Wolf Tracks (12 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: Wolf Tracks
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Pam bit her lip.
. Again, him with the logic. She couldn’t fight logic, and yet the ball of fear in her belly didn’t want to disappear.

“What are your parents like?”

She turned toward him. Yeah, he knew all the right buttons to push, far better than any person she’d met before. Not even Maggie had asked about her family that quickly. “We’re divorced.”

TJ’s face fell. “Shit.”


“Okay, so I guess they’re not a great example.” He stopped and stared at her for second. “Hang on, what do you mean ‘we’re divorced’?”

Pam dragged a hand through her hair. “They got divorced when I was about ten, and proceeded to make my life miserable. They both screwed up holiday plans to get revenge on the other. They fought over me like a dog with a bone, but when they had time with me they ignored me, or seemed to begrudge the fact they had to expend energy on my stuff.”

“By the time I was sixteen I’d had enough. I divorced them and went to live with my gramma who was completely disgusted with them both. She passed away when I was nineteen. I’ve been on my own ever since.”

She said it simply, a statement of fact. Taking control of her life ten years ago at such a young age had been hard, but she’d had to do it. It had been the right thing, she was sure.

TJ kissed her temple softly, then nestled her under his arm. He linked their fingers together and rested their joined hands in his lap. “Do you ever see your parents?”

She shook her head. “And it’s not because I’m hiding from them. Honestly, I’m not bitter or wishing them ill anymore. I cut the ties and decided I was responsible for my own happiness. They just don’t seem to give a damn. I think I remind them of each other or something, and they hate each other with a vengeance.” She shrugged.

He grimaced. “So telling you stories about human happily-ever-afters…”

Pam leaned back on him and sighed. “Sheer fantasy. Werewolves are a whole lot more believable.” A whole lot more desirable as well, from what she could tell. TJ appeared to know exactly who he was and where he stood. Had he gained that confidence from being a wolf?

TJ stroked her fingers gently with his thumb. “I’ve had the pack around me all my life. While I get razzed a great deal for being clumsy, they’ve always supported me. My brother, my friends, heck…everyone.”

“You’re not clumsy.”

He laughed out loud. “Okay, there’s another topic for discussion. Umm, yes, I am. For some reason I’m not nearly as bad when I’m around you.” He nuzzled her neck. “That ‘you complete me’ thing.”

She slapped him lightly. “Get out. I think you’re like a puppy coming into his growth. You should have seen the trouble my first dog had—”

He groaned. “Can we make a deal now that you don’t compare me to your previous dogs. Please?”

A snort slipped out. “We’ll see.”

She twisted to stare at him. His earnest expression stole her heart.

“Pam, can you give me a clue here? Have I persuaded you at all what I said is true? That we’re mates?”

Her fears and doubts scrambled to stay above the undeniable bond between them that grew stronger every moment she spent with him.

“Can’t you tell what I’m thinking with that wolf connection of yours?” She couldn’t speak over a whisper, the effort of pushing the words out enormous. She wanted to believe, wanted it so very much.

He surprised her by lifting her into his lap and tucking her head against his chest before setting the porch swing rocking. He surrounded her with his arms as if pulling a shield of protection around them. “I sense all kinds of things from you, and yet your emotions are so jumbled I can’t understand. Fear, longing, sexual need. At times I feel as if you’re about to announce you love me. The next minute you’re planning to tell me goodbye and expect I’ll drop you at the airport and let you go without a word of protest.”

Umm, yup, that would about cover the gamut of chaos running through her brain the past couple days.

“Do you really pick up all those things, or are you guessing?”

It was his turn to sigh. “I can’t literally read your mind, and we can’t speak to each other mentally. But as far as I can tell, I’m just about as linked to you in terms of a mate connection as I could dream of.”

“I feel like I’ve known you all my life.” The whispered confession eased the tightness inside a little. He squeezed her gently and kissed the top of her head. His heart thumped solidly under her ear, and she snuck her arms around his torso to draw as close as possible.

TJ sang to her
a capella
, his rich voice tickling her ears. Filling her with hope and a deep longing.

