Wolfe Pack (3 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Sci Fi & Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Wolfe Pack
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Then all of a sudden Dark pulled away and got up,

“I'm sorry I can't do this,” She panted, “It's too much too soon, oh I don't know.”

Dark grabbed her boots and ran off back into the village, Wollfen was left laying there panting looking up into the night sky.

He too was feeling conflicted, the passion that rose between them was so powerful and urgent, he hadn't felt like that in a year, what did it mean? He looked around at his surroundings as if somehow there were answers to be seen, obviously not. Still panting a bit he pulled himself up onto his elbows and stared over the stream thinking about what had just happened.

He sighed out loud, Dark was certainly an interesting person, pretty too. And that passion she showed, well it got him thinking that's for sure. He had been watching her all night in the tavern and had found her to be an intriguing woman. It surprised him really, his heart still hurt at the death of Raven a year before and yet here he was getting churned up over this woman he had just met a few hours ago.

Wollfen pulled himself up and looked around once more out of habit than anything, pulling his boots on he sauntered back to the tavern and went to bed. Solynne was sound asleep in the other bed slightly snoring, she was dead to the world. Looking up at the ceiling so many thoughts were passing through his head, he couldn't sleep. Should he go see her? Maybe, maybe not. No wait till morning, yes that was best. Well, is that really what he wanted to do? He doubted there would be any sleep tonight if he didn't go now. Oh for crying out loud, what was he to do?

Meanwhile Dark was also laying in bed, staring up at her ceiling with so many thoughts going through her head. Her pussy was wet and aching, oh she wanted that man, wanted him bad. What the heck was wrong with her? She was having trouble understanding her own passion at this man, he is almost a complete stranger?

At that moment Dimarus let himself into the bedroom and Dark looked across trying to look calm,

“Hello Dimarus, how are you?” He smiled and sat down beside her,

“It's been a good day, I made some good money.”

“That's good.” She smiled back.

Dimarus lay down beside her giving her a hug and she embraced him, it was something she certainly needed right now. After a minute he began kissing her forehead , slowly moving down her face. She resisted at first in a way, but her passion was still running and she let him. Pushing thoughts of Wollfen out of her mind, well at least trying to she kissed back and she felt his urgency grow. Dark grunted a little and tried to push him away but it was only half-hearted, right now she felt confused and yet needing the attention, what was she to do? As his kisses descended to her neck she let out a small moan which drove him on, unbuttoning her top he kissed and licked over each of her breasts. Her nipples became hard in his mouth, he tugged on them with his teeth and finally she gave in, she couldn't resist  anymore.

Running her fingers through his hair and gripping she guided his mouth over each nipple making him suck and lick to her delight, all thoughts were driven from her mind as passion took over. She pushed him down to her belly and Dark felt him undo her pants, pulling them down and off. Spreading her legs wide and gyrating her crotch up to his mouth she felt his tongue slide down her wet lips, parting them and she shook at the touch. Dimarus guided his tongue around and over her wet mound making her jump and groan quietly. She gyrated against his mouth now still holding his head firmly, feeling his tongue slip inside her gasping. Her juices were flowing and covering his face, oh it felt so so good, far better than this morning when he shot his load and left.

All of a sudden Dimarus pulled away and stripped off. He turned her over and got Dark on all fours, then he kneeled behind her on the bed and slipped his hard rod into her wetness. Then, grabbing her hips and holding tight started to fuck her firmly. Finally Dark moaned louder as she felt him pumping her deep, oh yes she was going to cum very soon, she reached down between her own legs and massaged herself, groaning.

Then there was a voice from the other side of the bedroom door,

“Dark? Are you okay?”

Who was that? The door swung open and Wollfen stood there looking in with a look of shock on his face.

Dimarus was oblivious to his surroundings, pumping hard into Dark who was looking at Wollfen staring back, she could only utter a quiet 'Wolf' but she couldn't do anything, she was cumming and it took all of her thoughts away as her eyes rolled back into her head and she moaned out loud. Dimarus too moaned loud and just as he came pulled out, shooting his load on her ass and shirt. He collapsed onto the bed and lay there facing away from her panting heavily. Dark finally managed to push open her eyes but Wollfen could not be seen. She panicked and leaped up racing out out the front, looking around the street standing there in her shirt only she called out,

“Wollfen? I'm so sorry! Wollfen?”

But there was no sign of him, she raced back inside and pulled her pants back on before leaving again, Dimarus was already asleep.

She ran barefoot down the road towards the tavern hoping to catch up with Wollfen and sure enough he was there slowly walking along,

“Wollfen!” He turned at the call and saw her approach, a look of  disdain on his face, she pulled up in front of him with an earnest look of her own, “I'm so sorry! I didn't tell you, I have a lover! I am so so sorry!”

He shook his head,

“I shouldn't have come to visit you, it's my fault, I don't know what I was thinking. Stupid, stupid thoughts.”

“No please, it's not like that at all, I felt very confused after our time together, I was, I was, oh I don't know, I am still confused.”

“It matters not Dark, you owe me nothing, you have a man in your life.”

“No it's not like that!” She was desperate to make him see, “Please!”

He only shook his head and turned away, walking back to the tavern. Dark stood there crying in the street looking down at the ground, holding herself. Oh she had fucked up bad, it was all her fault. Why did this have to happen? Finally she started walking back to her cabin, what had she lost? She felt like a great opportunity had been destroyed and it was tearing her up inside. Oh gods, she felt for him, she was beginning to love that man and now it was all ruined. Dark continued walking along the road not even noticing she had passed her own cabin, she was lost in her thoughts and anguish. Even when the road started to become gravelly and hurt her bare feet she hardly noticed.

