With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (22 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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Isaac scowls at Will and then back to where the girls are smiling and giggling at something Dom has said. He shakes each of their hands respectfully, but when he gets to Jules, he stops and holds her hand in his for a moment, his face sober and watchful. Jules’ eyes are glued to him in awe, and finally, she hops off her stool and hugs him close and smiles up at him happily. He smiles back, pats her shoulder, if somewhat awkwardly, and Jules takes her seat and digs into her nachos. Natalie also offers him a hug and a smile before he and Matt begin to walk this way.

Three siblings down.

“I have someone for you guys to meet,” Matt begins as he and Dom approach. Dom’s blue eyes are wary and reserved.


Luke steps forward and offers his hand. “I’m Luke Williams, Natalie’s husband.” He gestures to his beautiful brunette wife and shakes Dom’s hand.

“Dom Salvadore,” he responds.

“Nate.” Nate stands and offers his hand. “Jules’ husband.”

“Will, youngest brother.” Will approaches Dom and shakes his hand, holding his gaze. “Do you like football?” he asks, making us all smirk.

“I don’t watch much of it, I admit,” Dom responds with a half smile. “But I hear you play.”

“That’s right,” Will confirms, still holding Dom’s hand tightly. “Don’t tell me you play
European football
,” he says with a sneer.

“Some,” Dom says with a slight nod. “Europeans don’t wear pads to protect them like the American pussies do.”

We all hold our breath and watch for Will’s reaction. He stares at Dom, blinks twice, and then busts out laughing.

“Fuck you, man.”

Dom turns to me, and I shake his hand, pleased that his grip is firm and strong. Mom always said you can tell a lot about a person by their handshake.

So far, I don’t have any complaints.

“I’m Caleb,” I tell him.

“You’re the one in the military?” he asks.

“I was, yes.”

He nods and leans in to murmur to me, “Thank you for your service, man. It’s an honor to meet you.”

Well, fuck.

I just nod as Isaac approaches, still scowling.

“I’m Isaac.”

“The oldest,” Dominic responds.

“That’s right,” Isaac confirms and shakes Dom’s hand. “I’m not sure how I feel about you yet.”

“Well, that makes two of us, I guess.” Dom nods and steps back, eyeing us all. “I wasn’t expecting to discover that Steven Montgomery has such a large family. I had no idea what I’d find, to be honest.”

“Let’s get some food and more beer over here,” Luke suggests and motions for a waitress, whose eyes light up as she scrambles to come take our order.

“What made you come looking for him now?” I ask as he takes a seat and a beer from the waitress.

“My mom died last fall,” he begins and takes a swig of beer then grimaces as he looks at the label. “She never told me about my biological father.”

“Did she ever marry?” Matt asks.

“No.” Dom shakes his head, and I can’t help but feel for the guy. Growing up without a father would suck.

“After she passed, I was going through her things, and I found a letter from her.” He shrugs and clears his throat. “She explained who he was and what she could remember about him, in case I wanted to try to find him.”

“Steven said you grew up in Italy?” Nate asks.

“Partly, yes.” He nods and shifts in his chair. “My mom’s family was still there, and when I was about five she moved us there so she would have her family nearby. We moved back to the States when I was fifteen. I went back in the summer, and I studied there for a while. My grandparents died a few years ago, and I inherited their property there.”

“Do you visit often?” Will asks. “I’ve been dying to get Meg over there. We just haven’t had time to go.”

“I don’t go as often as I’d like because I own a business here, but you and Meg are welcome to use the house there whenever you want.” He shrugs like it’s the most natural thing in the world to offer his Italian home to his newly found brother to use whenever the mood strikes him.

Maybe Bryn’s right. He’s just a normal guy.

“Are you married?” Isaac asks him and crosses his arms over his chest.

“No.” Dom shakes his head and smiles ruefully. “Too busy for that. But I met your lovely wife.”

“What do you do?” Nate asks him calmly.

“I run two vineyards. One here in Washington and one in Italy, although a cousin of mine runs the one in Italy for the most part these days.”

As he continues to tell the guys about the wines he makes here in Washington, I notice the girls are laughing hysterically, and suddenly, Jules yells over to us all, “Hey! Brynna can suck the fuck out of a bone!”


