Wolf Tales III (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Douglas

BOOK: Wolf Tales III
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He thrust his fingers inside Xandi, finding entrance alongside Stefan’s cock, finding her lubricating moisture as well. He rubbed it slowly, sensually around the sensitive tissues of her behind, once again slowly forcing entrance with first one finger, then two. He stretched her further, all the while rubbing back and forth with the head of his cock, teasing the entrance, then slipping past.

He paused for a moment and Keisha realized he was stroking lower, finding Stefan’s testicles and including them in his sensual massage as well. She held her breath, waiting to see if he was going to take Xandi the way she thought he might, wondering how much pain there would be.

Suddenly, like a dark fog, memories overwhelmed her. Sensations, fear remembered, the terror of her assault, the pain, the wrongness of everything associated with her body, with the act of sex.

She wanted to scream, wanted to tell them no, that this was wrong, that this same act, without love, without care, had been part of her brutal assault, part of the incentive to bring the wolf to life.

She’d been brutally raped by three men. Three men who’d taken her at the same time, forcing themselves into her mouth, her vagina, her rectum, tearing her flesh, ignoring her agonized screams, hurting her, laughing while they…

We love you, Keisha. You are one of us. There will be no pain. Only love. If it hurts you to share this, we will stop, but we won’t sever the link. You are with us. Let us help you heal.

Keisha heard Xandi’s voice, but she sensed Anton and Stefan as well, knew they were waiting, giving her time and strength.

I’ll try. I promise. I’ll break the link if I can’t handle it…

Whatever you wish. It will always be your choice.

The sensual massage began again. The feather-light touches, the sense of fullness from Stefan’s cock held tightly within Xandi’s warm sheath, unmoving, waiting.

Once more she felt Anton’s fingers rubbing circles between her buttocks. Keisha forced herself to relax, even though it was Xandi waiting for penetration. The soft, damp head of Anton’s sheathed cock found the opening, bumped slowly against the taut muscle, pushed and released, pushed again and released, forcing entrance but never to the point of pain.

Xandi leaned forward, adjusting her body and burying her head on Stefan’s chest. Keisha heard his heart beating, felt the love surrounding the three of them… the four of them. She was there, in everyone’s thoughts. A part of their lovemaking.

Anton breached Xandi’s tight opening and his cock slipped slowly inside, trapped by the taut ring of muscle. He moved forward, mere fractions of an inch, then retreated. Forward again, finding space within Xandi’s body, pressed close against the thin tissues separating him from Stefan’s cock -- two men, loving her, wanting her… making love to her.

Without pain. Gently, with love, with compassion and caring… and totally without pain.

Keisha sobbed, her body rising to the gentle thrusts of both Stefan and Anton. She realized she’d rolled to her stomach, buried her face in her pillow and raised her buttocks, mimicking Xandi’s position. Mentally she took both men, sensed Xandi’s growing climax, realized the tension in her body was no longer fear, was instead the growing, gasping need to come, to give herself over once more to another mind-shattering orgasm.

Stefan climaxed first, followed quickly by Anton. Xandi was next, her body rippling and shaking with the power of her orgasm. Keisha shared each climax, each peak of unbelievable passion, her body tightening, straining for release, struggling to break through the anger and fear that held her apart from the pack.

We love you. Be one with us.

Three separate voices speaking as one, three very special people, claiming her as their own.

She felt it, then, starting deep in her middle and spreading out to her toes, her fingers, the top of her head… all-consuming, a spinning vortex of heat and lust and incredible, unbelievable rapture.

Keisha raised her head and screamed. This time, the cry ripped from her heart, a profound, agonizing wail of innocence lost, of passion and pain, fear, acceptance and overwhelming love.

Gasping, sobbing, her entire body convulsing with the power of her orgasm, Keisha pressed her face against her pillow and collapsed into the twisted sheets. She drew her knees up close to her chest, her tears flowing uncontrollably, her body shuddering and trembling as she rocked herself back and forth.

Dimly she heard the door burst open, sensed Anton’s presence, his worry and concern as he gathered her up in his arms, held her against his chest like a baby and rocked her. Instead of fear she felt comfort and knew, even in the deepest wounded part of her mind, that part still suffering the trauma of rape and assault, that this man loved her. Loved her and would always protect her, would never harm her in any way.

Slowly she felt the tension flowing out of her body, realized her arms were rising, winding around Anton’s strong, solid shoulders. She pressed her cheek against the soft skin where his shoulder met the column of his throat and felt the rapid beat of his pulse. When she raised her hand to cup his cheek, she found his face wet with tears.


Don’t ever frighten me like that again.

I’m sorry, I didn’t…

I love you, Keisha. I felt the pain, the horror in your soul. I never meant for…

She turned in his arms and held her palms against the sides of his face, forced him to look directly at her. “All I have felt for the past weeks since the attack is fear… fear and loathing, not only of every man I’ve seen but of myself. You three have brought me back, given me that sense of who I am, of the woman I thought might be gone forever.”

