Wish Upon a Star (7 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Sumsion

BOOK: Wish Upon a Star
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Slowly shaking his head, he rolled his eyes. "Kelly, Kelly, you know Taggert won't let you." Ignored, her threat dropped to the thick, brown carpet. As he grinned down at her, she grudgingly had to give him credit for the cool performance. She wondered for a moment if his bravado might not be an act.

, the CEO and Brinker's golf buddy, headed the “good ole boys”. Taggert would oppose his buddy's removal, and obviously the friendship gave Brinker some false confidence. She felt sorry for him, but not enough to let him off the hook. She could read the doubt in his eyes. The doubt that hovered, waiting to pounce.

Continuing to study his eyes she sized him up.
Another nudge should do it
. "So, you think you're secure?"

"Oh Kelly ..." If he patted her head, she would sucker punch him. "Of course I know I'm secure. I'm going to be
boss someday." He smiled serenely, his voice level and strong. He fiddled with his tie.

Hmm, she thought. A bead of sweat appeared between his smooth brows.
Finally. Now she would shake the last of his confidence. She was tired of this game.

She leaned in close. For a moment her head swam from his bold cologne.
Need to stay in control.
Kelly took a step back to clear her head.

slid her hands to her hips and narrowed her eyes. "Security in the corporate world is an illusion. No one is safe, not even Taggert. Produce or I'll drag your worthless hide out to make room for someone who will." Turning in a slow circle, she looked at the overdone office. "This is a nice space with a great view of the capital. I'm sure the next guy will appreciate it more."

Kelly sauntered to the door. It wouldn't do to rush, and he had to see that she controlled his future. As she opened the door, three of the office staff
scurried away.

Sometimes she hated her job. Today wasn't one of those times. Bringing Brinker down to size felt good. Maybe now she would get the results out of him everyone said he could deliver. If not, she would replace him. She didn't care what
Taggert said.

The next guy might not have as much natural talent, but at least she wouldn’t have Brinker’s massive ego to deal with.

Squaring herself in the doorway she turned back to stare into his crumpled face. "I'm not patient."

She turned. The tide of people parted, and with confident strides, she left Brinker to lick his wounds. She could now move on to more important things. Getting out of torturous three-inch heels topped her list.


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All my adoration to you, dear reader,

Sabrina Sumsion


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