WiredinSin (10 page)

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Authors: Lea Barrymire

BOOK: WiredinSin
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She waited, watching him watch her. Perhaps she’d said too
much too soon. She ran her hands through her hair. “So, that’s it.”

“You want to date me?” His voice sounded strained. She
whipped her eyes back to his. His face was shuttered but something burned in
his gaze. Something that made her belly clench.

“Yes, and more.”

“No more phone sex for us, right? Are you going to keep
working? I mean, I know you have to work, but I’m a jealous ass.”

“Dominick. I’m not working the phones anymore. I did the
paperwork today to hand all of my clients over to other girls. I’m doing
nothing but running the business now.” She grinned as happiness spread across
his aura. “I’d kill anyone who decided to flirt with you and couldn’t expect
anything less from you, now could I?”

“So, you really want to try this? I’m floored. I can’t
believe you’re here.” He muttered the last under his breath and she wanted to
hug him.

“I really want to try this. We do need to talk about my
demon though. There may not be any ‘trying’ once she breaks out. She loves the
flavor of your energy, craves you, and isn’t going to be happy with taking
things slow.” Victoria fought the urge to blush and barely kept her cheeks from
pinking. “I talked to one of the Elders. My demon is going to want to come out
and play, and mark you. Already she’s pressing against my control and if we
have sex I’m pretty sure you’re going to have a winged demon on your hands.”

“Can you let her out before we’re in the middle of it?”

“You want to see my demon? Really?”

“Victoria. You’re my mate. The only reason I’m not jumping
you right now is because I’m terrified you’ll run screaming from me. I want to
know all of you, all sides—good, bad, demon. All of it. I’m not afraid. I’ve
done research as well and know that if your demon sees me as her mate then I’m
in absolutely

“But she’s so ugly.” The whispered words pulled a snarl from
her demon side and a gasp from Dominick.

“How can you say that? She’s not separate from you. I’ve
seen succubus demons before. She’s you. Don’t you see it that way?”

“No. But in all honesty, I’m starting to at least like her
in the back of my mind.”

“Let’s do this. How about you let her out to meet me? We’ll
work on your thoughts about your demon side later, but I’m seriously curious to
see what you’ll look like with wings.”

Let out the demon on purpose? Was he fucking nuts? She’d
only morphed a few times since being changed and all of those times had been
when it had overpowered her control. Something close to pain stirred in the
depths of the black place in her mind. That deep pit that Vic had always deemed
her demon’s lair. What the hell did it have to be pained about? Didn’t she feed
every fucking day so it stayed closed off down there? Didn’t she ensure that it
couldn’t harm anyone?

The weak voice she’d heard more of recently piped up,
infiltrating her thoughts.
You’ve hidden her. If you’d let her merge with
you she’d help you and not fight.
Did she dare to chance Dominick’s
wellbeing with her first try at bringing her demon self out on purpose? The
Elder had promised that she wouldn’t harm him if he was her mate, but did she
trust that statement?

“Come on, Victoria. You have to start trusting someone other
than yourself. Trust me. You won’t harm me in either form. Bring her out. You can
put this concern of yours to bed in one simple step.”

She chewed her bottom lip in frustration and indecision. She
could feel the plea from her other half rumbling away in the back of her mind.
But, if you hurt him you’ll never come out again.

“You will defend yourself from her if she attacks you. I
won’t bring her forward if I think that you’d let me harm you.”

“You have my word, Victoria, that I won’t let you hurt me.”

“Fine.” She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath.
“Here goes.”

Anticipation filled her mind as Victoria loosened her grip
on her demon.
Please don’t hurt him
, she begged the entity as her mind
slowly shifted from the human thought pattern to that of her succubus. Smells
and sounds became sharper. Her skin tingled with the change and her back ached
as her wings materialized. Gods help her if something happened to him with this
trial by fire.

