Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3)
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I walked over to it and nudged it with my boot. Haeyl rolled it over so I could make better sense of the tangle of limbs and bare red skin, marked with black infernal symbols and pale pink scars. An angular face with a narrow jaw and deep red lips looked up at me.

Lysander looked over my shoulder and snorted. "A low level demon. Judging from his markings
he was a banished slave. A worthless runt."

"How did something so low level get through?" I asked looking around the room.

"I thought the hellmouth opened further than that?" Quin added.

Azfin shrugged. "Not my problem. What price will you give us Kadrix?"

Kadrix raised an eyebrow. “You still owe me for the knives I gave you, and the amulet."

Azfin's mouth puckered before he huffed and the demon went up in flames. "Then we're even."

"How do you figure that?" Quin asked.

"I killed your demon."

Quin and Kadrix looked between each other. Kadrix's eyes hardened and his mouth tightened; Quin tilted his head and shrugged slightly. Kadrix looked back to Azfin.

"Fine,” he spat.

Azfin grinned and bowed low. "Pleasure doing business with you."

With that, he left.

Lysander visibly relaxed. A smile danced along his lips. Elise glared at the door where Azfin and Haeyl had left
but soon stood and brushed herself off.

“It’s been a long day, I’m going to retire for the evening.”

I pulled her into a tight hug; it couldn’t have been easy for her seeing us in relationships. My heart fluttered. Was I in a relationship with Lysander?

Elise kissed my temple
“Enjoy him, Evie, I want the gossip tomorrow.”

My cheeks burned and she laughed; Lysander’s growling chuckle only made my blush deeper.

“Did I miss something?” Kadrix called out.

“Nothing,” I replied.

He gave me a dark look and huffed but turned his attention back to Quin. “In that case, go home, or wherever you feel, I’m taking Quin for the night.”

“Charmed,” I muttered.


Lysander had been particularly affectionate on the ride home. His lips grazed my jawline and his fingers trailed over my stomach and up my thighs. The nagging voice in the back of my mind that told me to push him away quietened with every thrilling touch. Elise was right
I'd allowed fear to hold me back for too long. I'd wanted nothing more than enjoy each and every inch of the sinfully sexy hellhound since the first time I'd laid eyes on him. My moment had come.

He nibbled down my earlobe while I locked the door to the flat, his hands roaming over my stomach and tentatively rising upwards. I turned to face him, surprised to see tension around his eyes, small lines around his mouth.

"Talk to me,” I whispered.

He nuzzled my neck and pressed me back against the wall. "This is what you want Evelyn, I want to please you."

I dragged my fingers through his hair as he softly bit down my neck; damn he was good.

"What do
want? You're tense." Words didn't come easily.

He paused, his eyes locked with mine.

"My place is to please you,” he said softly.

I bit his bottom lip gently. “And it would please me if you were into this, if you were ready."

He brow furrowed. "I've never been given the choice to say no before."

He looked away, the emotional pain wound its way into the back of my mind. My poor dear hound.

"I will not use you,” I said as I took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

"Strip,” I said.

He raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to not using me?" he said with a crooked grin.

"Leave your boxers on,” I replied with a grin of my own.

The idea of soothing and helping someone was strange; I didn't quite know what I was supposed to do
but I was determined to try.

"Lie on your stomach."

His mouth tightened
but he did as he was told. I climbed onto the bed next to him, kneeling and taking a deep breath. I hoped I was doing the right thing. He tensed when I touched him; I left my hand in place on his shoulder blade and allowed him to relax once more. Slowly I traced each scar and mark on his broad, strong back. The white lines intersected, some paler than others. Gradually
his muscles melted beneath my touch
I felt a little proud of myself. Once I'd reached the base of his back I leaned over him and wrapped my hands around his shoulders. He only tensed for a second before he relaxed once more, a quiet purring growl formed in his throat. I began to massage him, rubbing the stress and tension from his firm muscles. My desire to explore and enjoy far more of him grew with each passing minute, but the decision had to be his. I was not his old master.

Once I'd released the tight muscles in his back and thighs, the purring growl had become almost constant. The warmth of his happiness filled me
bringing a broad smile to my face. He rolled over
exposing his toned abdomen and the rest of the thin white scars from his past. I watched his face as I trailed my fingers over the scars. His gentle smile turned into a predatory smirk when I reached the top of his boxers.

"My turn,” he growled.

I was more than ready for his eager touches as he made light work of my clothes
leaving nothing but our underwear between us. He refused to rush, much to my increasingly vocal protestations as he teased and tormented me. His teeth grazed my skin
leaving a trail of fire down my stomach while his hands slowly worked their way up my inner thigh. I tried to push him over and pin him to the bed; I wanted my prize; my patience had vanished with the feather-light touches he teased my nipples. He held me firm beneath him.

Evelyn,” he growled as he kissed along the top of my panties while his fingers skirted around the edge of them.

My bra had been discarded some time ago, his boxers had been tossed aside, leaving only the thin fabric of my panties between us. He climbed on top of me, his tight body pressed against me, his fingers continuing to tease and torment me through the fabric while he kissed me hard. I dug my fingers into his back and dragged my fingernails downwards
drawing a deep guttural moan from him. A banging on the front door cut through the intense pleasure of the moment.

"That had better not be fucking Kadrix and his cursed notebook,” I growled.

He took my bottom lip between his teeth and did away with my panties. "He can watch if he pleases, I'm quite open to an audience."

