Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3)
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She practically hissed the last two words.

I smiled at her and leaned in a little closer. “Do you want me to rough them up?"

She giggled and finally relaxed. "I think I can manage

I pouted and said

Tiel was smirking at us; the other two
wore looks that could kill. They were too easy.

I crossed my arms and said, "I thought celestials were supposed to have great white wings, you look more like businessmen than terrifying warriors of old. Are you the gods' errand boys?"

Zair turned and interesting shade of purple. Huge pure white wings burst from his back and spread out behind him, the wingspan enough that they almost spanned the church.

I gave a small shrug and said to Elise, "Eh... I've seen better. You?"

She shook her head a little. “He's certainly not what I'd expected, with such a pretty suit. It's a little disappointing."

Tiel howled with laughter while Zair huffed and retracted his wings once more.

"We were told that humans were pathetic little meatbags, but you girls are quite fun
" Tiel said.

I looked at Elise before she said to him, "Thanks... you're not as unbearably pompous as I was led to believe; your friends only have one stick up their ass."

Zair audibly ground his teeth together, his hands clenched before he turned and walked to the back of the church. Tiel grinned at us and took a step closer; the middle one, with mud-coloured hair, seemed torn. I fluttered my eyelashes and wondered what his buttons were.



Zair had taken a few minutes to calm and smooth this feathers; Tiel had composed himself.

"What brings you here?" Elise said coldly.

Zair sniffed and looked down his long narrow nose at us. "The balance was upset."

I shrugged and waited for them to get to the point. They simply stared at us

Elise and I passed a look between us before I said, "So you're here to do some paperwork? Are there some forms we need to sign

Ioel, the muddy-haired one who'd remained pretty quiet up until then, said, "We're here because the hellmouth opened, and things need to be returned to as they belong."

"The hellmouth was closed. Things are how they're supposed to be
" Elise said.

"No thanks to you
" I added.

"You screwed up, you allowed demons to come onto this plane, and the balance was upset. It was not our place to step in and save you; you're the guardians, are you not?" Zair snapped.

I took a step forward closer to him and snapped back, “We did not allow demons to come onto this plane. If you were so fucking concerned about it, maybe you should have stepped in to protect your precious balance a little sooner.”

"We shouldn't have allowed you such autonomy in the first place. The moon goddess gave you all too much freedom; our lord..."

"Is too uptight and screwed up
" Tiel finished for him.

The other two shot him dark looks. I fingered my blades and wondered how susceptible celestials were to blades made of their own feathers. The image of plucking Zair flitted into my mind
I'd make enough money to buy a small island.

Elise moved to stand at my side

"Do you have a reason to be here, or are you just going to make shallow remarks?" she said coolly.

"We're here to aid in restoring the balance. Things have not been entirely fixed yet. There is the matter of a witch who has grown too powerful
" Ioel said.

"You're so big and fucking mighty, why don't you kill her and move on?" I snarled.

Their attitude was grating on me. I didn't appreciate the idea of higher beings looking down on me at the best of times. Zair sighed melodramatically before Tiel stepped closer to us and spread his arms in a placating gesture.

"We're rather limited in what we can do, as it's not our plane. Thus, we need your help to resolve this little problem."

The front door opened and Lysander strode up behind the celestials, his hackles raised and teeth bared.

"How sweet, your pet has come to check on you
" Tiel said with a smile.

Zair curled his lip. “You could have trained it."

Lysander stalked around the celestials, his eyes never leaving them, his muscles tight and teeth fully bared. He stopped at my side.

"I felt your aggression and came to make sure you were ok
mistress. I see that you need a little help removing the trash."

Zair's mouth tightened; Tiel
laughed. "How sweet, he's quite the little guard dog
isn't he? How hard does he bite?"

Lysander went toe to toe with Tiel, the hound's head a few inches shorter than the celestial's, not that he seemed to notice while he snarled at him. Tiel was entirely unfazed, a small smirk remaining on his face. He raised his hand, Lysander smacked it aside and went to grab Tiel's throat. Elise gave me a warning look.

I sighed. "Lysander, back off."

Zair's mouth twitched with a smile; Tiel crossed his arms and puffed his chest out a little. Lysander grudgingly returned to my side.

"You haven't explained what the fuck you want or how we're supposed to get rid of you
" I said.

Tiel pouted. "Are you sure you want rid of us? I'm sure we could have some fun."

Lysander snarled
I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to rise to such obvious bait.

Zair said, "We need to find the witch and put an end to her plans. There's also the matter of the balance."

He gave Lysander a dark look. I smiled sweetly and trailed my fingers over Lysander's collar.

"As you can see, the hound is mine and will be staying. Anything else?"

Zair ground his teeth once more and said, "Find the witch."

With that
he vanished
taking his quiet friend with him. Tiel blew a kiss at Elise and me before he vanished. Lysander paced and snarled, growling about celestials in a mix of English and what I assumed was the infernal language.

Jacob looked between Lysander and me, a small scowl forming on his face. I ignored him; I'd had my fill of pissy, pouty men for the day.

The priestess, Petra, said in a very light and bubbly tone, "Well, that was awkward."

I raised an eyebrow at her. She smiled broadly and gave a small clap

"I don't deal with witches, so you're on your own. It was nice to meet everyone."

