Wire (Pierce Securities Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Wire (Pierce Securities Book 2)
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When one hand left her ass and came back down with a resounding smack, the fiery jolt that hit her pussy was unmistakable. She moaned in his ear.

“Again…” She had no idea she’d like it like this. Paige rose and fell on his lap, crashing herself down, his cock deeply imbedded in her with each drop. He rubbed where he’d slapped her ass, then another smack, this one brought her to the edge. “Fuck, Evan.”

He grabbed her hips and held her still, pounding into her, dousing the inferno inside her with gasoline. When he reached between them and pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger, Paige exploded with a scream. She felt him harden and twitch, and when she convulsed around him, Evan pulled her against his chest and groaned something feral in her ear when he came.

They stayed like that, still joined, gasping ragged breaths as Evan clutched her against his body. She inhaled deeply of his cologne as she tried desperately to find some sense. She bit her tongue against the words dying to spill out of her mouth, but she knew if she told Evan Rocco she loved him, he’d shut her out.

God, she’s fucking beautiful,
Evan thought to himself as he watched Paige recover from what they’d just done. He smothered the words wanting to fly out of his mouth: undying love, proposals, caveman shit. But when she spoke first, he was shocked into silence.

“I’m glad we finally got that out of our system.” Her nervous chuckle filled the silence like a thunderclap.

He was suddenly angry, “You think that was just a fuck?” He couldn’t believe it. He’d been fantasizing about her for half a year, and by her own admission, she’d been doing it longer, and now they were done? “I don’t think so, Paige.”

She climbed off his lap, and he handed her the handkerchief out of his coat pocket. “That’s been a long time coming, yes, but it’s not out of my system. Not by a fucking long shot. I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I woke up and you were gone. I’m not even close to finished with you.” He stood and pulled up his pants. “Get dressed.” He turned his back to her in a lame attempt to hide the emotion surely written across his face. He was yelling at her to hide the hurt her words had caused. He wanted to erase it all, make her understand that she was his.

“Why? What’s next then?” Uncertainty marred her features, and it was a rare emotion for her. He knew she didn’t let people see this side of her and a silly sense of pride filled him to know he’d seen it.

Turning to face her, he regained control of his emotions and grabbed her arms. “We go to the press conference in thirty minutes, then we run by my office so I can pick up my laptop, then we go back to your place. And I’m doing that again. In your bed, your shower, your kitchen, wherever I damn well want.”

Her cheeks flushed a delicious shade of pink, and Evan’s gaze raked across her while he buttoned his shirt with trembling fingers. She was fucking gorgeous. Those thigh high stockings, her sweet pussy, those magnificent tits, and her hair. Christ, all that fucking hair, curling around her face where it had come out of its knot at the base of her neck. He stalked to her and laid a possessive kiss on her lips. “I don’t think you’ll ever be out of my system.”

He finished dressing while she pulled on her clothes and straightened herself as best she could. He found it fascinating that she could go from wanton sex kitten to CEO in a matter of minutes. Fascinating and incredibly arousing. He was hard again by the time she had completed her transformation, and as he held the door open for her, he inhaled her scent mixed with their sex and nearly came unglued.

The press conference was like most press conferences. Evan watched from the back as Paige skillfully made her statement, then answered pre-chosen questions from the media in attendance. It was designed to make her look like the compassionate woman she was, and Evan couldn’t deny it was a total turn-on.

Paige in her element was a turn-on—every day in her office, the petite powerhouse leading her company with an ease and joy that was evident. But today, he’d seen a different side of her, one no less inspiring. She was the confident CEO of PSL, a multi-million dollar corporation that cared about its image and wanted to stop the violence against innocents in its name.

As she finished up, Evan’s mind wandered to how he would take her next. Would he be able to wait until they made it up to her bedroom, so he could make love to her like she deserved? Or would he lose all control and fuck her senseless against her front door as soon as they made it inside her house?

When Paige turned from the press and started a hushed conversation with her PA, Evan watched with disbelief as Koen emerged from the crowd and approached Paige.

“Aw, hell no,” he muttered under his breath as he made his way to where she was standing. When Koen got there, he grabbed Paige’s arm and turned her toward him, his face a menacing grimace. By the time Evan got to them, he heard Koen’s gruff whisper.

