Winter of the Wolf (32 page)

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Authors: Cherise Sinclair

BOOK: Winter of the Wolf
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He laughed and moved up her body, stopping to nibble on her breasts. He rubbed his nose against hers and gave her a light kiss. “I’l just make sure you’re al warmed up…inside and out.” Pushing her legs apart, he slid in deep and hard.

* * *

Bree heard the wind whipping around the lodge as she walked through the sitting area. Clouds had blown in last night, and snow had started faling around noon, but the lodge was cozy. Behind the glass doors of the fireplace, burning logs crackled softly, heating the room. She wiggled her toes and grinned at the blue and green striped socks. Shay had bought her fluffy booties to keep her feet warm.

She glanced toward the tiny office where he was doing paperwork. He could be so sweet. So sexy.

Over the past three days, he’d taken every opportunity to make love to her, no matter the time of day. This morning, she hadn’t even been awake when he’d started rousing her, and the second she responded, he’d roled her onto her back and taken her.

Not the sort of guy to ask permission. She grinned. Even though he always watched to make sure she was ‘with him’

though he always watched to make sure she was ‘with him’

and enjoying herself, he was definitely in charge. Why that turned her on so much, she didn’t know.

I really, really like him
. And criminy, she realy, realy liked Zeb too. Cared for them both and wanted to make love to them both. Everything inside her said it was wrong, but in shifter society, having two men was normal.
Normal. Hah

She rubbed her hands over her sweater-covered arms, wishing she’d grown up knowing the rules.

This morning, when she’d volunteered to make food for the cahir meeting, Shay had kissed her long and hard and then passed her to Zeb to do the same. Zeb had kissed her so thoroughly her legs had given out. They’d left, shoulder to shoulder, discussing their plans for the day. Nothing changed because Zeb had fondled the woman Shay was sleeping with.


They’d share
if she let them. What would it be like?

Zeb was rougher, and yet, not as pushy as Shay. How would he make love? As her lower half melted into quivery jely, she shook her head. Was she realy considering it?

A pounding on the door made her jump. The first of the cahirs must have arrived—no one else rattled the door that way.

Zeb came from the weight room, striding toward the front with his predatory gait. He opened the door. “Ben. Come in.”


The other cahir walked in, no taler than Zeb, but taking up a lot more space. Against Zeb’s deadly grace, Ben was al power and size, much like his bear form. He took a chair close to the fire and grinned at her. “Breanne, you look wel.”

“If that’s the way you talk to the females, no wonder you’re not mated,” Shay said, from right behind her.

Bree turned, her heart rate increasing.

“It’s done like this,
mo charaid
.” Shay took her hand.

“You are lovely this evening, Breanne.” His blue-steel eyes trapped her gaze as he kissed her fingers. When he touched his tongue to her palm, she flushed, feeling as if he’d licked somewhere else. Warmth pooled in her depths.

His smile went feral as he inhaled slowly. His grip tightened, and he puled her out of the sitting area and into the kitchen. Lacing his fingers through her hair, he tilted her head back and took her lips.

He tasted of peppermint and heat, and the thought of resisting never entered her mind. After nibbling her lips, he swept his tongue inside to tease her into responding.

With a low groan, he rubbed his cheek on hers. “Bad move. I’m now as aroused as you are.” His erection was massive, pressing against her stomach as he returned to kissing her.

Conflicting sensations shook her like a mountain blizzard: nervousness about being held so firmly, yet delight at how he nervousness about being held so firmly, yet delight at how he wanted her so badly. Delight won, and fire melted her insides as he took his time enjoying her, pressing kisses down her neck.

When he tried to pul away, she realized her arms were clasped around his neck. Heck, she was plastered onto him.

Shocking—and satisfying.

He was pleased too. “You’re getting more demanding, mo leannan. I like it.” His eyes were hot with desire as he cupped her butt, rubbing her against his cock. When more voices sounded from the living room, he sighed, grasped her upper arms, and set her back. “I caled the meeting. Shouldn’t be late.”

“Abandoning me for a bunch of cahirs. I hope I’m stil in the mood later,” she teased and turned away.

She was whirled around so fast her head spun. One hand fisted her hair, his other slid between her thighs to press against her clit. As she gasped, he traced her softness and set her need to blazing.

