Read Winter Jacket Online

Authors: Eliza Lentzski

Winter Jacket (34 page)

BOOK: Winter Jacket
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“Like the view?” she called over her shoulder.

Normally getting caught staring at her would have caused me to blush or at least made me tear my eyes away.  But tonight was different.  Tonight I had nothing to hide.



The women’s bathroom was dimly lit, but surprisingly large for such a modest-sized bar.  I suppose it made sense that the women’s bathroom would be big at a lesbian club, though. The tiled room was narrow with a long line of bathroom stalls along one wall and a string of mirrors and sinks located on the opposite wall. 

A thickly built woman with spiky, bleach blonde hair and a lip piercing stood near the front door.  “One at a time,” she barked out. 

She crossed her meaty arms across her ample breasts and glowered at those of us waiting in line, daring us to disobey her rule.  When she glared at the girls at the front of the line who were waiting for the next available stall, a few shifted their eyes to the ground.

“Why is there a bouncer in the girl’s bathroom?”
Hunter covertly whispered to me. 

“Probably to make sure there’s only one person in a stall at a time,” I responded.

“Why would they…” She trailed off and her eyes grew wide when she suddenly answered my own question.

I smirked knowingly.  “Y
ou can close your mouth now.”



Back out in the club, we made our way to the semi-crowded dance floor.  It was still early, but the bar had started to fill out since we had gone into the restroom.  I could feel eyes on us as we made our way, hand-in-hand, towards the edge of the small dance floor.
I felt myself wilting slightly beneath the attention until I felt Hunter squeeze my hand, pulling my attention back to her. 

When we found a space on the floor big enough for the two of us,
Hunter pulled me close and pressed her mouth solidly against mine.  When she pulled away, I was slightly panting. “It’s just you and me,” she said, her expressive eyes staring hard into my own.  I nodded, fixated on the smolder of her gaze.    

I took the lead and turned her around, grabbing her hips and pulling her close so my body cradled her backside.  I put my arm around her slender waist and pressed the full length of my body against her. 
We swayed back and forth for a few minutes, our bodies moving as one. The hand that wasn’t holding her tightly around the midsection wandered down to the bottom hem of her short skirt. I innocently played with the material, but it felt anything but innocent with her so close, but not close enough. 

can’t wait to get you home,” I panted in her ear. My fingers dangerously walked along the tops of her exposed thighs. 

“There’s always the bathroom,” she said.

Without another word and before my brain had time to register what was happening, she clamped her hand around my wrist and dragged me off the dance floor in the direction of the bathroom.  She moved with such speed and such purpose that I nearly tripped over my heels trying to keep up with her hurried pace.

She slipped into the women’s restroom, pulling me behind her.  There was no longer a line for the next stall.
Most of the bathroom stalls appeared empty, but a few women stood in front of the sinks and mirrors, washing their hands and fixing hair and makeup.  Unlike before, the bouncer stood on the opposite side of the long, narrow bathroom.

The formidable woman knocked hard on one of the closed stalls. “You’d better have four legs,” she barked threateningly.  The door immediately swung open and two women walked out, both ducking their heads and looking sheepish.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Hunter pulled me into the second empty stall. My heart was pounding in my ears when I closed and locked the stall door behind me.

Her hands immediately circled my waist. “We have to keep quiet,” she husked into my ear. “Don’t want to get tossed out on our ass by that Big Bertha out there for breaking the rules.”

“What about…” I gulped down a mouthful of air.  My eyes dropped to the floor. “Two sets of shoes,” I pointed out.

She looked down to the floor as well.  We might have snuck into the stall undetected, but it was only a matter of time before the burly female bouncer noticed the extra pair of shoes in the single stall.

Her hands crept under the bottom hem of my shirt. “You’ll just have to make it look like there’s only one person in here.” I rose a questioning eyebrow and her smile turned into a leer. “I know you’re strong enough to hold me up,” was her whispered answer.

Even though I knew we had to be quiet or we’d be discovered, I couldn’t help the small, pained whimper that crept out my lips.

She grinned and stepped closer.  She grabbed my hand and brought it down to her right thigh.  “Hurry up, Ellio,” she quietly urged.  “We don’t have all night.”

I worried my bottom lip, but obeyed. I channeled all my energy to my biceps and thighs and with a slight bend of my knees, I lifte
d her up into my waiting arms.  She wrapped her legs around my midsection and my left arm clung around her waist.  I placed a solid hand in the center of her back, keeping her steady.  I rearranged her weight in my arms and she clung to the back of my neck.

“Don’t worry,” I said with a small grunt. “I’ve got you.”

I repositioned us so her back was up against one of the stall partitions, practically pinning her body between the wall and me.  My free hand, the one not holding her in place, crept up the bottom hem of her skirt. “It’s like you planned this or something,” I quietly teased.

She bit her bottom lip when my free hand slid further up her muscled thigh beneath her thankfully loose skirt.  My f
ingertips lightly skated over her skin before coming to rest on the elastic of her underwear at her hip.  I curled my fingers beneath the waistband, just teasing.  “Are these the red ones?”  My hand was on the move again as if I would be able to identify her undergarments with just the tips of my fingers.

She shook her head. “They’re purple. They’re new.”

My slightly pursed lips curled up. “Just for me?”

Before I could tease her a little bit more, her mouth was on me. She flicked her tongue against my lower lip and I immediately parted my mouth, allowing her access. 
I pulled my hand out from beneath her skirt, and she bit back a sudden moan when my hand palmed her breast over her camisole.

My fingers curled over the low neckline of her top, and I gently pulled the stretchy material down, pulling down her bra cup along with it.  I cupped her bare breast, urgently kneadin
g the pliable flesh; her nipple immediately responded to my aggressive touch. I knew how sensitive her nipples were, and even though this was just supposed to be a quickie in the women’s restroom, I still aimed to be as attentive as ever.  My fingers pulled and pinched at a hardened nipple, sending intense shocks of arousal straight to her core.