My love will never fade, it lingers like the light.

Fills all the mountaintops, burning ever bright.

My love is like the tide, fresh and clean each day.

It’s pure and strong, and all that I can say—

You fill my days, you fill my nights, you’re everything, all I need,


My love is like the spring, it lingers like the snow.

It only melts away, to bring new growth.

My love is like the wind, running wild and free.

Together now, won’t you come with me—

You fill my days, you fill my nights, you’re everything, all I need,


He let the words trail off, the intensity of his song wrapped up with all the things she felt from him. His tender heart. His humour. Plain spoken and blunt, but never cruel, he was all the things she admired in a friend. All the things she wanted in a lover.

Her final doubts dissolved. Logic had a place in this, and he’d done his best to show her the mate list existed and examples of each item. But at some point, the heart had to take over from the head and that moment was now.

She pressed her palm against his cheek and kissed him softly before crawling off his lap and holding out her hand.


She shook her head. One finger held to her lips, she poured her energy into sharing what she felt inside. The deep satisfaction at his company. The passion she held for him.

The love.

They walked together, hand in hand, into the cabin where she led him to the bedroom. She stripped off her clothes quickly and turned to help him. With every touch of her hands, she thought of a moment he’d made her smile the past week. Of an expression she’d seen on his face. Of the love she’d seen in his eyes. She didn’t need any more words—he’d been saying it to her all week long with every gesture, every touch.

Every time he’d shifted into his wolf and wandered at her side, or curled up against her, soft and warm. He was completely comfortable in both his skins, and there was no deceit in him.

She tugged him to the bed and they connected, skin on skin, hands brushing, exploring. Their lips met in a breathless kiss that began soft and gentle before turning ravenous. Greedy and passionate, they rolled together until she managed to maneuver into position, his legs trapped under her. His cock breached the folds of her body and they slid together in one perfect moment. His breath released with a gasp and she felt his muscles tense as he realized they were making love without any barrier between them.

TJ gathered her in his arms and peered into her eyes. He didn’t ask if she was sure, didn’t do anything to break the beauty of her gift. He didn’t even speak, not with words.

But his eyes said
I love you

His body said it. So did all the emotion she sensed from him, whether a figment of her imagination or not. All signs said he was hers, completely.

They moved together, hips rocking, tension building. The aching need to be filled by him, not only physically, but in every way, being answered. Kisses upon kisses fell while TJ’s hands roamed her body. He slid into her again and again, drawing her thigh high over his hip as they lay side by side on the mattress. She teetered on the edge of release. He buried his face in her neck, rising slightly to press deeper into her core, the angle change pressing harder against her clit. The tickly sensation preceding her climax had never built this high before and every nerve screamed for satisfaction. She had no idea how intense her body’s response would be when he put his teeth to her neck and bit down, burying himself deep as they both went off together.

Bright white pleasure raced over her, every bit of skin sensitive and tingling. Every breath of air tasted like him, every thought wrapped up in his love. Their bodies meshed, intimate and close, as waves of bliss pulsed repetitively. The bundle of dreams she’d tied up and put aside as impossible unwound.

Forever was not a myth, no more than werewolves.

They lay tangled together for the longest time, their breath slowly returning to normal. TJ kissed her—her neck, her cheek, her forehead. One soft lingering kiss to her mouth. He spoke, their lips brushing together.

“I can feel your heart in my soul.”

Chapter Ten

TJ closed the door to the cabin with reluctance. Neither of them was ready to leave. He turned to see Pam grinning at him, her pack already on her back as they prepared to meet the helicopter. It still seemed impossible she’d taken that final step and accepted him. One day to celebrate being fully mated—it wasn’t enough.

“I should have taken a two-week excursion. Then we could have stayed for another week.”

She held out her hand and he joined her, strolling to the meadow with their fingers linked together. TJ lifted her fingers to his mouth and kissed her knuckles lightly. “While I’d love more time alone, at some point we need to face the real world.”