Chapter Fourteen


Dominick watched one of the most fascinating things he’d
ever seen, all the while holding his breath. He wasn’t usually superstitious,
not in the traditional sense, but he would have crossed his fingers, thrown
salt over his shoulder and collected a pocket full of four-leaf clovers in an
instant if it would guarantee that she’d stay. Victoria stood in his living room,
eyes screwed shut, arms and legs trembling and the beginnings of demon skin
showing. His entire day—no, life—had changed moments before and he was still
reeling. His mind kept tripping over the same thought.
She’s in my home.

The unfurling of burgundy leathery wings halted the
incessant roundabout of his thoughts. Victoria’s shirt shredded and fell to the
floor in halves at the same moment her batlike wings spread. She hadn’t grown
much taller, but her wings made her look impressively large. The stretched at
least six feet on each side of her. He marveled at the magic that allowed her
to have those massive flesh-and-bone appendages without actually carrying them
in her human form. What magnificence she hid.

A growl rumbled in her chest, drawing his eye to her now-naked
breasts. Even in her demon form she was gorgeous. Round and heavy like the Greek
goddesses, nipples tight from the cooler air and begging to be touched. His
hands twitched with the need to feel their weight in his palm. Would her skin
be soft like brushed suede or slightly rougher? Though her skin was now an
inhuman color she still looked mostly the same. Brilliant violet eyes glowed
from under mahogany lids. Her lips curled back from slightly pointed teeth in a
grimace and she started to turn from him.

“Don’t hide from me.” His voice held a hint of a plea, but
he wanted her to trust him with this. “You are beautiful. Let me look at you,

She growled but remained facing him. A black forked tongue
snaked from between her lips and wetted them. “I don’t like feeling this way.”

Her voice surprised him. He’d expected gravelly, deeper,
something darker. Instead her voice was warm velvet. Its silky texture wound
around his spine and stroked his cock like an invisible hand. He closed his
eyes and groaned. This was what men felt when facing a true succubus. No wonder
so many walked willingly into the arms of a demon, even if it promised death.
He tried to keep his knees from giving out as they so wanted to do. He felt an
all-encompassing desire to crash to the floor and crawl to her in supplication.
To prostrate himself in front of her, taste her skin and marvel in her
perfection. All from six simple words. Should he beg her to continue talking or
beg her to keep her words?

“See, you turn from
. I knew sharing this form,
this hideousness, was the wrong thing to do. No one should have to see this. It
will take me a few moments to transform back then I will leave you.” She curled
into herself and once again started to turn from him.

“No. Wait. I’m sorry. Can’t you taste my need in the air?
Your voice, Vic. Your words draw me to within a breath of an orgasm, which
would not only be embarrassing but unfortunate, because I would be standing
here, not even touching you, while spewing into my jeans.” He chuckled and
watched her dark skin darken further. “You blush? I’d be the one coming in my
pants like a teen.”

The low chuckle that reverberated in the air between them
was enough to have him falling back onto the couch. He groaned and closed his
eyes in an attempt to fight off the impending release.
And how sad are you?
Brought to a screaming orgasm by nothing but your mate’s voice
gods. The sound is like you’ve stroked my cock right through my jeans. Give me
a minute.”

No point in hiding how she was affecting him. When he could
force his eyes open he crooked a finger at her and grinned when she hesitantly
stepped forward, folding her wings around and behind her like a living cloak.
He wanted to just look at her, but he knew she was already self-conscious. How
to prove that this form didn’t cause him any issues? How to show her that no
matter what she looked like, he was hers?

Dominick stood when she was within arm’s reach of the couch.
Her hands still clung tightly to her legs, but he could touch most of her. Now
just to have her allow him that. He slowly wrapped his hands around her
shoulders, feeling the tension under his fingertips and the heat rolling off
her skin. He reeled her in to his body, slowly pulling her into his embrace. He
sighed when she rested her head against his shoulder. “Not so bad, right? I’m
pretty good at hugging and cuddling.”

