Wolf (7 page)

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Authors: Cara Carnes

BOOK: Wolf
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“Leave us.” Nalla glanced over her shoulder at me. “We must cleanse this wound fully. Perhaps that will stop it from eating his flesh.”

I studied the wound, now able to discern the visible hole slowly growing. I suppressed my gasp, but knew from Stephan’s pained look it did little to quell the growing concern cramping the room. Nalla motioned to all the alphas looming behind us. “Leave us.”

They moved swiftly from the room. Stephan stood and began to pace.

“That included you.” Nalla pointed to Stephan. “Fallon can sense your distress. Leave us.”

“You kick out the king?”

“No. I kick out the big brother. Leave us.”

Stephan’s gaze slid over me and he smiled softly. “This was not the reunion I longed for.”

I nodded, knowing I’d ensure he got a better greeting once Fallon was safe.

Exhaustion plagued me by the time we left Fallon’s quarters. Already his blood had begun to expend whatever dreadful compound had downed him. Nalla had worked furiously, mixing herbs and creating concoction after concoction and shoveling it into Fallon with a determination like none I’d seen.

The alpha had spewed and sputtered his aggravation, but obeyed his elder. The fiery embers returned to his eyes an hour before Nalla pronounced he’d live. A flood of joy filled my soul when I saw Stephan’s relief.

Warm hands massaged my aching shoulders. I didn’t turn around because I knew from my rapid pulse it was Stephan. His long legs grazed my skin from behind, his body flush against mine. “I missed you, Hannah.”

“And I you.”

“Show me.” His steps pushed me toward his room.

“I doubt you are ready for my passion.” Bravado streamed from me, emboldened by the feel of his hard cock pressed against my back as we moved into his bed chamber. He shut the door and I shivered, knowing many alphas stood in the hallway. For now I didn’t care who heard me. I needed to feel him touching me, tasting me, fucking me.

He lifted me, and I gasped as his mouth claimed mine. Gone was the gentle lover’s touch from before. His fingers pinched and tormented while he stripped me of my clothes. My nipples budded and surrendered to his ministrations. He laid me on the bed, and I finally felt the weight of his body on mine that I’d longed for all week.

His growl echoed through the chamber as he stripped down. My hands greedily wrapped around the thick shaft of his erection. He moved to free it, but I ran my nails down his thighs and made my own attempt at a growl. His chuckle softened the desperation flowing through me.

Stephan was going nowhere.

My lips moved over his stomach. “I’ve longed to taste your skin.”

He groaned and wrapped his fingers in my hair.

“I used to hide outside and listen to the newly married women speak with one another of their intimacies. I remember wondering if they were right when they spoke of tasting a man everywhere.”

Stephan’s body tensed when my fingers slid off his cock and around his hips to grasp his buttocks. I placed a soft kiss on the tip of his cock and felt his entire body shiver. Desire surged within me. I laved the tip and savored the taste of him on my tongue.

I grasped his shaft and began sucking the tip, hoping he’d guide me to what pleasure he sought. He growled and I continued my ministrations, savoring the tightening of his muscles and his groaned responses.

His hands removed me from his cock, and I looked up at him, angered by his stopping me. The hunger in his eyes halted my breathing. He pressed me down onto the bed and covered me with his body. His mouth captured mine, demanding control of the passion between us. I surrendered to him.

Something stirred within me when he tasted my flesh, his tongue moving down my neck and across my breasts until foraying down my stomach. A flutter flowed under my skin, and I shivered. He growled his breath hotly against my abdomen. “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear your inner animal wants to mate with me.”

“If I had one, she’d be holding you down to the bed so I can fill you with my cock.”

“Such talk will keep you under me all night.”

“Promise?” I taunted him through a gasped breath as his fingers found my wet pussy.

He settled between my legs, his mouth placing a warm kiss on my stomach. “I’ve longed for a taste of your sweet nectar, Hannah.”

I stirred, restless and unsure what his words meant. His fingers dipped inside me, spreading my folds as his tongue laved at my slit. I thrust my body upwards, arching until his other hand pressed me back to the bed and held me firmly in place while his mouth moved across my pussy. Fire spread through my loins, engulfing me in flames of passion. I grasped the pelts under me and rode the sensations consuming me.