With that, she sashayed out of the church. Elise stared daggers at her back.

Lysander was still pacing and growling.

After a few minutes, I said, "Hound. Stop."

He lowered his head and stood before me
looking every inch the wounded puppy.

Jacob smirked. “So you have trained it after all.”

“Lysander is not an it. Why exactly are you here?” I said.

He shrugged. “I’d hoped to have some fun, but apparently that’s not going to happen. Petra had the right idea. Later

She muttered something under her breath before she huffed.

"Looks like it's just us again,” she said.

I hugged her tight. "That's all we need."


Lysander had remained glued to my side; Elise, however, stayed at her church
saying she needed to speak to her lady. I found myself running my fingers over the inside of the hound's wrist as we stood on the tram approaching Kadrix's workshop. The celestials had put him on edge
and my desire to soothe him overwhelmed the need to keep some distance between us.

A spark of electricity passed between us when the hound's fingertips brushed over mine in return
I turned away from him and pulled myself together. I could feel the smirk that sat on his lips as I walked ahead of him
Things had changed between us after the hellmouth had been opened. When I'd held him in my arms and thought I was going to lose him, something was knocked loose within me
and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't hide it away again. The sun crept out from behind the thick pale-grey clouds and blinded me for a moment; it always sat too low in the sky in spring. I swore I saw something skirt over the roof of the
, although nothing was there when I peered at the red tiles. Shrugging it off
we walked into it, giving a polite smile to the guy behind the counter as we slipped into Kadrix's workshop. The feeling of magic surrounding me still put me on edge
but I was getting used to it. I'd seen that magic wasn't necessarily as evil as I'd previously thought.

The elf had his white-blond hair pulled back in a messy bun with his copper goggles perched on his head. It took me a second to spot Quin amidst the chaos; he was usually attached to Kadrix at the hip
but he had his back to the alchemist, a scowl etched on his face. I narrowed my eyes at Kadrix
I was very protective over my twin; if he'd hurt Quin
he'd suffer. Lysander cleared his throat while I wove my way between the sacks of books and workbenches covered in various alchemical paraphernalia.

"Is everything ok?" I asked Quin.

He sighed softly and glanced at Kadrix before he forced a smile. "Yea, it's… yea. What brings you here?"

Lysander growled, "Celestials."

Kadrix suddenly gave his us his full attention; Quin, however, merely frowned before he finished pouring the thick viscous liquid into the silver bowl in front of him.

"What about celestials
Evelyn?" the elf asked, his voice edged with daggers.

I pursed my lips and fixed him with a dark look. "They were in Elise's church, harping on about the balance being upset. What did you do to Quin?"

He paled and looked away. "That is between your brother and I."

"If you hurt him it'll be between you and my blades,” I growled.

"Evie, we'll talk later
" Quin said softly. "What brings you here?"

I glared at the elf; Lysander was mirroring the expression. "The celestials mentioned something about a witch being too powerful; we're supposed to track her down and put an end to her nefarious
disrupting ways. I was hoping that perhaps one of you had some connections we could use."

Things were rough between us and the witches; a lot of them had sided with the demons during the hellmouth incident
There were still hedgewitches and others
who could have been of use. Kadrix carefully fixed the vial he was holding in a set of clamps and gave us a small, tight, smile.

"There is a hedgewitch, as it happens. I've been trying to keep connections with them; they're good for profits."

He scribbled down an address and thrust it at us. Lysander took it from him while I caught Quin's eye; I wasn't going to let it slide. I wasn't what you'd call a people person, but I was fiercely loyal to those few I did have close. Quin glanced back at Kadrix before he muttered something about taking a break and gestured for me to follow him out the back door.

Lysander remained close on my heels, his mouth pulled into a stern straight line and his eyes dark. He'd quickly grown attached to Quin
His protectiveness was unlike anything I'd dealt with before; I didn't know what to do with it. Quin leaned against the wall in the small courtyard at the back of the lékárna, his eyes fixed down on the plain cream concrete.

I squeezed his arm. “Talk to me, you're worrying me."

Finally he raised his eyes. They glistened with the threat of tears.

His eyebrows knitted as the words formed in his mouth. “Kadrix kissed someone else."

Lysander's lips pulled back in a deep snarl. I ran my fingers over his hand to ease him without even realising. Images of skinning the elf flitted into my mind; no one hurt my twin. I squeezed my eyes shut and sought calm.

"Have you talked to him about it?"

He sighed heavily. “He just... shrugged it off. I don't know how I feel, I..."

I pulled him into a tight hug. "I'll have a word."

I waited for him to tell me not to interfere, that it was his relationship. He said nothing.

"Lysander, stay here. I have enough anger without yours fueling it."

He ground his teeth together but gave a small nod and stepped away from the door. I ran my fingers over the hilt of my blades
I still carried those Kadrix had made me from the feathers of celestials. The familiar tingle from them eased my mind and calmed me a little. It was a delicate situation. I was shit at dealing with delicate situations.

The elf had removed his goggles and was leant against a workbench when I walked back into the workshop. His pretty mouth was fixed in a hard line, his usually bright green eyes dulled.

"It seems that I upset your brother
" he said.

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