Wolf Signs (9 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: Wolf Signs
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“Now you’re really scaring me!”

Keil lay on the bench and made Robyn straddle his body, his cock pressed hard along the cheeks of her ass. His hands continued to smooth over her

back, her breasts, her bel y. Each stroke raised Robyn’s temperature as the tremors grasped her.

His fingers touched her clit, making smal circles along the wet lips of her pussy until he pushed her over the edge into another orgasm.

When her breath was halfway back to normal, Keil lifted her hips up and supported her over the tip of his cock. She took her weight onto her knees and he

used one hand to rub the wet head of his shaft against her pussy lips again and again.

“Ride me. Go as slow as you want.”

She reached down and joined her hand to his as he directed his cock into the warm depths. Robyn watched Keil’s face. Tenderness reflected in his eyes,

dark need and desire.

Slow and steady she pressed down, freezing as the first inches of the mushroomed head of his shaft stretched her wide. The sides of her passage were

wet but she felt every bump and vein as his heat stroked her.

“Oh lordy, that feels good.”

“Little bit more, babe.”

Each rise and fal of her hips fed the fire building in her bel y. Each time, inch by glorious inch, more of Keil slipped into her depths until the pressure shot

to pain and she hesitated.


“Lean forward, and let me have those beautiful lips for a minute.”

His mouth met hers and she tangled their tongues together, letting Keil take control of her hips as he continued to stroke in and out. His tongue licked

down the corner of her mouth to lap at her neck and her brain shut down. He suckled at her skin then put his teeth on her.

One solid thrust with his hips drove him through her barrier to rest bal s deep inside her pussy. Simultaneously he bit down on her neck and the joint

pleasure/pain of the two piercings flashed through Robyn’s body, her inner wal s clutched at his cock, her hands tangled in his hair.

“Sweet mercy, what have you done to me?”

He pul ed her torso against his body and held her tight, waiting as she adjusted to his girth stretching her. The feel of his hard body under her hands, the

beating of his heart mixed with the pleasure stil tingling through her washed away the remnants of pain.

Slowly he began to move her, pul ing her hips high to let the tip of his cock cling to her entrance, then slipping her al the way down, angling his thrusts to

go as deep as possible.

Robyn pushed her body upright so she could watch, one hand pressed to Keil’s chest, one hand dropping to feel where they connected to each other. The

intimacy of touching his cock, having it brush along her fingers as it slipped into her body made her head spin with delight. Keil smiled up at her and

added his hand to hers, linking fingertips, rubbing against her clit with each drive of his hips.

She pressed down in tempo with his thrusts, needing him to go faster, go deeper. The air from the sauna around them seemed to cool as their bodies

warmed to boiling, passion driving higher and higher until Robyn climaxed once more, her sheath milking his cock as Keil exploded, the warmth of his

seed bathing her with fire deep inside. He clung to her hips, holding her tight until the tremors subsided.

Limbs tangled, Robyn’s head resting on his chest, Keil felt the tendrils of connection finish and settle into his soul.

His mate.

He stroked one hand over her hair, brushing the strands back off her face to stare at her soft skin. Her bright eyes shone up at him with a touch of

bewilderment and a whole lot of satisfaction. Robyn’s ful lips were wet from where she’d licked them and Keil felt himself hardening at the thought of

leaning down to nuzzle at her mouth.

“How are you, little bird?”

“That was…well actually, that was amazing. If I’d known it was going to be this much fun I’d have tried it sooner. Keil? Are you growling at me?”

Keil pul ed back the anger he’d had flash through him at the thought of anyone touching Robyn.

“Sorry, love, under control now. How about we do it again if you enjoyed it that much? Or try a few other things?”

“Not the butt, wolfman, you’re not going there. What should we do about TJ? He’s sitting in the cabin all alone.”

Keil lifted her up and carried her back to the shower, gently rinsing the signs of their lovemaking off her limbs, caressing softly over her pussy and stirring

her fires again.