I gasped for air when he moved from me. I’d come hard, though I couldn’t remember much of the past few minutes. The pleasure had stolen my senses from me, leaving me a bundle of nerves at his mercy and under his control. A grin formed on his handsome face. He knew what he’d done to me and, mercy me, I wanted more.

I claimed his mouth, dragging him down to me. My hands roamed his body as his had mine. His cock was hard and throbbing under my touch as I began stroking it again. He moved to mount me, but I pressed hard against him until he obediently rested his back on the bed. I straddled him quickly and relished the way his fingers moved across my skin as the fiery embers of his eyes swept across me.

I’d never have my fill of Stephan. I moved over him and slowly filled myself with his hard cock. I moaned at the awkward sensation of being atop him, astride such a powerful body. I intended to have him.

His hands rested on my hips, and his growl filled the air, mixing with my moan of delight when he filled me fully. I’d fantasized of taking Stephan in this way for three days, ever since discovering two of his people at the river. The maiden had ridden the alpha hard, and my guilty conscience couldn’t drag me from it.

Stephan groaned under me, and I remembered he could read my every thought. I moved atop him, choosing to move however it felt best for my pussy. My nails ran down his stomach. I knew continuing to mark his glorious flesh was wrong, but I wanted everyone to know this man was mine.

“Mine.” The groaned word erupted from him as he moved under me. “You are mine, Hannah. No one else will ever fuck you.”

I whimpered, unable to imagine myself allowing another to be this intimate with me. Only Stephan drove me to the depths of passion and ignited such need within me. Only his cock could command my body’s darkest desires.

I fucked his cock, riding him with all the passion I’d bolstered for the past week. It had been too long since I’d had him. His growl filled the air as he maneuvered us with a speed that made my pulse race. His strength shocked and thrilled me. Confusion set in, and I was on all fours before I knew what happened. He was behind me, his cock filling my pussy.

Stephan’s fingers were in my hair, tugging my head until his mouth could take mine. His kiss was hot and hungry and his cock fucked me hard and deep. “I will fuck you each night.”

His thumb found my clit and massaged. The assault swept me into the fiery pleasure I’d climbed out of before. I surrendered to my release and savored the sound of him expending his need within me. I turned and fell on the bed, my back resting on the soft pelts. Stephan’s body covered mine, his mouth hot on my ear. “You taunt the animal within me with those lustful thoughts of yours.”

“I cannot help what you incite.”

“I’m afraid I will never gain control of the beast within me. He longs to be in our bed.”

“Then he shall always be welcome.” I ran my fingers down his chest and traced the healing scratches I’d left on him. “I handle him well enough, I think.”

“You fuck him hard.” Stephan pulled me into his arms. “I missed you.”

“And I you.”

“How was your time in the village?”

“Nalla showed me much in the way of herbs and medicine. I made friends with Petra and Morena.”

“I’m glad to hear that. They are good women. Many of our alphas wish to mate with them, but they’ve shunned their advances.”

The two women had befriended me shortly after the departure of Stephan and his alphas. I had been pained by the sudden loss of one of my only allies. Their company had kept me sane—along with Nalla’s patient and calm presence. “Petra has eyes only for Fallon.”

“They’d be a worthy match, though I doubt she’d enjoy his bed past the first night. My brother’s needs are great and have gotten worse with you in the village.”

I swallowed, unsure how to respond. I hadn’t expected Stephan to know of Fallon’s desire for me.

“We’ve always coveted the same women. You are a passionate lover. Many of the alphas wish to be your mate.”

I shivered, unused to such open desire. I couldn’t handle the thoughts tumbling through my head about the future and my place within the village—assuming I had one. “What of the battle?”

“We held our own and pressed them away from the forest lands. They’ll be back with reinforcements, though, so we must march again.”

“But what of the alliance with the villagers?” The flicker of emotions rushing across his face transfixed me.

“A leader of each village has been brought here. They’ve been met with by me on the way here and by my closest council members—except Fallon.”

I listened, fear pummeling my veins as concern filled his eyes.

