Wolf's Fall (8 page)

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Authors: J.D. Tyler

BOOK: Wolf's Fall
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“Good to know.” Fists clenched, Nick looked away, still pissed.

Tarron's voice grew hushed. “You wouldn't blame me if you knew how truly sad and alone she's been these past few years. I just wanted to help.”

“Understandable,” he replied evenly. “But she doesn't need
help—in any way.”

“Try that attitude on her and you'll get not an inch further than I ever do. Trust me on that. If she digs her heels in, you're done.”

Dammit, the man made too much sense.

“Come on. I'll introduce you to more of the guests.”

That was the very last thing Nick wanted to do—socialize while Calla was alone with the fanged Casanova. But he gritted his teeth and endured while Tarron made more introductions, and he answered curious questions about what his team of shifters did to protect citizens. That, at least, was a subject he could warm to, and that part wasn't so bad.

“Nick, this is Ivan Cardenas, from Barcelona, Spain,” Tarron said in introduction. “Ivan is an old acquaintance we haven't seen around here in
some time. He'll be joining the discussion in the dining hall later with the other leaders.”

“Hello,” Nick said, shaking his hand. “I'm sure that will be a fascinating talk, won't it?”

Cardenas chuckled. “I'm sure it will. It's good to meet you.”

“You, too.”

Nick was grateful when the Fates intervened and Tarron was pulled into a debate on whether blood banks were sufficient to feed their population, or covens should be allowed to feed on death row inmates or some shit. Nick excused himself and nobody noticed when he found a corner, held up a far wall, and finished his beer.

Except for one man. “Haven't seen you around,” a voice said idly.

Nick eyed the dark stranger standing in the shadows. Reaching out with his PreCog senses, he found the walls surrounding this man to be nearly impenetrable. That bothered him more than he cared to admit. “Can't say I've seen you, either. You know Calla or her brother personally?”

“Not really. You could say I'm gate-crashing.” His smile was feral. “Friend of a friend. You know how it is.”

Something about the man put him on edge. “I'm Nick Westfall, com—”

“Commander of the Alpha Pack. Yeah, word gets around. Nice gig if you can get it.”

What the fuck was that supposed to mean? “Sometimes it's not all it's cracked up to be.”

“Most times, things aren't.”

Nick got a good look at the guy to be sure it wasn't anyone he'd ever met. Tats on both arms peeking from underneath his long-sleeved black shirt, with scrollwork, dragons, and other symbols etched in black. Expert work on the artist's part. The man had wavy dark hair, just to his shoulders. He was slender, but with some muscles he appeared tough as well. His dark eyes were glacier cold. Like a man who didn't get fucked with often, or he would make you pay. Strangely, he was eating a square of cheese from the buffet table as if he hadn't a care in the world.

He seemed familiar, but Nick definitely would've remembered him.

“I didn't catch your name,” Nick said.

“I didn't say.” He polished off the cheese, eyeing Nick. “But it's Jinn.”

“Jinn . . . ?” he prompted.

“Just Jinn. No last name.”

Inside him, Nick's wolf shifted and rumbled in warning.
Just Jinn
. The name from his vision, he realized with a start. Possibly the man who would abduct Noah. “And how is that?”

Moving closer, he got a whiff of Jinn's scent and found he wasn't a shifter, or a vampire. He wasn't Fae, human, or anything from this world at all, it seemed.

The man—creature—laughed, showing off straight white teeth with very large incisors. “Did you know that in Arabian mythology, the Jinn are the third creation of God, after angels and humans? It's said that we're made of smoke and fire, can take human form, and travel between dimensions. And we can be either good or evil, as the mood strikes us.”

“Is that so?” Nick tensed, ready for battle if need be.

Jinn shrugged, grinning. “Some call us genies. But you can't believe everything you read, right? I simply consider myself more your garden-variety Sorcerer.”

He wished Kalen, or even Sariel, were here to check this guy out and give their own opinions. Being Sorcerers, and Fae, they had a much better radar for magical beings than anyone else.

