WLUV Box Set: Ignited, Consumed, Burned (35 page)

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Fawn finally said.

The two of
them lay spent, in silence for a few moments, trying to readjust to a universe
where this kind of feeling was possible. And then it was time for her to hear
his terms. She’d been so adamant about issuing hers before they started.

“Hell yes,
wow. But let’s get something straight,” Brick used her words from earlier in
the night. “I get what I want, and I want that from you every night and every
morning for the rest of my life.” Brick trapped her earlobe in his teeth after
he issued his command into her ear.

“You sound
more like the dictator of a banana republic than a mayor,” She whispered back.

“When in
Belize…” Brick did not move off of Fawn or let her roll away. They fell asleep
entwined. It was the best sleep of his life, though brief. To his surprise,
Fawn was a light sleeper.

Chapter Fourteen



Fawn did
not want to think too much about what all this meant. She was serious about her
conditions. For this trip, this moment, she would allow herself to indulge in
her feelings and sensations with Brick. Now that she knew him better – and
believed in him even – she couldn’t deny herself, or him. Her life was empty of
all pleasures. Hell, she didn’t even allow herself more than 20 damn carbs a
day. Somehow being in this other world let her do something she couldn’t allow
back home.

But she
wasn’t home. She was here, with Brick, and so she’d made the deal with herself.
As long as the trip lasted she was going to follow her passion, not her head,
not her responsibilities at home. Brick may push her for more, for her to say
she loved him, who knows what he really wanted? So what? Just like in the
newsroom you could be right or you could get what you want. She wouldn’t argue
with Brick, she’d get what she wanted.

When they
touched back down in wintery Grand City she’d have a lot of hot memories to
keep her warm. They’d be just that, memories. She’d put them in some
compartment of her mind and anytime they threatened to sneak out she’d close
the door tighter, put another padlock on it, and then get back to work, back to
taking care of her mother, back to paying her bills and securing her future so
no news director or anyone else could pull the rug out from under her again.

Fawn had
cut Brick out of her life once before, and she’d do it again. But not yet, not
quite yet…

decided to use the power she had over Brick. He’d initiated their encounters
every time they’d been together. She wasn’t a young naïve girl anymore, like
she was when they’d met. Now she was a grown woman who she knew what she liked,
needed, and wanted. Right before dawn she decided to show Brick Cooper just
what that meant.

She looked
at him for a few moments, the room still dark. There were lines around his
eyes, there was a roughness to his skin, but his full lips, beautiful brow,
jaw, all of it, combined to make a fantastically handsome face. Those
All-American good looks engendered trust from everyone he encountered, from his
bosses to his voters. It was a face she had avoided for so long because she
knew she loved the sight of him. What a luxury to just drink it in right now.

leaned over a sleeping Brick and slowly kissed his neck, his jaw, his chest.
She wanted to taste every part of him. She let her breasts skim his arms and
chest. Soon she noticed he may not be awake but he was aroused. It gave her a
little thrill to know she was the reason.

“Is this a
dream, another Fawn dream?” he murmured somewhere between asleep and awake.

“Yes it
is,” Fawn whispered in his ear.

“Such a
good dream.”

Fawn kissed his lips and the kiss awakened Brick to the point where he was
slowly rubbing her backside, her back, her hips. She moved on top of him and
straddled him, trying to be slow, trying to alter the forward advance of time
so she could stretch out the minutes in this vacation paradise they shared.

She sank
herself down on his impressively large cock.

“Oh, Mr.
Mayor.” She was going to be as naughty as she’d dared.
When in Belize…

Fawn pulsed
her hips slowly and felt him sink deeper into her. Brick leaned up and kissed
her on both nipples, but he didn’t overtake her. He let her determine the pace
and right then she wanted their motion to stay slow. She rocked into him again
and he stayed right with her, face to face. She couldn’t stop a small gasp from
escaping her lips. He was so deep and it was so perfect, she wanted to fully
appreciate it. Brick and she were one being, perfectly connected and alive.