She pulled his face down to her and kissed him, very softly, very briefly, on the mouth. Before he could respond, she backed away. “I still have a long way to go, but I know now that I can heal. You’ve given that to me. You, Stefan and Alexandria, but most of all, you.”

Anton wrapped his fingers around her right hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed her palm. “We have all the time you need.”

Very gently he set her back on the bed, straightened the twisted sheets and fluffed up her pillow. “Sleep. It’s been a long night and you need at least a couple of hours’ rest. I’ll call you later for brunch.”

Keisha crawled between the cool sheets as Anton turned away. Morning sunlight caught the smooth line of his back, the curve of his buttocks, the strong muscles of his thighs and calves. He was beautiful, not merely in body but in spirit. She felt his compassion, his love, his heartbreaking need.

Need for her. Anton was every bit as alone, just as lonely, as she’d ever been in her life.

Without giving herself time to think of the consequences, Keisha pulled the sheets back beside her. “Don’t go. Please. Stay with me?”

Anton halted in mid-step, turned slowly around and stared at her. There was nothing sexual in the naked desire she saw in his eyes, nothing to frighten her or make her feel threatened. There was love, pure and simple.

“Are you sure?”

Smiling, she shook her head and smoothed the down comforter back across her legs. “No. I’m not at all sure. I know I’m not ready for sex, at least not for anything physical. Not yet. Knowing that, are you willing to stay?”

Smiling, Anton slowly crawled into bed next to her, pulled Keisha into his arms and tucked her head under his chin. “Just try and get rid of me, sweetheart. I’m yours, whether you want me or not. I’m yours and I’m staying.”

She inhaled, drawing his now familiar scent deep into her lungs. She heard the steady beat of his heart, sensed the flow of blood in his veins and knew she’d come home. Sighing, Keisha relaxed within the strength of his embrace.

There was nothing more to say. Nothing that could make this moment more meaningful, more powerful for her. She sensed Alexandria and Stefan, hovering just beyond her consciousness, concerned, loving, aware of the man holding her so protectively.

Surrounded by the pack, Keisha let her worries go and drifted off to sleep.


Anton felt her body relax, heard the soft sigh as she gave up her struggle for consciousness. He let his thoughts touch hers and found only peace, the quiet of a mind at rest.

There would be no dreams, no nightmares, no frightening shifts from human to wolf and back again without her own determination and knowledge. He carefully adjusted his body around hers, protecting her, holding her close against his heart.

Need for her simmered just beneath the surface, a need so strong it frightened him with its intensity. His cock throbbed, hard and erect, but he willed the poor beast into submission. Keisha would tell him when she was ready. Only she would know when she was healed enough to want the physical expression of his love.

He imagined they would be spectacular together. Knew, already, she would welcome both Alexandria and Stefan into her bed as well, when the time was right. She was capable of great love, great passion, and already felt a strong bond to him. Smiling, nuzzling the tousled curls spilling across her pillow, Anton finally allowed himself to relax.

Keisha filled an emptiness he hadn’t known existed. He’d never felt such emotion for another person, not even Alexandria or Stefan, two people he loved more than he ever imagined himself capable.

Keisha sighed and snuggled close against his chest. A slight smile curved her lips. In sleep, her hand stroked the length of his back, trailing fingers along his thigh, coming to rest on the curve of his hip. She tilted her pelvis closer, bringing herself into contact with his suddenly wide-awake cock.

Definitely, they were going to be spectacular together, when the time was right.

Holding that thought, holding Keisha in his arms and her love in his heart, Anton drifted into sleep.

The End… for now




Wolf Tales 4: Keisha


Still suffering the trauma of her assault, Keisha slowly accepts her role as a member of the pack. With Anton’s love, can she learn to embrace the role of mate, as well?




Kate Douglas


Kate Douglas writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, romantic comedy and erotic romance.

For over thirty years Kate Douglas has been lucky enough to call writing her profession. She’s produced ad copy for radio, flown over forest fires in a spotting helicopter as a photojournalist, drawn a weekly comic strip for a worldwide health agency, co-authored a cookbook and written numerous freelance articles. She’s won three EPPIES, from the international authors’ organization, EPIC -- two for Best Contemporary Romance in 2001 and 2002, and a third for Best Romantic Suspense in 2001. Kate’s also won EPIC’s Quasar Award for Cover Artists.

She and her husband of over thirty years live in the northern California wine country where they find more than enough subject material for their shared passion for photography, though their grandchildren are most often in front of the lens.

Visit Kate at www.katedouglas.com. For regular updates and a chance to win copies of Kate’s books and other cool stuff, sign up for her newsletter by sending a blank email to [email protected]

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