Chapter Seventeen



“Caleb! Did you know that Brynna can suck the fuck out of a bone?” Jules yells in the general direction of the guys, earning snorts of laughter from the other girls.

“Of course he does.” Natalie giggles and points at me as she reaches for another handful of fries. “Hello! She probably blows him all the damn time.”

“Oh yeah!” Jules exclaims and laughs her ass off.

“Um, hello!” I spread my arms out to my sides and stare at the girls, my mind just a little cloudy from the liquor. “I’m right here.”

“Dude, do you blow him a lot?” Stacy asks me and sucks on a rib.

I blink at her and look over at Meg, Jules and Nat, but they’re all staring at me, waiting for my answer.

“Of course,” I reply with a shrug.

Meh, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

“I knew it!” Nat yells and pumps her fist.

“Ew!” Jules exclaims and laughs. “So don’t want to know this.”

“I think I’ve found someone new I’d blow,” Stacy murmurs and wiggles her eyebrows, her eyes pinned to Dom.

“I know, right?” I exclaim and take a sip of my Sex on the Beach before reaching for another rib, much to Jules’ delight. “Jules, I have to tell you, your new brother is hot as hell.”

“It’s the Montgomery genes,” Meg agrees and stuffs nachos in her mouth. “They’re, like, superhuman or something.”

We all turn and stare at him, taking in the gorgeous. Where the Montgomery brothers are fair, with varying shades of blond hair, Dom is olive-skinned with black hair, but his eyes match theirs to a T. They’re perfectly blue, and when he smiles, he has one dimple, in his left cheek.

“I wonder if he has dimples above his ass,” Nat observes.

“Oh, those are sexy!” Meg agrees. “Will has them.”

“You know…” Stacy leans in with a knowing smile. “If he grew up in Italy, he speaks Italian.”

“I wonder if he’d teach Will Italian,” Meg ponders. “Just the naughty words.”

“Okay, we really need to bring in more hot guys that I’m not related to.” Jules pouts and sips her water. “I want to talk about naked body parts and sexy foreign languages.”

“Just pretend,” Stacy suggests with a drunken wave.

I work on cleaning all the meat off the rib, making sure there’s nothing left before I throw it in the basket.

“Seriously,” Nat mutters while watching me, “that’s impressive.”

“I bet you guys leave a whole bunch of meat on the bone.” I snicker and sip my drink.

“I’m done,” Meg announces and throws her napkin on the table. “Let’s take our drinks and go sit with the guys. I want to hear what they’re saying to Dom.”

We all agree and join the boys, drinks in hand.

“Brynna has some mad oral skills, man,” Jules informs Caleb as we approach, and I want to simply die.

“Jules!” I exclaim and glare at her.


“She’s not even drunk.” Stacy smirks and leans on her husband. “But I have mad oral skills, too, don’t I?”

“You do, babe.” Isaac grins down at her.

“Enough of this. We’ll scare Dom off,” Meg announces and grins at the handsome Italian. “I’m sorry for their adolescent behavior.”

“I’m fine.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “I went to college. I know how girls are when they get together.”

“So,” I begin and sip my drink. Delicious. “You are Italian.”

He nods and grins at me, showing off that dimple that’s so similar to Caleb’s, and my panties may have just flooded.

“Which means you naturally

He nods again and chuckles, his smile spreading across his face.

Caleb wraps his arms around me from behind and pulls me against him, tucking me close to him, and while I should feel guilty for blatantly flirting with his half brother right in front of him, I don’t.

I think it’s funny as hell.

“I think what she’s getting at,” Meg begins, “is that it’s kinda hot that you speak Italian.”

“Oh, please.” Will rolls his eyes and scowls at Meg.

“It’s true!” she insists.

Avete un bellissima fidanzata, fratello
,” Dom murmurs. His eyes light with mischief as he speaks.

“Sweet Jesus, what did you say?” Stacy asks.

“I said”—Dom laughs—“you have a very beautiful fianceé, brother.”

Stacy sighs dreamily, and I giggle despite myself. The guys roll their eyes again, and Nate chuckles.

“Dude, stop flirting with the girls. Your brothers will kill you,” Nate urges him with a laugh.

“I’m not flirting.” Dom holds his hands up and laughs. “Although I think it’s funny that women like foreign languages.”

“Yeah, what’s up with that?” Isaac asks.