“Your father is here.”

He’d lived. I doubted my father cared whether I’d survived the village attack, but I was relieved to know he’d survived the battle. “And my brother?”

“I know not of him, but you may see your father on the morrow.”

I rested against Stephan and closed my weary eyes. For now, all was right.

Chapter Seven

The following evening, the alphas returned from their meeting with the two village leaders. I was surprised to learn one of them was my father. He’d never been a leader of much, except perhaps tempers. It left me thinking few of my village remained. Why else would he have taken command? His hot-headed temper and angry ways did naught but destroy. He couldn’t be trusted, and I hoped Stephan could sense the evil within the man who’d raised me.

Guilt plagued me at my judgmental thoughts. I had no right to think such things of my stepfather because he’d provided for me as best he could. I knew he deserved my respect, though a part of me refused to comply. I was relieved his blood didn’t surge through my veins. My mother said his heart had blackened shortly after they’d wed, and that thought saddened me as he came from the meeting chamber. His face was devoid of emotion.

There was no joy or gratitude for my safety, no expression of love or concern for all I’d been through. He headed toward me, his body cold and distant when he hugged me in a half-embrace too reminiscent of past forced emotional displays in the village for me not to know it was show and naught else.

“My heart rejoices for your return.”

My words were forced, and one look at Stephan and his guarded stance signaled he knew all was not right between my father and me. His alphas stood at attention, their stance the same as his—arms at their sides and their knees unlocked. Many would see the stance as a sign of comfort, but I’d seen enough of the youth practicing the past few days to know it was one of battle. Their bodies hummed with the urge to shift. I had no idea how I discerned that, but I knew it to be the truth when I saw the crystallized depths of Stephan’s eyes.

“Let us speak alone. I wish to know how you’ve fared.” My father wrapped his fingers around my upper arm and began pulling toward the exit blocked with guards.

“We have plenty of private quarters within the palace you may use.” Stephan’s voice boomed within the circular room. “I’d prefer you take your rest within these walls, where your needs can be met fully.”

My father glanced about the room with the half-hooded evil glare I’d seen a hundred times. Whatever thoughts this man had were diabolical and not intended to aid Stephan’s war against our enemy. The unknown man from the other village near mine used an easy stance as he spoke with Xavier. His voice was filled with awe while he conversed with the alpha shifter.

My father’s nod was curt. He followed Stephan, who led us to a chamber within a long corridor I’d never been privy to before. My heart raced when I moved into the room and Stephan left me alone with my father.

Silence engulfed the room before he began pacing, his steps sliding across the room in the half-lazy manner he’d used for years. Step, drag, step. Step, drag, step.

“How is Michael?” Mentioning my brother was a risk, but one I had to take. Despite my father’s scorn, my brother still carried a bit of familial love for me. At least he had before marching to war. Had he been changed by battle as well?

My mother had always excused my father’s actions because of the war—saying it changed men. After seeing Stephan and his men, I wondered if that was true. None of those I’d spoken to seemed half as blackened in their souls as my father.

“He’s dead.”

I swiped the tear which slid down my cheek quickly. But he’d already noticed. His sneer made my blood freeze. I backed up, but said nothing.

“You cry for him?” He choked on the words as he moved closer, but I held my ground. “At least I didn’t run like you. I buried him. My own son.”

“I’m sorry, Father.”

“You are sorry. Sorrier than I’d imagined. You know what it was like for me to return to the village and find out from the few who lived that you ran? You ran and didn’t even bother to come back and deal with your own mother.” His anger boomed through the room. “I had to bury her myself. Her corpse was days old. I should make you dig her back up and dig another hole yourself. After all she’d done for her worthless daughter, you turn and prove I was right all along.”

I allowed his rage to boil and fester into the angry wounds I’d numbed to long ago. Tears slid down my cheeks, but I allowed them to, knowing he enjoyed seeing my regret and self-loathing run unhindered like fresh blood. “She made me promise to run as soon as I could. I swore.”

“Of course you swore. You worthless slut.” His voice made me jump, but I remained calm, determined to hide the fear trickling to life within me. Would Stephan pick up on my emotions?

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