A wisp of breath feathered over his heated cheek and he felt
an involuntary thrust of his hips against hers. He really was going to make a
fool of himself. He sighed. He had Victoria in his arms, though, and the
ability to make a potion that would bring him back to working order quickly if
he went off prematurely. That thought and the pulsing heat in his shaft pulled
a sharp laugh from him. He felt her jerk in his arms and he scrambled to
explain. “I was just running through the ingredients I’ll need for the spell
that’ll bring me enough recovery time to not embarrass myself. I haven’t had to
make that in years and I was hoping I had everything here.”


Victoria fought the internal struggle to attack Dominick.
She sighed. The mental debate between herself and her demon had
taken a huge jump forward since she’d taken on her other form.
You want to
feast upon him while fucking him. That’s attacking.
She ignored the snort
of irritation that answered her thought and tried to focus on what he was
saying. It took every ounce of willpower not to pounce on him when he admitted
to being so close to coming.

You can taste his desire, why do you fight it? He wants
you. Feed. He’s our mate.
She swallowed the growl that threatened to rumble
around in her head. Now that she was connected to her succubus side, she wanted
to gag her. Of course she could taste his lust. It coated her tongue and skin
in a delicious layer of power. She wanted to roll around in it like a puppy
with a toy and suck it so far into her body that she could taste him for weeks.
She wasn’t going to indulge in that kind of thing, though, demon or not. If he
responded this way to nothing but her true voice, how would he respond to her

She realized that he’d asked her something and she’d been so
caught up inside her head that she hadn’t heard him. Chagrined, she pulled her
head away from his shoulder and quirked an eyebrow. It was safer than speaking.

“I said, I wondered if you were feeding from me already
because I was feeling lightheaded. It was a dumb joke on the whole ‘blood
pooling in my cock’ kind of thing… And now I feel even more foolish for having
to admit what I said and why.”

She couldn’t help it. She grinned then giggled. She watched
his eyes dilate before he shifted his hips against hers again. Oops. She
stopped the sound as quickly as she could and sucked in a gasp. Lust shimmered
off his skin as a palpable curtain of heat. Her guts twisted and a raw, molten
heat worked through her body. She sucked in a quick breath and groaned as she
tasted his energy.

You win.
It was the last intelligent thing she
thought. With a silent roar in her mind her demon took over, melding their
thoughts and feelings together. A soul-gnawing hunger rolled through her body,
almost doubling her over. She needed him, right then and there. No more messing
around and fighting it. She was a succubus and was starving for his energy. She’d
gone too long without feeding.

Dark hands that didn’t look like hers yet belonged to her
reached for him. His skin was hot under her hands. She skimmed both palms up
his arms, feeling his muscular structure under the skin. A groan filled the air
between them. At first she thought she’d made the hungry noise, but with a
glance at his half-lidded eyes she knew he was just as ready.

Stepping away from his embrace was difficult, but she knew
it wouldn’t last long. Using her claws to shred her jeans was easy. Damn
tomorrow. She’d worry about it later, after she was sated and didn’t have the
aching need to feed off this still-clothed male.

“Strip, Dominick.” She smiled and nodded as he hastily threw
off his shirt, unveiling a wonderful chest and set of abs. His eyes never left
her naked skin. His roaming gaze was a caress, heating her body to an inferno.
If she could go up in flames wherever he looked, she’d have a burning pussy and
a bonfire on her chest. She licked her lips and giggled at the feel of the forks
tickling her skin. The sound must have been loud enough to touch his sensitive
ears because he made another lust-filled sound before ripping his pants down
his legs. She was glad he’d only donned lounge pants without the extra layer of
underwear. Waiting would have been torture.

The instant his clothing met the floor she was on him, her
strength making it so simple to wrestle him to the floor. She carefully wrapped
her hands around his wrists, pulling them effortlessly over his head. She
moaned when he swept a slick tongue over a nipple. She halted her plans of a
fast fuck so she could savor the feel of his mouth on her breasts. With a growl
and command she directed his actions. “Lick and suck me. I’m going to ride you
to oblivion, but you need to earn it.”