“Actually, TJ isn’t in the cabin anymore. I told him to go home. He may not be able to ski by himself, but since the silly boy lost all his equipment in

the accident, he’ll have to run home as a wolf anyway. We’ll meet him in Haines Junction at the condo the pack owns. The cabin is all ours. Welcome

to our honeymoon suite.”

Robyn touched his cheek and pul ed him into the shower stal with her. She picked up the cloth to wash his chest, rubbing the trail of dark brown hair that

led down to more interesting territory.

“That’s the best news I’ve heard in a while. Keil?”

Keil had closed his eyes as Robyn’s fingers traced over his shaft, one hand stopping to cup his bal s, the other slipping from side to side over the velvety

soft skin on the head.

“Yes, Robyn?”

“It fit. It fit just fine.”

Chapter Eight

Keil managed to keep one hand tucked around Robyn even as he finished scooping up the rest of the noodles from the dinner pot. He never seemed to

be far away. He touched her constantly. Over the past three days, they had made love in the sauna, in the cabin, even enjoyed a quick romp on the porch

under the moonlight. One night Keil had eaten a piece of cheesecake off her bel y then proceeded to lick every inch of her thoroughly before taking her

quivering body to the shower house to continue.

When they weren’t making love they skied, built a snow fort and talked for hours about everything.

Robyn couldn’t decide whether she liked the talking or the loving better. Being with Keil was amazing. There were definitely benefits to this mate thing.

“It’s only Tuesday but I think we should ski out tomorrow like TJ and I had planned. There’s a lot we need to do before Saturday.”

Robyn nodded hesitantly.

“What, little bird?”

She pressed her lips against his cheek.
“I don’t want to go home yet. This is the shortest honeymoon on record.”

“Oh, the honeymoon isn’t over, sweetie. We’ll have to delay the rest until after…”
Keil broke off, his body tensing up next to hers.

Robyn stood to clear away the dishes, fighting to keep tears from forming in her eyes. The pack chal enge. She understood from their talks that it had to


But she wasn’t ready to share him yet. With anyone.

Keil swung her around to face him.

“This is not how I would have chosen to make you my mate, forcing changes on you this quickly. But we needed each other. I needed you. I won’t

apologize for taking advantage of finding you and loving you.

“You’re going to have your first ful moon as a wolf on Saturday, and the chal enge isn’t until Sunday. Come back to Haines with me and I wil introduce you

to the pack members who support me. I wil win the chal enge, Robyn. Especial y now that I have you. Trust me.”

“I do trust you, but I can’t go to Haines. I’m supposed to phone my brother today, he’s to meet me on Saturday at the trailhead. I have to talk to him if

there’s any changes and this is going to be tough to explain. Oh, hell.”

Keil looked puzzled for a minute as he realized something. “You said you had a satel ite phone. How were you planning on using it? You can’t hear.”

“Text message.”

“On a sat phone?”

“Ain’t technology great?”

“I’d hate to know what that costs per message. Can I talk to your brother for you?”

Robyn considered. Tad was the kind to worry but he also knew when to back down. She thought Keil would be able to talk it out with her brother. It might,

however, take a while.

“Only if you plan on paying the charges.”

“What are you, cheap?”

“Like borscht.”

Keil pul ed her in for a kiss, the kind that made her toes curl and her heartbeat increase. Just as it was getting interesting, he broke it off.
“Damn, you get

tastier and tastier. I’d better make that call before I get too distracted. What’s the number?”

Robyn pul ed out the phone and handed him one of Tad’s business cards that she kept with it. Keil choked for a second before flashing a big grin. Robyn

paused as she sat at the table. What was Keil up to now? The expression in his eyes was way too mischievous.

Keil linked the cal through and sat back to talk, making sure she could see his lips.

“Hi, Tad, this is Keil Lynus. How are you, man?” Keil winked at her and a warning signal went off in her brain. Something stunk. “No, TJ doesn’t need any

rescuing, we already dug him out… I know, he’s a total pain in the butt. I do need something… She’s fine. In fact Robyn and I are mates and I was—”

Robyn stared at Keil in shock. How could he blurt it out like that to Tad? Her brother must be freaking. She slapped at Keil’s shoulder, trying to take the

phone away from him.

