Within a Captain's Hold (23 page)

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Authors: Lisa A. Olech

BOOK: Within a Captain's Hold
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Jaxon continued to stare out the window. “They wanted to hang me for raping her. Dragged me before her father. When he saw it was me, I was hauled away and beaten like I’ve never taken a beating before and thrown like garbage into the Thames. They must have figured I was dead. I was sure I was. If it weren’t for Captain Hargrave pulling my sorry ass out of the water and signing me to his crew, I wouldn’t be here.”

“Didn’t the girl tell her father you didn’t rape her?”

Jaxon looked back at her. “When he saw who I was, it didn’t matter.”

Annalise frowned. “Because you were the stable boy?”

“No, far worse than that. The
Earl of Carlisle
couldn’t have his bastard son’s filth on his innocent daughter. If anyone discovered Gwendolyn had been bedded by her brother…”

She gasped. “You couldn’t have known.”

“I had no idea. I still wouldn’t have if one of the fists he hired to beat me senseless hadn’t run his mouth. I honestly believed I’d killed her. Then to find out she was my half-sister. Fear turned to anger, anger to disgust.” The muscle in his jaw pulsed. “Years later I went back. I disguised myself. I needed to find out what happened to her. She was alive and well. Moved on as if nothing happened. She married a viscount and has two children by him. I doubt she even remembers my name.”

“But the earl does.”

“Aye, he does. With my recent rise in the king’s favor, he’s heard my name again. I’m still a threat, now more than ever. He sent Bonchette to kill me.”

Annalise’s mouth dropped open. “None of it was your fault. You were a child.”

“That doesn’t matter. I’m a child no more. Just my being alive could ruin him--and her. I’ve grown too popular. I’m welcome at court. If anyone were to find out who I am, he’d lose everything. And Bonchette was more than happy to inform me that he still has the power to try and crush me.”

Annalise laid a hand on his chest. The sheet slipped from her as she tried to kiss the bitter memories away. “You needn’t worry about him anymore. He can’t touch you. You wield the power now. You’re a lord.”




Anna tended Jaxon during the next two weeks, and watched him grow stronger every day. His tenderness toward her filled her heart to overflowing.

She soaked up all she could learn about the island. Its beauty was awe inspiring, Anna loved spending hours in the gardens of the manor, studying the names of every new plant. The governor’s staff spoiled them.

After another scrumptious lunch of cold shrimp and mango, Anna thanked each servant from the cook to the footman.

Jaxon looked at her in surprise. “How is it you know all their names?”

“They learned our names; it is only respectful to learn theirs.” Annalise grew up blurring the lines between servant and household. She knew no other way.

Each afternoon, she spent some time on small lessons with Nell. The girl was quite bright. Anna was teaching her to read.

She also insisted Robbins remain with them. “You must stay. It’s obvious you’re sweet on Nell. Why bring the girl heartache by missing you.”

Robbins cast a quick glance at Jaxon, then shook his head. “I can’t be stayin’ here. The capt’n dismissed me.”

“Yes, he has, from your duties. I’m asking you to stay as a friend.”

The boy gaped at her as if she’d turned an odd shade of blue.

“You proved yourself as my trusted friend on the
Scarlet Night
, and I’ve grown quite fond of you. In fact, you remind me a bit of my brother. I lost him not too long ago, and your being here takes a bit of the sting from that loss. Please?”

“Your brother?”

“Yes. His name was Henry. I’d love to tell you about him.”

“Henry be my name, as well. ’Though I can’t recall the last time anyone called me by it. Probably me mum.”

“You’re name is Henry? Truly? Then it is fate, don’t you think?”

It was settled. Henry Robbins stayed, after he assured her he would behave in a more gentlemanly manner toward young Nell.

Annalise’s lack of clothing was alleviated with the bulging closet belonging to the governor’s daughter. She chose a few simple, relaxed gowns to wear but still ran barefoot a majority of the time. The governor’s daughter, it seemed, had huge feet, poor thing.

Anna’s pale skin was susceptible to the sun’s harsh rays, and she was careful not to overstay her time out of doors. Jaxon loved that the kiss of the sun wove gold streaks among the red of her hair and sprinkled a dusting of pale freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

Nights were devoted to the blossoming passion that astounded him with its growing intensity. One sultry night as the sky lit with ribbons of lightning and thunder rumbled, Anna was preparing for bed.