Dominick did as he was told and she shuddered. She lowered
her weeping pussy to press against his stomach, grinding against his skin to
alleviate the burning need. His flicking tongue drove her into a crazed state.
Hot, wet, slick. Every flutter against her nipples felt as if he were twanging
a harp string pulled taut between her breasts and clit. Like a flower tasting
its first rain after a drought, her body opened for him. Her pussy warmed, her
clit tightened and her belly clenched with each movement of his mouth against
her flesh.

His energy flowed into her, filling that parched part of her
succubus self. The combination of physical stimulation and mental energy pushed
her too far too fast. She needed to feel him inside her, feel his cock
stretching her channel while she came around him. With a quick thrust and twist
she had her pussy hovering over the head of his cock and her lips a millimeter
from his.

“Tell me yes, Dominick. I need you.”

He blinked twice, clearing some of the passion from his
eyes. His gaze held hers. “Take what you need.”

That was all she needed to hear. A shift of her hips and she
had him an inch inside her channel. A groan and a push down had him slipping
and stretching her until she’d taken him to the hilt. Pleasure rippled from her
cunt, quaking her legs and pulling a mew from her lips. She clenched her pussy
and groaned from the feel of him inside her.

A woman possessed by her own need, she started moving on his
shaft. She released his wrists and sat back, taking him deep into her pussy.
She ground her sensitive clit against his pelvis. Goose bumps rose along her
demon skin and a shiver trickled down her spine. Wings long folded against her
back opened, flexing and settling around their bodies like a warm blanket. She
gasped as her wings rubbed against him, sending another rush of sensual heat to
her belly. The skin on the inside of them shivered with each contact. It drove
her to move faster on his cock, drove her faster to the orgasms she barreled

And she fed. The glorious flow of energy soaked through her
skin, entered her and filled her like nothing she’d tasted before. She’d been
starving, but even without that powerful pull she would have savored his
energy. It was freely given, willed into her, and she marveled at it. It flowed
into her at the same pace as her movements, spurring her on to speed up. She
wanted more. More delicious lust, more channel-stretching cock, more Dominick.

Each flex of her hips rubbed her engorged clit against his
pubic bone and drove her that much closer to the peak. Rising and falling on
his flesh, smooth and hot, had her growling with need. She slammed down harder
on the next stroke, kissing his cock with her cervix. That was what she needed.
She did it again and nearly came. One more stroke and a grind pushed her over
the edge. The harsh, near painful plunge of his cock into her was what did it.
She slid fast and sure over the cliff. Muscles seized and she arched her back,
driving him even farther into her spasming channel, pushing him hard against
her womb. She cried out. Unintelligible words of praise. A keening sound of
surrender to her succubus side, a celebration of her final acceptance of her
new nature. Shimmering pleasure coursed through her veins, calming and cooling
the fires of her need.

His cry of release echoed hers. The pulsing of his cock deep
inside her sent her careening over the edge again, shattering what little
control she had. Sharp cries from them both mingled in the quiet apartment.

Splintered thoughts slowly coalesced, bringing her back to
the present. She lay sprawled across his chest. Her wings were still wrapped
around them, shielding their bodies. Their breaths were fast and heaving, his
wafting over her shoulder, raising goose bumps on her flesh. She went to rise
and struggled to push herself back up from his body.

“Where are you going? I’m not done snuggling you—or can’t I
do that after consummating something so important with my mate?”

Dominick’s voice was rough and deep. It sent shivers down
her spine and made her wings twitch. A purr rumbled in her chest. She jerked in
surprise then settled down when he stroked her back. The sound intensified
until she nearly vibrated with it.

“I take it you’re happy? Most people don’t purr if they’re
angry. Unless that’s a growl. Are you going to eat me, Vic?”

The last little bit of reservation fled when he teased her.
He really was okay with her dark-skinned, winged demonic side. Another ripple
of pleasure ran through her and both sides were pleased.
Our mate.
almost nodded to her internal counterpart.
Yes. Our mate.
She raised her
head, grinning. “I could eat you, but it’d be the good way.”

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