Wolf Tales VI (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Douglas

BOOK: Wolf Tales VI
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She really shouldn’t doubt his ability to repair her unskilled attempts at vandalism. Adam could do it. He could do anything. Hopefully, if he still wanted her, he’d recognize the reason for her actions.


Feeling only moderately guilty for damaging Stefan’s birthday gift, Eve closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.

Chapter 3

The sun hadn’t yet crested the horizon and the day hung quietly in that strangely silent spot between the full darkness of night and the pale oyster-shell glow of coming dawn. Adam raised his muzzle from the warm cushion of Oliver’s back.

Oliver sighed, but slept on, his wolven body curled tightly in the thick ferns where they’d spent the night. Adam blinked, gazing into the dark, seeing so much more through wolven eyes. He decided he really loved to travel this way, shifting and spending the night as a wolf, sleeping in the thick stands of forest they’d managed to find along the way. No need for camping gear or motel rooms—just a quiet, protected spot in the woods.

With luck they’d reach Tampa later today. Tampa, and Eve. A frisson of awareness, a sense of destiny raced across his spine when he thought of her. Damn, but he’d missed her, even though they’d hardly spent time together at all.

Eve. Her name filled his soul like a benediction. She’d sent for him, as surely as if she’d sent an engraved invitation. Keisha might think Eve only needed him to repair the truck, but Adam knew better. She’d merely needed an excuse, a ploy to salve her pride.

His body quickened with the image of the beautiful blond. Some day, soon, he hoped, she would be his. When she’d left Montana, Adam hadn’t even tried to stop her, even when everything inside him begged her to stay. He’d known she had to leave. He’d expected it, though not quite so soon.

It was all about timing.

All about Eve.

Oliver stirred and stretched. Adam stood up and shook. His rumpled coat settled smoothly across his back. Oliver joined him, touching nose to nose in greeting.

They’d touched a lot more than merely noses last night, but before Adam had a chance to relive some of the details, he scented fresh game.

Rabbit. Brush near water. Circle.

Oliver nodded and immediately slunk off to the left under cover of a stand of thick willows. Adam moved quietly to the right, keeping the tall grass between himself and his prey. Three fat cottontails munched their way through a narrow band of grass growing alongside a small creek.

Adam’s muscles bunched as he crouched within a few feet of the rabbits. His muscles quivered, but he held still to give Oliver time to get into position. He caught Oliver’s mental signal. Heart racing, blood thundering in his veins and the power of the hunt lending him speed, Adam leapt just as Oliver burst through the bushes on the far side of the clearing.

Adam’s jaws closed on the rabbit closest to him. Oliver snapped up another. The third rabbit bounded into the brush to safety as the first two died soundlessly, quickly in the viselike jaws of their captors. Within minutes, the only sign the rabbits ever existed were the small wisps of pale fur scattered over the closely cropped grass where they’d been feeding.

Oliver shifted first, knelt by the creek and washed his hands and face. Adam did the same, bathing away the last vestiges of sleep and rabbit before he stood up and stuck a hand out for Oliver.


Oliver nodded. “Thank you,” he said. He wiped his hands against his bare thighs and laughed out loud. “Wow. This trip has been quite an adventure.”

“You’ve had fresh rabbit before.”

“I’ve never slept in the forest as a wolf before. Never bathed by a mountain creek after a night in the woods. Such freedom! I could grow used to this life.” Oliver glanced over his shoulder at Adam and winked, but his heart felt full enough to burst. Adam really had no idea. Emotion washed over Oliver, deep and powerful emotion that left him shaken. His mood was thoughtful as he headed back to the small clearing where they’d left their clothing.

Never, if he lived a thousand years, could he repay Adam for the miracle he’d made happen. He’d forever changed Oliver’s life. Because of Adam, he walked with a new sense of purpose, more pride and self-confidence than he’d ever known before.

He’d been reborn, physically changed from a mutilated freak to a whole man. For the first time in his life, Oliver could embrace all that was offered. His was a new life, one filled with power and strength and the potential for love. Physical love.

All because of Adam Wolf.

Only Adam had seen a way to fix his miserable existence. All the years Oliver had spent with Anton Cheval, working for the man he loved more than anyone else on this earth, Anton had been unable to help.