“I think you wil be,” he whispered in her ear. After nipping her chin, he walked out of the kitchen.

Staring after him, she leaned against the table for strength.

Oh my goodness. She was damp between her legs, and her now swolen clit pulsed with demand. She started to pick up the tray of food and stopped.
My scent
. Every guy in the place would know she was turned on. How in the world did shifter women deal with that?

shifter women deal with that?

After eying the giant tray of goodies, she added some extra salami slices. Surely, no one would smel anything but the garlic.

She stopped to listen for a moment. Shay was talking, “…

at least one helhound. With the curfew, al the shifters except us wil be safe at home. Basicaly, we’re serving ourselves up as bait. Ben, Owen, and Alec, you’l be together. I’d like to discuss the timing and areas to cover.”

As she walked into the room, Zeb glanced at her, inhaled slowly, and a corner of his mouth tipped up.

Darn it. Next time she’d add some Brie. Setting the tray on the coffee table, she tried to forget how Shay had laid her on it yesterday and…

Owen gave her a disgusted look, and her feelings flip-flopped, arousal shifting into shame. It felt as if he knew she was soiled. Dirty deep inside.

She frowned back at him, pushing the feelings away.
not the one with a problem
. She’d met the cahir once before, but his dislike of women—not just her—was very apparent. Cahir-sized at six-five, he was al lean ripped muscle and savage grace, dressing in black, outwardly much like Zeb. Only she’d come to realize that Zeb was immensely protective of women. Owen seemed the type to toss them over a cliff.

To heck with the misogynistic idiot—if he didn’t like her, To heck with the misogynistic idiot—if he didn’t like her, he didn’t need to eat her food. She pushed the tray to the other side of the table, far from Owen and in front of Ben who’d suck up food like a vacuum cleaner.

Zeb snorted in amusement, and Shay winked at her.

As the men started discussing their patrols, Bree heard a high-pitched giggle from the back of the lodge. What in the world…? She folowed the sounds to the TV room and opened the door.

Tyler and Luke were watching “Lion King.” Nora was knitting in the corner.

“Hi, Nora.” Grinning at the children’s squeals of welcome, Bree knelt to get little boy hugs. “What are you guys doing here?”

Nora’s needles clacked lightly as she concentrated on her task. “Bonnie, Brady, and Van are hosting the pack for supper and didn’t want the children underfoot. Since Owen was in town, he’d agreed to cubsit. But then Shay caled this cahir meeting. I’m just watching the children until it’s over.”

“Oh.” The hurt hit Bree like a slice from a paring knife, not deep, but painful. Apparently, even after apologizing, she wasn’t welcome at pack events. Zeb and Shay hadn’t been invited either.

“Sorry, dear.” Nora gave her a sympathetic look. “Bonnie wanted you and the cahirs to come, but Thyra told her no.

Because of Gerhard. Bonnie can’t refuse the alpha female’s Because of Gerhard. Bonnie can’t refuse the alpha female’s orders.”

The alpha bitch seemed as dictatorial as some European chefs Bree had worked with. She forced a smile. “Wel, it’s nice to see you and the boys.” She took the chair next to Nora’s. “What are you making?”

“It wil be an afghan.” Nora held up the to-be-blanket, several long rows of dark blue and white.

“It’s lovely.” Bree stroked the yarns. “I love the colors.”

“Thank you. These are—oh, my, I forgot to change colors here.” Tut-tutting, she puled the stitches out and switched to white yarn. “My brain doesn’t work wel these days, you know,” she admitted, starting to knit again. “Since my last mate returned to the Mother, my body’s going downhil. I can’t remember where I leave things or what day it is.” She glanced at the children fondly. “At least I’ve never misplaced one of them.”

“That’s good.” Bree took a seat on the wide couch and laughed when the boys jumped up to join her, snuggling like kittens against her sides.

Her mouth firmed. Thyra might be a bitch, but she wasn’t going to win. Bree was making her own place here. Making a business. Cooking for the diner and the barbecues was more rewarding than any restaurant kitchen had ever been. And aside from a couple nasty women, everyone else was nice.

Angie, Vicki, and Jody were becoming good friends.

Angie, Vicki, and Jody were becoming good friends.

Beside her, Nora contently worked on her afghan. She was stil useful, a member of a pack.

