Wolf Tales 12 (44 page)

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Authors: Kate Douglas

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Erotica

BOOK: Wolf Tales 12
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Rising high on a tide of passion, her body screaming for release even as her heart and soul clung to the moment, to the men who loved her, she set herself free.

Free to fly. Orgasm slammed into her. A release so powerful she took both men with her. Igmutaka’s shout, Adam’s deep-throated howl, her own powerful scream as their voices blended, their bodies shuddered and clenched in an impossible climax.

One that seemed to go on forever. On and on, bodies trembling in the aftermath, hearts pounding, lungs heaving with each deep gasp for air. Sunny fell forward against Igmutaka. Adam collapsed over her back, and they lay there, gasping for air, each caught in the thoughts of the other.

Sunny broke first. She giggled. Laughed harder until she felt the answering tremors in Ig’s chest, heard the laugher in her ear as Adam joined them both. “Shit,” she said. Then she giggled again. “You guys do this often? Because if you do, I’m not sure how much I can handle.”

“All the time,” Adam said. He kissed her neck. “We’re Chanku, Sunny. Get used to it. This is just the way things are.”


Anton lay beside Keisha as the last stragglers settled in to sleep. It was odd, really, to lie here beside his sleeping wife after watching his family discussed so openly on the eleven o’clock news, and actually feel good about the day.

Very odd, that he could be preparing to sleep on a rough pallet in an underground cavern, surrounded by his packmates and their young while the remains of his home smoldered overhead, and still feel entirely positive about his future.

But Luc and Stefan had been busy all afternoon, arranging for temporary housing for everyone here on the property. Motor homes and travel trailers would begin arriving in the morning and an architect was due by afternoon.

They would rebuild. Not the same house, and probably not just one house. He owned more than enough property now for them to live close, but not on top of each other. The separate packs could retain their autonomy, but they’d still be together.

Still be connected. Best of all, their children would have the chance to grow up surrounded by others like them. They would know only love, and if everything continued as it had begun tonight, the fears of discovery were a worry of the past.

It wouldn’t happen right away, but one day Chanku would be accepted as just another race among many, part of the soup that made up all of humanity.

A low moan and then an exultant scream of pleasure filled his head. He chuckled softly. Ig and Adam were obviously helping Sunny feel more connected to the pack. He’d have to suggest she learn the difference between sharing thoughts with her partners and broadcasting to all of them.

At least she learned quickly.

The girl was amazing. Adam had sent him a private message earlier, one he still had trouble believing. She’d become a bear, talked to a rampaging grizzly, and convinced the animal they would help him escape the canyon where he was trapped.

Never in his wildest dreams . . . and they were pretty wild.

There was still so much to learn. Still so much of their history to understand. Even now with that knowledge in the minds of all of them, it was difficult to make sense of everything.

He almost rubbed his hands with glee.

There was nothing he loved more than a challenge.

But the day had been long, and it was time to rest. He cast out his thoughts and found Mei and Oliver quietly making love with their two little ones sound asleep on the pallet beside them. Sunny’s sexy little outburst obviously hadn’t gone unnoticed. Xandi and Stefan slept close beside one another with their three kids sprawled next to them. His two boys and Lily slept there tonight as well.

At least Lily was still a little girl.

He wondered what Xandi would say when she awoke to find Alex sleeping as a wolf beside her. That was a new one. So far Anton had only seen him as an eagle and a cougar, but the child had an amazing imagination. He was truly his father’s son.

Anton’s thoughts moved on, past Ulrich and Millie and Deacon, Matt, and Daci. He hovered a moment by Lisa and Tinker and their three, all sleeping soundly, and moved on to Tala, Mik, and AJ.

Tala was out like a light, while Mik and AJ made slow, quiet love to one another. They were alone tonight—the twins were curled up on the other side of the cavern with Luc and Tia and their two sets of twins, and Adam and Liana’s two oldest kids.

Liana quietly nursed the new baby a few pallets away.
Anton? Are you out roving tonight?