“Hang on, Tad, she’s getting a little frisky right now. I think she’s worried you’re having a fit or something over there. Want to talk to her?”

With a violent yank Robyn pul ed the phone away from Keil to check the screen. Maybe he hadn’t phoned anyone at al and it was a joke. But there was a

return message on the screen.

Congratz, sis, Keil is awesome. I’m happy for u

Robyn’s jaw dropped to the floor. She typed in quickly.
U know Keil? U know what he is?

Ya. Wolf. u work fast sis

U are sooooo dead next time I c u Tad

luv U 2 Robyn


Keil pul ed the phone away, said “hi” and paused to listen for a minute.

“Wel , thanks. It was a surprise but she’s incredible, Tad. Hey, there is a little thing shaking down this weekend if you’d like to join us. Robyn’s first ful moon

wil be on Saturday… Of course you can come! You’re family, even if you aren’t triggered yet… I know, Tad.” Keil rol ed his eyes. “It’l happen sometime,

man. Gotta go. Robyn’s making me pay for this cal … I can afford it, but why would I want to spend more time talking to you when I can be with my mate?”

Robyn fought to control her breathing as Keil hung up and packed away the phone. The smirk on his face was more than she could handle and she

pounded on his arm.

“Hey, what’s this? I thought that went rather well. Tad will even be able to join us for the full moon. Great, hey?”

“You ass. You never told me you knew my brother. How does he know you and how come he knew you were a wolf and—”

Keil wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet, as she continued to struggle against him. Robyn fumed. Keil had known Tad al along. Tad

knew about werewolves and never once said anything to her about the fact she was one.

Shit. That was probably the “big secret” he’d kept trying tel her.

They were both dead.

Keil lowered her to the sleeping platform and covered her body with his own, stopping her from being able to wiggle away. The thril of his touch battled

with the desire to kick his kneecaps off.

“Tell me what’s up, Keil, or I’ll be forced to hurt you.”

“You’d never hurt me.”

“Oh yeah? Ever eaten a granola bar with a laxative additive? I can arrange it for you.”

Keil laughed and rol ed to the side, running a hand over her body as he spoke. “I didn’t realize the connection when you said you were a Maxwel . You told

me you had a brother but you never told me his name.”

Robyn opened her mouth to protest but then froze.
“Damn. Are you sure?”

Keil nodded. “I would have recognized the name. I know Tad from my guiding business. He flies us on trips al the time. He told me he had a sister, but he

never said she was deaf. He found out we were wolves on a trip when TJ did one of his not-so-amazing Houdini tricks while Tad was stil around.

“Your brother is a half-breed wolf, stil untriggered. We guessed it was your Grampa who gave him the genes. If you’re wondering, yes, he knew you were

a wolf.” Robyn tensed under his hands. “Hey, think of it this way. He can’t shift until he gets triggered, and you know that’s complicated for a male half-

breed. Tel ing you about werewolves wasn’t going to work because he had no proof. He probably thought your mate would be someone from one of the

Whitehorse packs.”

Robyn dropped her head back on the bunk with a flash of insight.
“Is that why he’s been introducing me to all these different ‘clients’ over the years?

Were they all wolves?”

“Maybe. He did mean wel , remember that before you slit his throat, my vengeful hussy.” Keil’s hands slid possessively over her.
“Since it’s our last night

here I vote we take advantage of it. Dinner was great but I want my dessert.”

He opened up her shirt and proceeded to bury his head in her breasts, rubbing back and forth over her torso like he was painting himself with her scent.

“You can’t tell, but you smell absolutely amazing, Robyn. It’s something to do with being recently triggered as well as being my mate, but are your

pheromones off the chart right now.”
He licked a long slow line up from between her breasts until he reached her lips and proceeded to tease the corners

of her mouth with gentle nips and kisses.

“TJ said it could be a problem with the pack. That all the guys would be attracted to me.”

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