She let down her hair.

It had become one of his favorite times of their day. “I remembered something today.”

Anna picked up an ivory-handled brush and ran it over her curls. “What was that?”

He moved to stand behind her, sweeping the shimmering curtain of red aside. He ran his tongue along the curve of her ear. She trembled at the touch.

Lifting his gaze, he spoke to her reflection in the mirror. “I told you once it would be the responsibility of your husband to explain to you ‘the most intimate of kisses.’”

Annalise gripped the edge of the dressing table, and gave a small whimper as he sucked the lobe of her ear into his mouth. “I do recall you saying that, yes. Weren’t we in the midst of an argument?”

“We’re not in an argument now.” He nipped at the sweet flesh beneath her ear. “And I am your husband.”

Her eyes fluttered closed as she ran her fingers along his jaw. “Mmmmm. Both true.”

“I take my responsibilities as such seriously.” Jaxon slipped the brush from her hand, pulled her to her feet, and began removing her clothing bit by bit. Laying a kiss upon each inch of pale skin he uncovered, he murmured against her shoulder. “It is something best explained by actions, not words, I’m afraid.”

Annalise sighed with pleasure. By the time he was finished undressing her, she was trembling with need and tugging upon his clothing, but he stopped her hands. Scooping her into his arms, he laid her naked upon their bed.

Jaxon began kissing her toes while caressing her ankles, and blazed a path up each leg to fondle her knees. He laid a gentle trail along the scar that came from her time in the hold and found immense joy in nibbling his way along the tender flesh of her thighs. Slow strokes of his tongue moved still higher. Anna clutched at his shoulder and tugged at his hair. Her impatience only encouraged him to slow his actions.

The initial shock at his warm mouth upon her sex gave way to an explosive night of lovemaking Anna would never forget.

The next morning Annalise greeted him with an armload of candle ends and a face burning with embarrassment. “The entire household is talking about the noise last night. Between the thunder and…and the incessant
of our bed, no one got a wink of sleep.”

Jaxon’s roar of laughter only heated her cheeks and earned him a bed full of candle stubs and orders to wax every brass joint of the “bloody” bed.

Annalise rejoiced in the fact that their marriage was now legal and binding. It had taken Cookie a few days to sober the pastor enough to get the man to sign the proper papers and bless the thick hammered-gold band Jaxon slipped upon her finger.

Annalise placed the lord’s ring on Jaxon’s left hand. “This ring has been blessed by generations and carries with it a great weight.”

“Are you sure about this, Annalise?”

“I am.” She lifted his hand and kissed it. “This ring joins me to you in every way.” Her gaze met his. “Are
sure this is what you want?”

“I am.” He lowered his mouth to hers.

Cookie grinned his approval, “’Tis more than official now.”

* * * *

One beautiful, crystal-clear morning, Annalise rose early, dressed and moved outside onto the small balcony connected to their bedchamber overlooking the gardens. It was her favorite spot in the manor and she visited there most every morning.

A small table topped with a thin slab of marble and two ornate chairs were the only furnishings. Large pots of ferns and flowers filled the corners. A flowing vine climbed the side and twisted its pale tendrils along the iron railings. She plucked one of its brilliant purple flowers to tuck behind an ear. Since her first day here, Jaxon liked flowers adorning her hair.

Standing against the rail, she lifted her face to the sky to drink in the sweetness of the constant breeze. The wind fluttered her skirt and teased her curls while she enjoyed the ever-changing beauty of the formal gardens below. It was truly lovely here. Perfect.

An odd thought flooded her heart. She was happy. Blissfully happy. It had been too long since she experienced such a simple thing as joy. When the fire destroyed all she loved, her entire sense of being was reduced to ashes and soot, and then being sent to Uncle Herbert and the horror that followed… Annalise hated feeling afraid. Waking each day not knowing what would befall her. Grieving all she’d lost and fearing for her life. There were days she didn’t know how she survived.

But this was a new day. A perfect day. The fear and grief seemed far away. Being with Jaxon changed everything. In his arms, she felt cherished and protected.