Of all of them, Liana was the most often aware of Anton’s nightly bed check, as she called it.
I am,
he said.
You know me. Just checking. How are you? How’s Phoenix?

She’s hungry. This little one loves to eat.

That’s a good sign. Sleep well, Liana.

Thank you, Anton. You, too.

He heard Logan and Jazzy’s soft laughter, sensed their gentle touches and growing intimacy, and quickly moved away. He found the pack from Maine and eavesdropped for a moment, listening to Baylor’s soft whispers as he quieted baby Donovan so Manda could sleep. Then he moved on to Shannon and Jake.

The triplets slept along one side of their father, along with Baylor’s four-year-old, Keegan. They’d already picked up the nickname of the Irish pack, and it fit them perfectly.

Shannon clung to Jake even in sleep. She among all of them realized how close she’d come to losing her beloved mate. What Adam and Logan had done was nothing short of miraculous, but the entire pack had a hand in Jake’s healing.

Thank the Goddess they’d not lost him. Jake had always fascinated Anton—he was a man of many faces, many sides that very few people really knew.

Only his mate and his closest packmates, Bay and Manda really understood the depth of the man. Anton wondered if Jake realized how much he was loved and admired. Sometimes he feared Jake believed his own press—the bad-boy image he’d cultivated for so long.

Of course, after this brush with death, maybe he finally realized how the rest of the pack felt about him. They’d shouldered unbelievable pain, and they’d done it without hesitation. Every adult member of the pack had waited in line to take a turn carrying Jake’s pain while Adam and Logan healed his horrible burns. Thank the Goddess they’d all succeeded.

Anton moved on. Nick and Beth were both asleep. He paused a moment to make certain Nick slept without guilt. At least tonight’s newscast should reassure the poor kid. After watching the program, Anton had a good feeling about things. Besides, if there was any trouble, he trusted Eve to watch over them.

He spread his thoughts beyond the cavern and touched on Sunny, Adam, and Igmutaka. Only Ig was still awake and aware of Anton’s subtle contact.

There’s no need to worry about this little one, Anton. I think she’s going to bring one surprise after another.

He smiled, picturing the cougar, the wolf, and the bear.
She’s already surprised us. I understand Tinker needs to take the chopper into the back country.

That he does. It should be an adventure. Good night, Anton.

Good night, Igmutaka.
Anton stretched and yawned. Settled in to sleep. All was well, the pack safe.

Daddy? Are you still awake?

Smiling, he answered his daughter.
I am. But what are you doing awake, Lily?

Waiting for you.

He was almost afraid to ask.
Why, Lily? I already told you good night. It’s very late.

I know, Daddy. But I forgot to tell you about the book we have to write.

A book?

A history book. All about the Chanku and the world we came from and the things we can do. I’m supposed to write it, but you’re supposed to help me.

He thought about that for a moment. It was going to be a long winter. They wouldn’t be able to start construction on any of the houses until the snow melted in the spring. The memories were fresh, and Lily was always happier with a project.

So are you, my love.

He rolled his head to one side and looked into her deep amber eyes.
What are you doing awake?

Listening to you and Lily. You’re thinking too loud. Lily? Go to sleep. You and Daddy can work on the book tomorrow.

G’night, Mommy. G’night, Daddy. I love you.

Like a switch going off, Lily slipped out of Anton’s thoughts.
How does she do that?
He leaned close and kissed his wife. Keisha was smiling as their lips met, melded, clung far longer than two old married people usually kissed.
I love you,
he said.
More than I ever imagined loving anyone. Ever.

Then make love to me. I think I’d like to show you how I feel. Again, and again, and again.

Forever, my love.

He pulled Keisha close. Held her tight and thought about his words as he filled her. Forever. They were Chanku. Forever wasn’t just a word. It was a promise.

If you enjoy Kate Douglas’s super-erotic
WOLF TALES novels, you’re in for a different
but equally delicious treat with her paranormal
romance series, the DemonSlayers!
Turn the page for a special early preview
of the newest book . . .




Don’t miss it!


A Zebra mass-market paperback coming soon!