“You don’t think that a woman speaking a foreign language that you don’t understand is sexy?” I ask Isaac with a grin.

“Never thought about it,” he replies with a shrug.

“Liar,” I respond.

He glares at me, so I walk over to him and hold my hand out for him to take. He does, and I glance at Stacy, who nods and grins, and I lean into him and say, “
Vous êtes un sacré menteur. Vous savez que c'est sexy et je pourrais dire vous manger de la nourriture pour chien pour le petit déjeuner et il serait toujours le son chaud.

Isaac swallows hard and then shrugs, as though it didn’t affect him at all.

“Okay, that was fucking hot. What did you say?” Luke asks with a grin.

“I told him how hot he is in French.” I smirk and walk back to Caleb, whose eyes are molten, and he’s looking at me like he wants to throw me down and fuck the hell out of me right here in this pub.

“Liar,” Dom responds softly. “I speak French.”

I throw my head back and laugh and wink over at him. “Well, they don’t, so we’ll leave it at that.”

“I think it’s time to go,” Caleb growls and grabs my hand in his. “Have fun, guys. Dom, it was nicer to meet you than I thought it would be.”

Dom nods and winks at me as we walk past. Caleb pulls me through the pub and all of a sudden, I hear our group bust out in laughter.

“Hey!” Isaac calls out. “I do not eat dog food for breakfast!”

I giggle and try to keep up with Caleb as he pulls me along through the parking lot to his car.

“Slow down!”

“You did that on purpose,” he whispers and presses me against his car, leaning in to me, his arms caging me on either side. He lowers his head and brushes his lips over mine gently, barely tasting me.

“Did what?” I breathe.

“Taunted me by flirting with my brothers and speaking French. I didn’t know you could do that, by the way.”

“I took French in school and then spent a summer in Paris after I graduated,” I whisper when he slides his lips down my jawline to my neck. I run my hands up his arms, over his shoulders and up into his hair. “Caleb?”


“Please take me home now.”

With just fifteen seconds of kisses and the feel of his hands on me in the cold night air, I’m ready to climb him. My skin is on fire, my nipples hard, and my pussy already swollen and wet with need.

He guides me into the car and drives me the few minutes down the street to my house. We could have walked the short distance to our favorite pub, The Celtic Swell, but Caleb said it wasn’t safe.

Now I’m just happy it’s so close to the house.

He leads me inside and up the stairs to the bedroom, where he quickly disrobes us both and gently pulls me into the bed.

He’s never been this gentle, and it’s throwing me off a little.

He pushes me onto my back and braces himself over me, kissing me alternately fast and hard and slow and soft. Each time I get used to his rhythm, he switches it up on me.

Finally, he slows his pace and leans his forehead against my neck, breathing heavily. “You astound me, Bryn. You’re so fucking

I frown and pull back so I can see his face. He cups my cheeks in his hands and brushes his thumbs over my skin.

“You’re so damn funny, and sweet, and smart.” He swallows and kisses me again, still softly. “You could make the devil himself fall in love with you,” he whispers.

“Did you know I also have mad oral skills?” I ask him with a grin.

He chuckles softly and sweeps his lips across mine again, nibbling on the corner of my mouth and sending goose bumps over my body. I tilt my pelvis, silently inviting him to push himself inside me, but he pulls away.

“Caleb,” I moan and drag my teeth down his stubbled jawline.

“Yes, baby,” he whispers, kissing the top of my shoulder.

“I really want you to fuck me now.”

He pulls back and stares down at me, brushing tendrils of my hair off my face. “I can’t fuck you tonight, baby.” He shakes his head and clenches his eyes shut, then opens them and pins me in his bright blue gaze once more. “I need to make love to you tonight.”

Before I can respond, he lowers his head and kisses me again. I brush my hand up his naked arm and frown when I feel scrapes on his smooth skin.

“Caleb, what happened to your arm?” I ask.

“Work,” he mumbles and continues to kiss his way down my throat.

“These scrapes are nasty,” I respond.

“No big deal.” He wraps his lips around my nipple and sucks softly, making my back arch against him.

“I don’t like seeing you hurt,” I whisper. “Ever.”

“I’m fine, Legs.” He pulls his big hand over my hip and down my thigh to my calf and back up again, hitching my knee around his hip and opening me up to him. His hard cock nudges my clit, and I about come undone.

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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