If Anton couldn’t find a solution, Oliver had assumed no one could. It had always seemed impossible. How does one replace a missing set of testicles? He’d been castrated as a toddler and sold to a wealthy family as a playmate for their daughter. Oliver had no recollection of the surgery that cost him so much, but he’d never truly accepted his fate.

How could he accept that he would always live as half a man? He’d served Anton Cheval as well as he could. He’d taken the testosterone supplements Anton provided, but they’d done nothing to help him find his true heritage, that of a Chanku shapeshifter.

And then he met Adam Wolf. They’d connected from the very beginning, but Oliver hadn’t had a clue what effect Adam would have on him. Not until Adam had linked, secretly at first so that even Oliver didn’t realize what was happening. Until he’d given Oliver an erection. His very first.

Only Adam had known how to help him. First he’d shared his arousal in a powerful mental link, and suddenly Oliver was hard as a post. Later, Adam joined with him, linking once again, touching and sharing until Oliver finally knew what an orgasm felt like.

Even now, it still felt like a dream. Especially the night he’d spent with Eve. He hadn’t shifted yet, still didn’t have balls, but through Adam’s link, Oliver had made love to Eve. She’d never known. Never guessed that the man who loved her was not fully a man.

Had not known, then, that she was the first woman he’d ever penetrated. That night was the first time he’d felt that sweet, hot clench of powerful feminine muscles around his perfectly erect cock. The first time he’d felt warm breasts cushioned against his chest, the gush of fluids covering his groin as Eve writhed and climaxed against him.

For that alone, Oliver knew he would always love the beautiful blond for showing him what true desire really was. He missed Eve. Not with the purely visceral need Adam felt, but with a longing, a sad and incomplete sense of what might be, what might have been.

Once she’d gone, though, Adam had taken his experiments with Oliver a step further. They’d linked and Adam guided Oliver through his first shift. It was amazing. Utterly, completely amazing, to follow Adam’s neural pathways and suddenly find himself standing on all fours, his magnificent tail waving behind him, his teeth long and sharp, his eyes seeing clearly in the dark woods. He’d dreamed of such a thing. Wanted it as much, if not more, than he’d wanted balls. But then, shifting was all tied up in his sexuality, and it was something Oliver hadn’t been able to do without the hormones produced by the male sex organs he lacked.

The organs he had lacked. Oliver shivered, remembering. Standing there as a wolf, living the fantasy he’d held for years, he’d become aware of an even more amazing difference. Yes, he was a wolf, but he was intact. There, between his legs, were testicles. Perfectly shaped, functioning, filling his body with a rush of natural hormones.

When it was time to shift back, he’d been terrified his balls wouldn’t make the transition. For that alone he might have stayed a wolf forever, but Adam had promised him.

“I fix things, Oliver. That’s what I do. I think maybe we’ve fixed you.”

Goddess knew, he’d been broken. Oliver shivered, remembering the terror of that first shift from wolf back to human. He’d done it on his own, without Adam’s help. He’d been almost afraid to look, standing there in the woods, naked and trembling, but his Chanku libido had kicked in even before the realization that his new set of balls had made the shift with him.

For the first time in his life, Oliver had a raging hard-on! Even now, remembering, he was aroused. The others, Stefan and Anton, Keisha and Xandi, had all talked about how horny they were after a shift. He’d had no idea. The need to fuck, to find release, had raced through his blood and landed right in his cock.

Once again, Adam had fixed everything. He’d put his arms around Oliver and held him while he cried tears of relief. Then he’d fucked and sucked him until Oliver could hardly walk the next day.

Oliver sensed Adam’s arousal as they entered the glade. He turned and felt the now familiar sweet ache of his own desire, the weight of his balls between his legs, the coil of heat resting at the base of his spine. His cock curved high and he reached down and encircled himself with his fingers. “Do we need to leave this early?”

Adam smiled and shook his head. “I truly did create a monster.”

Oliver laughed. “It is a big one, isn’t it?”

“Oh yeah. For a little guy you’ve got one hell of a dick between your legs. Got any plans for it?”

Oliver stroked his fingers along his length. He used to wonder what it would feel like to slide his foreskin back and have it actually stay behind the crown, held there by the sheer size of his erection. “If you have any rubbers, I imagine I could find something to do with this thing.”