She clung tighter, squeezing my ribcage between strong thighs and she scratched short, polished nails down my back.  I groaned and pressed my full weight against her, pinning her back harder against the bathroom partition.  I was a little afraid we were going to destroy the bathroom and cause the stall walls to crash down.

She arched her back, creating more room between our upper torsos.  It was just enough room to allow me to slide a free hand between our bodies.  My fingers brushed along her panty-covered slit, and I could already feel her arousal through the material.  She sucked in a quiet, sharp breath when I started to rub her clit through her underwear.  I pressed down with what I hoped was just the right amount of pressure and her hips jerked forward. Even though my view was obscured because of her bunched up skirt, I could feel everything.

I buried my face into her neck. “So warm,” I mumbled against her skin.  I continued to rub her clit through her underwear in lazy circles, and with her legs spread apart and wantonly wrapped around my torso, she had no choice but to get wetter and wetter.  She
released a barely contained whimper when I pressed two fingers against her panty-covered hole.  I pressed hard, pushing the lace material into her.             

I continued those maddening, shallow thrusts until she had no choice but to beg.  She gripped the back of my neck harder.  “Please,” she whimpered. 

With anyone else, this was where my taunting, cocky smile would appear.  But with her, I had no need to crow.  I was tempted to rip off her underwear in my desire to get closer, but instead of destroying her new under-things, I pulled the crotch material out of the way and slid my fingers inside.

I slid into her hard, bottoming out.  She gasped, just once, but it was sharp and loud
, and my two fingers immediately stilled inside her.  We were silent, unmoving, as we both waited to see if we’d been discovered.  But after a few tense seconds passed with no one knocking on our stall door, my fingers started to move again.  I flexed my digits, curling up into her.  Her head fell back, and she banged her head against the metal partition wall.

“Careful,” I quietly warned. “Don’t give yourself a concussion.”

I slid the arm wrapped around her down a little to give my other hand better access. I slowly, deliberately slipped my fingers all the way out.  I rubbed her arousal against her clit before sliding back in.  She gnashed her teeth when I continued these careful ministrations.  It was probably the only thing she could do, short of biting her own tongue off, to keep from crying out.

“I wish I could see you,” I panted lowly in her ear. “I want to see you sucking on my fingers.”

She closed her eyes tight and released a quiet, yet shuddered breath.  She whimpered in agreement. We needed to get home so we could do this the right way.

I widened my stance and shifted her weight in my arm.  To keep from falling, she flexed her thighs and pressed her knees into my sides.  She grabbed onto my shoulders and started to roll her hips so she was riding my fingers.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sight of her grinding her pelvic bone against my hand.  “Fuck,” I cursed in a pained tone.  “You’re so fucking sexy, Hunter.”

Sweat had started to trickle down the small of my back and a series of quiet grunts were coming from
Hunter. I could feel her tightening around my fingers as her orgasm inched closer and my slow, deep thrusts started to quicken.  “Elle,” she panted. “Don’t stop, baby. I’m so close. Please don’t stop,” she desperately pled.

I thrust harder. “Never gonna stop,” I promised.

When her orgasm hit, it was with such force that she threw her head back.  Her body went rigid and her biceps eventually relaxed.  It was only then that I realized how tired my own arms were.  Her eyes fluttered close and her breathing was heavy.  I couldn’t tell if the sound throbbing in my ears was my rapidly pulsing heart or the echoing bass from the club.  Her forehead was pressed against mine, and even though it felt slightly sweaty and sticky, you couldn’t pull me away for all the lesbians in the world.

Our moment was broken, however, when a pack of loud, giggly women poured into the restroom.  Their voices
echoed in the tiled room, and Hunter slowly slid back down so her feet were once again on the floor.  Her knees buckled when her shoes touched the ground and my arm was back around her waist to steady her.

“You okay there?” The sound of my voice surprised me.  It was strange to hear it echo in my ears after futilely trying to be quiet.

She nodded sheepishly. “Yeah.”

“Happy Birthday, baby.”

She smiled, in a kind of sleepy, dream-like way. “Elle, can I tell you something without you freaking out?”

I instantly expected the worst.  I wondered if it had something to do with the woman from Troian and Nikole’s party who I’d met earlier in the bar.  “Of course.”

“I think I’m in love with you.”

It felt right.  I felt ready. “I’m
in love with you, Hunter,” I returned.

I suddenly heard the booming voice of the bathroom bouncer, and I was struck with a wave of panic.
Oh God.
We were going to get caught.  We were going to get dragged out of the bathroom by that woman out there and everyone would know what we had been doing in here.

“I’ll go out first, okay?” she said into my ear.  Her warm breath tickled me. “Lock the door when I leave, and then you can follow me whenever you’re ready.  I’ll be waiting by the bar.”

I gave her a relieved smile. I hope she recognized that my anxiety wasn’t about being seen with her or the fact that she’d just said she was in love with me; I was just a little embarrassed that we’d had sex in a public restroom.  It was like getting a hickey.  I wasn’t a teenager anymore.

She leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

When she left, I refastened the lock on the bathroom stall.  I waited a few beats before venturing out myself.  She’d gone back out into the club, but I walked straight to the sinks, not making eye contact with anyone. 

I stood before the wall-length mirror and appraised my reflection.  I straightened the neckline of my camisole and pulled some paper towel off the rack to wipe the smeared lipstick off my mouth. It was
Hunter’s color, not mine.  I tilted my head to the side and continued to inspect my reflection. My hair was slightly wild, but I kind of liked the look.

BOOK: Winter Jacket
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