“Interesting,” he said with a half smile. “Never met a genie before. If I rub the top of your head, will you grant me three wishes?”

Jinn blinked at him for a second and then laughed out loud, causing a few vampires to turn and stare. Nick noticed that the humor still didn't seem to reach the Sorcerer's eyes.

“Points to you, wolf. You're not the first one to make that joke about me. But you
the first one to ever say it to my face.”

“How did you know I'm a wolf?” he asked casually.

“Someone must've told me.”

“Who did you say you came here with?”

“A friend. Nobody you'd know.” He pushed away from the wall. “It was nice talking to you, Nick. See you around.”

“Sure.” Brows furrowed, he watched the Sorcerer start to make his way through the crowd. Before Jinn got too far, though, he stopped and turned, looking back at Nick.

His lips were curved in a half smile, his eyes flashing with some dark, dangerous emotion. A very real current of malice hit Nick square in the chest, so blatantly physical he gasped from the wave of blackness.

Then Jinn was gone.

And Nick knew, without a doubt, they would meet again. He just didn't know when.

Shaking off the sudden chill, he put the encounter out of his mind and made a sweep of the entire room. A few minutes later, he realized Calla and Rolan still hadn't returned from their walk. And that they'd damned well been gone long enough.

Blood heating with anger, he slipped from the party and out a side entrance. Once under the cover of the trees, he discarded his clothes and let his wolf free. Picking up Calla's scent, and the vampire's, was easy.

But ripping out the bastard's throat if he'd touched what was
would be a sheer pleasure.

*   *   *

The sun was setting as Calla joined Rolan on their walk, the play of light and shadow over the mountain making the scenery stunning.

Her companion was an interesting man. Cultured, refined, genuine, and, yes, sexy. Casting a surreptitious glance at him, she took in his tall form and regal bearing. His ice blue eyes were compelling. His long, white blond hair practically begged to be explored by a woman's fingers.

Just not by

The prince, as good of a catch as he seemed, did nothing for her. He didn't make her breath catch, or her heart pound. He wasn't dark and brooding, didn't have black hair laced with silver, and midnight blue eyes. Nor was he a rare white wolf.

He wasn't Nick. Her mate. The man she'd stupidly left behind in order to be polite to their guest. She'd have to fix that right away.

Still, Tarron had invited the prince here for a reason that was no longer valid, and she had to set him straight. She just hoped he took it well and things didn't get too awkward.

“You and Tarron have made a good life here for your coven,” Rolan was saying. “That is commendable.”

“Thank you. We had lots of help, though.” Walking beside him, she picked her way down the path leading to the pond.

“I remember when all of your coven lived in the castle in Romania. It was a shame you had to leave.”

That hit her in the gut. “It was no longer safe for us there, as you know.”

Appearing stricken, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to a stop. “I'm very sorry. I was not thinking.”

“It's all right.” He moved close, and she noted that he smelled good. Sort of spicy.

Before she realized what he intended, he closed the remaining distance between them, framed her face in his hands, and took her lips in a gentle kiss. Taken by surprise, she did nothing at first, thinking he would release her right away.

He didn't, and deepened the kiss, likely taking her silence as permission to continue. In truth, she wondered how the prince's kiss would be different from Nick's. Whether she'd feel a spark for Rolan that she hadn't previously. But as his tongue explored her mouth, she knew her earlier assessment was true.

Rolan wasn't her mate, and his touch did nothing to inspire her fantasies.

Urgently, she began pushing at his chest—and then heard a low, ominous growl coming from the path to the right of her and Rolan. Calla shoved back from the prince and locked eyes with a large white wolf. An extremely pissed-off wolf.

“Nick,” she breathed. “This isn't what it looks like.”

Rolan's eyes widened as he stared at the massive canine. “Nick Westfall? The commander?”

“Yes.” Her heart pounded as the wolf's glare centered on Rolan.