For the first time in near a year, she was at peace. Safe. Content. She wrapped her arms around herself to hold it tight within her. This was what it was like to be in love, and know in the deepest part of her heart and soul that she had found the man to one day love her in return. She was giddy with it.

Colors were brighter, the air sweeter. Food tasted better upon her tongue. Her body felt more alive. Jaxon’s lovemaking awakened in her sensations and pleasures unlike anything she could have imagined. Just standing there thinking about it sent a tingled rush through her limbs.

Sounds of him rising and donning his breeches reached her. His wounds had healed. Gone were the bindings and stitches. The warmth of the sun was a great restorer and his skin had returned to its healthy, golden-bronzed color. He was beautiful, and he was hers.

Jaxon stepped out onto the balcony and came up behind her, wrapping her tight in his arms. Annalise leaned back against the strength of his bare chest. His warmth surrounded her.

“Good morning, Mistress Steele.” His voice was deep and silky from sleep. It sent a delicious tremor down her spine.

She tipped her head, giving him access to the side of her neck. “Good morning, Captain Steele.”

He kissed and nuzzled there. Her body melted like honey. Jaxon’s hands cupped the fullness of her breasts, fondling their peaks through the thin fabric of her gown. She held his head to her as his warm breath fanned her skin and his mouth teased that sensitive spot behind her earlobe. She gave a small gasp as a tiny swirl of his tongue sent a jolt of pleasure straight to her sex.

One hand swept across her belly, and he used it to press her back against the ridge of his erection. A small arch of her back and wriggle of her behind brought forth a groan from him.

“Woman, do you want me to ravish you out here for all to see?”

Annalise turned in his arms and wound hers about his neck. She teased his lips with a light brush of her own. “Scandalous,” she whispered against his mouth. “You rogue. You’d raise my skirt right here on the balcony?”

He grasped the railing on either side of her, pinning her, pressing an impatient knee between her thighs. “The railing seems rather weak, but I’ll wager it doesn’t squeak half as loud as that damn bed.”

Annalise tipped her head back and laughed. “There’s always the floor.”

Jaxon growled against her neck, wrapped his arms about her waist, and lifted her off her feet to carry her back inside.




A figure hidden in the shade of a flowering shrub watched the balcony. The sight of Annalise welcoming the morning filled his heart with pure delight. She was a beautiful goddess.

But delight soon turned to anguish, hatred, and blind fury as he watched that pirate lay his hands crudely upon her. Groping her like a common street whore. She could not have returned his favor. Surely, she was his captive and only with him against her will. But then she turned in his arms and kissed him.

Wolfsan’s rage surged. He seethed as the half-naked barbarian whispered something into her ear. Her laughter tumbled from the balcony like droplets of poisoned rain.

The bastard grabbed her and carried her off the balcony. With them hidden from his view, bile rose in the duke’s throat at his imaginings. He knew what they were doing behind those curtains. Wolfsan’s mind seethed with images of Annalise writhing beneath that filthy pirate as he stabbed his contaminated cock into her.

When he reached Port Royal two days past, after that interminable voyage upon that horrendous ship, the trail to Annalise had been oddly disjointed but easy for him to follow.

There was some disagreement as to which vessel she arrived on, but, nonetheless, she was here. News of her marriage also had several inconsistencies, but the truth of it lay within his sight. However she made passage to this lawless, savage island, she wed Captain Jaxon Steele, privateer captain of the
Scarlet Night.
The two of them were enjoying the hospitality of the governor of this blighted island state.

Annalise, his pure, untouched love, ravaged and violated by that devil. He would make him pay. Make them
pay. Her for dismissing him the way she had and making him chase her across an entire ocean. And the pirate--well, he had special plans for him.

As his plot took form and shape within the twisted confines of Wolfsan’s mind, a sneering smile curled the edges of his lips. He would need to rid her of that man’s filth, of course. How he’d choose to do that, he didn’t know, but he had traveled too far to be denied. He had killed two already to have his prize. What were a few more?

When she realized just how devoted he was to her and what he had endured to have her, she would see her sins. No doubt, she’d be so impressed and flattered, she’d never think about denying him. She’d come to him and thank him--no,
him for his forgiveness. He’d love to watch her beg, make her kneel.

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