I gasped as his fingers finally fulfilled their promise. The door crashed open. Heavy footsteps filled the living room. I cursed every god I had a name or sensation for.


Lysander leapt off the bed
and I was just behind him. I pulled on the closest things I could lay my hands on
one of his T-shirts and a pair of panties. Without thinking
I grabbed the two blades tucked up in the corner by the door and stormed out into the living room. I'd behead the fucking elf if he'd dared break down my door just to watch me finally enjoy my hound. Lysander was right behind me
He snarled; the heat emanated from him. It didn't take a genius to see why.

Witches stood in my living room, clothed in black and grey, complete with hoods
no less. I spun my blades while I weighed up the situation. They had the only exit covered, and they outnumbered us three to one. Their stances were imperfect and unbalanced; I had to hope that they leant on their magic rather than any actual combat ability. A ball of blue flew from the witch closest to the window, on course for my head. I ducked and ran at her. Lysander tore across the room and pounced on the witch closest to the door. A scream cut through the air
I wasn't sure if it was mine or the witch's when pain seared my shoulder. I slashed at the witch wildly
I needed to put an end to their magic. Quickly. She stumbled backwards, blood blossoming on the black. More magic scorched the back of my neck and rippled over my naked thigh. I was growing to hate witches.

I hacked at the throat of the witch in front of me. Her hood fell back to reveal a girl younger than me
barely out of her teens. Any guilt I may have felt was overwhelmed by fresh icy pain crawling up my ribs. I turned to face the two witches that were muttering and waving their hands. I saw Lysander halfway between his human and hound forms, tearing the innards out of an older witch. Blood coated his hands and face. I spun my blades and held eye-contact with the witch as well as I could with her face sheltered by the hood. Her muttering faltered; the spinning blades were drawing her attention. I shot forward and cut off her hands
She wouldn’t be casting any more magic. She yowled and dropped to her knees
clutching the bleeding stumps to her chest. The table behind me collided with my back
sending me sprawling at the other witch's feet. The crashing sound of more furniture buckling and shattering surrounded me. My home. The bitches were destroying my home.

Flamed licked at my spine and surrounded my hands. I pushed myself up to a crouch and glared at the witch who threw another curse at me. She visibly trembled and stepped back. The curse bounced off the edge of the flames that grew around me.

"What are you?" she screamed.

I grinned at her, the cold predatory feeling descending over me. I didn't try and fight it
They had destroyed my home. They would pay. I stalked towards her; she tripped over her own feet and landed awkwardly against the kitchen counter. Lysander yelped and drew my attention. He scrambled back to his feet
and I returned my focus to the witch. She was trying to scramble away, but it was too late. Her feet slipped on a pool of her sister's blood. I slowly dragged the tip of my blade down her throat as she whimpered before I drove it into her chest.

I looked around the remains of my home. Lysander was coated in blood, but none of it seemed to be his. I was numb. Bodies were crumpled on the floor, blood splattered the walls and pooled on the floor. My furniture was all torn and shattered. Lumps of splintered wood rested against the body of an older witch. The pain seeped in around the edges of the numbness as I sank down to my knees. It had been my sanctuary. The one place in the city where I could relax and feel safe. They'd stolen that from me. The scent of blood filled my nostrils and my vision cleared; my eyes re-focused on the scene around me. Lysander held me against his warm chest, his rough stubble grazed my cheek.

"You're injured
Evelyn,” he whispered softly.

My mind snapped to. The numbness gave way to rage. My dear hound stroked my hair and nuzzled my neck as I calmed myself.

"They took away my home,” I snarled.

He slowly bit down my neck.

"I know,” he whispered.

His fingers slid down over my injuries; the pain was excruciating. I couldn't hold back the scream of pain. He kissed me tenderly.

"I'm sorry, I only meant to assess the damage."

Tears mingled with blood as the emotions took hold.

"Where is your phone

I waved in the direction of the bedroom. "Jeans."

With a frown
I realised it was ringing. Taking a deep breath
I pulled myself together. I'd killed demons, I wasn't going to allow something as stupid as that break me. Lysander left me standing in the middle of the wreckage; he spoke to someone. I assumed it was on my phone. I needed a clean-up crew, to speak to Quin, and to find somewhere to stay. That was manageable.

"Quin and Kadrix were attacked by witches too, they captured two of them for interrogation."

"They're ok?"

He gave me a small smile. "They are. We're meeting them at Elise's church as soon as possible. Pack some clothing."

I took a deep breath and focused on what I needed to do. We threw some clothes in backpacks and pulled on suitable clothing for the time of year. I called in a clean-up crew and packed up anything I couldn't risk losing, including our throwing knives and anything alchemical. I swallowed back the tears as I left the flat, possibly for the last time. It wasn't perfect, but it had been ours.

Lysander held me close to him and helped me walk when the pain became too much to bear. I would end the witches. I didn't know how I was going to do it, or even when, but I would end them.


Elise pulled me into a hug before she led me through to the back room where Quin and Kadrix were. They were both splattered with blood, Kadrix was topless and coated in some green powder. Quin had a split lip
but seemed ok otherwise. I sank down onto the sofa and tried to clear my mind.

Kadrix stood in front of me. “You have deepest condolences
Evelyn, a home is a precious thing.”

I nodded and smiled before I took a deep breath. “Where are the witches?”

Elise and Kadrix exchanged a look.

“Quin and I will be interrogating them. You have too much emotion
Evelyn,” Kadrix said.

BOOK: Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3)
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