She was
slow as long as she could be until she felt her inner muscles pulse
involuntarily. Her body needed more whether her conscious mind wanted to take
it slow or not, and so Fawn pushed herself forward and Brick fell back on the
bed. She arched up and rode him hard, letting her strong legs support her as
she abandoned any semblance of control. She was going to get hers and he’d
better keep up. It might be greedy but at that moment she didn’t care about
anything but where their bodies connected.

grabbed her ass, hard, and pushed himself further into her. She moaned, then
reached behind her to caress his balls, cupping them towards her.

“God, oh
god.” Brick was hers and she planned to selfishly use him, and she knew he
would like it.

Fawn.” He chanted her name almost like a prayer when he climaxed, and the fact
that he was worshipping her like that was enough to send her to a peak. She
clenched and writhed and threw her head back with abandon. She moved her hands
to grip his thighs and felt every nerve in her body fixated around him.

Her climax
was different this time, thanks to her own angles and her own motion, and she
yelled, “Yes!” over and over as it crested and slowly subsided. Finally, it was
over, and she fell on top of Brick. She could feel him still slowly moving
inside. She giggled at the sensation.

squeezed her tight as she lay on top of him. “I’ve dreamed that so many times.
The reality was so much better. But pinch me, okay? Just to be sure.”

“No need
for a pinch. This is still a dream.” Fawn said. It was a beautiful tropical
dream and she was determined to milk it dry. She’d get everything she could so
the vision would stay with her long after day dawned again in her real life.

Chapter Fifteen



The next
stop was the Jaguar Preserve. This was the fun part Brick thought.

When he
closed his eyes he could only see Fawn, on top of him, under him, her legs
around him. She was everything he remembered and more. She had outlined her
conditions about the way she’d be with him on this trip, but Brick had bigger

they’d shared last night was hot as hell, definitely more than just another
encounter that they’d leave behind as they moved separately forward with their
lives back in Michigan. No. She wouldn’t shake him off again. He’d spend every
moment in Belize making sure she didn’t want to live without him at home.

setting was certainly conducive to the things he had planned. Leaving the
economic deals and political wrangling of the capital city, they were now
headed deep into the rain forest of Belize. The Jaguar Preserve was thousands
of acres of unspoiled rainforest, lush vegetation, ringed by the Cockscomb
Mountains and nestled in inland Belize. Their stay in Belmopan was a resort
retreat anchored by business meetings. Their time at the preserve would be pure
adventure and wonder.

Grand City Zoo’s jaguars being introduced to the other animals and acclimating
to their new life would be an experience of a lifetime, Brick had no doubt. The
realization that he’d spend it with Fawn made it tough to suppress a
ridiculous, boyish smile.

Brick had
slipped back to his room to showered and pack when it dawned on him that the
adjoining door could prove very useful. They had about fifteen minutes before
they had to meet Chud out front…it would be enough time, if he was efficient.

He wrapped
on the adjoining door and Fawn opened it.


“You all
set? Packed and ready?” Brick figured she’d have everything organized and
buttoned up way ahead of schedule and of course, she did.

He’d left her bed less than an hour ago but who gave a damn? He was going to
take her again, quickly, before the long drive where they’d have keep their
secret from Chud. Fawn’s orders, no one was to know.

grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. She returned it and added
a hot little nibble on his lip. He bit her lip right back, not quite drawing
blood, but he saw it was swollen where he’d trapped the soft flesh in his
teeth. He ran his tongue over it to soothe it. Okay, so maybe now they had
fourteen minutes.

He pushed
Fawn’s peasant skirt down off her hips and to the floor, her thong went with

Fawn’s thong. I love that.”

“Brick, we
don’t have—” He didn’t want her talking at all right now. He just lifted her up
and pushed her to the wall. She was naked right where he needed her to be.

He used
the wall to hold her up and didn’t wait, didn’t coo, didn’t ask, and he didn’t
need to. She was ready for him.