“I should have known you’d fuck Rocco as soon as you had the chance.”

“What are you doing here? I thought I’d told you—”

“Like I’m going to listen to that shit, Paige. You don’t understand what’s happening.”

Evan didn’t listen to any more. He turned Koen toward him and hauled him against a nearby wall. “Look, asshole,
don’t seem to understand.” He held him in place with his forearm against his neck and watched as Koen scrabbled for purchase, his face turning purple. “You leave. Now. If I see you harassing her again, you’re hamburger. Understand now?” His voice was unrecognizable, so full of rage, but the idea that he’d had his hands on Paige blurred his vision, and Koen’s obvious intentions turned everything red. He could kill him now and happily walk away. But Paige’s hands on his shoulders told him that wouldn’t make her happy.

“Evan, let him go. He’s not hurting anybody.”

Evan saw the sweat bead on Koen’s brow and knew his intentions weren’t innocent. Well, fuck him. He released his hold and Koen dropped to his knees, coughing pitifully.

“Did you make her scream? I’ve seen her come so hard she screams. Can you do that?” Koen’s eyes were filled with hatred when he looked up from the floor at Evan.

The pain that shot up from his knuckles to his elbows was Evan’s first clue to the punch he landed on Koen’s nose.

“Sorry, buddy. I realize how expensive that was. But you had that one coming.” Grabbing Paige’s elbow, he led her outside and into his car, trying to ignore Koen’s words.

Evan knew, as a rational being, that he was just trying to get to him. Chances are, he’d never seen Paige have an orgasm. Even if Paige had been lying about having sex with Koen, Evan doubted the man had the skills to make her come undone like he had. He knew that was arrogance speaking, and maybe a little more than wishful thinking on his part, but the idea of Koen’s hands on Paige nauseated him.

Of course, the alternative—that he’d been watching Paige with someone else, or even alone—was creepiness on a whole other level. And made Koen more dangerous than Evan had given him credit for. He put in a call to Ryan, asking him to tail Koen so he could get Paige to safety. In her bed. She’d be real safe in her bed.

The Crimson Lady:
Are you alone?
Yeah. Are you the real Crimson Lady?
The Crimson Lady:
Yeah. You want to do me a favor?
Fuck yeah! I’d do just about anything for you. You’re a total badass.
The Crimson Lady:
Thank you. I appreciate it. I heard your dad kicked you out of the house. You want a spot in my army?
Hells yes! You want me to torch a whore? I can do that!
The Crimson Lady:
I do have a job for you, but she’s not working. Do you think you can break into an apartment if I gave you the address?
Sure. I got a crowbar.
The Crimson Lady:
This one’s a little bit different. Can you get hold of a gun?
Will I be on the news?
The Crimson Lady:
As long as you tell them who sent you, absolutely.

After the press conference, in the silence of the car, Evan’s thoughts got the best of him. “Do you know what he meant? Has he seen you come?”

Paige shook her head, her eyes wide. “No. He hasn’t. I told you. We haven’t even kissed.”

Evan’s cell phone was to his ear before she even finished speaking. “Quinten, did you ever check out the spot where you can see her bedroom?”

Quinten’s voice was low, and Evan heard the murmur of a crowd in the background, like he was at a bar. “Yeah. I found a spot where someone’s been comfortable. There were chair imprints, if you can believe that shit. One of those fold-up camping kind. Man’s not a big guy, they weren’t deep impressions. But he had something to drink out there, and binoculars. He didn’t really hide himself well.”

Chills crept up Evan’s spine. “Thanks, buddy.” He hung up the phone and turned to Paige as he pulled into the parking lot at Pierce. “Has he talked to you about his surgeries?”

“No, I was going to ask you about that. How did you know he’s had a nose job?”

He scoffed at how much he’d screwed up on this one. Who the hell was Koen? “He’s got little tuck scars. It took me too long to realize what they were, but I figured if he’s going to have his face lifted, he’d probably have his nose done. No telling what all he’s had done. For sure that ass chin.”

BOOK: Wire (Pierce Securities Book 2)
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