That’s how I want to grow old
. Yes, this was her town now—her home.

* * *

After the meeting concluded, Zeb took Owen to the TV


Asleep in the corner, old Nora was snoring quietly. On the sofa, Bree cuddled a child. His little face pressed against her as he contentedly sucked his thumb and watched TV. The other pup was asleep, head pilowed in her lap. Bree was stroking his hair.

Zeb froze, halted by the beauty of the scene. Here was everything he’d sworn to protect.
And more
. A rush of longing shook him. His heart felt like a tree uprooted by the rains, toppling into the river, and being swept away by the rapids.
This is what I want
. Shaking his head to regain his balance, he cleared his throat and said softly, “Bree, the cubs need to leave now.”

Nora woke with a snort at his voice, saw Owen, and gathered her knitting.

Bree frowned at Owen, as if she doubted his capability to handle pups, then jostled the children. “Tyler. Luke. Time to handle pups, then jostled the children. “Tyler. Luke. Time to go home.”

“Let him sleep,” Owen said. “My room at the bed and breakfast is quiet enough.” He glanced at Zeb. “Next new moon, I’l rent a cabin. You’re more my style than that fancy Victorian place.”

With unexpected gentleness, Owen picked up the cub that was awake, kissed his forehead, and handed him to Zeb.

Zeb froze, arms cradling the boy automaticaly. Less weight than a raccoon and infinitely fragile. He tried not to breathe too hard. Sweat broke out on his brow. Carry him to the fucking car. Surely he could do that much.

Owen took the other child, rocking him as the boy blinked and murmured, “Unca Wen, Sim ran ’way.”

The man frowned, glanced at Bree.

“Simba ran away,” she explained, then smiled. “If Bonnie doesn’t have the DVD at home, they can come back and watch the ending here.”

Owen nodded brusquely before walking out of the room, Nora on his heels.

As Zeb started to folow, Bree came up beside him, paused to smooth the child’s hair out of his face. “Isn’t he adorable?” she whispered.

Zeb bent and brushed a kiss over her soft lips, inhaling the lingering scent of cubs and contentment.
I would give almost
anything to keep you
. “You’re adorable,” he murmured.

“And he’s way too little and breakable.” Then, walking very

“And he’s way too little and breakable.” Then, walking very carefuly, he folowed Owen and Nora out to the car.

Chapter Twenty-three

Cold Creek, North Cascades Territory ~ Dark of the

With the sleeves of her sweater pushed up to her elbows, Bree looked around the kitchen at Angie’s Diner for anything else to put away. The room was fragrant with the scent of the spaghetti sauce simmering for tomorrow’s special. The counters were clean. No dirty dishes out. She closed the dishwasher. “Do you want me to run this now?”

“No. The noise would make me nervous.” Angie hung up her apron and gave Bree a wry grin. “More nervous. I made some chamomile tea while you cleaned. Let’s go drink it.” Picking up the large white teapot, she nodded toward the public area of the diner.

Bree picked up a couple of cups and folowed her out.

She grinned at the empty room. Although the Cosantir had set a sunset curfew for shifters on dark moon nights, Angie had stayed open for human customers. Not any more.

According to Jody, Zeb had been furious. He’d told Angie that a helhound could walk in looking human, then shift…and she’d be the main course.

Tonight—wel before the sun went down—she’d put out a

“CLOSED” sign and lowered the blinds. Any human wanting a meal was out of luck.

The only light in the room spiled from the open kitchen door, and Angie chose a table in the darkness by the front window. “We can watch the outside from here.” She pointed. A gap between the blinds offered a view of the empty street.

Bree rubbed her arms to chase the sudden chil away. The cahirs were out there, patroling in the cold night. Hunting or being hunted.

“They’l be al right,” Angie said softly.

“Of course they wil.”
Please be safe
. “Thanks for letting me spend the night. The lodge felt awfuly isolated.”

“I’m delighted you’re here. With my daughter out of town, I’d have been jumping at every noise.”

As Bree took a seat, the darkness folded around her reassuringly, and the iron bars on the big window were even more comforting. She looked through the blinds. The relentless rain had rendered the old-fashioned streetlights ineffective, and on the center island, the tree branches fought against the gusting wind. “I’m not used to feeling hunted like this. How do you al stand it?”

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