Brick held
her up with his thighs and the wall and banged into her with a ferocity that
came out of nowhere. She held on to his shoulders. The walls shook and
something crashed to the ground. He had no idea what. She spread her legs open
wider and let out a sound that bordered on a scream. He knew she’d come and so
he let loose too. He was so hard he could pound nails with his erection but
instead he pounded into Fawn, again, and again. She was at his mercy and he
knew it was right where she wanted to be. His orgasm came seconds after hers
and only after he’d exploded into her did he wonder if he’d hurt her back,
which was pressed up against the wall.

“Damn, I’m
sorry, I don’t know what happened there. Just seeing you, I don’t know…” He
lowered her down, smoothed her hair.

apology needed. That was uh…intense. Thank you.” Fawn kissed him quickly and
walked over to where her skirt and thong lay discarded on the floor.

need to readjust the departure time, Mr. Mayor. I’m going to need an extra five
minutes to put myself together.” She walked into the bathroom.

“Take your
time. I’ll go pay for the lamp, or whatever it was that crashed to the floor.”

A short
time later they said their goodbyes to Paulo and Gloria, who extended adamant
and enthusiastic invitations to come back and visit.

whispered into his ear, “Maybe on your honeymoon?”

working on it,” Brick replied.

the drive Brick stole glances at Fawn. She blushed and turned to the window to
take in the scenery as they made their way to the preserve. At one point Chud
was snoring in the backseat, so Brick took the opportunity to push Fawn a
little farther past her comfort zone. He reached across and ran his finger down
her earlobe to the side of her breast.

It was
perfect because she didn’t want to wake Chud so she silently scolded him with
her eyes, but allowed him the secret little touches. She lifted her blouse up
and down to fan herself and leaned her head back on the headrest.

With no
makeup, no anchorwoman hair, no frosty demeanor, Brick was seeing a new Fawn.
His infatuation with her was quickly maturing into something deeper. She was
still keeping something back, but he’d get there. His desire to always be near
her was not going to be denied. He always won. Always.

Brandman, the Australian veterinarian, greeted them as they pulled into the
lodging area of the Jaguar Preserve. The Grand City Zoo employees were staying
in the main camp with the wildlife experts in charge of the preserve. Chud
requested lodging there as well so he could get video of their day-to-day work.

Fawn and
Brick would occupy two smaller cabins just up the road, and Brick made it his
mission to christen both of them. This next three days would have to last them
a long time. As soon as they returned home, Fawn would put up her walls again,
so he had three days to discover the keys to all her secret locked doors.

Mayor, Ms. Clawson, Mr. Chudzinski. Welcome to The Belize Jaguar Preserve.”

“Thank you,”
Brick answered.

“A few
ground rules. The jaguars are loose, totally loose, but hiking and exploring is
encouraged with an experienced guide. The Victoria Peak is incredible, if
you’re up for it, but hike just about any trail and you’ll likely run into a
waterfall. By all means, take a swim. Also be sure you’re always slathered in
bug repellent— the mozzies will kill ya ‘round here.”

piped up. “I’d really like to get
the interviews accomplished this afternoon if it’s okay with you. That way we
can feed the story back about what your mission is and how you’ll introduce the
zoo’s jaguars. After that we can just hang back and stay out of the way.”

good – no bellman or anything at this place so you’ll have to handle your gear
yourselves, I hope ya not too nacked by it.” Terry Brandman’s Australian accent
had flowered  since he’d been away from Grand City.

Fawn asked.

right?” Brick explained.