Chapter 1

The steady
slap, slap, slap
of Taron’s sandals echoed off the rough stone walls. He checked his sword, made sure his tunic and pants were properly fastened, and wondered if he’d ever get used to this absurd style of clothing.

After a lifetime in scholarly robes, it was difficult to believe these new designs were more practical, though he had to admit that the pants didn’t tangle around his legs the way his robes often had. Of course, he’d rarely had to rush as he rushed now, hurrying down the dark and empty utility tunnel toward the training grounds.

Any other time he would have taken the main passage, but these narrow tunnels, used mostly by the Lemurian Guard, were more practical when one was in a hurry. Besides, there was little risk of being waylaid by any of his fellow scholars. He didn’t want to have to explain why he, a well-known scholar and philosopher, was now training some of Lemuria’s new Paladins.

He still wasn’t quite certain himself.

“Who the nine hells do they think they’re kidding?” He would have laughed if it didn’t sound so pathetic. Though well trained in battle strategy and swordsmanship, he was a man who won battles with words, not a sword.

Gods be damned, but his own so-called sentient blade still didn’t think enough of his fighting skills to speak to him, but times were changing.

He did have the skills, and he had, after all, volunteered.

After Roland, the new Captain of the Guard, twisted his arm.

A flash of blue caught his eye as he rounded a curve in the passage. He jerked to a stop.

It couldn’t be . . . could it?

“Willow?” His heart pounded as he flattened his palm against the wall and searched for the elusive blue sparkle. He’d never thought to see that amazing little will-o’-the-wisp again.

He drew his sword and used the light from the crystal blade. “Willow . . . are you there?”

Carefully he searched the narrow passage. She couldn’t be . . . but there was always a chance, always. . . . A small chip—a bit of crystal embedded in the tunnel wall—reflected swordlight with a flash of blue.
Gods be damned.

He let out a big breath and sheathed his weapon. “Of course you’re not here, are you?” What the nine hells was he thinking? Willow was gone, nothing more than consciousness now—that amazing mind, that beautiful little sprite, stuck inside the body of a stupid dog.

Sighing, remembering Willow, wishing the impossible and feeling like a fool, he continued down the tunnel to the training field.


“Nine hells, woman. Be careful!”

Blinded by sweat, Taron lunged to one side. His foot slipped out from under him on the slick stone floor; he ducked his head and rolled to the left. Shoulder first, he hit the ground hard, a hairsbreadth ahead of the sharp edge of the Paladin’s sword. The shimmering crystal blade sliced much too close to his throat.

Lying on his back, gasping for air and absolutely livid, he glared at his opponent. “This is a training exercise, Isra! You’re not supposed to try to kill me!”

Isra held out her hand in immediate apology. “I am sorry, Taron. Thank the gods you’re so quick! I guess I got a bit caught up in our battle.”

“Mock battle, Isra. And gods be damned, but quick had nothing to do with it. I fell on my ass or I’d be a dead man. Please, try to remember I’m one of the good guys.” Shaking off his unexpected anger, he took her offered hand.

She tugged and he stood, but she didn’t turn him loose. Her full lips lifted into a sexy smile. “That you are, Taron of Libernus.” Her voice had gone low and rather husky, and she cocked one dark eyebrow as she studied him with unabashed interest. “You are most definitely one of the good guys.”

He glanced at their hands—still linked—and back at her face. She continued to assess him in a most forthright manner. He wasn’t quite sure how to react—the average Lemurian woman was not so bold.

Isra, though, was a Paladin. Once a slave in the crystal mines, now a soldier in Lemuria’s new army of woman warriors.

Paladins knew no fear, nor did they lack confidence.

Taron could use a little of that confidence himself, he thought, staring uncomfortably at their linked hands. He’d learned long ago that women were not for him, and he wasn’t about to let this one distract him from his scholarly goals.

Isra glanced at their clasped fingers and then raised her head. “Would you, by any chance, be interested in . . .”

Gods be damned, no!
Taron quickly extricated his hand from her grasp. “I’m flattered, Isra, but I’m a scholar. My interests lie elsewhere.”

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