The wolf crept closer, ears flattened back against his skull. His lips curled up, revealing an impressive set of sharp teeth, and he appeared more than eager to use them to rip the prince apart limb from limb. He placed his body between Calla and Rolan, driving them farther apart, snarling, and asserting his claim—and his challenge—quite clearly.

Rolan held his palms up in surrender and spoke calmly to Nick. “I won't lie—I've wanted Calla for a very long time. But after that kiss, I can see her heart is elsewhere. She isn't my mate, wolf. I knew that the instant our lips touched, and I would never attempt to take what isn't mine.”

At that, the wolf's threatening stance eased the tiniest bit. His body no longer appeared poised to spring, and he raised his head a bit. To Calla, it was a message to Rolan to retreat while he could. But the vampire turned to her instead.

“I am very sorry for the drama I have caused,” he said with real regret. His eyes were sad. “I had hoped for a different outcome between us, but I see that I have been nursing a false hope for a very long time.”

“I'm sorry, too. But you didn't cause any drama.” She gave him a tentative smile. “I hope we can be friends, as trite as that sounds.”

“That means a lot to me. Thank you. I hope we can as well.” He shot a wary glance at Nick. “I'm
going back to the party, then to the meeting before I head home. Be happy, Calla.”

“You as well. You deserve someone special.”

Instead of teleporting, the vampire gave Nick a nod and started up the path, alone. Calla felt sad that things had gotten so awkward between her and Rolan, and she couldn't help but wish Nick hadn't come along so she could've handled it by herself. Now she had an angry, possessive wolf to deal with.

She frowned down at the big wolf. “I had that handled, you know.” This earned her another low growl. Eyes widening, she put a hand on her hip. “Oh, no, you didn't! You did
just growl at
! You've got no claim on me yet, Cujo. Not technically. So until you do, I'll thank you not to butt into my business!”

She swore the wolf looked shocked as she whirled and headed up the path toward the wading pool. Of course she felt terrible about Nick finding her and Rolan locking lips. She also understood that as a shifter, his possessive nature would always take over in a situation like that. But she'd be damned if he would show his fangs and growl at her in anger!

As she reached the pond, a sharp tug on the back of her dress brought her up short. Turning, she made a sound of frustration and grabbed the material of her dress, trying to free it from the wolf's teeth.

“Let go of me,” she hissed.

He did—and reared up, planting his two big front paws in her midsection and knocking her off balance. Losing her footing, she hit the ground on her ass with an
. Immediately, he took advantage of his much greater weight and bore her to the ground, pushing her flat on her back as he settled himself on top, paws on her chest and his muzzle right in her face.

“Get off of me, you big fur ball.” She shoved at him, but there was no way she could dislodge his bulk.

He didn't move a muscle, and she found herself peering into very familiar midnight blue eyes. Eyes that were filled with remorse. This time, when his ears flattened against his head, he let out a soft whine. He looked completely pitiful, his expression the classic portrait of a canine who'd been caught being very bad.

It melted her heart into a puddle of goo. But she wasn't ready to give in.

“Oh, you're sorry, huh?” She scowled at him. “Change into a man and tell me yourself.”

Another whine. Then a soft pink tongue snaked out and began licking her face and neck. It tickled and she shrieked in spite of herself, then started laughing even as she commanded him to stop. That only encouraged him more, and he had her wriggling to get away.

“Nick! Stop it!”

Finally, the licking stopped and he gazed into her face again. This time, his expression was . . . hungry. There was no mistaking the arousal in those eyes.

“Um, Nick—”

Lowering his muzzle, he carefully took the strap of her dress in his teeth—and ripped it in half.

“Whoa! Wait a second!”

He ripped the other one, then met her gaze in challenge before he started on the bodice.

we're doing this, we're sure not doing it with you as a wolf,” she said firmly. “I'm no prude, but I don't do furry.”

At that, he snorted. Then his body began to waver. Re-form. He never moved off her, and in seconds she found herself partially undressed and covered head to toe with a sexy, delicious man. A yummy

“Is this more like it?”