Follow the trail about half a mile to a group of three cabins. You’ll get your
pick of two as no one’s in the third right now.”

purchased provisions before they came because this was more camp than resort:
they’d make their own food, wash their own laundry and change their own sheets.
Brick hoped Fawn could handle the more rugged environment. He had no real idea
what she did for herself or what she hired out back home. Yet again, he was
saddened to realize how little he knew about her. He was determined to learn to
change that.

settled themselves in the two cabins, and Brick was relieved to see how
secluded they were. His job was now all about being attentive to Fawn. He’d
done his part on this trip and secured the economic investment in their town.
Now he would watch her work and enjoy the scenery of the rainforest. They
unpacked and he drove them back up to the main sanctuary.

interviewed Brandman and the staff, and through her interviews they all learned
about the two hundred or so resident jaguars, puma and other wildlife they
might encounter. Apparently one man, Alan Rabinowitz, had discovered this area
as an important habitat for jaguars and fought to establish the preserve. Under
his care the
Paseo del Jaguar
– the jaguar corridor – and other, similar big cat corridors had been
established throughout the world. Brandman was a Rabinowitz student and
believed in doing everything possible to preserve the habitats and the animals
it contained.

The two
jaguars from Grand City had been slowly transported over two weeks to the main
sanctuary of the preserve where they’d be gradually integrated into the
environment. It was likely they were the only jaguars anyone would see on the
trip, if any were spotted at all, as the other cats in the wild stayed away
from hikers.

watched as Fawn blended into her new environment. Gone was the business attire,
she was in an outback chic mode complete with hiking boots and khaki shorts.
They had all slathered on the bug repellent as well. The bugs in the rainforest
were as big as small canines.

After her
interviews Fawn stepped back from the action and they all watched as the two
jaguars were let out in the enclosure area. When the cage doors were lifted,
the two cats stepped out tentatively. The muscles under their spotted skin
rippled with coiled energy at each step as a very cautious exploration began.

They moved
in tandem and picked up the pace as they disappeared into the green bush of the
rainforest. The cats could wander here but not out too far, as it was
surrounded by a fence they could not see, but there was prey for them to find
if they were hungry. That would be the test, explained Brandman, how much they
could fend for themselves.

they’ll stay out there and explore. The more curious they are, the better
they’ll be in the real Back of Bourke.” Terry explained to them.

stared blankly for a moment, then shook her head, laughing, “I’ve got to get a
translation dictionary for you, Terry.”

worries, you’ll be right jillaroo before we leave.”

just throwing me a little, to hear the Australian accent in Belize.” Brick
chimed in.

didn’t skip a beat, “Everyone here thinks I’ve got a Michigan accent. We’re
confusing the hell out of people.” He then introduced Brick to their guide,
John Carlo. The next day Brick, Chud, and Fawn would set out with him for a hike
to the top of Victoria Peak. They’d leave right after dawn.

“I suspect
you all need to turn in early. That’ll be one tough trek. I’m going to wait up
here for the kitties.”

Fawn and
Chud used the Wi-Fi connection in the main preserve to send back their stories
of the day, and then Chud headed back towards the main camp.

“Thank you
for sharing your story with us, Mr. Brandman.” Fawn politely took her leave.

followed her, telling Terry over his shoulder, “It appears I’ve become Miss
Clawson’s driver.”

like a lucky assignment to me, mate.”

laughed in spite of herself. “Thanks, Mr. Mayor.”

They were
alone again, thank god, in the vehicle. While it was interesting as hell
learning about the preserve and watching Fawn work, Brick was restless, he
wanted to be with her again. The morning seemed like ages ago. As soon as they
were around the curve and out of eyesight of the main house Brick pulled over.

He put a
hand on the back of Fawn’s neck and drew her in. She melted into his kiss.

“This is
probably not the best place to park.” Fawn drew back.

couldn’t wait the five minutes it’s going to take us.” Brick pulled her in and
tasted her lips again.

“I see.”

that will tide me over.” Brick continued on to the clearing where the small
one-bedroom structures stood. “Your cabin or mine?”

“How about
mine? I can make us something to eat.”

“Now that
you mention it, I am pretty hungry.” They’d skipped lunch with all the travel
and then the interview with Brandman. “Let me grab a few things from my humble
abode and I’ll be over in a moment.

“Okay, but
don’t be too long. I might decide I need beauty rest.”

grabbed his toothbrush and that was it. He didn’t need anything else but to be
with Fawn.

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