The next morning Wollfen found Solynne up and dressed, ready for the day,

“Come on sleepy head, times awasting.” He grunted at her.

He hadn't slept much at all, his head had been filled with the thoughts of Dark even now. He needed to move on, what else was there? He got dressed and they moved downstairs to a table and ordered some breakfast, Dark was nowhere to be seen.

“So what do you think we should do today Wolf?”

He looked up without seeing her, deep in thought,


“I said what are we to do today?” Finally he focused,

“Oh, um, lets go see this man you spoke of last night, Kane was it? In the next town?”

“Yes, that's it, the blacksmith. If we leave immediately we can make it back here by mid afternoon.”

“Yeah okay let's do it.”

The two of them filed out the front door and walked over to a stable where their horses were kept, they had them saddled before long and were trotting out of town to the east.

It was a pleasant enough ride, the early morning sun was not hot at all and the slight breeze while a bit cool felt good.

“So how did things go with Dark last night?”

Solynne had seen Wollfen was in a contemplative mood and knew he would need a bit of prodding to start talking.

“Oh, it was different, that's for sure, I am also thinking that things will not work out, I think we can cross her off.”

“Really? With her background and her magical potential I thought she would have been an ideal candidate for our team.”

“I thought so too, but things didn't turn out that way, I am sure if we took her on, there would be complications. I'm not sure a Nightclan person is the way to go anyway come to think of it.”

“Oh no? You were looking forward to checking her out before we arrived and when I got there I could tell you had an extra interest in her, so what happened?”

He sighed and looked about, scanning the countryside like he would do normally, always on the lookout for potential dangers. It gave him an excuse to not answer straight away. He sighed again and Solynne knew to wait, he was going to answer in his own time. Finally he looked at her as they rode along,

“Nightclans have a different idea about sex and sexuality, theirs was a polygamous society through necessity. The men of the clans were always short in number. It was usually a ratio of five women to one man in the clans. To keep the clans going men would have to bed a number of women. Their ideas about sex was let us say, very liberal.”

Solynne was getting a idea of where this was going,

“So she still practices Nightclans ways more than you like huh?” He nodded,

“It would seem so.”

They fell quiet again after that, the rest of the early morning ride was taken up by small comments on the surroundings and talking about Kane. When they arrived in Ashfall the two of them made straight for the Blacksmith. On arrival Solynne dismounted and went inside while Wollfen waited on horseback. Before long she returned with a sweaty blackened young man who cut a dashing figure even so, he was bare chested and bronzed by the forge fires plus he lean as well as muscular. Typical of any young Blacksmith really, the duties were hard work and built a man's fitness up no end.

“Wollfen, this is Kane. Kane, Wollfen.”

The man bowed his head while wiping his hands on a rag that hung from his waist, then he stuck one hand out, Wollfen obliged by shaking it,

“Welcome Lord Wollfen, Solynne was telling me you may be interested in my services?”

“It's just Wollfen actually, may I call you Kane?” The man nodded, “Well Kane, I am putting together a team that will travel the lands looking for danger and let's say, righting wrongs as we go?” Kane looked on, thinking about what he had heard,

“Are you working in an official position?”

“In a sense yes, but I am a free agent, I am trusted to make my own decisions.”

It was a bit of a stretch of the truth, Lord Cazzara was employing Wollfen to do a survey of the eastern boundaries but beyond that there were no expectations.

“What's the pay like?”

“No pay, totally voluntary I'm afraid. It's more of a fulfillment by doing the right thing kind of job.”

Kane looked from Wollfen to Solynne and then back again, he was actually quite enamored with her and his decision was influenced by that,

“I don't see any reason why I shouldn't give it a go, it can't hurt right? A little adventure would do me good.” Wollfen smiled,

“Good man, I hope we can become friends too, Solynne has told me a bit about you, she says you have a talent for tactics as well as being good with a sword. I will find it interesting to talk to you about those things over time.”

“How about now? I have grown tired of working in this place, my efforts go unappreciated and I haven't been paid in weeks, I'm ready to move on.” Wollfen looked to Solynne who grinned then looked back,

“Sure grab your stuff, you have a horse?”

“Oh yeah I'll be ready in five minutes, he is already saddled from a morning ride.”

Wollfen watched on as Kane retreated back into the building and could hear a ruckus being kicked up by the Blacksmith inside.

“You aint goin nowhere! There's work to be done!”

“Not gonna happen! You aint paid me in weeks!”

“Fine! Begone with ya, no good backsliding gutter maggot!” Solynne chuckled hearing the last comment from inside,

“That's a new one on me, backsliding gutter maggot,  I will be sure to remember it.” Wollfen simply shook his head.

Within the minute Kane appeared from behind the building on his horse, two loaded saddlebags and a blanket roll tied on, he was ready to go.

The three of them turned and made off along the west road to Comberwell, they would be back in a few hours and could take a late lunch. As they rode Wollfen struck up an in depth conversation with Kane discussing his ideas on battle formations and tactics used by the Kingdom's forces and his take on their effectiveness. It proved to be a good insight into the young mans way of thinking and Wollfen was impressed by not only his knowledge but original thoughts too. Yes he could prove to be a good asset to the group.

Later in the early afternoon they pulled up outside the tavern and all dismounted handing the horse's reins to a waiting boy who led them off to the stable. Entering the building Wollfen looked around but didn't see Dark anywhere, well she may have been out back. They approached the bar together and Kels came out.

“Welcome back Wollfen and friends, what be your poison?” Wollfen shook his head,

“We are only after some lunch for now, can I speak to Darkling please?”

Kels shook his head,

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