Oh, hell, yes.


ick's deep voice, the raw desire on his handsome face, made Calla shiver. Reaching up, she swept a lock of black hair from his gorgeous eyes. “Yes, that's much better.”

His mouth took hers in a deep kiss. A kiss of possession and passion, nothing at all like the poor excuse of a kiss she'd shared with Rolan. It wasn't the prince's fault, though. Nick was the man who pushed her buttons, made her body sing. His touch was electric, sparking every nerve ending and leaving her panting for more.

Levering himself up, he broke the kiss and used one hand to finish destroying the front of her dress. The fabric gave as he ripped downward, leaving her breasts exposed. He made a sound of appreciation deep in his throat as he stared, realizing that she hadn't been wearing a bra.

“You're beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She ran a hand down his back, smoothing her palm over one taut ass cheek. “So are you.”

His cock hardened against her bare thigh, driving the hunger between them even higher. She wanted to feel every inch of him sliding inside.

“Please,” she said. “It's been so long.”

“For me, too.” His finger traced her lower lip.


“Yes. I've sought companionship, but I haven't wanted—
—anyone, until you.”

She didn't want to think of him finding sexual relief with other women, and yet still being lonely. Instead, she focused on the blossoming joy that he was admitting to wanting something more with her.

“I need you, too,” she whispered.

Flashing her a brief smile, he lowered his head and took one of her nipples between his lips. It tightened instantly, reacting to the multiple pleasures of his tongue and the wet nub being exposed to the evening air. She arched into him, stroking his hair, loving the silky texture as he laved her breasts.

It soon became clear he wanted the rest of her outfit gone. Impatiently, he split the rest of the offending garment down the middle and parted it, letting the material flutter to the ground. Bared to his heated gaze, she wore only a skimpy pair of lacy black thong panties.

“All for me.”

“Yes,” she agreed. Suddenly he moved off her and held out a hand. Puzzled, she took it and let him pull her up. “Where are we going?”

“Over there.”

He pointed to the wading pool, which was fed by a twenty-foot waterfall. The rocks and lush greenery around it made for a stunning setting to make love in, and she grew even more excited. He led her into the pool, and she shivered a bit at the change in temperature. It was cool, but her vampire temperature adjusted quickly. She figured being a shifter, it didn't bother him much, either.

“I want to see you like this,” he said in a husky voice. Then he showed her what he meant, backing her into the very edge of the waterfall's stream.

Her back was braced against a smooth section of rock, not uncomfortable. Then he took her wrists and lifted her arms above her head, instructing her to grab onto the small lip of rock there.

“Spread your legs.” She did, and he stepped back, admiring her with a feral smile. “My very own water nymph. Can't wait to see if you taste as good as you look.”

Naked and spread for him in the water's stream, she'd never felt more decadent. She took the opportunity to stare right back, nearly salivating over the sight of her mate.

Clothed, he was gorgeous. But naked, he was a
work of art. His muscled chest was sprinkled with dark hair, which tapered into a fine line leading to his naval. More dark hair made a perfect nest around his cock, which stood proudly at attention. His erection was long and thick, roped with veins and flushed deep red. Heavy balls hung underneath, and she wanted to savor them in her mouth.

“Soon enough.” His lips quirked upward.

“You read my mind?” she asked breathlessly.

“Wasn't hard, the way you were devouring me with those pretty eyes. You'll just have to wait your turn, baby.”

“Baby”? She liked the endearment, a lot. It made her feel rather cherished as he stepped up to her and began a gentle assault at the curve of her neck and shoulder with his teeth. She shuddered as they scraped there, her mating instinct strong. She longed for his bite. Craved it. He needed to sink his teeth deep into her flesh and take what was his.

But he only teased, alternating the small nips with kisses. Then he worked down to her breasts again, giving them more loving attention before venturing south. The rough pads of his fingers slid over her belly, to her hips. Claws emerged from his fingers and she watched, fascinated, as he used them to slice through the tiny straps of her thong. The claws retracted and he tossed away the scraps.