Oh hell, and there would be some facing to do. Funny though, now that he and Pam were fully mated, he wasn’t nearly as worried to see what the fallout from his actions would be. They truly were together—there was no denying it—and no one could tear them apart. They dropped their packs at the side of the clearing and Pam returned to his arms, resting her head on his chest. She drew a deep breath. “Can we come back here sometime?”


He played with her hair as they silently stood together. Ever since they’d completed their mating, he had a solid line on what she was feeling. Compared to how it had been before, the richness and depth was incredible. Like having watched an old-fashioned black-and-white movie on a five-inch screen and now getting Blu-ray, hi-def flashing across a wall-sized monitor.

Right now she was content, and he was going to do everything he could to keep her that way.

“You know we’ve got a bunch of ‘meet the family’ to do, right?” he warned her.

Pam lifted her arms to drape them around his neck. “I think I can handle it. Maggie and Erik won’t be back yet, but I’m not afraid to meet your brother, or his wife, more formally. Or anyone else I need to see.”

TJ kissed her, unable to resist one more dose of her taste to bolster him. It was going to be an interesting day, if nothing else.

The sound of the chopper reached them long before they spotted it in the distance, and she clung to him for a second, squeezing him tight. “I know we’ve got a ton to figure out, but, honestly? It’ll all work out. I’m sure it will.”

“Of course it will.” Her faith became his faith, and together, there was nothing they couldn’t do.

Shaun landed, his grinning face peering out the window. They tossed their packs into the passenger area and scrambled after them, strapping themselves in and quickly donning headsets. They lifted off and Pam hung over him to gaze back at the cabin and lake as they swung around to return to Haines. Her body was warm and soft against him, and he wrapped an arm around her to keep her close.

“Well, I don’t have to ask if you had a good time.” Shaun’s voice cut in over the headset. “Congratulations, both of you.”

Pam glanced at TJ in surprise. He pressed the talk button to explain. “The wolf sense of smell. Shaun can tell we’re mates.”

“He can tell…” She flushed. “Okay, maybe I’m not so ready to meet your pack as I thought.”

TJ grabbed her hand and squeezed.

Shaun spoke again. “I need to give you the scoop. I managed to stay off your big brother’s radar for the past week, but I got a direct order from my Alpha in Whitehorse to report to him as soon as I get you two home safe. Which is fine, since that means I won’t have to face Keil.”

TJ swore. “I didn’t intend to get you in trouble when I asked for help.”

“Hey, no worries. You would have done the same thing for me if you could. You’re a good friend, TJ, and it’s nice to have been able to assist you two lovebirds. I don’t think my Alpha will give me shit—he’s a romantic at heart. Makes us watch bad chick flicks during pack meetings, yada yada.”

“Still, let me know if you need me to come and talk to your Alpha. I have a feeling I’ll be explaining myself constantly for the next while.”

Shaun held a thumbs-up. “Anyway, I contacted your pack via email to let them know I’d drop you at the airstrip. Someone should be there to pick you up. I’m afraid you’re on your own after that.”

Pam’s hand in his was all the reminder he needed. “I’m never going to be alone again.”

She leaned against him and used the headset. “So, the shit is about to hit the fan, is it?”

“Don’t know why it should. You’re not going to call the cops and have me arrested, right?”

“I am the cops.”

They grinned at each other.

A beige minivan stood at the side of the airstrip—Tad and Missy’s vehicle—and TJ breathed a sigh of relief. The pack Omegas would be the perfect people to talk to first. TJ passed down the packs to Pam then squeezed Shaun on the shoulder. “Thanks again for everything.”

“Hey, give me a second.” Shaun twisted in his seat to face TJ. “You know what? I think they’re going to be very surprised when they meet you, your brother and the rest of them. You’ve changed. Something happened to you and you’re more than the wolf I dropped off a week ago.”

TJ frowned. “What do you mean?”

Shaun shook his head. “Not sure, but let’s put it this way, I doubt I could order you to do anything for me anymore.”

. “Really?”

“Really.” Shaun winked at him and turned back to his instrument panel. “Now get out of here, your mate is waiting for you.”

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