Adam licked his lips. “In the back pocket of my jeans. I was saving it for myself, but if you want it…”

The words trailed off, but Adam’s growing arousal spilled out onto Oliver. He found the condom and ripped the packet open with shaking hands. They always used a condom for anal sex, for personal hygiene if nothing else, but Adam was the top. Always. Except for now. Oliver slipped the latex over his erect cock and almost climaxed from his own touch, from the thoughts whirling in his brain.

He’d never done this before. Never even considered it. Why now?

Why not?

Oliver’s gaze snapped up to Adam’s amber eyes. “You’re in my head.”

“It’s a good place to be. You’ve got some amazing ideas in there.” Adam bridged the gap between them. The sky was growing lighter, birdsong welcomed the coming dawn, the forest was coming awake.

Oliver touched Adam’s shoulder, trailed his fingers along his muscled chest. His arousal grew. So did Adam’s. Oliver reached the thick nest of silky hair surrounding Adam’s cock, trailed his fingers around the hard shaft, touched the wrinkled sac below. Their sensations sparked between them, feelings shared, needs open and begging to be filled.

Oliver dropped to his knees and licked the very tip of Adam’s penis. The salty drop of ejaculate bathed his senses. The grass was soft beneath his knees, the air cool against his heated skin. Oliver sucked Adam deeper. He speared the tiny eye at the head of his glans with his tongue, cupped Adam’s balls in his hands and rolled the precious globes between his fingers.

Then he released Adam and pulled him to the ground. Adam moved quickly, but with a question in his eyes. Did he kneel for Oliver? Should he lie on his back? Laughing at his own awkwardness, Oliver positioned Adam on his hands and knees and knelt between his calves. He ran his hands over Adam’s taut buttocks and followed the crease of his ass to the perfect dip along his spine.

Then he grabbed Adam’s cock in both hands and stroked him, tugging none too gently from root to tip. His own cock rode the sweaty crease between Adam’s cheeks, but he didn’t try to penetrate.

Adam groaned. Oliver felt his balls tighten against his body, just as Adam’s did. Pre-cum filled his palm and he used it to lubricate Adam’s tight ring of muscle. He ran his fingertip over the sensitive tissues, pressing harder with each pass.

Adam groaned and widened his stance, giving Oliver better access. He was so much larger than Oliver, his back broader, his legs longer, but his ass was perfectly positioned for penetration.

Oliver’s arousal grew, but he continued his slow pressure against Adam’s butt, spreading him wider, softening his sphincter muscle, relaxing it. Finally he was able to slip one finger inside, then a second, but his hands were smaller and he knew he needed more.

Adam’s breath huffed in short, sharp puffs. Oliver felt him shiver. He swept his palm over Adam’s cock and it twitched at the contact, spilling more thick, white fluid.

Do that again and I’m gonna blow all over your hand.

Laughing, Oliver ran his fingers once again along Adam’s length, testing him further. Adam groaned, but his pleasure filled Oliver’s thoughts.

Oliver covered the tip of his cock with Adam’s fluid, then pressed hard. The sense of pressure was amazing as he slowly pushed forward. Adam adjusted his legs and lowered his head, thrusting his buttocks against Oliver’s cock.

There was a sense of muscle giving, relaxing, then the tight ring slipped over the head of his cock and locked around the most sensitive part of his shaft. Oliver groaned and held still, fighting for control. Amazing. The sensation of being locked to Adam was purely amazing. Shivering with the need to come, to give over to desire, Oliver fought for control. It took him precious seconds to find it before he could push forward.

This was amazing. Totally new, totally unbelievable. He had no idea, even from the links he’d had with Adam, what it actually felt like to shove his cock deep inside another man, to experience the heat, the clench of internal muscles, the press of a tautly muscled ass against his groin.

He groaned and slowly withdrew. Adam’s thoughts filled his head, the convoluted yet lush thoughts of a man on the edge. Oliver pressed deep again, then eased out. Harder this time, faster, his hips swaying with a rhythm he found deep inside himself.

The pressure grew, the pleasure expanded. He reached around Adam’s waist and clasped his cock in both hands, squeezing and stretching the full length of it in time with his own powerful thrusts.

Suddenly Adam threw his head back and yelled, his shout as incoherent as his thoughts during climax. Thick streams of ejaculate splattered against the grass and his cock jumped in Oliver’s grasp.

Oliver felt the coil of his own climax, felt the sharp thrust of heat and power, the amazing sense of his balls squeezing hard and tight as he orgasmed deep inside the man who made him whole.

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