Next, he skimmed through her neatly trimmed
bush. His fingers dipped between her legs and rubbed her clit, and she moaned helplessly, spreading even wider. He made a very male sound of satisfaction, bending to use his tongue as well.

“Oh, Nick! More.”

“Don't worry. I'm not done by a long shot.”

His talented mouth loved on her clit, licking and sucking. Along with the dual sensation of the water cascading over their bodies, she had to fight not to come too soon. It was incredible.

Finally she couldn't stand not to touch him a second longer. Releasing her grip on the rock, she buried her fingers in his wet hair and held on for dear life as he ate her slit. Worked the tender flesh with his tongue, plunging it into her depths. She rocked with him as he tongue-fucked her, desire spiraling upward. Nearly taking her to the breaking point.

And then he stood, leaving her bereft.


“Face the rock for me, baby, and spread yourself again.”

She did, eagerly. Murmuring words of praise, he ran a hand down her back, over her ass. Then used his fingers to spread her sex and brought the head of his cock to her entrance.

“Tell me you want this, so there's no question,” he rasped.

“I want you. Make love to me, Nick.”

Needing no further encouragement, he began
to push inside. His girth stretched her opening, causing delicious friction as he inched deeper. He was big, but she was plenty wet enough to take him and pushed her ass out to get him as far in as possible.

He sank to the hilt, filling her impossibly. Their fit was perfect. Pleasure shot through every cell as he began to pump in and out. Stroking inside her, making the fires burn almost out of control.

Her fangs lengthened and her aggressive vampire nature took over with a vengeance. Hunger tightened her gut—hunger for the blood of her mate. She could barely keep the urge contained as he fucked her thoroughly. She longed to put his back to the rock face and bury her fangs in his throat. Drink until he came all over her belly from her feeding alone.

One day, she would do just that.

That fantasy, and the reality of now, pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm hit with brutal force, and she screamed, uncaring whether anyone heard. Pure joy washed over her again and again as Nick buried himself as deep as possible and jerked inside her, filling her womb with liquid heat.

Never had sex with any man been so raw. So explosive.

“Oh, my gods,” she whispered. “I can't wait for us to make love while I feed on you. I want to taste you so much right now.”

Against her back, he stiffened. And as her brain began functioning properly again, she realized she'd said exactly the wrong thing. He slipped from her body and pulled back. Quickly, she turned to face him, taking in his pale cheeks and the fear in his darkened eyes.

“I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Of course you need time—”


That word, so cold and final, struck fear in her soul. She reached for him. “I know what you've been through, and I won't push for more than you can give.”

He laughed, and the sound was bitter. “And what if I can never give you more than a good fuck?”

That hurt. But she knew he was afraid. “I don't believe that. You need time, and I promise I can be patient.”

“Don't you
?” he asked, chest heaving. “Darrow ruined me. I can't stand the thought of a vampire's fangs piercing my skin. Even yours. The idea
me, Calla.”

“Oh.” The word escaped as a soft sound, as though she'd been stabbed. Tears flooded her eyes and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to get away. From him, and this place that should've been so special to them.

She stood frozen as he gathered the remnants of
her clothing. Couldn't breathe as he pulled her from the waterfall and back onto dry land. He handed her the bundle, his expression stoic.

“Wouldn't want anyone to find these,” he said. “No telling what they might think.”

“It doesn't matter what they think. You're my mate.” Her bold declaration was met with a grim stare.

“And you're mine. But I'm not fit to be your mate. Not now, maybe not ever.”

She tried to hold back the tears, but they fell anyway. “You're going to run from me without even trying? Is that it?”

“Not running,” he insisted. “I just need time. Time to think. I don't know if I can be the man you need.”

Her voice broke. She couldn't help it. “I know you already are. But
have to know it, or we won't work out.”

