pulled
away from the curb,

Neither spoke as they drove out of the

Paul kept his focus on the road, but every once in a while he’d glance at
he ignored him, had dragged out her smartphone
, in fact
On his last peek, she was absorbed in playing a game, at which point he turned on the radio.

Twenty minutes later,
sighed heavily and stuck her phone back in her pocket
“Look, I hate
not talking.”

Paul chanced a brief glance
“What do you mean?”

“I mean
are we going to just sit here for the next three hours and not say anything
She crossed her arms
“Shouldn’t we at least attempt to amuse ourselves with something besides listening to music or playing Angry Birds?”

His eyebrows shot up
“Sounds interesting
He shrugged
“What’d you have in mind?”

“Road games.”

“Road games

“Yeah, you know
She nodded
ruth or

“Dream on,” he said in a grunt of disapproval.

“Okay, not into telling secrets
Then what about

When he looked over at her, his gaze narrowing, she snorted
You’ve never played
uestions when you went on road trips while growing up?”

Smiling, he shook his head

“You’re kidding

“We never took any road trips,” he explained, his smile widening
“We always flew.”

Her eyes grew rounder
“I never knew that.”

His hand went to his chest like he was clutching his heart
“You mean there’s something you don’t know about Jame

“The subject never came up
She turned to regard the scenery out the passenger window,
and tried
to act as if his revelation hadn’t bothered her

But he could tell it had.

Finally, she faced him again
“I don’t know
Somehow, it seems un-American to never take road trips.”

He gave her a curious stare
“Because my parents weren’t the type to drive to the Grand Canyon

She cleared her throat
“I didn’t mean that as an insult
Averting her gaze, she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear

He chuckled, enjoying her discomfort as well as the blush
creeping across
her cheeks
“I’m amused, not insulted.”

She glanced back at him with questioning eyes.

You’re assuming I missed out on something.”

“No, I’m not,” she denied too quickly, shaking her head
“I know you had a privileged childhood
Her gaze shifted to the window again.

“Then why is flying on vacations un-American
He eyed her briefly before letting his attention go back to the road
“Admit it
You think I missed something
I hear it in your voice.”

“Not really
She sighed
“It’s just that I didn’t think there was anyone out there who didn’t drive somewhere on trips
She broke off
After a long pause, she nodded
maybe I do feel you lost out
Some of my best experiences with my family were on road trips.”
She uncrossed her legs and stretched them out. “Maybe it’s a
thing. I mean, there are several cities within a five-hour drive from Chicago.
My sister and I especially loved

or three
day adventures
as my dad called them

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