For a moment, he looked like he might take her in his arms. Instead, he nodded toward her mountain home. “I won't leave you out here alone. Go, before your brother or a guard comes looking if they haven't already.”

It wouldn't do any good to stand here and argue with him. Not with their emotions so raw. As much as it hurt, he was right—he had to come to terms with what Darrow had done to him before he could accept his place as her mate. And accept her as his, with all that entailed.

“All right. But this isn't good-bye, Commander. Not by a long shot.” Wiping her tears, she pinned him with a determined look. “I don't give up easily and I don't think you do, either.”

“Until later,” he said.

“I'll hold you to that.”

Lifting her chin, she teleported away, leaving him standing there looking as lost as she felt. Seconds later, she was in her private quarters, alone. Without Nick. Not the ending she'd imagined after the wonderful lovemaking they'd just enjoyed.

Tossing the bundle of tattered clothing on the floor, she walked to her bed and sat down, staring at a picture on the wall. Not just any picture, but one of her and Stefano, taken decades ago. They'd been so happy, so in love.

After his murder, she had never hoped to find another mate. She hadn't wanted anyone else, ever. Then she'd met Nick at that party, placed her hand in his. Looked into his eyes, and was gone. She'd known instantly what he was to her. Or what he could be, if only. Now it seemed as though fate had gifted her with another mate, but one so damaged he might never open himself to happiness.

She'd lost Stefano. She might lose Nick before they began.

Unable to hold back the flood, she let herself indulge in a good, hard cry. She sobbed until she was hiccupping, finally cried out. Though she felt better, crying solved nothing.

She was still alone, and to make matters worse, she was hungry. The burning in her gut wouldn't be denied. Though she didn't want anyone but her mate, she had to feed or be sick. At least they hadn't officially mated yet, or she'd be forced to starve.

With a shudder, she dressed in comfortable sweats and a T-shirt. Screw it. She wasn't going back to Tarron's gathering. Once she was clothed, she used her cell phone to call one of her favorite guards, who was always happy to serve as her donor. She would survive, day by day.

Nick would be hers. Somehow, she would help him through his nightmare so they could be together.

She was sure of it.

*   *   *

From the safety of the trees, the vampire watched the commander fuck his fiery princess.

He'd been careful to make certain he stayed downwind, to avoid being detected by the wolf's superior sense of smell. Picking his way soundlessly after them, he'd remained hidden as the wolf had pressed Calla to the ground. Even
was shocked, thinking the wolf intended to take her in animal form.

Actually, he was disappointed when the wolf had shifted back. Damn his own kinky black heart.

Disappointment was quickly forgotten,
however, as the two had proceeded to the waterfall to engage in a scorching scene he was surprised hadn't boiled the water. When Westfall had turned the woman to face the rock and plunged inside her, the vampire's own cock had turned to steel in his pants.

Oh, he watched. Every thrust and moan. Every single cry of pleasure. He stood there panting with equal parts longing and hatred, until the commander reached a magnificent finish, emptying himself inside the one who was, quite possibly, his mate.

Then he listened to every word of their postcoital conversation and smiled. Trouble in paradise before the mating even happened? Fucking perfect. He couldn't have hoped for a better scenario. The best revenge of all had fallen right into his hands, and he hadn't lifted a finger.

After the couple had gone, the vampire freed his rampant erection. Gripped it in a tight fist and stroked himself quickly to orgasm, his seed pumping onto the grass. It was a cold, lonely release.

And the blame rested on the commander and his wolves. On Tarron and his men as well.

He'd pay them back for destroying what was his. Very soon.

As he tucked himself back in and zipped his pants, he heard a noise coming from the trail. Seeing that it was Jinn, he stepped from his hiding place.

“I've been looking for you,” Jinn said, eyeing him. “I saw Westfall walking back inside, but he didn't see me. Did you learn anything?”

“Oh, yes, I did.”

Quickly, he outlined what he'd seen and heard—especially the enlightening chat between the lovers at the end. Then he instructed Jinn on what course of action they would take next.

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